30.4 ENHANCEMENT * New translations BUG_FIX: * Fix GNOME version to run with refactoring in 30.3 30.3 ENHANCEMENTS * New translations * Notify user of delay in loading new abacus * Display abacus name on toolbar BUG_FIXES: * Refactoring to fix problem with excessive memory usage * Don't allow custom abacus larger than screen 30.2 ENHANCEMENT * New translations 30.1 ENHANCEMENT * New translations 30 UNDER THE HOOD * Using improved Cairo graphics sprite library * Using standard toolbar library 29 ENHANCEMENT * Conversion to Cairo graphics 28 ENHANCEMENTS * New translations * Improved? labeling scheme 27 ENHANCEMENTS * Use gear emblem instead of star emblem on custom abacus icon BUG FIX * Custom tool now updates radio button to indicate custom abacus is selected 26 ENHANCEMENTS * Added button for selecting custom abacus * Added colors to custom abacus BUG FIX * Fixed problem generating custom abacus under new refactoring 25 EHNANCEMENTS * Using profile colors for bead colors * Moved units of Soroban to center of abacus * Added dots to Soroban * Added reset button to toolbar and removed it from the abacus itself * Move calculation to above the abacus rather than on the crossbar 24 ENHANCEMENTS * New translations 23 ENHANCEMENTS * New translations * Updated icons 22 ENHANCEMENTS * New translations for de, hy, ku, nah, nl, and tzm * Updated toolbars and icons * Label text uses ellipsis instead of shrinking 21 BUG FIX * Fixed regression with old-style toolbars that preventing activity launch (#2942) 20 ENHANCEMENTS * Icon cleanup * White background BUG FIXES * Fixed problem with beads falling off abacus (#2933) * Fixed problem with launching from GNOME shell 19 * Type in values, copy/paste from clipboard * Abacus value propogates as you move between abaci 18 * Optimization of redraw code * Spanish translations 17 * Fixed problem with moving multiple beads on decimal abacus * Fixed hide problem with desktop version 16 * Added color to Decimal abacus 15 * Added "Caacupe" abacus * Added Cuisenaire-like abacus 14 * Simplifed toolbars 13 * Added save/restore for custom abacus 12 * Decimal abacus * Reset button 11 * Performance improvement in label code 10 * Added labels to the beads (with inspiration and help from tuukkah) 9 * Customization toolbar -- design your own abacus 8 * Added hexadecimal * Code cleanup to make it easier to modify/extend 7 * Fixed restore bug with fraction abacus * Added missing type to rods 6 * Added binary abacus * Added fraction abacus * Autogenerate SVG * General code clean-up/consolidation 5 * Highlight recently moved beads * Fixed scaling problem with rods, dividing bar 4 * Save/restore abacus value * Movable indicator 3 * Added frame * Code clean up for easier maintenance 2 * Added Mayan (nepohualtzintzin) abacus * Save/restore mode to/from Journal 1 * Abacus activity * Chinese (suanpan), Japanese (soroban), and Russian (schety) models