# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2012 Walter Bender # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA import gtk import gobject import cairo import os import glob from random import uniform from gettext import gettext as _ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('loco-activity') try: from sugar.graphics import style GRID_CELL_SIZE = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE except ImportError: GRID_CELL_SIZE = 0 from sprites import Sprites, Sprite from play_audio import play_audio_from_file LOCO_LAYER = 2 PANEL_LAYER = 1 BG_LAYER = 0 LABELS = [_('Move the mouse to the Loco XO.'), _('Click on the Loco XO with the left button.'), _('Click on the Loco XOs with the left button.'), _('Click and drag the Loco XOs to the right.'), _('Type the letter on the Loco XO.'), _('Use the SHIFT key for capital letters.'), _('Type the letters on the Loco XO in word order.')] ALERTS = [_('Press ENTER to confirm.'), _('Press DELETE to delete text.')] ALPHABETLC = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz" # no l ALPHABETUC = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # no I MSGS = [_('Hello LocoXO'), _('LocoXOs are not real.')] NOISE_KEYS = ['Shift_L', 'Shift_R', 'Control_L', 'Caps_Lock', 'Pause', 'Alt_L', 'Alt_R', 'KP_Enter', 'ISO_Level3_Shift', 'KP_Divide', 'Escape', 'Return', 'KP_Page_Up', 'Up', 'Down', 'Menu', 'Left', 'Right', 'KP_Home', 'KP_End', 'KP_Up', 'Super_L', 'KP_Down', 'KP_Left', 'KP_Right', 'KP_Page_Down', 'Scroll_Lock', 'Page_Down', 'Page_Up'] WHITE_SPACE = ['space', 'Tab'] PUNCTUATION = {'period': '.', 'comma': ',', 'question': '?', 'exclam': '!', 'colon': ':', 'semicolon': ';', 'exclamdown': '¡', 'questiondown': '¿'} SPECIAL = {'ntilde': u'ñ', 'Ntilde': u'Ñ', 'ccedilla': u'ç', 'Ccedilla': u'Ç'} DEAD_KEYS = ['grave', 'acute', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'diaeresis', 'abovering'] DEAD_DICTS = [{'A': u'À', 'E': u'È', 'I': u'Ì', 'O': u'Ò', 'U': u'Ù', 'a': u'à', 'e': u'è', 'i': u'Ì', 'o': u'ò', 'u': u'ù'}, {'A': u'Á', 'E': u'É', 'I': u'Í', 'O': u'Ó', 'U': u'Ú', 'a': u'á', 'e': u'é', 'i': u'í', 'o': u'ó', 'u': u'ú'}, {'A': u'Â', 'E': u'Ê', 'I': u'Î', 'O': u'Ô', 'U': u'Û', 'a': u'Â', 'e': u'ê', 'i': u'î', 'o': u'ô', 'u': u'û'}, {'A': u'Ä', 'O': u'Õ', 'N': u'Ñ', 'U': u'Ũ', 'a': u'ä', 'o': u'õ', 'n': u'ñ', 'u': u'ũ'}, {'A': u'Ã', 'E': u'Ë', 'I': u'Ï', 'O': u'Ö', 'U': u'Ü', 'a': u'ã', 'e': u'ë', 'i': u'ï', 'o': u'ö', 'u': u'ü'}, {'A': u'Å', 'a': u'å'}] class Game(): def __init__(self, canvas, parent=None, path=None): self._canvas = canvas self._parent = parent self._parent.show_all() self._path = path self._canvas.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self._canvas.connect("expose-event", self._expose_cb) self._canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self._canvas.connect("button-press-event", self._button_press_cb) self._canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self._canvas.connect("motion-notify-event", self._mouse_move_cb) self._canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self._canvas.connect('button-release-event', self._button_release_cb) self._canvas.connect('key_press_event', self._keypress_cb) self._width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() self._height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() self._scale = self._width / 1200. self._first_time = True self._loco_pos = (0, 0) self._loco_dim = (0, 0) self._loco_quadrant = 3 self._drag_pos = [0, 0] self._counter = 0 self._correct = 0 self._timeout_id = None self._pause = 200 self._press = None self._clicked = False self._dead_key = None self._waiting_for_delete = False self._waiting_for_enter = False self._seconds = 0 self._timer_id = None self.level = 0 self.score = 0 # Generate the sprites we'll need... self._sprites = Sprites(self._canvas) self._BG = ['background0.jpg', 'background0.jpg', 'background0.jpg', 'background1.jpg', 'background2.jpg', 'background2.jpg', 'background2.jpg'] self._backgrounds = [] for bg in self._BG: self._backgrounds.append(Sprite( self._sprites, 0, 0, gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( os.path.join(self._path, 'images', bg), self._width, self._height))) self._backgrounds[-1].type = 'background' self._backgrounds[-1].hide() self._panel = Sprite( self._sprites, int(400 * self._scale), int(400 * self._scale), gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( os.path.join(self._path, 'images', 'ventana.png'), int(720 * self._scale), int(370 * self._scale))) self._panel.type = 'panel' self._panel.set_label(LABELS[0]) self._panel.set_label_attributes(20) self._panel.hide() self._LOCOS = glob.glob( os.path.join(self._path, 'images', 'loco*.png')) self._loco_cards = [] for loco in self._LOCOS: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( loco, int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._loco_cards.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, pixbuf)) self._loco_cards[-1].type = 'loco' self._loco_dim = (int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._MEN = glob.glob( os.path.join(self._path, 'images', 'man*.png')) self._man_cards = [] for loco in self._MEN: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( loco, int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._man_cards.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, pixbuf)) self._man_cards[-1].type = 'loco' self._TAUNTS = glob.glob( os.path.join(self._path, 'images', 'taunt*.png')) self._taunt_cards = [] for loco in self._TAUNTS: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( loco, int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._taunt_cards.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, pixbuf)) self._taunt_cards[-1].type = 'loco' self._GHOSTS = glob.glob( os.path.join(self._path, 'images', 'ghost*.png')) self._ghost_cards = [] for loco in self._GHOSTS: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( loco, int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._ghost_cards.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, pixbuf)) self._ghost_cards[-1].type = 'loco' self._sticky_cards = [] self._loco_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( self._LOCOS[0], int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._man_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( self._MEN[0], int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) self._ghost_pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( self._GHOSTS[0], int(150 * self._scale), int(208 * self._scale)) for i in range(len(MSGS[1])): # Check re i18n self._sticky_cards.append(Sprite(self._sprites, 0, 0, self._loco_pixbuf)) self._sticky_cards[-1].type = 'loco' self._sticky_cards[-1].set_label_attributes(24, vert_align='bottom') self._all_clear() def _time_increment(self): ''' Track seconds since start_time. ''' self._seconds = int(gobject.get_current_time() - self._start_time) self.timer_id = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._time_increment) def _timer_reset(self): ''' Reset the timer for each level ''' self._start_time = gobject.get_current_time() if self._timer_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self._timer_id) self._timer_id = None self.score += self._seconds self._time_increment() def _all_clear(self): ''' Things to reinitialize when starting up a new game. ''' for p in self._loco_cards: p.hide() for p in self._man_cards: p.hide() for p in self._taunt_cards: p.hide() for p in self._ghost_cards: p.hide() for p in self._sticky_cards: p.set_shape(self._loco_pixbuf) p.set_label('') p.set_label_color('white') p.hide() self._backgrounds[self.level].set_layer(BG_LAYER) def _show_time(self): self.level = 0 self._all_clear() x = int(self._width / 4.) y = int(self._height / 8.) for i in range(len(str(self.score))): self._sticky_cards[i].move((x, y)) self._sticky_cards[i].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._sticky_cards[i].set_label(str(self.score)[i]) x += int(self._loco_dim[0] / 2.) self.score = 0 self._parent.unfullscreen() gobject.idle_add(play_audio_from_file, self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'sonar.ogg')) gobject.timeout_add(5000, self.new_game, True) def new_game(self, first_time): ''' Start a new game at the current level. ''' self._first_time = first_time self._clicked = False # It may be time to advance to the next level. if (self.level == 6 and self._counter == len(MSGS)) or \ self._counter > 4: self._first_time = True self.level += 1 self._counter = 0 self._correct = 0 self._pause = 200 if self.level == len(self._backgrounds): self._show_time() return self._all_clear() if self._first_time: # Every game starts by putting up a panel with instructions # The panel disappears on mouse movement self._panel.set_label(LABELS[self.level]) self._panel.set_layer(PANEL_LAYER) play_audio_from_file(self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'drip.ogg')) self._timer_reset() if self.level == 0: # Choose a random location for the Loco self._loco_quadrant += int(uniform(1, 4)) self._loco_quadrant %= 4 x, y = self._quad_to_xy(self._loco_quadrant) play_audio_from_file(self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'bark.ogg')) self._loco_cards[0].move((x, y)) self._loco_pos = (x, y) elif self.level == 1: play_audio_from_file(self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'glass.ogg')) elif self.level == 2: play_audio_from_file(self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'glass.ogg')) # Place some Locos on the canvas for i in range(self._counter + 1): self._loco_quadrant += int(uniform(1, 4)) self._loco_quadrant %= 4 x, y = self._quad_to_xy(self._loco_quadrant) self._sticky_cards[i].move((x, y)) self._sticky_cards[i].type = 'loco' self._sticky_cards[i].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) elif self.level == 3: play_audio_from_file(self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'bark.ogg')) # Place some Locos on the left-side of the canvas for i in range(self._counter + 1): self._loco_quadrant = int(uniform(2, 4)) x, y = self._quad_to_xy(self._loco_quadrant) self._sticky_cards[i].move((x, y)) self._sticky_cards[i].type = 'loco' self._sticky_cards[i].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) elif self.level == 4: # Place some Locos on the canvas with letters as labels # Just lowercase for i in range(self._counter + 1): self._loco_quadrant = int(uniform(0, 4)) x, y = self._quad_to_xy(self._loco_quadrant) self._sticky_cards[i].move((x, y)) self._sticky_cards[i].type = 'loco' self._sticky_cards[i].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._sticky_cards[i].set_label( ALPHABETLC[int(uniform(0, len(ALPHABETLC)))]) elif self.level == 5: # Place some Locos on the canvas with letters as labels # Uppercase for i in range(self._counter + 1): self._loco_quadrant = int(uniform(0, 4)) x, y = self._quad_to_xy(self._loco_quadrant) self._sticky_cards[i].move((x, y)) self._sticky_cards[i].type = 'loco' self._sticky_cards[i].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._sticky_cards[i].set_label( ALPHABETUC[int(uniform(0, len(ALPHABETUC)))]) elif self.level == 6: x = 0 y = 0 c = 0 for i in range(len(MSGS[self._counter])): if MSGS[self._counter][i] == ' ': y += self._loco_dim[1] x = 0 else: self._sticky_cards[c].move((x, y)) self._sticky_cards[c].type = i self._sticky_cards[c].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._sticky_cards[c].set_label(MSGS[self._counter][i]) c += 1 x += int(self._loco_dim[0] / 2.) if self.level in [0, 1]: self._loco_quadrant += int(uniform(1, 4)) self._loco_quadrant %= 4 x, y = self._quad_to_xy(self._loco_quadrant) if self.level == 0: self._move_loco(x, y, 0) else: self._taunt(x, y, 0) def _quad_to_xy(self, q): x = int(max(0, (self._width / 2.) * uniform(0, 1) - self._loco_dim[0])) if q in [0, 1]: x += int(self._width / 2.) y = int(max(0, (self._height / 2.) * uniform(0, 1) - self._loco_dim[1])) if q in [1, 2]: y += int(self._height / 2.) return x, y def _taunt(self, x, y, i): n = len(self._taunt_cards) self._taunt_cards[(i + 1) % n].hide() if self._clicked: self._timeout_id = None return True else: self._taunt_cards[i % n].move((x, y)) self._taunt_cards[i % n].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add( 200, self._taunt, x, y, i + 1) def _move_loco(self, x, y, i): j = (i + 1) % len(self._loco_cards) cx, cy = self._loco_cards[i].get_xy() dx = cx - x dy = cy - y if dx * dx + dy * dy < 100: self._loco_cards[j].move((x, y)) self._loco_pos = (x, y) self._loco_cards[j].hide() self._loco_cards[i].hide() self._man_cards[0].move((x, y)) self._man_cards[0].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._timeout_id = None if self._pause > 50: self._pause -= 10 return True else: if dx > 0: cx -= 5 elif dx < 0: cx += 5 if dy > 0: cy -= 5 elif dy < 0: cy += 5 self._loco_cards[j].move((cx, cy)) self._loco_pos = (cx, cy) self._loco_cards[j].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._loco_cards[i].hide() self._timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add( self._pause, self._move_loco, x, y, j) def _keypress_cb(self, area, event): ''' Keypress ''' # Games 4, 5, and 6 use the keyboard if self.level not in [4, 5, 6]: return True k = gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) u = gtk.gdk.keyval_to_unicode(event.keyval) if self._waiting_for_enter: if k == 'Return': self._waiting_for_enter = False self._panel.hide() self._counter += 1 self._correct = 0 gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.new_game, False) return if k in NOISE_KEYS or k in WHITE_SPACE: return True if self.level == 6 and self._waiting_for_delete: if k in ['BackSpace', 'Delete']: self._waiting_for_delete = False self._sticky_cards[self._correct].set_label_color('white') self._sticky_cards[self._correct].set_label( MSGS[self._counter][ self._sticky_cards[self._correct].type]) self._panel.hide() self._panel.set_label_color('black') return if k[0:5] == 'dead_': self._dead_key = k[5:] return if self.level == 6: n = len(MSGS[self._counter]) else: n = self._counter + 1 if self.level == 6: i = self._correct if self._dead_key is not None: k = DEAD_DICTS[DEAD_KEYS.index(self._dead_key)][k] self._dead_key = None elif k in PUNCTUATION: k = PUNCTUATION[k] elif k in SPECIAL: k = SPECIAL[k] elif len(k) > 1: return True if self._sticky_cards[i].labels[0] == k: self._sticky_cards[i].set_label_color('blue') self._sticky_cards[i].set_label(k) self._correct += 1 else: self._sticky_cards[i].set_label_color('red') self._sticky_cards[i].set_label(k) self._panel.set_label_color('red') self._panel.set_label(ALERTS[1]) self._panel.set_layer(PANEL_LAYER) self._waiting_for_delete = True play_audio_from_file(self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'glass.ogg')) else: for i in range(n): if self._sticky_cards[i].labels[0] == k: self._sticky_cards[i].set_label('') self._sticky_cards[i].hide() break # Test for end condition if self.level == 6 and \ self._correct == len(MSGS[self._counter]) - \ MSGS[self._counter].count(' '): c = 0 for i in range(len(MSGS[self._counter])): if MSGS[self._counter][i] == ' ': continue elif MSGS[self._counter][i] != self._sticky_cards[c].labels[0]: return True c += 1 self._panel.set_label(ALERTS[0]) self._panel.set_layer(PANEL_LAYER) self._waiting_for_enter = True gobject.idle_add(play_audio_from_file, self, os.path.join( self._path, 'sounds', 'drip.ogg')) return else: for i in range(n): if len(self._sticky_cards[i].labels[0]) > 0: return True self._counter += 1 self._correct = 0 gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.new_game, False) def _mouse_move_cb(self, win, event): ''' Move the mouse. ''' # Games 0, 3, 4, and 5 use move events win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) if self._seconds > 1: self._panel.hide() if not self._clicked and self.level == 0: # For Game 0, see if the mouse is on the Loco dx = x - self._loco_pos[0] - self._loco_dim[0] / 2. dy = y - self._loco_pos[1] - self._loco_dim[1] / 2. if dx * dx + dy * dy < 200: self._clicked = True if self._timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self._timeout_id) # Play again self._all_clear() self._man_cards[0].move((x - int(self._loco_dim[0] / 2.), y - int(self._loco_dim[1] / 2.))) self._man_cards[0].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._correct += 1 self._counter += 1 gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.new_game, False) elif self.level in [4, 5]: # For Game 4 and 5, we allow dragging if self._press is None: self._drag_pos = [0, 0] return True dx = x - self._drag_pos[0] dy = y - self._drag_pos[1] self._press.move_relative((dx, dy)) self._drag_pos = [x, y] elif self.level == 3: # For Game 3, we are dragging if self._press is None: self._drag_pos = [0, 0] return True dx = x - self._drag_pos[0] dy = y - self._drag_pos[1] self._press.move_relative((dx, dy)) self._drag_pos = [x, y] if x > self._width / 2.: self._press.set_shape(self._man_pixbuf) if self._press.type == 'loco': self._correct += 1 self._press.type = 'man' return True def _button_release_cb(self, win, event): # Game 3 uses release if self.level == 3: # Move to release if self._correct == self._counter + 1: self._counter += 1 self._correct = 0 gobject.timeout_add(2000, self.new_game, False) self._press = None self._drag_pos = [0, 0] return True def _button_press_cb(self, win, event): self._press = None win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) if self.level == 0: return spr = self._sprites.find_sprite((x, y)) if spr is None: return if spr.type != 'loco': return if self.level < 2 and self._timeout_id is None: return if self._clicked: return # Games 1, 2, and 3 involve clicks; Games 4 and 5 allow click to drag if self.level == 1: self._all_clear() self._man_cards[0].move((x - int(self._loco_dim[0] / 2.), y - int(self._loco_dim[1] / 2.))) self._man_cards[0].set_layer(LOCO_LAYER) self._clicked = True self._counter += 1 self._correct += 1 if self._timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self._timeout_id) gobject.timeout_add(2000, self.new_game, False) elif self.level == 2: spr.set_shape(self._ghost_pixbuf) spr.type = 'ghost' if self._correct == self._counter: self._counter += 1 self._correct = 0 gobject.timeout_add(2000, self.new_game, False) else: self._correct += 1 elif self.level in [3, 4, 5]: # In Games 4 and 5, dragging is used to remove overlaps self._press = spr self._drag_pos = [x, y] return True def _expose_cb(self, win, event): self.do_expose_event(event) def do_expose_event(self, event): ''' Handle the expose-event by drawing ''' # Restrict Cairo to the exposed area cr = self._canvas.window.cairo_create() cr.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) cr.clip() # Refresh sprite list self._sprites.redraw_sprites(cr=cr) def _destroy_cb(self, win, event): gtk.main_quit()