# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2009, Walter Bender # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ Modifying slide rule: The customization feature is intended to handle most cases where you require a specialized slide or stator. But if you would like to add a new slide to the toolbar, you need to make changes in three places: 1. In constants.py (this file) you need to add new entries to SLIDE_TABLE, STATOR_TABLE, SLIDE_DICTIONARY, STATOR_DICTIONARY, and DEFINITIONS so that the slides appear in the toolbars. 2. In genslides.py, you need to add new class objects to generate the graphics associated with your slide and stator. 3. In window.py, you need to import the new class objects from #2. """ from gettext import gettext as _ OFFSET = 50 SWIDTH = 2400 SHEIGHT = 60 SCALE = SWIDTH - 2 * OFFSET TABWIDTH = 100 SCREENOFFSET = 50 HTOP1 = 38 HTOP2 = 59 HTOP3 = 35 LEFT = 0 RIGHT = 1 TOP = 0 BOTTOM = 1 SLIDE = 0 STATOR = 1 A_slide = _('logĀ²') B_slide = A_slide C_slide = _('log') D_slide = C_slide CI_slide = _('1/log') DI_slide = CI_slide K_slide = _('logĀ³') S_slide = _('sin') T_slide = _('tan') L_slide = _('linear') Log_slide = _('log log') LLn_slide = _('ln') UD_slide = _('user defined') SLIDE_TABLE = [L_slide, C_slide, CI_slide, A_slide, K_slide, S_slide, T_slide, Log_slide, LLn_slide, UD_slide] STATOR_TABLE = [L_slide, D_slide, DI_slide, B_slide, K_slide, S_slide, T_slide, Log_slide, LLn_slide, UD_slide] SLIDE_DICTIONARY = {C_slide: 'C', CI_slide: 'CI', A_slide: 'A', K_slide: 'K', S_slide: 'S', T_slide: 'T', L_slide: 'L', Log_slide: 'Log', LLn_slide: 'LLn', UD_slide: 'custom'} STATOR_DICTIONARY = {D_slide: 'D', DI_slide: 'DI', L_slide: 'L2', B_slide: 'B', K_slide: 'K2', S_slide: 'S2', T_slide: 'T2', Log_slide: 'Log2', LLn_slide: 'LLn2', UD_slide: 'custom2'} FOFFSET = 0 FRESULT = 1 FDISPLAY = 2 FMIN = 3 FMAX = 4 FSTEP = 5 DEFINITIONS = {'C': ['log(x,10)', 'pow(10,x)', 'x', '1', '10', '1'], 'D': ['log(x,10)', 'pow(10,x)', 'x', '1', '10', '1'], 'CI': ['log(10/x,10)', '10/pow(10,x)', 'x', '1', '10', '1'], 'DI': ['log(10/x,10)', '10/pow(10,x)', 'x', '1', '10', '1'], 'L': ['x', 'x', 'x', '0', '1', '0.05'], 'L2': ['x', 'x', 'x', '0', '1', '0.05'], 'A': ['log(x,10)/2', 'pow(10,x*2)', 'x', '1', '100', '9'], 'B': ['log(x,10)/2', 'pow(10,x*2)', 'x', '1', '100', '9'], 'K': ['log(x,10)/3', 'pow(10,x*3)', 'x', '1', '1000', '99'], 'K2': ['log(x,10)/3', 'pow(10,x*3)', 'x', '1', '1000', '99'], 'S': ['log(sin(x*pi/180)*10,10)', 'asin(pow(10,x)/10)*180/pi', 'x', '5', '90', '5'], 'S2': ['log(sin(x*pi/180)*10,10)', 'asin(pow(10,x)/10)*180/pi', 'x', '5', '90', '5'], 'T': ['log(tan(x*pi/180)*10,10)', 'atan(pow(10,x)/10)*180/pi', 'x', '5', '45', '2.5'], 'T2': ['log(tan(x*pi/180)*10,10)', 'atan(pow(10,x)/10)*180/pi', 'x', '5', '45', '2.5'], 'Log': ['log(x,10)', 'pow(10,x)', 'round(log(x,10),2)', '1', '10', '1'], 'Log2': ['log(x,10)','pow(10,x)', 'round(log(x,10),2)', '1', '10', '1'], 'LLn': ['log(x,10)', 'pow(10,x)', 'round(log(x),2)', '1', '10', '1'], 'LLn2': ['log(x,10)','pow(10,x)', 'round(log(x),2)', '1', '10', '1'], 'custom': ['log(x,10)', 'pow(10,x)', 'x', '1', '10', '1'], 'custom2': ['log(x,10)', 'pow(10,x)', 'x', '1', '10', '1']}