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path: root/html/lib/layout/list/source/List.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'html/lib/layout/list/source/List.js')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/html/lib/layout/list/source/List.js b/html/lib/layout/list/source/List.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4252b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/lib/layout/list/source/List.js
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ A control that displays a scrolling list of rows, suitable for displaying
+ very large lists. _enyo.List_ is optimized such that only a small portion of
+ the list is rendered at a given time. A flyweight pattern is employed, in
+ which controls placed inside the list are created once, but rendered for
+ each list item. For this reason, it's best to use only simple controls in
+ a List, such as <a href="#enyo.Control">enyo.Control</a> and
+ <a href="#enyo.Image">enyo.Image</a>.
+ A List's _components_ block contains the controls to be used for a single
+ row. This set of controls will be rendered for each row. You may customize
+ row rendering by handling the _onSetupItem_ event.
+ Events fired from within list rows contain the _index_ property, which may
+ be used to identify the row from which the event originated.
+ The controls inside a List are non-interactive. This means that calling
+ methods that would normally cause rendering to occur (e.g., _setContent_)
+ will not do so. However, you can force a row to render by calling
+ _renderRow(inRow)_.
+ In addition, you can force a row to be temporarily interactive by calling
+ _prepareRow(inRow)_. Call the _lockRow_ method when the interaction is
+ complete.
+ For more information, see the documentation on
+ [Lists](https://github.com/enyojs/enyo/wiki/Lists)
+ in the Enyo Developer Guide.
+ name: "enyo.List",
+ kind: "Scroller",
+ classes: "enyo-list",
+ published: {
+ /**
+ The number of rows contained in the list. Note that as the amount of
+ list data changes, _setRows_ can be called to adjust the number of
+ rows. To re-render the list at the current position when the count
+ has changed, call the _refresh_ method.
+ */
+ count: 0,
+ /**
+ The number of rows to be shown on a given list page segment.
+ There is generally no need to adjust this value.
+ */
+ rowsPerPage: 50,
+ /**
+ If true, renders the list such that row 0 is at the bottom of the
+ viewport and the beginning position of the list is scrolled to the
+ bottom
+ */
+ bottomUp: false,
+ //* If true, multiple selections are allowed
+ multiSelect: false,
+ //* If true, the selected item will toggle
+ toggleSelected: false,
+ //* If true, the list will assume all rows have the same height for optimization
+ fixedHeight: false
+ },
+ events: {
+ /**
+ Fires once per row at render time, with event object:
+ _{index: <index of row>}_
+ */
+ onSetupItem: ""
+ },
+ handlers: {
+ onAnimateFinish: "animateFinish"
+ },
+ //* @protected
+ rowHeight: 0,
+ listTools: [
+ {name: "port", classes: "enyo-list-port enyo-border-box", components: [
+ {name: "generator", kind: "FlyweightRepeater", canGenerate: false, components: [
+ {tag: null, name: "client"}
+ ]},
+ {name: "page0", allowHtml: true, classes: "enyo-list-page"},
+ {name: "page1", allowHtml: true, classes: "enyo-list-page"}
+ ]}
+ ],
+ create: function() {
+ this.pageHeights = [];
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.getStrategy().translateOptimized = true;
+ this.bottomUpChanged();
+ this.multiSelectChanged();
+ this.toggleSelectedChanged();
+ },
+ createStrategy: function() {
+ this.controlParentName = "strategy";
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.createChrome(this.listTools);
+ this.controlParentName = "client";
+ this.discoverControlParent();
+ },
+ rendered: function() {
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.$.generator.node = this.$.port.hasNode();
+ this.$.generator.generated = true;
+ this.reset();
+ },
+ resizeHandler: function() {
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ bottomUpChanged: function() {
+ this.$.generator.bottomUp = this.bottomUp;
+ this.$.page0.applyStyle(this.pageBound, null);
+ this.$.page1.applyStyle(this.pageBound, null);
+ this.pageBound = this.bottomUp ? "bottom" : "top";
+ if (this.hasNode()) {
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ },
+ multiSelectChanged: function() {
+ this.$.generator.setMultiSelect(this.multiSelect);
+ },
+ toggleSelectedChanged: function() {
+ this.$.generator.setToggleSelected(this.toggleSelected);
+ },
+ countChanged: function() {
+ if (this.hasNode()) {
+ this.updateMetrics();
+ }
+ },
+ updateMetrics: function() {
+ this.defaultPageHeight = this.rowsPerPage * (this.rowHeight || 100);
+ this.pageCount = Math.ceil(this.count / this.rowsPerPage);
+ this.portSize = 0;
+ for (var i=0; i < this.pageCount; i++) {
+ this.portSize += this.getPageHeight(i);
+ }
+ this.adjustPortSize();
+ },
+ generatePage: function(inPageNo, inTarget) {
+ this.page = inPageNo;
+ var r = this.$.generator.rowOffset = this.rowsPerPage * this.page;
+ var rpp = this.$.generator.count = Math.min(this.count - r, this.rowsPerPage);
+ var html = this.$.generator.generateChildHtml();
+ inTarget.setContent(html);
+ var pageHeight = inTarget.getBounds().height;
+ // if rowHeight is not set, use the height from the first generated page
+ if (!this.rowHeight && pageHeight > 0) {
+ this.rowHeight = Math.floor(pageHeight / rpp);
+ this.updateMetrics();
+ }
+ // update known page heights
+ if (!this.fixedHeight) {
+ var h0 = this.getPageHeight(inPageNo);
+ if (h0 != pageHeight && pageHeight > 0) {
+ this.pageHeights[inPageNo] = pageHeight;
+ this.portSize += pageHeight - h0;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ update: function(inScrollTop) {
+ var updated = false;
+ // get page info for position
+ var pi = this.positionToPageInfo(inScrollTop);
+ // zone line position
+ var pos = pi.pos + this.scrollerHeight/2;
+ // leap-frog zone position
+ var k = Math.floor(pos/Math.max(pi.height, this.scrollerHeight) + 1/2) + pi.no;
+ // which page number for page0 (even number pages)?
+ var p = k % 2 == 0 ? k : k-1;
+ if (this.p0 != p && this.isPageInRange(p)) {
+ //this.log("update page0", p);
+ this.generatePage(p, this.$.page0);
+ this.positionPage(p, this.$.page0);
+ this.p0 = p;
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ // which page number for page1 (odd number pages)?
+ p = k % 2 == 0 ? Math.max(1, k-1) : k;
+ // position data page 1
+ if (this.p1 != p && this.isPageInRange(p)) {
+ //this.log("update page1", p);
+ this.generatePage(p, this.$.page1);
+ this.positionPage(p, this.$.page1);
+ this.p1 = p;
+ updated = true;
+ }
+ if (updated && !this.fixedHeight) {
+ this.adjustBottomPage();
+ this.adjustPortSize();
+ }
+ },
+ updateForPosition: function(inPos) {
+ this.update(this.calcPos(inPos));
+ },
+ calcPos: function(inPos) {
+ return (this.bottomUp ? (this.portSize - this.scrollerHeight - inPos) : inPos);
+ },
+ adjustBottomPage: function() {
+ var bp = this.p0 >= this.p1 ? this.$.page0 : this.$.page1;
+ this.positionPage(bp.pageNo, bp);
+ },
+ adjustPortSize: function() {
+ this.scrollerHeight = this.getBounds().height;
+ var s = Math.max(this.scrollerHeight, this.portSize);
+ this.$.port.applyStyle("height", s + "px");
+ },
+ positionPage: function(inPage, inTarget) {
+ inTarget.pageNo = inPage;
+ var y = this.pageToPosition(inPage);
+ inTarget.applyStyle(this.pageBound, y + "px");
+ },
+ pageToPosition: function(inPage) {
+ var y = 0;
+ var p = inPage;
+ while (p > 0) {
+ p--;
+ y += this.getPageHeight(p);
+ }
+ return y;
+ },
+ positionToPageInfo: function(inY) {
+ var page = -1;
+ var p = this.calcPos(inY);
+ var h = this.defaultPageHeight;
+ while (p >= 0) {
+ page++;
+ h = this.getPageHeight(page);
+ p -= h;
+ }
+ //page = Math.min(page, this.pageCount-1);
+ return {no: page, height: h, pos: p+h};
+ },
+ isPageInRange: function(inPage) {
+ return inPage == Math.max(0, Math.min(this.pageCount-1, inPage));
+ },
+ getPageHeight: function(inPageNo) {
+ return this.pageHeights[inPageNo] || this.defaultPageHeight;
+ },
+ invalidatePages: function() {
+ this.p0 = this.p1 = null;
+ // clear the html in our render targets
+ this.$.page0.setContent("");
+ this.$.page1.setContent("");
+ },
+ invalidateMetrics: function() {
+ this.pageHeights = [];
+ this.rowHeight = 0;
+ this.updateMetrics();
+ },
+ scroll: function(inSender, inEvent) {
+ var r = this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.update(this.getScrollTop());
+ return r;
+ },
+ //* @public
+ scrollToBottom: function() {
+ this.update(this.getScrollBounds().maxTop);
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ },
+ setScrollTop: function(inScrollTop) {
+ this.update(inScrollTop);
+ this.inherited(arguments);
+ this.twiddle();
+ },
+ getScrollPosition: function() {
+ return this.calcPos(this.getScrollTop());
+ },
+ setScrollPosition: function(inPos) {
+ this.setScrollTop(this.calcPos(inPos));
+ },
+ //* Scrolls to a specific row.
+ scrollToRow: function(inRow) {
+ var page = Math.floor(inRow / this.rowsPerPage);
+ var pageRow = inRow % this.rowsPerPage;
+ var h = this.pageToPosition(page);
+ // update the page
+ this.updateForPosition(h);
+ // call pageToPosition again and this time should return the right pos since the page info is populated
+ h = this.pageToPosition(page);
+ this.setScrollPosition(h);
+ if (page == this.p0 || page == this.p1) {
+ var rowNode = this.$.generator.fetchRowNode(inRow);
+ if (rowNode) {
+ // calc row offset
+ var offset = rowNode.offsetTop;
+ if (this.bottomUp) {
+ offset = this.getPageHeight(page) - rowNode.offsetHeight - offset;
+ }
+ var y = this.getScrollPosition() + offset;
+ this.setScrollPosition(y);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //* Scrolls to the beginning of the list.
+ scrollToStart: function() {
+ this[this.bottomUp ? "scrollToBottom" : "scrollToTop"]();
+ },
+ //* Scrolls to the end of the list.
+ scrollToEnd: function() {
+ this[this.bottomUp ? "scrollToTop" : "scrollToBottom"]();
+ },
+ //* Re-renders the list at the current position.
+ refresh: function() {
+ this.invalidatePages();
+ this.update(this.getScrollTop());
+ this.stabilize();
+ //FIXME: Necessary evil for Android 4.0.4 refresh bug
+ if (enyo.platform.android === 4) {
+ this.twiddle();
+ }
+ },
+ //* Re-renders the list from the beginning.
+ reset: function() {
+ this.getSelection().clear();
+ this.invalidateMetrics();
+ this.invalidatePages();
+ this.stabilize();
+ this.scrollToStart();
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the _selection_ component that manages the selection state for
+ this list.
+ */
+ getSelection: function() {
+ return this.$.generator.getSelection();
+ },
+ //* Sets the selection state for the given row index.
+ select: function(inIndex, inData) {
+ return this.getSelection().select(inIndex, inData);
+ },
+ //* Gets the selection state for the given row index.
+ isSelected: function(inIndex) {
+ return this.$.generator.isSelected(inIndex);
+ },
+ /**
+ Re-renders the specified row. Call after making modifications to a row,
+ to force it to render.
+ */
+ renderRow: function(inIndex) {
+ this.$.generator.renderRow(inIndex);
+ },
+ //* Prepares the row to become interactive.
+ prepareRow: function(inIndex) {
+ this.$.generator.prepareRow(inIndex);
+ },
+ //* Restores the row to being non-interactive.
+ lockRow: function() {
+ this.$.generator.lockRow();
+ },
+ /**
+ Performs a set of tasks by running the function _inFunc_ on a row (which
+ must be interactive at the time the tasks are performed). Locks the row
+ when done.
+ */
+ performOnRow: function(inIndex, inFunc, inContext) {
+ this.$.generator.performOnRow(inIndex, inFunc, inContext);
+ },
+ //* @protected
+ animateFinish: function(inSender) {
+ this.twiddle();
+ return true;
+ },
+ // FIXME: Android 4.04 has issues with nested composited elements; for example, a SwipeableItem,
+ // can incorrectly generate taps on its content when it has slid off the screen;
+ // we address this BUG here by forcing the Scroller to "twiddle" which corrects the bug by
+ // provoking a dom update.
+ twiddle: function() {
+ var s = this.getStrategy();
+ enyo.call(s, "twiddle");
+ }