/** The enyo.Panels kind is designed to satisfy a variety of common use cases for application layout. Using enyo.Panels, controls may be arranged as (among other things) a carousel, a set of collapsing panels, a card stack that fades between panels, or a grid. Any Enyo control may be placed inside an enyo.Panels, but by convention we refer to each of these controls as a "panel." From the set of panels in an enyo.Panels, one is considered active. The active panel is set by index using the *setIndex* method. The actual layout of the panels typically changes each time the active panel is set, such that the new active panel has the most prominent position. For more information, see the [Panels documentation](https://github.com/enyojs/enyo/wiki/Panels) in the Enyo Developer Guide. */ enyo.kind({ name: "enyo.Panels", classes: "enyo-panels", published: { /** The index of the active panel. The layout of panels is controlled by the layoutKind, but as a rule, the active panel is displayed in the most prominent position. For example, in the (default) CardArranger layout, the active panel is shown and the other panels are hidden. */ index: 0, //* Controls whether the user can drag between panels. draggable: true, //* Controls whether the panels animate when transitioning; for example, //* when _setIndex_ is called. animate: true, //* Controls whether panels "wrap around" when moving past the end. Actual effect depends upon the arranger in use. wrap: false, //* Sets the arranger kind to be used for dynamic layout. arrangerKind: "CardArranger", //* By default, each panel will be sized to fit the Panels' width when //* the screen size is narrow enough (less than ~800px). Set to false //* to avoid this behavior. narrowFit: true }, events: { /** Fires at the start of a panel transition. This event fires when _setIndex_ is called and also during dragging. */ onTransitionStart: "", /** Fires at the end of a panel transition. This event fires when _setIndex_ is called and also during dragging. */ onTransitionFinish: "" }, //* @protected handlers: { ondragstart: "dragstart", ondrag: "drag", ondragfinish: "dragfinish" }, tools: [ {kind: "Animator", onStep: "step", onEnd: "completed"} ], fraction: 0, create: function() { this.transitionPoints = []; this.inherited(arguments); this.arrangerKindChanged(); this.avoidFitChanged(); this.indexChanged(); }, initComponents: function() { this.createChrome(this.tools); this.inherited(arguments); }, arrangerKindChanged: function() { this.setLayoutKind(this.arrangerKind); }, avoidFitChanged: function() { this.addRemoveClass("enyo-panels-fit-narrow", this.narrowFit); }, removeControl: function(inControl) { this.inherited(arguments); if (this.controls.length > 1 && this.isPanel(inControl)) { this.setIndex(Math.max(this.index - 1, 0)); this.flow(); this.reflow(); } }, isPanel: function() { // designed to be overridden in kinds derived from Panels that have // non-panel client controls return true; }, flow: function() { this.arrangements = []; this.inherited(arguments); }, reflow: function() { this.arrangements = []; this.inherited(arguments); this.refresh(); }, //* @public /** Returns an array of contained panels. Subclasses can override this if they don't want the arranger to layout all of their children */ getPanels: function() { var p = this.controlParent || this; return p.children; }, //* Returns a reference to the active panel--i.e., the panel at the specified index. getActive: function() { var p$ = this.getPanels(); return p$[this.index]; }, /** Returns a reference to the enyo.Animator instance used to animate panel transitions. The Panels' animator can be used to set the duration of panel transitions, e.g.: this.getAnimator().setDuration(1000); */ getAnimator: function() { return this.$.animator; }, /** Sets the active panel to the panel specified by the given index. Note that if the _animate_ property is set to true, the active panel will animate into view. */ setIndex: function(inIndex) { // override setIndex so that indexChanged is called // whether this.index has actually changed or not this.setPropertyValue("index", inIndex, "indexChanged"); }, /** Sets the active panel to the panel specified by the given index. Regardless of the value of the _animate_ property, the transition to the next panel will not animate and will be immediate. */ setIndexDirect: function(inIndex) { this.setIndex(inIndex); this.completed(); }, //* Transitions to the previous panel--i.e., the panel whose index value is //* one less than that of the current active panel. previous: function() { this.setIndex(this.index-1); }, //* Transitions to the next panel--i.e., the panel whose index value is one //* greater than that of the current active panel. next: function() { this.setIndex(this.index+1); }, //* @protected clamp: function(inValue) { var l = this.getPanels().length-1; if (this.wrap) { // FIXME: dragging makes assumptions about direction and from->start indexes. //return inValue < 0 ? l : (inValue > l ? 0 : inValue); return inValue; } else { return Math.max(0, Math.min(inValue, l)); } }, indexChanged: function(inOld) { this.lastIndex = inOld; this.index = this.clamp(this.index); if (!this.dragging) { if (this.$.animator.isAnimating()) { this.completed(); } this.$.animator.stop(); if (this.hasNode()) { if (this.animate) { this.startTransition(); this.$.animator.play({ startValue: this.fraction }); } else { this.refresh(); } } } }, step: function(inSender) { this.fraction = inSender.value; this.stepTransition(); }, completed: function() { if (this.$.animator.isAnimating()) { this.$.animator.stop(); } this.fraction = 1; this.stepTransition(); this.finishTransition(); }, dragstart: function(inSender, inEvent) { if (this.draggable && this.layout && this.layout.canDragEvent(inEvent)) { inEvent.preventDefault(); this.dragstartTransition(inEvent); this.dragging = true; this.$.animator.stop(); return true; } }, drag: function(inSender, inEvent) { if (this.dragging) { inEvent.preventDefault(); this.dragTransition(inEvent); } }, dragfinish: function(inSender, inEvent) { if (this.dragging) { this.dragging = false; inEvent.preventTap(); this.dragfinishTransition(inEvent); } }, dragstartTransition: function(inEvent) { if (!this.$.animator.isAnimating()) { var f = this.fromIndex = this.index; this.toIndex = f - (this.layout ? this.layout.calcDragDirection(inEvent) : 0); } else { this.verifyDragTransition(inEvent); } this.fromIndex = this.clamp(this.fromIndex); this.toIndex = this.clamp(this.toIndex); //this.log(this.fromIndex, this.toIndex); this.fireTransitionStart(); if (this.layout) { this.layout.start(); } }, dragTransition: function(inEvent) { // note: for simplicity we choose to calculate the distance directly between // the first and last transition point. var d = this.layout ? this.layout.calcDrag(inEvent) : 0; var t$ = this.transitionPoints, s = t$[0], f = t$[t$.length-1]; var as = this.fetchArrangement(s); var af = this.fetchArrangement(f); var dx = this.layout ? this.layout.drag(d, s, as, f, af) : 0; var dragFail = d && !dx; if (dragFail) { //this.log(dx, s, as, f, af); } this.fraction += dx; var fr = this.fraction; if (fr > 1 || fr < 0 || dragFail) { if (fr > 0 || dragFail) { this.dragfinishTransition(inEvent); } this.dragstartTransition(inEvent); this.fraction = 0; // FIXME: account for lost fraction //this.dragTransition(inEvent); } this.stepTransition(); }, dragfinishTransition: function(inEvent) { this.verifyDragTransition(inEvent); this.setIndex(this.toIndex); // note: if we're still dragging, then we're at a transition boundary // and should fire the finish event if (this.dragging) { this.fireTransitionFinish(); } }, verifyDragTransition: function(inEvent) { var d = this.layout ? this.layout.calcDragDirection(inEvent) : 0; var f = Math.min(this.fromIndex, this.toIndex); var t = Math.max(this.fromIndex, this.toIndex); if (d > 0) { var s = f; f = t; t = s; } if (f != this.fromIndex) { this.fraction = 1 - this.fraction; } //this.log("old", this.fromIndex, this.toIndex, "new", f, t); this.fromIndex = f; this.toIndex = t; }, refresh: function() { if (this.$.animator.isAnimating()) { this.$.animator.stop(); } this.startTransition(); this.fraction = 1; this.stepTransition(); this.finishTransition(); }, startTransition: function() { this.fromIndex = this.fromIndex != null ? this.fromIndex : this.lastIndex || 0; this.toIndex = this.toIndex != null ? this.toIndex : this.index; //this.log(this.id, this.fromIndex, this.toIndex); if (this.layout) { this.layout.start(); } this.fireTransitionStart(); }, finishTransition: function() { if (this.layout) { this.layout.finish(); } this.transitionPoints = []; this.fraction = 0; this.fromIndex = this.toIndex = null; this.fireTransitionFinish(); }, fireTransitionStart: function() { var t = this.startTransitionInfo; if (this.hasNode() && (!t || (t.fromIndex != this.fromIndex || t.toIndex != this.toIndex))) { this.startTransitionInfo = {fromIndex: this.fromIndex, toIndex: this.toIndex}; this.doTransitionStart(enyo.clone(this.startTransitionInfo)); } }, fireTransitionFinish: function() { var t = this.finishTransitionInfo; if (this.hasNode() && (!t || (t.fromIndex != this.lastIndex || t.toIndex != this.index))) { this.finishTransitionInfo = {fromIndex: this.lastIndex, toIndex: this.index}; this.doTransitionFinish(enyo.clone(this.finishTransitionInfo)); } this.lastIndex=this.index; }, // gambit: we interpolate between arrangements as needed. stepTransition: function() { if (this.hasNode()) { // select correct transition points and normalize fraction. var t$ = this.transitionPoints; var r = (this.fraction || 0) * (t$.length-1); var i = Math.floor(r); r = r - i; var s = t$[i], f = t$[i+1]; // get arrangements and lerp between them var s0 = this.fetchArrangement(s); var s1 = this.fetchArrangement(f); this.arrangement = s0 && s1 ? enyo.Panels.lerp(s0, s1, r) : (s0 || s1); if (this.arrangement && this.layout) { this.layout.flowArrangement(); } } }, fetchArrangement: function(inName) { if ((inName != null) && !this.arrangements[inName] && this.layout) { this.layout._arrange(inName); this.arrangements[inName] = this.readArrangement(this.getPanels()); } return this.arrangements[inName]; }, readArrangement: function(inC) { var r = []; for (var i=0, c$=inC, c; (c=c$[i]); i++) { r.push(enyo.clone(c._arranger)); } return r; }, statics: { isScreenNarrow: function() { return enyo.dom.getWindowWidth() <= 800; }, lerp: function(inA0, inA1, inFrac) { var r = []; for (var i=0, k$=enyo.keys(inA0), k; (k=k$[i]); i++) { r.push(this.lerpObject(inA0[k], inA1[k], inFrac)); } return r; }, lerpObject: function(inNew, inOld, inFrac) { var b = enyo.clone(inNew), n, o; // inOld might be undefined when deleting panels if (inOld) { for (var i in inNew) { n = inNew[i]; o = inOld[i]; if (n != o) { b[i] = n - (n - o) * inFrac; } } } return b; } } });