/** _onyx.InputDecorator_ is a control that provides input styling. Any controls in the InputDecorator will appear to be inside an area styled as an input. Usually, an InputDecorator surrounds an onyx.Input. {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Input"} ]} Other controls, such as buttons, may be placed to the right or left of the input control, e.g.: {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.IconButton", src: "search.png"}, {kind: "onyx.Input"}, {kind: "onyx.IconButton", src: "cancel.png"} ]} Note that the InputDecorator fits around the content inside it. If the decorator is sized, then its contents will likely need to be sized as well. {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", style: "width: 500px;", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Input", style: "width: 100%;"} ]} */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.InputDecorator", kind: "enyo.ToolDecorator", tag: "label", classes: "onyx-input-decorator", //* @protected handlers: { onDisabledChange: "disabledChange", onfocus: "receiveFocus", onblur: "receiveBlur" }, receiveFocus: function() { this.addClass("onyx-focused"); }, receiveBlur: function() { this.removeClass("onyx-focused"); }, disabledChange: function(inSender, inEvent) { this.addRemoveClass("onyx-disabled", inEvent.originator.disabled); } });