/** A horizontal bar containing controls used to perform common UI actions. A Toolbar customizes the styling of the controls it hosts, including buttons, icons, and inputs. {kind: "onyx.Toolbar", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Button", content: "Favorites"}, {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Input", placeholder: "Enter a search term..."} ]}, {kind: "onyx.IconButton", src: "go.png"} ]} Note that it's possible to style a set of controls to look like they are in a toolbar without having the container itself look like a toolbar. To do so, apply the "onyx-toolbar-inline" CSS class to the container that houses the controls. */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.Toolbar", classes: "onyx onyx-toolbar onyx-toolbar-inline", handlers: { onHide: "render" } });