/** A control that activates an onyx.Tooltip. It surrounds a control such as a button and displays the tooltip when the control generates an _onEnter_ event: {kind: "onyx.TooltipDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Button", content: "Tooltip"}, {kind: "onyx.Tooltip", content: "I'm a tooltip for a button."} ]} Here's an example with an onyx.Input control and a decorator around the input: {kind: "onyx.TooltipDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Input", placeholder: "Just an input..."} ]}, {kind: "onyx.Tooltip", content: "I'm a tooltip for an input."} ]} */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.TooltipDecorator", defaultKind: "onyx.Button", classes: "onyx-popup-decorator", handlers: { onenter: "enter", onleave: "leave" }, enter: function() { this.requestShowTooltip(); }, leave: function() { this.requestHideTooltip(); }, tap: function() { this.requestHideTooltip(); }, requestShowTooltip: function() { this.waterfallDown("onRequestShowTooltip"); }, requestHideTooltip: function() { this.waterfallDown("onRequestHideTooltip"); } });