import logging import math import os from django.conf import settings from django.db.models import Count from celeryutils import task from easy_thumbnails import processors from PIL import Image import amo from tags.models import Tag from . import cron # Pull in tasks run through cron. from .models import Collection, CollectionAddon, CollectionVote log = logging.getLogger('z.task') @task def collection_votes(*ids, **kw):'[%s@%s] Updating collection votes.' % (len(ids), collection_votes.rate_limit)) using = kw.get('using') for collection in ids: v = CollectionVote.objects.filter(collection=collection).using(using) votes = dict(v.values_list('vote').annotate(Count('vote'))) c = Collection.objects.get(id=collection) c.upvotes = up = votes.get(1, 0) c.downvotes = down = votes.get(-1, 0) try: # Use log to limit the effect of the multiplier. c.rating = (up - down) * math.log(up + down) except ValueError: c.rating = 0 @task def resize_icon(src, dst): """Resizes collection icons to 32x32"""'[1@None] Resizing icon: %s' % dst) try: im = im = processors.scale_and_crop(im, (32, 32)) os.remove(src) except Exception, e: log.error("Error saving collection icon: %s" % e) @task def delete_icon(dst):'[1@None] Deleting icon: %s.' % dst) if not dst.startswith(settings.COLLECTIONS_ICON_PATH): log.error("Someone tried deleting something they shouldn't: %s" % dst) return try: os.remove(dst) except Exception, e: log.error("Error deleting icon: %s" % e) @task def collection_meta(*ids, **kw):'[%s@%s] Updating collection metadata.' % (len(ids), collection_meta.rate_limit)) using = kw.get('using') qs = (CollectionAddon.objects.filter(collection__in=ids) .using(using).values_list('collection')) counts = dict(qs.annotate(Count('id'))) persona_counts = dict(qs.filter(addon__type=amo.ADDON_PERSONA) .annotate(Count('id'))) tags = (Tag.objects.not_blacklisted().values_list('id') .annotate(cnt=Count('id')).filter(cnt__gt=1).order_by('-cnt')) for c in Collection.objects.no_cache().filter(id__in=ids): addon_count = counts.get(, 0) all_personas = addon_count == persona_counts.get(, None) addons = list(c.addons.values_list('id', flat=True)) c.top_tags = [t for t, _ in tags.filter(addons__in=addons)[:5]] Collection.objects.filter(, all_personas=all_personas) @task(rate_limit='10/m') def cron_collection_meta(*addons): collection_meta(*addons)