#================================================================== # Physics.activity # Tool Classes # By Alex Levenson #================================================================== import pygame from elements import box2d from pygame.locals import * from helpers import * from inspect import getmro import math def distance(pt1, pt2): return math.sqrt((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] -pt2[1]) ** 2) def distance2(pt1,pt2,amount): if amount == float('inf'): return True return ((pt1[0] - pt2[0]) ** 2 + (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) ** 2) <= (amount ** 2) # tools that can be used superlcass class Tool(object): name = "Tool" icon = "icon" toolTip = "Tool Tip" def __init__(self,gameInstance): self.game = gameInstance self.name = "Tool" def handleEvents(self,event): handled = True # default event handling if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): # bye bye! Hope you had fun! self.game.running = False elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_SPACE: #space pauses self.game.bridge.create_train() self.game.world.run_physics = not self.game.world.run_physics elif event.key == K_t: self.game.bridge.create_train(force=True) elif event.key == K_b: self.game.setTool("box") elif event.key == K_c: self.game.setTool("circle") elif event.key == K_j: self.game.setTool("joint") elif event.key == K_p: self.game.setTool("polygon") elif event.key == K_g: self.game.setTool("grab") elif event.key == K_d: self.game.setTool("destroy") elif event.key == K_m: self.game.setTool("magicpen") #elif event.key == K_g: # self.game.setTool("gear") # Game/joystick-related keys elif event.key == K_KP4: # Left gamepad, left arrow if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Left gamepad left arrow error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP6: # Left gamepad, right arrow if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Left gamepad right arrow error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP8: # Left gamepad, up arrow if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Left gamepad up arrow error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP2: # Left gamepad, down arrow if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Left gamepad down arrow error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP7: # Right gamepad, square if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(-9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Right gamepad square button error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP1: # Right gamepad, check if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(-9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Right gamepad check button error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP9: # Right gamepad, circle if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(-9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Right gamepad circle button error: no joystick object selected" elif event.key == K_KP3: # Right gamepad, X if self.game.joystickobject: self.game.joystickobject[0].ApplyTorque(-9000) elif self.game.debug: print "Right gamepad X button error: no joystick object selected" elif event.type == USEREVENT: if hasattr(event,"action"): if self.game.toolList.has_key(event.action): self.game.setTool(event.action) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: self.game.canvas.grab_focus() handled = False else: handled = False return handled def draw(self): # default drawing method is don't draw anything pass def cancel(self): # default cancel doesn't do anything pass def to_b2vec(self, pt): return self.game.world.add.to_b2vec(pt) # The circle creation tool class CircleTool(Tool): name = "circle" icon = "circle" toolTip = "Circle" def __init__(self,gameInstance): self.game = gameInstance self.name = "Circle" self.pt1 = None self.radius = None def handleEvents(self,event): #look for default events, and if none are handled then try the custom events if not super(CircleTool,self).handleEvents(event): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: self.pt1 = pygame.mouse.get_pos() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: if self.radius > 1: # elements doesn't like tiny shapes :( self.game.world.add.ball(self.pt1,self.radius, dynamic=True, density=1.0, restitution=0.16, friction=0.5) self.pt1 = None self.radius = None def draw(self): # draw a circle from pt1 to mouse if self.pt1 != None: self.radius = distance(self.pt1,pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if self.radius > 3: thick = 3 else: thick = 0 pygame.draw.circle(self.game.screen, (100,180,255),self.pt1,self.radius,thick) pygame.draw.line(self.game.screen,(100,180,255),self.pt1,pygame.mouse.get_pos(),1) def cancel(self): self.pt1 = None self.radius = None # The Girder creation tool class GirderTool(Tool): name = "girder" icon = "box" toolTip = "Girder" def __init__(self,gameInstance): self.game = gameInstance self.name = "Box" self.pt1 = None self.pt2 = None self.theta = None self.thickness = 30 self.max = 300 self.min = 100 self.red = 20 self.green = 20 self.blue = 20 self.colordiff = 20 def handleEvents(self,event): #look for default events, and if none are handled then try the custom events if not super(GirderTool,self).handleEvents(event): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: self.pt1 = pygame.mouse.get_pos() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1: if self.pt2!=None: self.game.world.set_color((self.red,self.green,self.blue)) self.red += self.colordiff self.green += self.colordiff self.blue += self.colordiff if self.red > 200: self.colordiff *= -1 elif self.red < 20: self.colordiff *= -1 print self.theta, math.degrees(self.theta) self.game.world.add.rect(((self.pt1[0]+self.pt2[0])/2,(self.pt1[1]+self.pt2[1])/2), distance(self.pt1, self.pt2)/2, self.thickness/2, angle=math.degrees(self.theta), dynamic=True, density=1.0, restitution=0.16, friction=0.5) self.game.bridge.box_added() self.game.world.reset_color() self.pt1 = None def draw(self): # draw a box from pt1 to mouse if self.pt1 != None: self.pt2 = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.theta = getAngle(self.pt1,self.pt2) if distance2(self.pt1,self.pt2,self.min): # too small! force length self.pt2 = (self.pt1[0]+self.min * math.cos(self.theta),self.pt1[1]-self.min*math.sin(self.theta)) elif not distance2(self.pt1,self.pt2,self.max): # too big self.pt2 = (self.pt1[0]+(self.max * math.cos(self.theta)),self.pt1[1]-(self.max * math.sin(self.theta))) pygame.draw.line(self.game.screen, (255,255,255), self.pt1, self.pt2, 30) def cancel(self): self.pt1 = None self.rect = None # The grab tool class GrabTool(Tool): name = "grab" icon = "grab" toolTip = "Grab" def __init__(self,gameInstance): self.game = gameInstance self.name = "Grab" def handleEvents(self,event): #look for default events, and if none are handled then try the custom events if not super(GrabTool,self).handleEvents(event): if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: # grab the first object at the mouse pointer bodylist = self.game.world.get_bodies_at_pos(event.pos, include_static=False) if bodylist and len(bodylist) > 0: self.game.world.add.mouseJoint(bodylist[0], event.pos) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: # let it go if event.button == 1: self.game.world.add.remove_mouseJoint() # use box2D mouse motion elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION and event.buttons[0]: self.game.world.mouse_move(event.pos) def cancel(self): self.game.world.add.remove_mouseJoint() # The destroy tool class DestroyTool(Tool): name = "destroy" icon = "destroy" toolTip = "Destroy" def __init__(self,gameInstance): self.game = gameInstance self.name = "Destroy" self.vertices = None def handleEvents(self,event): #look for default events, and if none are handled then try the custom events if not super(DestroyTool,self).handleEvents(event): if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if not self.vertices: self.vertices = [] self.vertices.append(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if len(self.vertices) > 10: self.vertices.pop(0) tokill = self.game.world.get_bodies_at_pos(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if tokill: self.game.world.world.DestroyBody(tokill[0]) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP and event.button == 1: self.cancel() def draw(self): # draw the trail if self.vertices: if len(self.vertices) > 1: pygame.draw.lines(self.game.screen,(255,0,0),False,self.vertices,3) def cancel(self): self.vertices = None # The joint tool class BridgeJointTool(Tool): name = "bridgejoint" icon = "joint" toolTip = "Bridge Joint" def __init__(self,gameInstance): self.game = gameInstance self.name = "Bridge Joint" self.jb1 = self.jb2 = self.jb1pos = self.jb2pos = None def handleEvents(self,event): #look for default events, and if none are handled then try the custom events if super(BridgeJointTool,self).handleEvents(event): return if event.type != MOUSEBUTTONUP or event.button != 1: return bodies = self.game.world.get_bodies_at_pos(event.pos, include_static=True) if not bodies or len(bodies) != 2: print len(bodies) return jointDef = box2d.b2RevoluteJointDef() jointDef.Initialize(bodies[0], bodies[1], self.to_b2vec(event.pos)) joint = self.game.world.world.CreateJoint(jointDef) self.game.bridge.joint_added(joint) def draw(self): return def cancel(self): self.jb1 = self.jb2 = self.jb1pos = self.jb2pos = None def getAllTools(): this_mod = __import__(__name__) all = [val for val in this_mod.__dict__.values() if isinstance(val, type)] allTools = [] for a in all: if getmro(a).__contains__(Tool) and a!= Tool: allTools.append(a) return allTools allTools = getAllTools()