#!/usr/bin/env python """ Conch.py, a music toolkit. By Kris Schnee, borrowing heavily from Pygame's docs and examples. License: Free software; use as you please. Credit appreciated. Requirements: Just Python and Pygame. Put all sound and music files in subdirectories called "sound" and "music". Notes: These are easy functions for using music and sound in Python/Pygame, just wrappers around Pygame's functions. The Jukebox class keeps track of a set of loaded sound effects and paths for songs, with keys so you can just call 'j.PlaySong("Battle Music")' to access an obscurely named song file neatly stored in a subdirectory. So, to use this code you just LoadSong for whatever songs you like, giving the filename and a nickname, then PlaySong to play. Same for sound effects, though behind the scenes the sounds are actually loaded once and kept in memory instead of just the paths. Example: j = Jukebox() j.LoadSong("battle00.mid","Battle Music") j.PlaySong("Battle Music") j.StopMusic() """ import pygame ## Pygame toolkit for sound (and many other things); pygame.org import os ## File system import time try: pygame.mixer.init() except Exception, e: print e print "Warning: sound disabled" MODULE_NAME = "Conch" MODULE_VERSION = "2006.8.9" DEFAULT_MUSIC_EXTENSION = ".mp3" DEFAULT_SOUND_EXTENSION = ".wav" SOUND_DIRECTORY = "sfx" MUSIC_DIRECTORY = "music" JUKEBOX_COMMENTS = False ## You can change these options to have sound/music muted by default. MUSIC_ON = True SOUND_ON = True class Jukebox: def __init__(self,dir=MUSIC_DIRECTORY): """Load and play sounds and music, referenced by name. Create one of these to put audio in your game. One is created automatically when the module loads, so there's not really a need to make another.""" self.name = "Jukebox" self.comments = JUKEBOX_COMMENTS self.music_on = MUSIC_ON self.sound_on = SOUND_ON self.songs = {} ## eg. {"Battle Theme":"battle01.ogg"} self.music_directory = MUSIC_DIRECTORY self.sound_directory = SOUND_DIRECTORY self.sounds = {} def Comment(self,what): if self.comments: print "["+self.name+"] " + str(what) def ToggleMusic(self,on=True): self.music_on = on def ToggleSound(self,on=True): self.sound_on = on def StopMusic(self): """Stops music without turning it off; another song may get cued.""" if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): return pygame.mixer.music.stop() def QuitMusic(self): """Shuts off Pygame's music code. This probably isn't necessary.""" pygame.mixer.music.stop() pygame.mixer.quit() def MusicGetPos(self): if pygame.mixer.get_init(): return pygame.mixer.music.get_pos() return 0 def MusicVol(self, vol): try: pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(vol) except: pass def LoadSong(self,songname,key=""): """Add name, including directory location, to songlist. You can give the song a key, too, for easy reference. Note that rather than actually loading the song, we store only the path to it. Contrast with sound loading.""" new_song_path = os.path.join(self.music_directory,songname) if key: self.songs[ key ] = new_song_path def ResetSongData(self): self.songs = {} def PlaySong(self,cue_name,loops = 0, vol= 1.0, interrupt=False): """Cue this song. If interrupt, the song will start even if one is already playing.""" if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): return path = self.songs.get( cue_name ) if path: if not self.music_on: return ## Never mind. if not interrupt: if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy(): return ## It's busy; go away. ## OK, we can play. First stop whatever's playing. pygame.mixer.music.stop() ## Now load and play. try: pygame.mixer.music.load(path) except: print "Couldn't load song '"+cue_name+"'." return try: pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(vol) pygame.mixer.music.play(loops) self.Comment("Cue music: '"+cue_name+"'") except: print "Couldn't play song '"+cue_name+"'." def FadeoutMusic(self, time): if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): return pygame.mixer.music.fadeout(time) def LoadSound(self,filename,cue_name=None): """Load a sound into memory, not just its name, for quick use.""" if not pygame.mixer.get_init(): return if not "." in filename: filename += DEFAULT_SOUND_EXTENSION new_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound( os.path.join(SOUND_DIRECTORY,filename) ) if not cue_name: cue_name = filename self.sounds[ cue_name ] = new_sound def PlaySound(self,cue_name): ## How to check whether sound player is busy? if not pygame.mixer: return if self.sounds.has_key( cue_name ): a = self.sounds[ cue_name ].play() if cue_name == "Explode": while not a: time.sleep(0.1) a = self.sounds[ cue_name ].play() else: self.Comment("Tried to play sound '"+cue_name+"' without loading it.") pass ##### AUTORUN ##### if __name__ == '__main__': ## This code runs if this file is run by itself. print "Running "+MODULE_NAME+", v"+MODULE_VERSION+"." else: print "Loaded: "+MODULE_NAME j = Jukebox() ## You can now just refer to "j" in your own program.