# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Walter Bender # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500 Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA import os import glob from sugar3.activity import activity from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox from sugar3.activity.widgets import StopButton from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar3.activity.widgets import _create_activity_icon as ActivityIcon from sugar3.graphics.alert import NotifyAlert from sugar3.graphics import style from sugar3.datastore import datastore from sugar3 import profile from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from gi.repository import GObject from gettext import gettext as _ MIME_TYPES = {'svg': 'image/svg+xml', 'png': 'image/png', 'gif': 'image/gif', 'jpg': 'image/jpg'} class ClipArtActivity(activity.Activity): def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle, False) self._selected_image = None self.max_participants = 1 self.toolbar_box = ToolbarBox() self.toolbar = self.toolbar_box.toolbar activity_button = ToolButton() icon = ActivityIcon(None) activity_button.set_icon_widget(icon) activity_button.set_tooltip(self.get_title()) stop_button = StopButton(self) separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) self.save_button = ToolButton('image-save') self.save_button.set_tooltip(_('Save to Journal')) self.save_button.connect('clicked', self._save_to_journal) self.save_button.set_sensitive(False) self.toolbar.insert(activity_button, 0) self.toolbar.insert(Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1) self.toolbar.insert(self.save_button, -1) self.toolbar.insert(separator, -1) self.toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1) artwork_paths = self._scan() scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN) scrolled_window.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.set_canvas(scrolled_window) scrolled_window.show() store = Gtk.ListStore(GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf, str) icon_view = Gtk.IconView.new_with_model(store) icon_view.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.SINGLE) icon_view.connect('selection-changed', self._clipart_selected, store) icon_view.set_pixbuf_column(0) icon_view.grab_focus() scrolled_window.add(icon_view) icon_view.show() self.set_toolbar_box(self.toolbar_box) self.set_canvas(self.canvas) self.show_all() self._notify() GObject.idle_add(fill_clipart_list, store, artwork_paths) def _save_to_journal(self, widget): if self._selected_image is None: return basename = os.path.basename(self._selected_image) dsobject = datastore.create() dsobject.metadata['title'] = basename[:-4] dsobject.metadata['icon-color'] = profile.get_color().to_string() dsobject.metadata['mime_type'] = MIME_TYPES[basename.split('.')[-1]] dsobject.set_file_path(self._selected_image) datastore.write(dsobject) dsobject.destroy() self.save_button.set_sensitive(False) def _get_selected_path(self, widget, store): try: iter_ = store.get_iter(widget.get_selected_items()[0]) image_path = store.get(iter_, 1)[0] return image_path, iter_ except: return None def _clipart_selected(self, widget, store): selected = self._get_selected_path(widget, store) if selected is None: self._selected_image = None self.save_button.set_sensitive(False) return image_path, _iter = selected iter_ = store.get_iter(widget.get_selected_items()[0]) image_path = store.get(iter_, 1)[0] self._selected_image = image_path self.save_button.set_sensitive(True) def _scan(self): # We need a list of all the .png, .jpg, .gif, and .svg files # in ~/Activities. We don't need to search Documents since # that is already available through the Journal. root_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Activities') artwork_paths = [] for suffix in ['.png', '.jpg', '.gif', '.svg']: # Look in ~/Activities/* and ~/Activities/*/* file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(root_path, '*', '*' + suffix)) for f in file_list: artwork_paths.append(f) file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(root_path, '*', '*', '*' + suffix)) for f in file_list: artwork_paths.append(f) return artwork_paths def _notify(self): alert = NotifyAlert() alert.props.title = _('Scanning for clipart') msg = _('Please wait.') alert.props.msg = msg def remove_alert(alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) alert.connect('response', remove_alert) self.add_alert(alert) def fill_clipart_list(store, artwork_paths): ''' Append images from the artwork_paths to the store. ''' for filepath in artwork_paths: pixbuf = None try: pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size( filepath, style.XLARGE_ICON_SIZE, style.XLARGE_ICON_SIZE) except: pass else: store.append([pixbuf, filepath])