"""a html renderer """ import htmllib import re import pygame from pygame.locals import * from pgu import gui _amap = {'left':-1,'right':1,'center':0,None:None,'':None,} _vamap = {'top':-1,'bottom':1,'center':0,'middle':0,None:None,'':None,} class _dummy: pass class _flush: def __init__(self): self.style = _dummy() self.style.font = None self.style.color = None self.cls = None def add(self,w): pass def space(self,v): pass class _hr(gui.Color): def __init__(self,**params): gui.Color.__init__(self,(0,0,0),**params) def resize(self,width=None,height=None): w,h = self.style.width,self.style.height #if width != None: self.rect.w = width #else: self.rect.w = 1 #xt,xr,xb,xl = self.getspacing() if width != None: w = max(w,width) if height != None: h = max(h,height) w = max(w,1) h = max(h,1) return w,h #self.container.rect.w,h #self.rect.w = max(1,width,self.container.rect.w-(xl+xr)) #print self.rect #self.rect.w = 1 class _html(htmllib.HTMLParser): def init(self,doc,font,color,_globals,_locals): self.mystack = [] self.document = doc self.myopen('document',self.document) self.myfont = self.font = font self.mycolor = self.color = color self.form = None self._globals = _globals self._locals = _locals def myopen(self,type_,w): self.mystack.append((type_,w)) self.type,self.item = type_,w self.font = self.item.style.font self.color = self.item.style.color if not self.font: self.font = self.myfont if not self.color: self.color = self.mycolor def myclose(self,type_): t = None self.mydone() while t != type_: #if len(self.mystack)==0: return t,w = self.mystack.pop() t,w = self.mystack.pop() self.myopen(t,w) def myback(self,type_): if type(type_) == str: type_ = [type_,] self.mydone() #print 'myback',type_ t = None while t not in type_: #if len(self.mystack)==0: return t,w = self.mystack.pop() self.myopen(t,w) def mydone(self): #clearing out the last

if not hasattr(self.item,'layout'): return if len(self.item.layout._widgets) == 0: return w = self.item.layout._widgets[-1] if type(w) == tuple: del self.item.layout._widgets[-1] def start_b(self,attrs): self.font.set_bold(1) def end_b(self): self.font.set_bold(0) def start_i(self,attrs): self.font.set_italic(1) def end_i(self): self.font.set_italic(0) def start_u(self,attrs): self.font.set_underline(1) def end_u(self): self.font.set_underline(0) def start_br(self,attrs): self.do_br(attrs) def do_br(self,attrs): self.item.br(self.font.size(" ")[1]) def attrs_to_map(self,attrs): k = None r = {} for k,v in attrs: r[k] = v return r def map_to_params(self,r): anum = re.compile("\D") params = {'style':{}} style = params['style'] if 'bgcolor' in r: style['background'] = pygame.Color(r['bgcolor']) if 'background' in r: style['background'] = pygame.image.load(r['background']) if 'border' in r: style['border'] = int(r['border']) for k in ['width','height','colspan','rowspan','size','min','max']: if k in r: params[k] = int(anum.sub("",r[k])) for k in ['name','value']: if k in r: params[k] = r[k] if 'class' in r: params['cls'] = r['class'] if 'align' in r: params['align'] = _amap[r['align']] if 'valign' in r: params['valign'] = _vamap[r['valign']] if 'style' in r: for st in r['style'].split(";"): #print st if ":" in st: #print st.split(":") k,v = st.split(":") k = k.replace("-","_") k = k.replace(" ","") v = v.replace(" ","") if k == 'color' or k == 'border_color' or k == 'background': v = pygame.Color(v) else: v = int(anum.sub("",v)) style[k] = v return params def map_to_connects(self,e,r): for k,evt in [('onclick',gui.CLICK),('onchange',gui.CHANGE)]: #blah blah blah if k in r: #print k,r[k] e.connect(evt,self.myexec,(e,r[k])) def start_p(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) align = r.get("align","left") self.check_p() self.item.block(_amap[align]) def check_p(self): if len(self.item.layout._widgets) == 0: return if type(self.item.layout._widgets[-1]) == tuple: w,h = self.item.layout._widgets[-1] if w == 0: return self.do_br(None) def end_p(self): #print 'end p' self.check_p() def start_block(self,t,attrs,align=-1): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = self.map_to_params(r) if 'cls' in params: params['cls'] = t+"."+params['cls'] else: params['cls'] = t b = gui.Document(**params) if 'align' in params: align = params['align'] self.item.block(align) self.item.add(b) self.myopen(t,b) def end_block(self,t): self.myclose(t) self.item.block(-1) def start_div(self,attrs): self.start_block('div',attrs) def end_div(self): self.end_block('div') def start_center(self,attrs): self.start_block('div',attrs,0) def end_center(self): self.end_block('div') def start_h1(self,attrs): self.start_block('h1',attrs) def end_h1(self): self.end_block('h1') def start_h2(self,attrs): self.start_block('h2',attrs) def end_h2(self): self.end_block('h2') def start_h3(self,attrs): self.start_block('h3',attrs) def end_h3(self): self.end_block('h3') def start_h4(self,attrs): self.start_block('h4',attrs) def end_h4(self): self.end_block('h4') def start_h5(self,attrs): self.start_block('h5',attrs) def end_h5(self): self.end_block('h5') def start_h6(self,attrs): self.start_block('h6',attrs) def end_h6(self): self.end_block('h6') def start_ul(self,attrs): self.start_block('ul',attrs) def end_ul(self): self.end_block('ul') def start_ol(self,attrs): self.start_block('ol',attrs) self.item.counter = 0 def end_ol(self): self.end_block('ol') def start_li(self,attrs): self.myback(['ul','ol']) cur = self.item self.start_block('li',attrs) if hasattr(cur,'counter'): cur.counter += 1 self.handle_data("%d. "%cur.counter) else: self.handle_data("- ") #def end_li(self): self.end_block('li') #this isn't needed because of how the parser works def start_pre(self,attrs): self.start_block('pre',attrs) def end_pre(self): self.end_block('pre') def start_code(self,attrs): self.start_block('code',attrs) def end_code(self): self.end_block('code') def start_table(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = self.map_to_params(r) align = r.get("align","left") self.item.block(_amap[align]) t = gui.Table(**params) self.item.add(t) self.myopen('table',t) def start_tr(self,attrs): self.myback('table') self.item.tr() def _start_td(self,t,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = self.map_to_params(r) if 'cls' in params: params['cls'] = t+"."+params['cls'] else: params['cls'] = t b = gui.Document(cls=t) self.myback('table') self.item.td(b,**params) self.myopen(t,b) self.font = self.item.style.font self.color = self.item.style.color def start_td(self,attrs): self._start_td('td',attrs) def start_th(self,attrs): self._start_td('th',attrs) def end_table(self): self.myclose('table') self.item.block(-1) def start_form(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) e = self.form = gui.Form() e.groups = {} self._locals[r.get('id',None)] = e def start_input(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = self.map_to_params(r) #why bother #params = {} type_,name,value = r.get('type','text'),r.get('name',None),r.get('value',None) f = self.form if type_ == 'text': e = gui.Input(**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) elif type_ == 'radio': if name not in f.groups: f.groups[name] = gui.Group(name=name) g = f.groups[name] del params['name'] e = gui.Radio(group=g,**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) if 'checked' in r: g.value = value elif type_ == 'checkbox': if name not in f.groups: f.groups[name] = gui.Group(name=name) g = f.groups[name] del params['name'] e = gui.Checkbox(group=g,**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) if 'checked' in r: g.value = value elif type_ == 'button': e = gui.Button(**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) elif type_ == 'submit': e = gui.Button(**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) elif type_ == 'file': e = gui.Input(**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) b = gui.Button(value='Browse...') self.item.add(b) def _browse(value): d = gui.FileDialog(); d.connect(gui.CHANGE,gui.action_setvalue,(d,e)) d.open(); b.connect(gui.CLICK,_browse,None) self._locals[r.get('id',None)] = e def start_object(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = self.map_to_params(r) code = "e = %s(**params)"%r['type'] #print code #print params exec(code) #print e #print e.style.width,e.style.height self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) self._locals[r.get('id',None)] = e def start_select(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = {} name,value = r.get('name',None),r.get('value',None) e = gui.Select(name=name,value=value,**params) self.map_to_connects(e,r) self.item.add(e) self.myopen('select',e) def start_option(self,attrs): r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = {} #style = self.map_to_style(r) self.myback('select') e = gui.Document(**params) self.item.add(e,value=r.get('value',None)) self.myopen('option',e) def end_select(self): self.myclose('select') def start_hr(self,attrs): self.do_hr(attrs) def do_hr(self,attrs): h = self.font.size(" ")[1]/2 r = self.attrs_to_map(attrs) params = self.map_to_params(r) params['style']['padding'] = h print params self.item.block(0) self.item.add(_hr(**params)) self.item.block(-1) def anchor_begin(self,href,name,type_): pass def anchor_end(self): pass def start_title(self,attrs): self.myopen('title',_flush()) def end_title(self): self.myclose('title') def myexec(self,value): w,code = value g = self._globals l = self._locals l['self'] = w exec(code,g,l) def handle_image(self,src,alt,ismap,align,width,height): try: w = gui.Image(pygame.image.load(src)) if align != '': self.item.add(w,_amap[align]) else: self.item.add(w) except: print 'handle_image: missing %s'%src def handle_data(self,txt): if self.type == 'table': return elif self.type in ('pre','code'): txt = txt.replace("\t"," ") ss = txt.split("\n") if ss[-1] == "": del ss[-1] for sentence in ss: img = self.font.render(sentence,1,self.color) w = gui.Image(img) self.item.add(w) self.item.block(-1) return txt = re.compile("^[\t\r\n]+").sub("",txt) txt = re.compile("[\t\r\n]+$").sub("",txt) tst = re.compile("[\t\r\n]+").sub("",txt) if tst == "": return txt = re.compile("\s+").sub(" ",txt) if txt == "": return if txt == " ": self.item.space(self.font.size(" ")) return for word in txt.split(" "): word = word.replace(chr(160)," ") #  #print self.item.cls w = gui.Image(self.font.render(word,1,self.color)) self.item.add(w) self.item.space(self.font.size(" ")) class HTML(gui.Document): """a gui HTML object
html data
global variables (for scripting)
local variables (for scripting)

you may access html elements that have an id via widget[id]

""" def __init__(self,data,globals=None,locals=None,**params): gui.Document.__init__(self,**params) _globals,_locals = globals,locals if _globals == None: _globals = {} if _locals == None: _locals = {} self._globals = _globals self._locals = _locals #font = gui.theme.get("label","","font") p = _html(htmllib.AS_IS,0) p.init(self,self.style.font,self.style.color,_globals,_locals) p.feed(data) p.close() p.mydone() def __getitem__(self,k): return self._locals[k] def render(font,rect,text,aa,color,bgcolor=(0,0,0,0)): """render some html
""" fnt,r,txt,a,fg,bg = font,rect,text,aa,color,bgcolor e = HTML(txt,font=fnt,color=fg) e.resize(width=rect.w) s = pygame.Surface((e.rect.w,e.rect.h),SWSURFACE|SRCALPHA,32) s.fill(bg) e.paint(s) return s def rendertrim(font,rect,text,aa,color,bgcolor=(0,0,0,0)): """render html, and make sure to trim the size
""" fnt,r,txt,a,fg,bg = font,rect,text,aa,color,bgcolor #print r w = HTML(txt,font=fnt,color=fg) w.resize(width=rect.w) s = pygame.Surface((w.rect.w,w.rect.h),SWSURFACE|SRCALPHA,32) s.fill(bg) w.paint(s) minx,miny,maxx,maxy = 1024,1024,-1024,-1024 for e in w.layout.widgets: x,y,w,h = e.rect.x,e.rect.y,e.rect.w,e.rect.h minx = min(minx,x) miny = min(miny,y) x,y = x+w,y+h maxx = max(maxx,x) maxy = max(maxy,y) r = pygame.Rect(minx,miny,maxx-minx,maxy-miny) return s.subsurface((r)) def write(s,font,rect,text,aa=0,color=(0,0,0)): """write html to a surface
""" fnt,r,txt,a,fg = font,rect,text,aa,color e = HTML(txt) e.resize(width=rect.w) s = s.subsurface(rect) e.paint(s) # vim: set filetype=python sts=4 sw=4 noet si :