# sugar-aware GUI classes # with boxes, sliders, spinbuttons, buttons, etc # # (c) Victor Lazzarini, 2006-08 # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # csndsugui is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with csndsugui; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307 USA # # As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or # use macros or inline functions from this file, this file does not # by itself cause the resulting executable or library to be covered # by the GNU Lesser General Public License. This exception does not # however invalidate any other reasons why the library or executable # file might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License. # # # version 0.1.2 24/03/08 import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') from sugar.activity import activity import gtk import sys import csnd import math import locale import os import sugar.logger import time class BasicGUI: """Basic GUI with boxes, sliders, spins, buttons etc using pygtk/sugar, from which GUI classes can be derived for Csound use.""" def set_channel(self,name, val): """basic bus channel setting method, should be overriden for full-functionality.""" self.logger.debug("channel:%s, value:%.1f" % (name,val)) def set_filechannel(self,chan,name): """basic filename channel setting method should be overriden for full-functionality.""" self.logger.debug("channel:%s, filename:%s" % (chan,name)) def set_message(self, mess): """basic message setting method should be overriden for full-functionality.""" self.logger.debug(mess) def get_slider_value(self,name): """returns the slider value name: slider name (which should also be the attached bus channel name""" for i in self.sliders: if i[1] == name: return i[2] return 0 def get_button_value(self,name): """returns the button value (0 or 1) name: button name (which should also be the attached bus channel name)""" for i in self.buttons: if i[1] == name: return i[2] return 0 def get_slider(self,name): """returns the slider widget instance name: slider name""" for i in self.sliders: if i[1] == name: return i[0] return 0 def get_button(self,name): """returns the button widget instance name: button name""" for i in self.sliders: if i[1] == name: return i[0] return 0 def set_focus(self): """ called whenever the focus changes """ self.logger.debug(self.focus) def focus_out(self, widget, event): if(self.focus): self.focus = False self.set_focus() def focus_in(self, widget, event): if(not self.focus): self.focus = True self.set_focus() def focus_back(self, widget, event): self.window.disconnect(self.fback) self.connect_focus() def buttcallback(self, widget, data=None): for i in self.buttons: if i[0] == widget: if i[2]: i[2] = 0 i[0].modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0x0FFF,0,0x00FF, 2)) i[0].modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0xFFFF, 2)) else: i[2] = 1 i[0].modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0, 1)) i[0].modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0, 2)) self.set_channel(i[1], i[2]) def button_setvalue(self, widget, value): if not value: widget.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0x0FFF,0,0x00FF, 2)) widget.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0xFFFF, 2)) else: widget.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0, 1)) widget.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0, 2)) def mbuttcallback(self, widget, data=None): for i in self.mbuttons: if i[0] == widget: self.set_message(i[2]) def slidcallback(self,adj,widget): for i in self.sliders: if i[0] == widget: i[2] = adj.value if i[4]: self.set_channel(i[1],i[2]) i[3].set_text("%f" % i[2]) pass else: value = i[5]*pow(i[6]/i[5], i[2]/i[6]) self.set_channel(i[1], value) i[3].set_text("%.3f" % value) pass def spincallback(self,adj,widget): for i in self.spins: if i[0] == widget: i[2] = adj.value self.set_channel(i[1],i[2]) def filecallback(self,widget): name = self.curfile[0].get_filename() self.set_filechannel(self.curfile[2], name) for i in self.buttons: if i[0] == self.curfile[1]: i[2] = name self.filenames.update({self.curfile[2] : name}) self.curfile[0].destroy() def destroy_chooser(self,widget): self.curfile[0].destroy() def fbuttcallback(self, widget, data=None): self.focus_disconnect() self.fback = self.window.connect('focus_in_event', self.focus_back) for i in self.buttons: if i[0] == widget: chooser = gtk.FileSelection(i[1]) self.curfile = (chooser, i[0], i[1]) chooser.set_filename(self.data_path) chooser.ok_button.connect("clicked", self.filecallback) chooser.cancel_button.connect("clicked", self.destroy_chooser) chooser.show() def cbbutton(self,box,callback,title=""): """Creates a callbackbutton box: parent box callback: click callback title: if given, the button name returns the widget instance""" self.cbbutts = self.cbbutts + 1 butt = gtk.Button(" %s " % title) box.pack_start(butt, False, False, 5) self.cbbuttons.append([butt,title,0]) butt.connect("clicked", callback) butt.show() return butt def button(self,box, title="",label=""): """Creates a button (on/off) box: parent box title: if given, the button name, which will also be the bus channel name. Otherwise a default name is given, BN, where N is button number in order of creation. label: if given, an alternative button name, which will be displayed instead of title returns the widget instance""" self.butts = self.butts + 1 if title == "": title = "B%d" % self.butts if label == "": name = title else: name = label butt = gtk.Button(" %s " % name) butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0, 1)) butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0,0xFFFF, 2)) box.pack_start(butt, False, False, 5) self.buttons.append([butt,title,0]) butt.connect("clicked", self.buttcallback) butt.show() return butt def mbutton(self,box,mess,title=""): """Creates a mbutton (for sending a message) box: parent box title: if given, the button name, otherwise a default name is given, BN, where N is button number in order of creation. mess: message to be sent when button is clicked returns the widget instance""" self.mbutts = self.mbutts + 1 if title == "": title = "B%d" % self.mbutts butt = gtk.Button(title) butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(0x0FFF,0,0x00FF, 1)) butt.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT, gtk.gdk.Color(0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0x0000, 2)) box.pack_start(butt, False, False, 5) self.mbuttons.append([butt,title,mess]) butt.connect("clicked", self.mbuttcallback) butt.show() return butt def box(self,vert=True, parent=None, padding=5): """creates a box vert: True, creates a vertical box; horiz. otherwise parent: parent box, None if this is a toplevel box padding: box padding returns the widget instance""" if vert: box = gtk.VBox() else: box = gtk.HBox() if parent: parent.pack_start(box, False, False, padding) else: self.outbox.pack_start(box, False, False, padding) self.boxes.append(box) box.show() return box def filechooser(self,box,title,label=""): """Creates a filechooser button title: button name, also file bus channel name box: parent box label: if given, alternative name, for display purposes only otherwise button will display its title.""" if label == "": name = title else: name = label butt = gtk.Button(name) box.pack_start(butt, False, False, 5) self.buttons.append([butt,title,"0"]) butt.connect("clicked", self.fbuttcallback) self.set_filechannel(title,"0") self.filenames.update({title:"0"}) butt.show() return butt def slider(self,init, start, end, x, y, box, title="",vert=True,linear=True,dwid=100,label=""): """Creates a slider init: initial value start, end: start and end of slider range x, y: x and y sizes of slider box: parent box title: if given, the slider name, which will also be the bus channel name. Otherwise a default name is given, SN, where N is slider number in order of creation. vert: vertical slider (True), else horiz. linear: linear response (True), else exponential (zero or negative ranges are not allowed) dwid: display width in pixels label: if given, the alternative slider name, for display only returns the widget instance""" self.slids = self.slids + 1 if title == "": title = "S%d" % self.slids a = end - start if vert: step = a/y adj = gtk.Adjustment(init,start,end,step,step,0) slider = gtk.VScale(adj) slider.set_inverted(True) else: step = a/x adj = gtk.Adjustment(init,start,end,step,step,0) slider = gtk.HScale(adj) slider.set_draw_value(False) if step < 1.0: slider.set_digits(3) elif step < 10: slider.set_digits(2) elif step < 100: slider.set_digits(1) else: slider.set_digits(0) entry = gtk.Entry(5) if vert: entry.set_size_request(dwid,50) else: entry.set_size_request(dwid,50) entry.set_editable(False) if not linear: if (init <= 0) or (start <= 0) or (end <= 0): linear = True if not linear: pos = end*math.log(1,end/start) slider.set_range(pos, end) pos = end*math.log(init/start,end/start) slider.set_value(pos) if label == "": name = title else: name = label entry.set_text("%f" % init) label = gtk.Label(name) slider.set_size_request(x,y) box.pack_start(slider, False, False, 5) box.pack_start(entry, False, False, 2) box.pack_start(label, False, False, 2) self.sliders.append([slider,title,init,entry,linear,start,end]) adj.connect("value_changed", self.slidcallback, slider) slider.show() entry.show() label.show() self.set_channel(title, init) return slider def spin(self,init, start, end, step, page, box, accel=0,title="",label=""): """Creates a spin button init: initial value start, end: start and end of slider range step, page: small and large step sizes box: parent box accel: acceleration or 'climb rate' (0.0-1.0) title: if given, the spin button name, which will also be the bus channel name. Otherwise a default name is given, SPN, where N is spin number in order of creation. label: if given, the alternative name for the widget, for display only. returns the widget instance""" self.spinbs = self.spinbs + 1 if title == "": title = "SP%d" % self.spinbs adj = gtk.Adjustment(init,start,end,step,page,0) spin = gtk.SpinButton(adj,accel) if step < 1.0: spin.set_digits(3) elif step < 10: spin.set_digits(2) elif step < 100: spin.set_digits(1) else: spin.set_digits(0) if label == "": name = title else: name = label label = gtk.Label(name) box.pack_start(spin, False, False, 5) box.pack_start(label, False, False, 2) self.spins.append([spin,title,init]) adj.connect("value_changed", self.spincallback, spin) spin.show() label.show() self.set_channel(title, init) return spin def text(self, name, box=None,colour=(0,0,0)): """Creates a static text label name: text label box: parent box, None if text is to be placed toplevel colour: RGB values in a tuple (R,G,B) returns the widget instance""" label = gtk.Label(name) label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2], 0)) if box: box.pack_start(label, False, False, 5) else: self.outbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 5) label.show() return label def framebox(self, name, vert=True, parent=None, colour=(0,0,0), padding=5): """Creates a frame box name: text label vert: vertical (True) box, else horiz. parent: parent box, if None, this is a toplevel box colour: RGB values in a tuple (R,G,B) padding: padding space returns the box widget instance""" frame = gtk.Frame(name) frame.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2], 0)) frame.get_label_widget().modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2], 0)) if parent: parent.pack_start(frame, False, False, padding) else: self.outbox.pack_start(frame, False, False, padding) if vert: box = gtk.VBox() else: box = gtk.HBox() frame.add(box) frame.show() box.show() return box def vsliderbank(self,items,init, start, end, x, y, box): """Creates a vertical slider bank items: number of sliders init: initial value start, end: start and end of slider range x, y: x and y sizes of slider box: parent box""" slid = self.slids for i in range(slid, slid+items): cbox = self.box(parent=box) self.slider(init,start,end,x,y,cbox) def hsliderbank(self,items,init, start, end, x, y, box): """Creates a horizontal slider bank items: number of sliders init: initial value start, end: start and end of slider range x, y: x and y sizes of slider box: parent box""" slid = self.slids for i in range(slid, slid+items): cbox = self.box(False,box) self.slider(init,start,end,x,y,cbox,"",False) def buttonbank(self,items, box): """Creates a button bank items: number of sliders box: parent box.""" start = self.butts for i in range(start, start+items): self.button(box) def delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): return False def get_toolbox(self): """Returns the Activity toolbox""" return self.toolbox def channels_reinit(self): """ resets channel to current widget values""" for j in self.buttons: self.set_channel(j[1],j[2]) for j in self.sliders: if j[4]: self.set_channel(j[1],j[2]) pass else: value = j[5]*pow(j[6]/j[5], j[2]/j[6]) self.set_channel(j[1], value) for j in self.spins: self.set_channel(j[1],j[2]) def widgets_reset(self): """ resets widget to channel values""" for j in self.buttons: self.button_setvalue(j[0], j[2]) self.set_channel(j[1],j[2]) for j in self.sliders: j[0].set_value(j[2]) j[0].emit("value_changed") for j in self.spins: j[0].set_value(j[2]) j[0].emit("value_changed") def channels_save(self): """ Saves a list with channel names and current values. Returns a list of tuples (channel_name, channel_value)""" chan_list = [] for i in self.channel_widgets: for j in i: if(j[1] != "pause"): if(j[1] != "play"): if(j[1] != "reset"): chan_list.append((j[1],j[2])); return chan_list def channels_load(self, chan_list): """ Loads a list with channel names and values into the current channel list """ for i in self.channnel_widgets: for j in i: cnt = 0 while(j[1] == chan_list[cnt][0]): j[1] = chann_list[cnt][0] j[2] = chan_list[cnt][1] cnt = cnt+1 self.widgets_reset() def set_channel_metadata(self): """ Saves channel data as metadata. Can be called in write_file() to save channel/widget data """ mdata = self.channels_save() for i in mdata: self.window.metadata['channel-'+i[0]] = str(i[1]) def get_channel_metadata(self): """ Retrieves channel data from metadata. Can be called after widgets have been created to retrieve channel data and reset widgets """ for i in self.channel_widgets: for j in i: mdata = self.window.metadata.get('channel-'+j[1],'0') if mdata is None: continue else: try: j[2] = float(mdata) except: j[2] = mdata self.widgets_reset() def nofocus(self): pass def focus_connect(self): if not self.connected: self.focus = True self.in_id = self.window.connect('focus_in_event', self.focus_in) self.out_id = self.window.connect('focus_out_event', self.focus_out) self.connected = True def focus_disconnect(self): if self.connected: self.window.disconnect(self.in_id) self.window.disconnect(self.out_id) self.connected = False def __init__(self,act,colour=(-1,-1,-1),vert=True,toolbox=None): """Constructor act: activity object colour: bg colour RGB tuple (R,G, B) vert: True for vertical topmost arrangement, horiz. otherwise toolbox: activity toolbox object, if None (default) a standard toolbox will be supplied""" self.sliders = [] self.slids = 0 self.spins = [] self.spinbs = 0 self.buttons = [] self.butts = 0 self.cbbuttons = [] self.cbbutts = 0 self.mbuttons = [] self.mbutts = 0 self.boxes = [] self.connected = False self.channel_widgets = [self.sliders, self.spins, self.buttons] self.filenames = dict() self.window = act if toolbox == None: self.toolbox = activity.ActivityToolbox(self.window) else: self.toolbox = toolbox self.window.set_toolbox(self.toolbox) self.toolbox.show() if colour[0] >= 0: self.window.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.Color(colour[0],colour[1],colour[2], 0)) if vert: self.outbox = gtk.VBox() else: self.outbox = gtk.HBox() self.window.set_canvas(self.outbox) self.data_path = os.path.join(act.get_activity_root(),"data/") self.outbox.show() self.logger = sugar.logger.logging.getLogger('csndsugui') class CsoundGUI(BasicGUI): """A class inheriting from BasicGUI containing a Csound instance and a performance thread instance.""" def set_channel(self,name,val): """overrides the base method. sets the bus channel value, called by the widget callbacks channel names 'play', 'pause' and 'reset' are reserved for these respective uses""" if not self.ready: if name == "play": self.play() elif name == "pause": self.pause() elif name == "reset": self.reset() self.csound.SetChannel(name,val) else: BasicGUI.set_channel(self,name,val) def set_filechannel(self,chan,name): """overrides the base method, setting the channel string""" if not self.ready: self.csound.SetChannel(chan,name) else: BasicGUI.set_filechannel(self,chan,name) def set_message(self, mess): """overrides the base method, sends a score message""" self.perf.InputMessage(mess) def set_focus(self): """overrides the base class method, resetting/recompiling Csound""" if self.focus: self.compile() self.channels_reinit() if self.replay and not self.on: self.play() self.logger.debug("focus_off and playing") else: self.replay = self.on self.logger.debug("focus_out and stopping") self.reset() def play(self): """Starts a performance. """ if not self.on: if self.paused: return self.on = True self.perf.Play() else: self.on = False self.perf.Pause() def pause(self): """Pauses a performance. """ if self.on: self.on = False self.paused = True self.perf.Pause() elif self.paused: self.on = True self.paused = False self.perf.Play() def csd(self, name): """Sets the source CSD and compiles it. name: CSD filename returns zero if successful""" path = activity.get_bundle_path() if self.ready: res = self.csound.Compile("%s/%s" % (path,name)) if not res: self.ready = False self.focus_connect() self.path = path self.name = name return res def recompile(self): """Recompiles the set CSD. returns zero if successful""" if not self.ready and self.name != "0": self.perf.Stop() self.perf.Join() self.on = False self.paused = False self.perf = csnd.CsoundPerformanceThread(self.csound) if self.arglist != None: res = self.csound.Compile(self.arglist.argc(),self.arglist.argv()) else: res = self.csound.Compile("%s/%s" % (self.path,self.name)) if(res): self.ready = True return res def compile(self,name=None,args=[]): """Compiles Csound code. name: CSD filename if given args: list of arguments (as strings) returns 0 if successful , non-zero if not.""" if self.ready: if args != []: self.arglist = csnd.CsoundArgVList() self.path = activity.get_bundle_path() if name != None: self.name = name elif self.name == "0": return -1 if self.arglist != None: if name != None: self.arglist.Append("csound") self.arglist.Append("%s/%s" % (self.path,self.name)) for i in args: self.arglist.Append(i) res = self.csound.Compile(self.arglist.argc(),self.arglist.argv()) else: res = self.csound.Compile("%s/%s" % (self.path,self.name)) if not res: self.ready = False self.connect_focus() else: self.arglist = None return res def reset(self): """Resets Csound, ready for a new CSD""" if not self.ready: self.perf.Stop() self.perf.Join() self.on = False self.paused = False self.perf = csnd.CsoundPerformanceThread(self.csound) self.ready = True def close(self, event): self.reset() sys.exit(0) def __init__(self,act,colour=(-1,-1,-1),vert=True): """constructor act: activity object colour: bg colour RGB tuple (R,G, B) vert: True for vertical topmost arrangement, horiz. otherwise.""" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C') self.csound = csnd.Csound() self.perf = csnd.CsoundPerformanceThread(self.csound) BasicGUI.__init__(self,act,colour,vert) self.ready = True self.on = False self.paused = False self.name = "0" self.arglist = None self.replay = False