${ import math def my_floor(num): return int(math.floor(num)) def my_ceil(num): return int(math.ceil(num)) # Should we set the line width in the engine to 2.25, and draw non pixel aligned lines? # Are these already the correct sizes for the XO? # These sizes need to be sanity checked ... if scaling == "100": xo = True line_width = 2.0 # 2.25px, rounded down thick_line_width = 3.5 # 3.5 subcell_size = 15 icon_base = 11 bullet_size = 9.5 font_height = 24 default_padding = 6 toolbutton_padding = 10 else: # About 72% of the XO size, adjusted so that eg. toolbuttons work xo = False line_width = 2.0 # 1.62 rounded up thick_line_width = 3.0 # 2.52 subcell_size = 11 # 10.8 icon_base = 8 # 7.92 bullet_size = 6.5 # 6.84 # This is a guess on the font size (Sans 10 at 96 DPI) font_height = 17 default_padding = 4 # 4.32 toolbutton_padding = 7 # 7.68 # Radio size used to be: # # radio_size = my_floor(subcell_size + bullet_size + line_width) # # But a screenshot shows that the graphic was actually rendered at 26px # so the SVG displays at the correct size. # FIXME this only works for 100, has not been tested in 75 resolution radio_size = 26 # FIXME this should be calculated with the radio size and the bullet # size: scale_trough_margin = 8 scale_slider_width = my_floor(2 * subcell_size + line_width) thickness = my_ceil(line_width) icon_small = icon_base * 3 icon_large = icon_base * 5 } * { -sugar-focus-line: @white; /* A lot of these will probably need to be changed, but this has to be done when the exact sizes are known */ -GtkWidget-interior-focus: 0; /* we have to disable focus border for GtkTreeView, see #1261 */ -GtkTreeView-interior-focus: 1; -GtkTreeView-focus-line-width: 0; -GtkTextView-interior-focus: 1; -GtkWidget-focus-line-width: 0; /* Prevents some drawing glitches */ -GtkEntry-focus-line-width: 0; -GtkScale-focus-line-width: 0; -GtkWidget-focus-padding: 0; /* 0.05 works good for both the sugar and sugar-xo themes */ -GtkWidget-cursor-aspect-ratio: 0.05; -GtkWidget-wide-separators: true; -GtkWidget-separator-height: $thickness; -GtkWidget-separator-width: $thickness; -GtkWidget-scroll-arrow-hlength: $subcell_size; -GtkWidget-scroll-arrow-vlength: $subcell_size; -GtkRange-activate-slider: 1; /* We fake the default border in the theme */ -GtkButton-default-border: 0 0 0 0; -GtkButton-default-outside-border: 0 0 0 0; -GtkButton-image-spacing: $subcell_size; -GtkEntry-progress-border: $thickness $thickness $thickness $thickness; -GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbar-spacing: 0; -GtkExpander-expander-size: $font_height; -GtkExpander-expander-spacing: 2; -GtkTreeView-expander-size: $font_height; -GtkArrow-arrow-size: 1.0; -GtkToolbar-space-size: $(2*subcell_size); -GtkToolbar-shadow-type: none; -GtkProgressBar-min-horizontal-bar-height: $subcell_size; -GtkProgressBar-min-vertical-bar-width: $subcell_size; -GtkButtonBox-child-min-height: $(3*subcell_size); -GtkButtonBox-child-min-width: $(3*subcell_size); -GtkButtonBox-child-internal-pad-x: 0; -GtkButtonBox-child-internal-pad-y: 0; -GtkCheckButton-indicator-size: $radio_size; -GtkCheckButton-indicator-spacing: 3; -GtkWidget-text-handle-width: 110px; -GtkWidget-text-handle-height: 110px; } *:insensitive { color: @button_grey; } /* Backgrounds and windows */ GtkWindow { background-color: @panel_grey; color: @black; } GtkDialog { background-color: @black; color: @white; } SugarIntroWindow { background-color: @white; } SugarIntroWindow { color: @black; } GtkLabel, GtkLabel:insensitive { background-color: transparent; } /* Buttons */ .button { ${ border = max(0, my_ceil((3*subcell_size/2.0 - icon_small / 2.0))) } /* It would be nicer to just set the inner-border, but that does not work for combo boxes ... The combobox ignores it, so set it to 0px See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485762 */ -GtkButton-inner-border: 0 0 0 0; padding: $(border)px $(border)px $(border)px $(border)px; border-width: $(thickness)px; border-color: @button_grey; border-style: solid; border-radius: $(2*subcell_size)px; background-color: @button_grey; color: @white; } .button:focused { border-color: @white; } .button:active { background-color: @white; } .button:insensitive { background-color: transparent; } .button:active:focused { color: @black; border-color: @button_grey; } /* Spin buttons */ .spinbutton.button { border-radius: 0px; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; background-color: @button_grey; } .spinbutton.button:last-child { border-radius: 0px $(2*subcell_size)px $(2*subcell_size)px 0px; border-width: 0px 0px 0px $(thickness)px; border-style: solid; border-color: @selection_grey; } .spinbutton.button:active { background-color: @black; } .spinbutton.button:insensitive { background-color: @selection_grey; } /* Toggle buttons */ GtkToggleButton.button:active { background-color: @white; color: @black; } /* Entries and views */ .view { border-width: 0px; border-style: none; border-radius: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: @white; } GtkTreeView { background-color: @button_grey; } GtkTreeView row:nth-child(even) { background-color: @row_even; } GtkTreeView row:nth-child(odd) { background-color: @row_odd; } .entry { border-radius: $(2 * subcell_size)px; border-width: $(thickness)px; border-color: @text_field_grey; border-style: solid; background-color: @text_field_grey; color: @black; ${ entry_ythickness = my_ceil(0.2 * (subcell_size*3.0/2.0 - thickness) + thickness) } ${ entry_xthickness = my_ceil(0.32 * (subcell_size*3.0/2.0 - thickness) + thickness) } padding: $(2 * max(my_ceil((3*subcell_size - font_height - entry_ythickness*2)/2.0),0))px $(2 * max(subcell_size - entry_xthickness, 0))px $(2 * max(my_floor((3*subcell_size - font_height - entry_ythickness*2)/2.0), 0))px $(2 * max(subcell_size - entry_xthickness, 0))px; } .entry.progressbar { border-radius: $(2 * subcell_size)px; border-width: $(thickness)px; background-color: @selection_grey; } .entry:focused { background-color: @white; } .toolbar .entry:focused { border-color: @white; } .entry:insensitive, .view:insensitive { background-color: @button_grey; } .entry:insensitive { border-color: @button_grey; } .view:selected { background-color: @panel_grey; color: @black; } .entry:selected, .entry:selected:focused, .view:selected:focused { background-color: @selection_grey; color: @black; } .entry:selected, .entry:selected:focused { border-color: @selection_grey; } /* Frames */ GtkScrolledWindow.frame { border-style: solid; border-color: @selection_grey; border-width: $(thickness)px; border-radius: 0; padding: $(default_padding)px; } GtkFrame.frame.journal-preview-box { border-style: solid; border-color: @button_grey; border-width: $(thickness)px; } /* Combo boxes */ GtkComboBox { color: @white; } GtkComboBox .separator { /* Remove the separator turning it transparent */ color: alpha(@theme_base_color, 0.0); } /* Notebooks */ .notebook { background-color: @selection_grey; color: @black; padding: 0px; -GtkNotebook-tab-overlap: -2; -GtkNotebook-tab-curvature: $default_padding; } .notebook tab { background-color: @selection_grey; } /* Setting white color to the tab labels using only the previous rule */ /* doesn't work, so we have to set white color to the GtkLabel, and make */ /* sure the buttons get black color in the next two rules: */ .notebook tab GtkLabel { color: @white; padding: $(subcell_size)px 0; } .notebook tab .button GtkLabel { color: @black; } .notebook tab:active { background-color: @toolbar_grey; } .notebook tab .button { border-radius: $(toolbutton_padding)px; } /* Browse Widgets */ BrowseTabPage { background-color: @black; } BrowseSearchWindow .view { background-color: @black; color: @white; border-color: @button_grey; border-width: 0 $(thickness)px $(thickness)px $(thickness)px; border-style: solid; } /* Control panel */ SugarSectionView { background-color: @white; color: @black; } SugarSectionView *:insensitive { background-color: @white; } /* Alert */ SugarAlert { background-color: @black; color: @white; } SugarAlert *:insensitive { background-color: @black; } .button SugarTimeoutIcon GtkLabel, .button SugarTimeoutIcon GtkLabel:prelight { background-color: @white; color: @button_grey; border-radius: $(2 * subcell_size)px; } .button SugarTimeoutIcon GtkLabel:active { background-color: @toolbar_grey; color: @white; } /* Tray */ SugarHTray, SugarVTray { background-color: @toolbar_grey; } SugarHTray * , SugarVTray * { background-color: @toolbar_grey;} /* Menus and palettes */ SugarPaletteWindowWidget { border-width: $(thickness)px; border-color: @button_grey; border-style: solid; background-color: @black; color: @white; } SugarPaletteWindowWidget .view { color: @black; } SugarPaletteMenuWidget { background-color: @black; } SugarPaletteMenuWidget * { color: @white; } SugarPaletteWindow SugarGroupBox { background-color: @toolbar_grey; color: @white; } SugarPaletteWindow SugarGroupBox *:insensitive { background-color: @toolbar_grey; } .menu { background-color: @black; color: @white; -GtkMenu-scroll-arrow-vlength: $(my_floor(subcell_size/0.7 + 2*thickness)); -GtkMenu-horizontal-padding: $thickness; -GtkMenu-vertical-padding : $thickness; /* This means the outline of the submenu overlaps with a palette. * However in the case of two normal menus, they are next to each other. * It is not possible to be smarter about this, because the style comes from * the submenu. */ -GtkMenu-horizontal-offset : 0; -GtkMenu-vertical-offset : 0; padding: 0px 0px $(subcell_size)px 0px; border-width: 2px; border-color: @button_grey; border-style: solid; } .menu :active { background-color: @button_grey; } .menuitem { padding: $(subcell_size)px $((subcell_size * 3 - font_height) / 2)px; } .menuitem:prelight { background-color: @button_grey; } .menuitem.separator { padding: $(subcell_size)px 0px; } SugarPaletteHeader.menuitem { padding: 0px $((subcell_size * 3 - font_height) / 2)px; } SugarPaletteHeader.menuitem:prelight { background-color: @black; } SugarPaletteHeaderSeparator.menuitem.separator { padding: 0px 0px $(subcell_size)px 0px; } .tooltip { background-color: @black; border-style: solid; border-width: $(thickness)px; border-color: @button_grey; } .tooltip * { color: @white; } /* Scrollbars */ .scrollbar { -GtkRange-slider-width: $subcell_size; -GtkRange-trough-border: 0; -GtkRange-stepper-size: 0; -GtkScrollbar-min-slider-length: $(3*subcell_size); -GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: 0; -GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: 0; -GtkScrollbar-has-secondary-forward-stepper: 0; -GtkScrollbar-has-secondary-backward-stepper: 0; } .scrollbar.trough { background-color: @button_grey; border-width: 0px; } .scrollbar.slider { background-color: @white; border-radius: $(2*subcell_size)px; border-width: 0px; } .scrollbar.slider:active { background-color: @text_field_grey; } /* Progress bars */ /* Scrollbar padding hack? What was that about? */ GtkProgressBar.progressbar { background-color: @white; border-color: @button_grey; border-radius: $(subcell_size)px; border-style: solid; border-width: $(thickness)px; } GtkProgressBar.trough { background-color: @selection_grey; border-style: solid; border-radius: $(subcell_size)px; border-color: @button_grey; border-width: $(thickness)px; } .toolbar GtkProgressBar.trough, SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkProgressBar.trough { background-color: @black; } /* Separators */ .separator { border-style: solid; border-color: @button_grey; border-width: $(thickness)px; } /* Tool buttons */ .toolbar { padding: 0px; background-color: @toolbar_grey; color: @white; } .toolbar .button, SugarPaletteWindowWidget SugarRadioToolButton .button { border-color: transparent; border-radius: 0px; border-style: none; } .toolbar .button #gtk-toolbar-arrow { padding: 0 $(subcell_size + default_padding)px; } .toolbar GtkToolButton .button, .toolbar SugarRadioToolButton *, SugarPaletteWindowWidget SugarRadioToolButton *, SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkToolButton .button { background-color: transparent; border-radius: $(toolbutton_padding)px; padding: $(toolbutton_padding)px; } .toolbar GtkToolButton .button, SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkToolButton .button:prelight { padding: $(toolbutton_padding - default_padding)px; border-width: $(default_padding)px; border-style: solid; background-clip: padding-box; } .toolbar GtkToolButton .button:prelight, SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkToolButton .button:prelight { background-color: @black; } .toolbar SugarRadioToolButton *:active, SugarPaletteWindowWidget SugarRadioToolButton *:active { background-color: @button_grey; border-radius: $(toolbutton_padding)px; } SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkToolButton .button:active { background-color: @transparent; } .toolbar GtkToolButton .button:active { background-color: @button_grey; border-radius: $(toolbutton_padding)px; } SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkScrolledWindow * { background-color: @black; } .toolbar GtkComboBox .button { border-radius: $(2*subcell_size)px; } /* Scales */ .scale { -GtkScale-slider-length: $scale_slider_width; -GtkRange-slider-width: $scale_slider_width; } /* We have to override the color of the scale, otherwise the slider background image is invisible or not set for this palettes. Upstream bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=686703 */ SugarPaletteWindowWidget .scale { color: transparent; } .scale.trough { background-color: @button_grey; border-style: solid; border-color: @button_grey; border-width: $(thickness)px; margin: $(scale_trough_margin)px 0; } .scale.trough.vertical { margin: 0 $(scale_trough_margin)px; } .scale.trough:focused { border-color: @white; } .scale.trough.top, .scale.trough.left { background-color: @white; } .scale.trough.top:focused, .scale.trough.left:focused { border-color: @selection_grey; } .scale.trough { border-radius: 0px $(2*subcell_size)px $(2*subcell_size)px 0px; } .scale.trough.vertical { border-radius: 0px 0px $(2*subcell_size)px $(2*subcell_size)px; } .scale.trough.top { border-radius: $(2*subcell_size)px $(2*subcell_size)px 0px 0px; } .scale.trough.left { border-radius: $(2*subcell_size)px 0px 0px $(2*subcell_size)px; } .scale.slider, .scale.slider:active { background-color: transparent; } .scale.slider { background-image: url("assets/scale-slider.svg"); } .scale.slider:active { background-image: url("assets/scale-slider-active.svg"); } /* Radio and check buttons */ GtkCheckButton:prelight { background-color: alpha(@theme_base_color, 0.0); } .toolbar GtkCheckButton, SugarPaletteWindowWidget GtkCheckButton { color: @theme_base_color; } .radio, .radio row:selected, .radio row:selected:focused { background-image: url("assets/radio.svg"); background-color: alpha(@theme_base_color, 0.0); } .radio:selected, .radio:selected row:selected, .radio:selected row:selected:focused { background-image: url("assets/radio-selected.svg"); } .radio:active, .radio row:selected:active, .radio row:selected:focused:active { background-image: url("assets/radio-active.svg"); } .radio:active:selected, .radio:selected row:selected:active, .radio:selected row:selected:focused:active { background-image: url("assets/radio-active-selected.svg"); } .check, .check row:selected, .check row:selected:focused { background-image: url("assets/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); background-color: alpha(@theme_base_color, 0.0); } .check:selected, .check:selected row:selected, .check:selected row:selected:focused { background-image: url("assets/checkbox-unchecked-selected.svg"); } .check:active, .check row:selected:active, .check row:selected:focused:active { background-image: url("assets/checkbox-checked.svg"); } .check:active:selected, .check:selected row:selected:active, .check:selected row:selected:focused:active { background-image: url("assets/checkbox-checked-selected.svg"); } /* Tool items */ .toolitem { /* arrow in the toolbarbox */ color: @white; /* outline of the toolbarbutton when palette is expanded */ border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: @button_grey; } /* GtkImage */ GtkImage { background-color: transparent; } /* Sugar Frame Window */ SugarFrameWindow { background-color: @toolbar_grey; } /* Sugar Canvas icon */ SugarCanvasIcon { border-color: transparent; border-radius: $(4 * thickness)px; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; } SugarCanvasIcon:prelight { border-color: @zoom_views_prelight; background-color: @zoom_views_prelight; } SugarCanvasIcon:active { border-color: @zoom_views_active; background-color: @zoom_views_active; } /* Sugar CellRenderer Icons */ .cell.sugar-icon-cell { background-color: transparent; border-radius: $(4 * thickness)px; border-color: @white; border-width: $(thickness)px; border-style: solid; } .cell.sugar-icon-cell:prelight { background-color: @zoom_views_prelight; } .cell.sugar-icon-cell:active { background-color: @zoom_views_active; } /* Text cursor handles */ .cursor-handle.top, .cursor-handle.bottom { background-color: transparent; box-shadow: none; border-style: none; border-image: none; border-radius: 0px; border-width: 0px; } .cursor-handle.bottom { background-image: url("assets/cursor-handle-bottom.svg"); } .cursor-handle.top { background-image: url("assets/cursor-handle-top.svg"); } .cursor-handle.insertion-cursor { background-image: url("assets/cursor-handle-insertion.svg"); } /* Application specific properties */ EvView { background-color: @panel_grey; } EvView:selected, ApDocView:selected { background-color: @selection_grey; }