#!/usr/bin/env python # Domino con cuentas # By Gonzalo Odiard, 2006 godiard at gmail.com # GPL License - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk import cairo import os import sys import json import logging from gettext import gettext as _ from sugar3.activity import activity from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarBox from sugar3.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton from sugar3.activity.widgets import StopButton import dominoview from dominoview import DominoTableView from dominogame import DominoGame from dominogame import DominoGamePoints from dominopiece import DominoPiece from dominopieceprocessor import PieceProcessorMathSimple from dominopieceprocessor import PieceProcessorProductTable from dominopieceprocessor import PieceProcessorPoints from dominopieceprocessor import PieceProcessorFractions class Domino(activity.Activity): """ La activity arma la Toolbar, el canvas e inicia el juego """ def __init__(self, handle): activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle, create_jobject=False) toolbar_box = ToolbarBox() self.set_toolbar_box(toolbar_box) self._activity_toolbar_button = ActivityToolbarButton(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self._activity_toolbar_button, 0) self._activity_toolbar_button.show() # lista con los puntajes self.list_points = [] # lista de los processors self.list_processors = [] self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorMathSimple()) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(2)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(3)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(4)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(5)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(6)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(7)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(8)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorProductTable(9)) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorPoints()) self.list_processors.append(PieceProcessorFractions()) # agrego combo para tipo de juego cmbItem = Gtk.ToolItem() self.cmbTipoPiezas = Gtk.ComboBoxText() self.read_file() for processor in self.list_processors: # inicializo puntajes name = processor.get_name() self.cmbTipoPiezas.append_text(name) if self.get_points_by_name(name) is None: game_points = DominoGamePoints() game_points.name = name self.list_points.append(game_points) cmbItem.add(self.cmbTipoPiezas) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(cmbItem, -1) self.cmbTipoPiezas.show() cmbItem.show() self.cmbTipoPiezas.set_active(0) self.btnStart = ToolButton('dialog-ok') self.btnStart.connect('clicked', self._start_game) self.btnStart.set_tooltip(_('Start')) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self.btnStart, -1) self.btnStart.show() self.btnNew = ToolButton('list-add') self.btnNew.connect('clicked', self._add_piece) self.btnNew.set_tooltip(_('Get piece')) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self.btnNew, -1) self.btnNew.show() self.btnPass = ToolButton('go-next') self.btnPass.connect('clicked', self._pass_next_player) self.btnPass.set_tooltip(_('Pass')) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self.btnPass, -1) self.btnPass.show() self.btnScores = ToolButton('scores') self.btnScores.connect('clicked', self._show_scores) self.btnScores.set_tooltip(_('Scores')) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(self.btnScores, -1) self.btnScores.show() separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_size_request(0, -1) separator.set_expand(True) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1) separator.show() stop_button = StopButton(self) toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1) stop_button.show() toolbar_box.show_all() self.drawingarea = Gtk.DrawingArea() self.drawingarea.set_size_request(dominoview.SCREEN_WIDTH, dominoview.SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.drawingarea.show() self.drawingarea.set_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.EXPOSURE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.TOUCH_MASK) self.drawingarea.connect('draw', self.__draw_cb) self.drawingarea.connect('event', self.__event_cb) self.connect('key-press-event', self.on_keypress) self.set_canvas(self.drawingarea) self.game = None self.show_scores = False self.surface = None self.drawingarea.queue_draw() def get_points_by_name(self, game_processor_name): for points in self.list_points: if points == game_processor_name: return points return None def add_points_by_name(self, game_processor_name, win): for points in self.list_points: if (points.name == game_processor_name): points.played = points.played + 1 if win: points.win = points.win + 1 else: points.lost = points.lost + 1 def __draw_cb(self, drawingarea, ctx): if (self.show_scores): table = DominoTableView() table.show_scores(ctx, self.list_points) return if self.game is None: table = DominoTableView() table.help(ctx) return ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface) ctx.paint() # test end game (se puede poner en otro metodo) end_game = False win = False # Dibujo la pieza seleccionada player = self.game.ui_player player.get_pieces()[player.order_piece_selected].draw(ctx, True) for player in self.game.players: # dibujo las piezas del jugador pieces = player.get_pieces() if len(pieces) == 0: end_game = True if self.game.ui_player == player: win = True # Chequeo si todos los jugadores pasaron all_has_passed = True for player in self.game.players: if (not player.has_passed): all_has_passed = False # si todos pasaron veo quien tiene menos fichas if all_has_passed: min_cant_pieces = 100 player_with_minus_pieces = None for player in self.game.players: if len(player.get_pieces()) < min_cant_pieces: min_cant_pieces = len(player.get_pieces()) player_with_minus_pieces = player end_game = True # no estoy manejando un empate # (ambos jugadores con la misma cantidad de piezas) if player_with_minus_pieces == player: win = True if self.game.table: self.game.table.show_status(ctx, self.game.get_status()) if end_game: self.add_points_by_name(self.game.processor.get_name(), win) self.game.table.msg_end_game(ctx, win) def __event_cb(self, widget, event): if event.type in (Gdk.EventType.TOUCH_BEGIN, Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS): x = int(event.get_coords()[1]) y = int(event.get_coords()[2]) if self.game.game_state == DominoGame.GAME_STATE_SELECT_PIECE: for player in self.game.players: i = 0 for piece in player.get_pieces(): if piece.visible and piece.check_touched(x, y): player.order_piece_selected = i self.drawingarea.queue_draw() i += 1 def draw_pieces(self): self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface( cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, dominoview.SCREEN_WIDTH, dominoview.SCREEN_HEIGHT) surf_ctx = cairo.Context(self.surface) if (self.game.table): self.game.table.paint(surf_ctx) # ordeno la lista de las fichas puestas desde arriba a la izq # hacia abajo a la derecha # para que se encimen bien cuando se dibujan self.game.placed_pieces.sort( lambda pieceA, pieceB: int(pieceA.x - pieceB.x + pieceA.y * 100 - pieceB.y * 100)) for piece in self.game.placed_pieces: if piece.visible: piece.draw(surf_ctx, False) for player in self.game.players: pieces = player.get_pieces() # the first player have the pieces flipped flipped = player == self.game.players[0] # TODO: replace for m (m is needed below) for m in range(0, len(pieces)): piece = pieces[m] if piece.visible: if self.game.game_state != \ DominoGame.GAME_STATE_LOCATE_PIECE \ or (m != self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected): piece.draw(surf_ctx, False, flipped) # to debug #self.game.table.show_values(surf_ctx, self.game.values) #self.game.table.mark_tile(surf_ctx, self.game.start) #self.game.table.mark_tile(surf_ctx, self.game.end) def _start_game(self, button): if self.show_scores: self.show_scores = False # Aqui comienza el juego processor = self.list_processors[self.cmbTipoPiezas.get_active()] self.game = DominoGame(processor, self.drawingarea) self.game.btnPass = self.btnPass self.game.btnNew = self.btnNew # Al principio se puede pedir pero no pasar self.game.btnNew.props.sensitive = True self.game.btnPass.props.sensitive = False self.game.start_game(2) self.game.show_pieces_player(self.game.ui_player) self.draw_pieces() self.drawingarea.queue_draw() def _add_piece(self, button): pieces = self.game.take_pieces(1) if (len(pieces) > 0): piece = pieces[0] self.game.ui_player.get_pieces().append(piece) # esto no es mejor hay que hacerlo en la creacion? piece.player = self.game.ui_player piece.state = DominoPiece.PIECE_PLAYER self.game.show_pieces_player(self.game.ui_player) self.draw_pieces() self.drawingarea.queue_draw() else: self.game.btnNew.props.sensitive = False self.game.btnPass.props.sensitive = True def _pass_next_player(self, button): if (self.show_scores): self.show_scores = False else: self.game.ui_player.has_passed = True self.game.ui_player.end_play() self.drawingarea.queue_draw() def _show_scores(self, button): self.show_scores = True self.drawingarea.queue_draw() def on_keypress(self, widget, event): key = Gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) # Agrego las teclas de juego de la XO (Circulo arriba = KP_Page_Up, # X = KP_Page_Down, Check = KP_End if key in ('KP_Up', 'KP_Right', 'KP_Down', 'KP_Left', 'KP_Page_Up', 'KP_Page_Down', 'KP_End', 'space', 'KP_8', 'KP_6', 'KP_2', 'KP_4', 'Escape', 'Return', 'Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right'): if key == 'KP_Page_Up': key = 'space' elif key == 'KP_Page_Down': key = 'Escape' elif key == 'KP_End': key = 'Return' elif key in ('Up', 'KP_8'): key = 'KP_Up' elif key in ('Right', 'KP_6'): key = 'KP_Right' elif key in ('Down', 'KP_2'): key = 'KP_Down' elif key in ('Left', 'KP_4'): key = 'KP_Left' self.key_action(key) return True def key_action(self, key): redraw = False if self.show_scores: self.show_scores = False redraw = True if self.game.game_state == DominoGame.GAME_STATE_SELECT_PIECE: # Seleccionamos las distintas piezas if key == 'KP_Up' or key == 'KP_Right': if (self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected < len(self.game.ui_player.get_pieces()) - 1): self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected = \ self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected + 1 else: self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected = 0 redraw = True if key == 'KP_Down' or key == 'KP_Left': if self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected > 0: self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected = \ self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected - 1 else: self.game.ui_player.order_piece_selected = \ len(self.game.ui_player.get_pieces()) - 1 redraw = True if key == 'Return': # Elegimos una pieza para jugar player = self.game.ui_player piece = player.get_pieces()[player.order_piece_selected] if player.place_piece(piece): player.end_play() self.draw_pieces() redraw = True if redraw: self.drawingarea.queue_draw() return def can_close(self): # save the file itself act_root = self.get_activity_root() file_name = os.path.join(act_root, "data", "Scores.json") data_points = [] for points in self.list_points: data = {} data["name"] = points.name data["played"] = points.played data["win"] = points.win data["lost"] = points.lost data_points.append(data) try: fd = open(file_name, 'wt') json.dump(data_points, fd) fd.close() except: logging.error("Write error: %s", sys.exc_info()[0]) return True def read_file(self): act_root = self.get_activity_root() file_name = os.path.join(act_root, "data", "Scores.json") if os.path.exists(file_name): fd = open(file_name, 'rt') try: # lo meto en una variable intermedia por si hay problemas data_points = json.load(fd) self.list_points = [] for data in data_points: # inicializo puntajes points = DominoGamePoints() points.name = data["name"] points.played = data["played"] points.win = data["win"] points.lost = data["lost"] self.list_points.append(points) except: logging.error("Error leyendo puntajes %s", sys.exc_info()[0]) finally: fd.close()