/** _enyo.FittableColumns_ provides a container in which items are laid out in a set of vertical columns, with most items having natural size, but one expanding to fill the remaining space. The one that expands is labeled with the attribute _fit: true_. For example, the following code will align three components as columns, with the second filling the available container space between the first and third: enyo.kind({ kind: "FittableColumns", components: [ {content: "1"}, {content: "2", fit:true}, {content: "3"} ] }); Alternatively, you may set a kind's _layoutKind_ property to enyo.FittableColumnsLayout to use a different base kind while still employing the fittable layout strategy, e.g.: enyo.kind({ kind: enyo.Control, layoutKind: "FittableColumnsLayout", components: [ {content: "1"}, {content: "2", fit:true}, {content: "3"} ] }); */ enyo.kind({ name: "enyo.FittableColumns", layoutKind: "FittableColumnsLayout", /** By default, items in columns stretch to fit vertically; set to true to avoid this behavior. */ noStretch: false });