/** A box that shows or hides a check mark when clicked. The onChange event is fired when it is clicked. Use getValue() to fetch the checked status. {kind: "onyx.Checkbox", onchange: "checkboxClicked"} checkboxClicked: function(inSender) { if (inSender.getValue()) { this.log("I've been checked!"); } } */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.Checkbox", classes: "onyx-checkbox", //* @protected kind: enyo.Checkbox, tag: "div", handlers: { ondown:"downHandler", // prevent double onchange bubble in IE onclick: "" }, downHandler: function(inSender, e) { if (!this.disabled) { this.setChecked(!this.getChecked()); this.bubble("onchange"); } return true; }, tap: function(inSender, e) { return !this.disabled; } });