/** An icon that acts like a button. The icon image is specified by setting the *src* property to a URL. {kind: "onyx.IconButton", src: "images/search.png", ontap: "buttonTap"} If you want to combine an icon with text inside a button, use an onyx.Icon inside an onyx.Button, e.g.: {kind: "onyx.Button", ontap: "buttonTap", components: [ {kind: "onyx.Icon", src: "images/search.png"}, {content: "Button"} ]} The image associated with the *src* property of the IconButton is assumed to be 32x64-pixel strip with the top half showing the button's normal state and the bottom half showing its state when hovered-over or active. */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.IconButton", kind: "onyx.Icon", published: { active: false }, classes: "onyx-icon-button", //* @protected rendered: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this.activeChanged(); }, tap: function() { this.setActive(true); }, activeChanged: function() { this.bubble("onActivate"); } });