/** A control that activates an onyx.Picker. It loosely couples the Picker with an activating onyx.PickerButton. The decorator must surround both the activating button and the picker itself. When the button is activated, the picker shows itself in the correct position relative to the activator. {kind: "onyx.PickerDecorator", components: [ {}, //this uses the defaultKind property of PickerDecorator to inherit from PickerButton {kind: "onyx.Picker", components: [ {content: "Gmail", active: true}, {content: "Yahoo"}, {content: "Outlook"}, {content: "Hotmail"} ]} ]} */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.PickerDecorator", kind: "onyx.MenuDecorator", classes: "onyx-picker-decorator", defaultKind: "onyx.PickerButton", handlers: { onChange: "change" }, change: function(inSender, inEvent) { this.waterfallDown("onChange", inEvent); } });