/** An onyx-styled RichText control. In addition to the features of enyo.RichText, onyx.RichText has a *defaultFocus* property that can be set to true to focus the RichText when it's rendered. Only one RichText should be set as the *defaultFocus*. Typically, an onyx.RichText is placed inside an onyx.InputDecorator, which provides styling, e.g.: {kind: "onyx.InputDecorator", components: [ {kind: "onyx.RichText", style: "width: 100px;", onchange: "inputChange"} ]} Note that RichTexts must be explicitly sized for width. In addition, RichText is not supported on Android < 3. */ enyo.kind({ name: "onyx.RichText", kind: "enyo.RichText", classes: "onyx-richtext" });