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path: root/pdf/xpdf/FontFile.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/pdf/xpdf/FontFile.h b/pdf/xpdf/FontFile.h
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index 7aa5ba9..0000000
--- a/pdf/xpdf/FontFile.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// FontFile.h
-// Copyright 1999-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
-#ifndef FONTFILE_H
-#define FONTFILE_H
-#include <aconf.h>
-#pragma interface
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "gtypes.h"
-#include "GString.h"
-#include "CharTypes.h"
-class GHash;
-class CharCodeToUnicode;
-typedef void (*FontFileOutputFunc)(void *stream, char *data, int len);
-// FontFile
-class FontFile {
- FontFile();
- virtual ~FontFile();
- // Returns the font name, as specified internally by the font file.
- // Returns NULL if no name is available.
- virtual char *getName() = 0;
- // Returns the custom font encoding, or NULL if the encoding is not
- // available.
- virtual char **getEncoding() = 0;
-// Type1FontFile
-class Type1FontFile: public FontFile {
- Type1FontFile(char *file, int len);
- virtual ~Type1FontFile();
- virtual char *getName() { return name; }
- virtual char **getEncoding() { return encoding; }
- char *name;
- char **encoding;
-// Type1CFontFile
-struct Type1CTopDict;
-struct Type1CPrivateDict;
-class Type1CFontFile: public FontFile {
- Type1CFontFile(char *fileA, int lenA);
- virtual ~Type1CFontFile();
- GBool isOk() { return ok; }
- virtual char *getName();
- virtual char **getEncoding();
- // Convert to a Type 1 font, suitable for embedding in a PostScript
- // file. The name will be used as the PostScript font name.
- void convertToType1(FontFileOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA);
- // Convert to a Type 0 CIDFont, suitable for embedding in a
- // PostScript file. The name will be used as the PostScript font
- // name.
- void convertToCIDType0(char *psName,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA);
- // Convert to a Type 0 (but non-CID) composite font, suitable for
- // embedding in a PostScript file. The name will be used as the
- // PostScript font name.
- void convertToType0(char *psName,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA);
- void readEncoding();
- void readTopDict(Type1CTopDict *dict);
- void readPrivateDict(Type1CPrivateDict *privateDict,
- int offset, int size);
- Gushort *readCharset(int charset, int nGlyphs);
- void eexecWrite(char *s);
- void eexecCvtGlyph(char *glyphName, int pos, int n);
- void cvtGlyph(int pos, int n, GBool top);
- void cvtGlyphWidth(GBool useOp);
- void eexecDumpNum(double x, GBool fpA);
- void eexecDumpOp1(int opA);
- void eexecDumpOp2(int opA);
- void eexecWriteCharstring(Guchar *s, int n);
- void getDeltaInt(char *buf, char *key, double *opA, int n);
- void getDeltaReal(char *buf, char *key, double *opA, int n);
- int getIndexLen(int indexPos);
- int getIndexValPos(int indexPos, int i, int *valLen);
- int getIndexEnd(int indexPos);
- Guint getWord(int pos, int size);
- double getNum(int *pos, GBool *fp);
- char *getString(int sid, char *buf);
- Guchar *file;
- int len;
- GString *name;
- char **encoding;
- int topDictIdxPos;
- int stringIdxPos;
- int gsubrIdxPos;
- int subrIdxPos;
- int gsubrBias;
- int subrBias;
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc;
- void *outputStream;
- double op[48]; // operands
- GBool fp[48]; // true if operand is fixed point
- int nOps; // number of operands
- int nHints; // number of hints for the current glyph
- GBool firstOp; // true if we haven't hit the first op yet
- double defaultWidthX; // default glyph width
- double nominalWidthX; // nominal glyph width
- GBool defaultWidthXFP; // true if defaultWidthX is fixed point
- GBool nominalWidthXFP; // true if nominalWidthX is fixed point
- Gushort r1; // eexec encryption key
- GString *charBuf; // charstring output buffer
- int line; // number of eexec chars on current line
- GBool ok;
-// TrueTypeFontFile
-struct TTFontTableHdr;
-struct TTFontCmap;
-class TrueTypeFontFile: public FontFile {
- TrueTypeFontFile(char *fileA, int lenA);
- ~TrueTypeFontFile();
- // This always returns NULL, since it's probably better to trust the
- // font name in the PDF file rather than the one in the TrueType
- // font file.
- virtual char *getName();
- virtual char **getEncoding();
- // Return the number of cmaps defined by this font.
- int getNumCmaps();
- // Return the platform ID of the <i>th cmap.
- int getCmapPlatform(int i);
- // Return the encoding ID of the <i>th cmap.
- int getCmapEncoding(int i);
- // Return the index of the cmap for <platform>, <encoding>. Returns
- // -1 if there is no corresponding cmap.
- int findCmap(int platform, int enc);
- // Return the GID corresponding to <c> according to the <i>th cmap.
- Gushort mapCodeToGID(int i, int c);
- // Return a name-to-GID mapping, constructed from the font's post
- // table. Returns NULL if there is no post table.
- GHash *getNameToGID();
- // Convert to a Type 42 font, suitable for embedding in a PostScript
- // file. The name will be used as the PostScript font name (so we
- // don't need to depend on the 'name' table in the font). The
- // encoding is needed because the PDF Font object can modify the
- // encoding.
- void convertToType42(char *name, char **encodingA,
- GBool pdfFontHasEncoding,
- Gushort *codeToGID,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);
- // Convert to a Type 2 CIDFont, suitable for embedding in a
- // PostScript file. The name will be used as the PostScript font
- // name (so we don't need to depend on the 'name' table in the
- // font).
- void convertToCIDType2(char *name, Gushort *cidMap, int nCIDs,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);
- // Convert to a Type 0 (but non-CID) composite font, suitable for
- // embedding in a PostScript file. The name will be used as the
- // PostScript font name (so we don't need to depend on the 'name'
- // table in the font).
- void convertToType0(char *name, Gushort *cidMap, int nCIDs,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);
- // Write a TTF file, filling in any missing tables that are required
- // by the TrueType spec. If the font already has all the required
- // tables, it will be written unmodified.
- void writeTTF(FILE *out);
- char *file;
- int len;
- char **encoding;
- TTFontTableHdr *tableHdrs;
- int nTables;
- int bbox[4];
- int locaFmt;
- int nGlyphs;
- GBool mungedCmapSize;
- TTFontCmap *cmaps;
- int nCmaps;
- int getByte(int pos);
- int getChar(int pos);
- int getUShort(int pos);
- int getShort(int pos);
- Guint getULong(int pos);
- double getFixed(int pos);
- int seekTable(char *tag);
- int seekTableIdx(char *tag);
- void cvtEncoding(char **encodingA, GBool pdfFontHasEncoding,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);
- void cvtCharStrings(char **encodingA, GBool pdfFontHasEncoding,
- Gushort *codeToGID,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);
- int getCmapEntry(int cmapFmt, int pos, int code);
- void cvtSfnts(FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream,
- GString *name);
- void dumpString(char *s, int length,
- FontFileOutputFunc outputFunc, void *outputStream);
- Guint computeTableChecksum(char *data, int length);