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path: root/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h
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1 files changed, 249 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h b/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h
index e0c22c2..b501907 100644
--- a/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h
+++ b/pdf/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ class GString;
class GList;
class GfxFont;
class GfxState;
+class UnicodeMap;
typedef void (*TextOutputFunc)(void *stream, char *text, int len);
// TextFontInfo
@@ -45,13 +45,9 @@ public:
GfxFont *gfxFont;
- double horizScaling;
- double minSpaceWidth; // min width for inter-word space, as a
- // fraction of the font size
- double maxSpaceWidth; // max width for inter-word space, as a
- // fraction of the font size
+ GString *fontName;
friend class TextWord;
friend class TextPage;
@@ -65,9 +61,8 @@ class TextWord {
// Constructor.
- TextWord(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0, int charPosA,
- TextFontInfo *fontA, double fontSize);
+ TextWord(GfxState *state, int rotA, double x0, double y0,
+ int charPosA, TextFontInfo *fontA, double fontSize);
// Destructor.
@@ -76,19 +71,44 @@ public:
void addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
double dx, double dy, Unicode u);
+ // Merge <word> onto the end of <this>.
+ void merge(TextWord *word);
+ // Compares <this> to <word>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
+ // based on a primary-axis comparison, e.g., x ordering if rot=0.
+ int primaryCmp(TextWord *word);
+ // Return the distance along the primary axis between <this> and
+ // <word>.
+ double primaryDelta(TextWord *word);
+ static int cmpYX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
+ int getLength() { return len; }
+ Unicode getChar(int idx) { return text[idx]; }
+ GString *getText();
+ GString *getFontName() { return font->fontName; }
+ void getColor(double *r, double *g, double *b)
+ { *r = colorR; *g = colorG; *b = colorB; }
+ void getBBox(double *xMinA, double *yMinA, double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA)
+ { *xMinA = xMin; *yMinA = yMin; *xMaxA = xMax; *yMaxA = yMax; }
+ int getCharPos() { return charPos; }
+ int getCharLen() { return charLen; }
- GBool xyBefore(TextWord *word2);
- void merge(TextWord *word2);
+ int rot; // rotation, multiple of 90 degrees
+ // (0, 1, 2, or 3)
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- double yBase; // baseline y coordinate
+ double base; // baseline x or y coordinate
Unicode *text; // the text
- double *xRight; // right-hand x coord of each char
- int len; // length of text and xRight
- int size; // size of text and xRight arrays
+ double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
+ // (plus one extra entry for the last char)
+ int len; // length of text and edge arrays
+ int size; // size of text and edge arrays
int charPos; // character position (within content stream)
int charLen; // number of content stream characters in
// this word
@@ -96,11 +116,49 @@ private:
double fontSize; // font size
GBool spaceAfter; // set if there is a space between this
// word and the next word on the line
- TextWord *next; // next word in line (before lines are
- // assembled: next word in xy order)
+ TextWord *next; // next word in line
+ double colorR, // word color
+ colorG,
+ colorB;
+ friend class TextPool;
friend class TextLine;
+ friend class TextBlock;
+ friend class TextFlow;
+ friend class TextWordList;
+ friend class TextPage;
+// TextPool
+class TextPool {
+ TextPool();
+ ~TextPool();
+ TextWord *getPool(int baseIdx) { return pool[baseIdx - minBaseIdx]; }
+ void setPool(int baseIdx, TextWord *p) { pool[baseIdx - minBaseIdx] = p; }
+ int getBaseIdx(double base);
+ void addWord(TextWord *word);
+ int minBaseIdx; // min baseline bucket index
+ int maxBaseIdx; // max baseline bucket index
+ TextWord **pool; // array of linked lists, one for each
+ // baseline value (multiple of 4 pts)
+ TextWord *cursor; // pointer to last-accessed word
+ int cursorBaseIdx; // baseline bucket index of last-accessed word
+ friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextPage;
@@ -111,34 +169,53 @@ private:
class TextLine {
- TextLine();
+ TextLine(TextBlock *blkA, int rotA, double baseA);
+ void addWord(TextWord *word);
+ // Return the distance along the primary axis between <this> and
+ // <line>.
+ double primaryDelta(TextLine *line);
+ // Compares <this> to <line>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
+ // based on a primary-axis comparison, e.g., x ordering if rot=0.
+ int primaryCmp(TextLine *line);
+ // Compares <this> to <line>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
+ // based on a secondary-axis comparison of the baselines, e.g., y
+ // ordering if rot=0.
+ int secondaryCmp(TextLine *line);
- GBool yxBefore(TextLine *line2);
- void merge(TextLine *line2);
+ int cmpYX(TextLine *line);
+ static int cmpXY(const void *p1, const void *p2);
+ void coalesce(UnicodeMap *uMap);
+ TextBlock *blk; // parent block
+ int rot; // text rotation
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- double yBase; // primary baseline y coordinate
- double xSpaceL, xSpaceR; // whitespace to left and right of this line
- TextFontInfo *font; // primary font
- double fontSize; // primary font size
+ double base; // baseline x or y coordinate
TextWord *words; // words in this line
TextWord *lastWord; // last word in this line
Unicode *text; // Unicode text of the line, including
// spaces between words
- double *xRight; // right-hand x coord of each Unicode char
+ double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
+ // (plus one extra entry for the last char)
int *col; // starting column number of each Unicode char
int len; // number of Unicode chars
int convertedLen; // total number of converted characters
GBool hyphenated; // set if last char is a hyphen
- TextLine *pageNext; // next line on page
TextLine *next; // next line in block
- TextLine *flowNext; // next line in flow
+ friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextBlock;
+ friend class TextFlow;
+ friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
@@ -149,25 +226,52 @@ private:
class TextBlock {
- TextBlock();
+ TextBlock(TextPage *pageA, int rotA);
+ void addWord(TextWord *word);
+ void coalesce(UnicodeMap *uMap);
+ // Update this block's priMin and priMax values, looking at <blk>.
+ void updatePriMinMax(TextBlock *blk);
+ static int cmpXYPrimaryRot(const void *p1, const void *p2);
- GBool yxBefore(TextBlock *blk2);
- void mergeRight(TextBlock *blk2);
- void mergeBelow(TextBlock *blk2);
+ static int cmpYXPrimaryRot(const void *p1, const void *p2);
+ int primaryCmp(TextBlock *blk);
+ double secondaryDelta(TextBlock *blk);
+ // Returns true if <this> is below <blk>, relative to the page's
+ // primary rotation.
+ GBool isBelow(TextBlock *blk);
+ TextPage *page; // the parent page
+ int rot; // text rotation
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- double xSpaceL, xSpaceR; // whitespace to left and right of this block
- double ySpaceT, ySpaceB; // whitespace above and below this block
- double maxFontSize; // max primary font size
- TextLine *lines; // lines in block
- TextBlock *next; // next block in flow
- TextBlock *stackNext; // next block on traversal stack
+ double priMin, priMax; // whitespace bounding box along primary axis
+ TextPool *pool; // pool of words (used only until lines
+ // are built)
+ TextLine *lines; // linked list of lines
+ TextLine *curLine; // most recently added line
+ int nLines; // number of lines
+ int charCount; // number of characters in the block
+ int col; // starting column
+ int nColumns; // number of columns in the block
+ TextBlock *next;
+ TextBlock *stackNext;
+ friend class TextLine;
+ friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextFlow;
+ friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
@@ -178,20 +282,61 @@ private:
class TextFlow {
- TextFlow();
+ TextFlow(TextPage *pageA, TextBlock *blk);
+ // Add a block to the end of this flow.
+ void addBlock(TextBlock *blk);
+ // Returns true if <blk> fits below <prevBlk> in the flow, i.e., (1)
+ // it uses a font no larger than the last block added to the flow,
+ // and (2) it fits within the flow's [priMin, priMax] along the
+ // primary axis.
+ GBool blockFits(TextBlock *blk, TextBlock *prevBlk);
+ TextPage *page; // the parent page
+ double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
- double ySpaceT, ySpaceB; // whitespace above and below this flow
+ double priMin, priMax; // whitespace bounding box along primary axis
TextBlock *blocks; // blocks in flow
- TextLine *lines; // lines in flow
- TextFlow *next; // next flow on page
+ TextBlock *lastBlk; // last block in this flow
+ TextFlow *next;
+ friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
+// TextWordList
+class TextWordList {
+ // Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
+ // text->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if <physLayout>
+ // is true and text->rawOrder is false), or reading order (if both
+ // flags are false).
+ TextWordList(TextPage *text, GBool physLayout);
+ ~TextWordList();
+ // Return the number of words on the list.
+ int getLength();
+ // Return the <idx>th word from the list.
+ TextWord *get(int idx);
+ GList *words;
// TextPage
@@ -201,15 +346,17 @@ class TextPage {
// Constructor.
- TextPage(GBool rawOrder);
+ TextPage(GBool rawOrderA);
// Destructor.
+ // Start a new page.
+ void startPage(GfxState *state);
// Update the current font.
void updateFont(GfxState *state);
// Begin a new word.
void beginWord(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0);
@@ -224,17 +371,19 @@ public:
// Add a word, sorting it into the list of words.
void addWord(TextWord *word);
// Coalesce strings that look like parts of the same line.
void coalesce(GBool physLayout);
- // Find a string. If <top> is true, starts looking at top of page;
- // otherwise starts looking at <xMin>,<yMin>. If <bottom> is true,
- // stops looking at bottom of page; otherwise stops looking at
- // <xMax>,<yMax>. If found, sets the text bounding rectangle and
- // returns true; otherwise returns false.
+ // Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
+ // top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
+ // immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
+ // <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
+ // bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
+ // just before the last find result; else stops looking at
+ // <xMax>,<yMax>.
GBool findText(Unicode *s, int len,
- GBool top, GBool bottom,
+ GBool startAtTop, GBool stopAtBottom,
+ GBool startAtLast, GBool stopAtLast,
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
@@ -253,18 +402,19 @@ public:
void dump(void *outputStream, TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
GBool physLayout);
- // Start a new page.
- void startPage(GfxState *state);
+ // Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
+ // this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if <physLayout>
+ // is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading order (if both
+ // flags are false).
+ TextWordList *makeWordList(GBool physLayout);
void clear();
- double lineFit(TextLine *line, TextWord *word, double *space);
- GBool lineFit2(TextLine *line0, TextLine *line1);
- GBool blockFit(TextBlock *blk, TextLine *line);
- GBool blockFit2(TextBlock *blk0, TextBlock *blk1);
- GBool flowFit(TextFlow *flow, TextBlock *blk);
+ void assignColumns(TextLineFrag *frags, int nFrags, int rot);
+ int dumpFragment(Unicode *text, int len, UnicodeMap *uMap, GString *s);
GBool rawOrder; // keep text in content stream order
@@ -272,22 +422,34 @@ private:
TextWord *curWord; // currently active string
int charPos; // next character position (within content
// stream)
- TextFontInfo *font; // current font
- double fontSize; // current font size
+ TextFontInfo *curFont; // current font
+ double curFontSize; // current font size
int nest; // current nesting level (for Type 3 fonts)
int nTinyChars; // number of "tiny" chars seen so far
- TextWord *words; // words, in xy order (before they're
- // sorted into lines)
- TextWord *wordPtr; // cursor for the word list
- TextLine *lines; // lines, in xy order
- TextFlow *flows; // flows, in reading order
+ TextPool *pools[4]; // a "pool" of TextWords for each rotation
+ TextFlow *flows; // linked list of flows
+ TextBlock **blocks; // array of blocks, in yx order
+ int nBlocks; // number of blocks
+ int primaryRot; // primary rotation
+ GBool primaryLR; // primary direction (true means L-to-R,
+ // false means R-to-L)
+ TextWord *rawWords; // list of words, in raw order (only if
+ // rawOrder is set)
+ TextWord *rawLastWord; // last word on rawWords list
GList *fonts; // all font info objects used on this
// page [TextFontInfo]
+ double lastFindXMin, // coordinates of the last "find" result
+ lastFindYMin;
+ GBool haveLastFind;
+ friend class TextLine;
+ friend class TextLineFrag;
+ friend class TextBlock;
+ friend class TextFlow;
+ friend class TextWordList;
@@ -353,17 +515,18 @@ public:
double originX, double originY,
CharCode c, Unicode *u, int uLen);
- //----- path painting
//----- special access
- // Find a string. If <top> is true, starts looking at top of page;
- // otherwise starts looking at <xMin>,<yMin>. If <bottom> is true,
- // stops looking at bottom of page; otherwise stops looking at
- // <xMax>,<yMax>. If found, sets the text bounding rectangle and
- // returns true; otherwise returns false.
+ // Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
+ // top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
+ // immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
+ // <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
+ // bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
+ // just before the last find result; else stops looking at
+ // <xMax>,<yMax>.
GBool findText(Unicode *s, int len,
- GBool top, GBool bottom,
+ GBool startAtTop, GBool stopAtBottom,
+ GBool startAtLast, GBool stopAtLast,
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
@@ -378,6 +541,13 @@ public:
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
+ // Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
+ // this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if
+ // this->physLayout is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading
+ // order (if both flags are false).
+ TextWordList *makeWordList();
@@ -390,7 +560,6 @@ private:
// dumping text
GBool rawOrder; // keep text in content stream order
GBool ok; // set up ok?