/* imposter (OO.org Impress viewer) ** Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gurer Ozen ** This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License. */ #include "common.h" #include "internal.h" static void render_object(ImpRenderCtx *ctx, void *drw_data, iks *node) { char *tag, *t; ImpColor fg; tag = iks_name(node); if (strcmp(tag, "draw:g") == 0) { iks *x; for (x = iks_first_tag(node); x; x = iks_next_tag(x)) { render_object(ctx, drw_data, x); } } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:frame") == 0) { iks *x; for (x = iks_first_tag(node); x; x = iks_next_tag(x)) { render_object(ctx, drw_data, x); } } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:line") == 0) { r_get_color(ctx, node, "svg:stroke-color", &fg); ctx->drw->set_fg_color(drw_data, &fg); ctx->drw->draw_line(drw_data, r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:x1"), r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:y1"), r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:x2"), r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:y2") ); } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:rect") == 0) { int x, y, w, h, r = 0; char *t; x = r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:x"); y = r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:y"); w = r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:width"); h = r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:height"); t = r_get_style(ctx, node, "draw:corner-radius"); if (t) r = atof(t) * ctx->fact_x; if (r_get_style(ctx, node, "draw:fill")) { r_get_color(ctx, node, "draw:fill-color", &fg); ctx->drw->set_fg_color(drw_data, &fg); _imp_draw_rect(ctx, drw_data, 1, x, y, w, h, r); } r_get_color(ctx, node, "svg:stroke-color", &fg); ctx->drw->set_fg_color(drw_data, &fg); _imp_draw_rect(ctx, drw_data, 0, x, y, w, h, r); r_text(ctx, drw_data, node); } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:ellipse") == 0 || strcmp(tag, "draw:circle") == 0) { int sa, ea, fill = 0; r_get_color(ctx, node, "svg:stroke-color", &fg); sa = r_get_angle(node, "draw:start-angle", 0); ea = r_get_angle(node, "draw:end-angle", 360); if (ea > sa) ea = ea - sa; else ea = 360 + ea - sa; t = r_get_style(ctx, node, "draw:fill"); if (t) fill = 1; ctx->drw->set_fg_color(drw_data, &fg); ctx->drw->draw_arc(drw_data, fill, r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:x"), r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:y"), r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:width"), r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:height"), sa, ea ); } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:polygon") == 0) { // FIXME: r_polygon(ctx, drw_data, node); } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:text-box") == 0) { // FIXME: r_text(ctx, drw_data, node); } else if (strcmp(tag, "draw:image") == 0) { char *name; name = iks_find_attrib(node, "xlink:href"); if (!name) return; if (name[0] == '#') ++name; _imp_draw_image(ctx, drw_data, name, r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:x"), r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:y"), r_get_x(ctx, node, "svg:width"), r_get_y(ctx, node, "svg:height") ); } else { printf("Unknown element: %s\n", tag); } } static void render_page(ImpRenderCtx *ctx, void *drw_data) { iks *x; char *element; int i; i = _imp_fill_back(ctx, drw_data, ctx->page->page); element = iks_find_attrib(ctx->page->page, "draw:master-page-name"); if (element) { x = iks_find_with_attrib( iks_find(ctx->page->doc->styles, "office:master-styles"), "style:master-page", "style:name", element ); if (x) { if (i == 0) _imp_fill_back(ctx, drw_data, x); for (x = iks_first_tag(x); x; x = iks_next_tag(x)) { if (iks_find_attrib(x, "presentation:class")) continue; render_object(ctx, drw_data, x); } } } for (x = iks_first_tag(ctx->page->page); x; x = iks_next_tag(x)) { render_object(ctx, drw_data, x); } } static void get_geometry(ImpRenderCtx *ctx) { char *tmp; iks *x, *y; tmp = iks_find_attrib(ctx->page->page, "draw:master-page-name"); x = iks_find(ctx->page->doc->styles, "office:master-styles"); y = iks_find_with_attrib(x, "style:master-page", "style:name", tmp); x = iks_find(ctx->page->doc->styles, "office:automatic-styles"); y = iks_find_with_attrib(x, "style:page-layout", "style:name", iks_find_attrib(y, "style:page-layout-name")); ctx->cm_w = atof(iks_find_attrib(iks_find(y, "style:page-layout-properties"), "fo:page-width")); ctx->cm_h = atof(iks_find_attrib(iks_find(y, "style:page-layout-properties"), "fo:page-height")); } int _imp_oasis_load(ImpDoc *doc) { ImpPage *page; iks *x, *pres; int i; pres = iks_find(iks_find(doc->content, "office:body"), "office:presentation"); if (!pres) return IMP_NOTIMP; x = iks_find(pres, "draw:page"); if (!x) return IMP_NOTIMP; i = 0; for (; x; x = iks_next_tag(x)) { if (strcmp(iks_name(x), "draw:page") == 0) { page = iks_stack_alloc(doc->stack, sizeof(ImpPage)); if (!page) return IMP_NOMEM; memset(page, 0, sizeof(ImpPage)); page->page = x; page->nr = ++i; page->name = iks_find_attrib(x, "draw:name"); page->doc = doc; if (!doc->pages) doc->pages = page; page->prev = doc->last_page; if (doc->last_page) doc->last_page->next = page; doc->last_page = page; } } doc->nr_pages = i; doc->get_geometry = get_geometry; doc->render_page = render_page; return 0; }