/* imposter (OO.org Impress viewer) ** Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gurer Ozen ** This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of GNU General Public License. */ #include "common.h" #include "internal.h" #include void r_parse_color(const char *color, ImpColor *ic) { unsigned int cval; if (1 != sscanf(color, "#%X", &cval)) return; ic->red = (cval & 0xFF0000) >> 8; ic->green = cval & 0x00FF00; ic->blue = (cval & 0xFF) << 8; } int r_get_color(ImpRenderCtx *ctx, iks *node, char *name, ImpColor *ic) { char *color; color = r_get_style(ctx, node, name); if (!color) return 0; r_parse_color(color, ic); return 1; } static void fg_color(ImpRenderCtx *ctx, void *drw_data, iks *node, char *name) { ImpColor ic; if (r_get_color(ctx, node, name, &ic)) { ctx->drw->set_fg_color(drw_data, &ic); } } int r_get_x (ImpRenderCtx *ctx, iks *node, char *name) { char *val; val = iks_find_attrib (node, name); if (!val) return 0; return atof (val) * ctx->fact_x; } int r_get_y (ImpRenderCtx *ctx, iks *node, char *name) { char *val; val = iks_find_attrib (node, name); if (!val) return 0; return atof (val) * ctx->fact_y; } int r_get_angle (iks *node, char *name, int def) { char *tmp; tmp = iks_find_attrib (node, name); if (!tmp) return def; return atof (tmp); } static int x, y, w, h; static int px, py, pw, ph; static void r_get_viewbox (iks *node) { char *tmp; tmp = iks_find_attrib (node, "svg:viewBox"); if (!tmp) return; sscanf (tmp, "%d %d %d %d", &px, &py, &pw, &ph); } void r_polygon(ImpRenderCtx *ctx, void *drw_data, iks *node) { char *data; ImpPoint *points; int i, cnt, j; int num; int fill = 1; data = r_get_style (ctx, node, "draw:fill"); if (!data || strcmp (data, "solid") != 0) fill = 0; x = r_get_x (ctx, node, "svg:x"); y = r_get_y (ctx, node, "svg:y"); w = r_get_x (ctx, node, "svg:width"); h = r_get_y (ctx, node, "svg:height"); r_get_viewbox (node); data = iks_find_attrib (node, "draw:points"); points = malloc (sizeof (ImpPoint) * strlen (data) / 4); cnt = 0; j = 0; num = -1; for (i = 0; data[i]; i++) { if (data[i] >= '0' && data[i] <= '9') { if (num == -1) num = i; } else { if (num != -1) { if (j == 0) { points[cnt].x = atoi (data + num); j = 1; } else { points[cnt++].y = atoi (data + num); j = 0; } num = -1; } } } if (num != -1) { if (j == 0) { points[cnt].x = atoi (data + num); } else { points[cnt++].y = atoi (data + num); } } for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { points[i].x = x + points[i].x * w / pw; points[i].y = y + points[i].y * h / ph; } if (fill) { fg_color(ctx, drw_data, node, "draw:fill-color"); ctx->drw->draw_polygon(drw_data, 1, points, cnt); } fg_color(ctx, drw_data, node, "svg:stroke-color"); ctx->drw->draw_polygon(drw_data, 0, points, cnt); free (points); } void r_polyline(ImpRenderCtx *ctx, void *drw_data, iks *node) { char *data; ImpPoint *points; int i, cnt, j; int num; int pen_x, pen_y; x = r_get_x (ctx, node, "svg:x"); y = r_get_y (ctx, node, "svg:y"); w = r_get_x (ctx, node, "svg:width"); h = r_get_y (ctx, node, "svg:height"); r_get_viewbox (node); data = iks_find_attrib (node, "draw:points"); points = malloc (sizeof (ImpPoint) * strlen (data) / 4); cnt = 0; j = 0; num = -1; for (i = 0; data[i]; i++) { if (data[i] >= '0' && data[i] <= '9') { if (num == -1) num = i; } else { if (num != -1) { if (j == 0) { points[cnt].x = atoi (data + num); j = 1; } else { points[cnt++].y = atoi (data + num); j = 0; } num = -1; } } } if (num != -1) { if (j == 0) { points[cnt].x = atoi (data + num); } else { points[cnt++].y = atoi (data + num); } } pen_x = x + points[0].x * w /pw; pen_y = y + points[0].y * h / ph; fg_color(ctx, drw_data, node, "svg:stroke-color"); for (i = 1; i < cnt; i++) { int tx, ty; tx = x + points[i].x * w / pw; ty = y + points[i].y * h / ph; ctx->drw->draw_line(drw_data, pen_x, pen_y, tx, ty); pen_x = tx; pen_y = ty; } free (points); }