/* Ghostscript widget for GTK/GNOME * * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 the Free Software Foundation * * Authors: Jonathan Blandford, Jaka Mocnik, Carlos Garcia Campos * * Based on code by: Federico Mena (Quartic), Szekeres Istvan (Pista) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "ps-document.h" #include "ps-interpreter.h" #include "ps.h" #include "gstypes.h" #include "gsdefaults.h" #include "ev-file-exporter.h" #include "ev-async-renderer.h" #include "ev-document-thumbnails.h" #include "ev-document-misc.h" struct _PSDocument { GObject object; gchar *filename; struct document *doc; gboolean structured_doc; PSInterpreter *gs; /* Document Thumbnails */ PSInterpreter *thumbs_gs; GdkPixbuf *thumbnail; EvRenderContext *thumbs_rc; GMutex *thumbs_mutex; GCond *thumbs_cond; /* File exporter */ gint *ps_export_pagelist; gchar *ps_export_filename; }; struct _PSDocumentClass { GObjectClass parent_class; }; static void ps_document_document_iface_init (EvDocumentIface *iface); static void ps_document_file_exporter_iface_init (EvFileExporterIface *iface); static void ps_async_renderer_iface_init (EvAsyncRendererIface *iface); static void ps_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init (EvDocumentThumbnailsIface *iface); static void ps_interpreter_page_rendered (PSInterpreter *gs, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, PSDocument *ps_document); EV_BACKEND_REGISTER_WITH_CODE (PSDocument, ps_document, { G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_THUMBNAILS, ps_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_FILE_EXPORTER, ps_document_file_exporter_iface_init); G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_ASYNC_RENDERER, ps_async_renderer_iface_init); }); /* PSDocument */ static void ps_document_init (PSDocument *ps_document) { } static void ps_document_dispose (GObject *object) { PSDocument *ps_document = PS_DOCUMENT (object); if (ps_document->gs) { g_object_unref (ps_document->gs); ps_document->gs = NULL; } if (ps_document->thumbs_gs) { g_object_unref (ps_document->thumbs_gs); ps_document->thumbs_gs = NULL; } if (ps_document->filename) { g_free (ps_document->filename); ps_document->filename = NULL; } if (ps_document->doc) { psfree (ps_document->doc); ps_document->doc = NULL; } if (ps_document->thumbnail) { g_object_unref (ps_document->thumbnail); ps_document->thumbnail = NULL; } if (ps_document->thumbs_mutex) { g_mutex_free (ps_document->thumbs_mutex); ps_document->thumbs_mutex = NULL; } if (ps_document->thumbs_cond) { g_cond_free (ps_document->thumbs_cond); ps_document->thumbs_cond = NULL; } if (ps_document->thumbs_rc) { g_object_unref (ps_document->thumbs_rc); ps_document->thumbs_rc = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (ps_document_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void ps_document_class_init (PSDocumentClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = ps_document_dispose; } /* EvDocumentIface */ static gboolean document_load (PSDocument *ps_document, const gchar *fname, GError **error) { FILE *fd; ps_document->filename = g_strdup (fname); /* * We need to make sure that the file is loadable/exists! * otherwise we want to exit without loading new stuff... */ if (!g_file_test (fname, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { gchar *filename_dsp; filename_dsp = g_filename_display_name (fname); g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, _("Cannot open file “%s”."), filename_dsp); g_free (filename_dsp); return FALSE; } if ((fd = fopen (ps_document->filename, "r")) == NULL) { gchar *filename_dsp; filename_dsp = g_filename_display_name (fname); g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, _("Cannot open file “%s”."), filename_dsp); g_free (filename_dsp); return FALSE; } /* we grab the vital statistics!!! */ ps_document->doc = psscan (fd, TRUE, ps_document->filename); fclose (fd); if (!ps_document->doc) return FALSE; ps_document->structured_doc = ((!ps_document->doc->epsf && ps_document->doc->numpages > 0) || (ps_document->doc->epsf && ps_document->doc->numpages > 1)); ps_document->gs = ps_interpreter_new (ps_document->filename, ps_document->doc); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (ps_document->gs), "page_rendered", G_CALLBACK (ps_interpreter_page_rendered), (gpointer) ps_document); return TRUE; } static gboolean ps_document_load (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { char *filename; char *gs_path; gboolean result; filename = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, error); if (!filename) return FALSE; gs_path = g_find_program_in_path ("gs"); if (!gs_path) { gchar *filename_dsp; filename_dsp = g_filename_display_name (filename); g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT, _("Failed to load document “%s”. Ghostscript interpreter was not found in path"), filename); g_free (filename_dsp); g_free (filename); return FALSE; } g_free (gs_path); result = document_load (PS_DOCUMENT (document), filename, error); if (!result && !(*error)) { gchar *filename_dsp; filename_dsp = g_filename_display_name (filename); g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED, _("Failed to load document “%s”"), filename_dsp); g_free (filename_dsp); } g_free (filename); return result; } static gboolean save_document (PSDocument *document, const char *filename) { gboolean result = TRUE; GtkGSDocSink *sink = gtk_gs_doc_sink_new (); FILE *f, *src_file; gchar *buf; src_file = fopen (document->filename, "r"); if (src_file) { struct stat stat_rec; if (stat (document->filename, &stat_rec) == 0) { pscopy (src_file, sink, 0, stat_rec.st_size - 1); } fclose (src_file); } buf = gtk_gs_doc_sink_get_buffer (sink); if (buf == NULL) { return FALSE; } f = fopen (filename, "w"); if (f) { fputs (buf, f); fclose (f); } else { result = FALSE; } g_free (buf); gtk_gs_doc_sink_free (sink); g_free (sink); return result; } static gboolean save_page_list (PSDocument *document, int *page_list, const char *filename) { gboolean result = TRUE; GtkGSDocSink *sink = gtk_gs_doc_sink_new (); FILE *f; gchar *buf; pscopydoc (sink, document->filename, document->doc, page_list); buf = gtk_gs_doc_sink_get_buffer (sink); f = fopen (filename, "w"); if (f) { fputs (buf, f); fclose (f); } else { result = FALSE; } g_free (buf); gtk_gs_doc_sink_free (sink); g_free (sink); return result; } static gboolean ps_document_save (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { PSDocument *ps = PS_DOCUMENT (document); gboolean result; char *filename; filename = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, error); if (!filename) return FALSE; result = save_document (ps, filename); g_free (filename); return result; } static int ps_document_get_n_pages (EvDocument *document) { PSDocument *ps = PS_DOCUMENT (document); if (!ps->filename || !ps->doc) { return -1; } return ps->structured_doc ? ps->doc->numpages : 1; } static gint ps_document_get_page_rotation (PSDocument *ps_document, int page) { gint rotation = GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_NONE; g_assert (ps_document->doc != NULL); if (ps_document->structured_doc) { if (ps_document->doc->pages[page].orientation != GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_NONE) rotation = ps_document->doc->pages[page].orientation; else rotation = ps_document->doc->default_page_orientation; } if (rotation == GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_NONE) rotation = ps_document->doc->orientation; if (rotation == GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_NONE) rotation = GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; return rotation; } static void ps_document_get_page_size (EvDocument *document, int page, double *width, double *height) { PSDocument *ps_document = PS_DOCUMENT (document); int urx, ury, llx, lly; gdouble pwidth, pheight; gdouble page_width, page_height; gint rotate; psgetpagebox (ps_document->doc, page, &urx, &ury, &llx, &lly); pwidth = (urx - llx) + 0.5; pheight = (ury - lly) + 0.5; rotate = ps_document_get_page_rotation (ps_document, page); if (rotate == 90 || rotate == 270) { page_height = pwidth; page_width = pheight; } else { page_width = pwidth; page_height = pheight; } if (width) { *width = page_width; } if (height) { *height = page_height; } } static EvDocumentInfo * ps_document_get_info (EvDocument *document) { EvDocumentInfo *info; PSDocument *ps = PS_DOCUMENT (document); int urx, ury, llx, lly; info = g_new0 (EvDocumentInfo, 1); info->fields_mask = EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_TITLE | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_FORMAT | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_CREATOR | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_N_PAGES | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_PAPER_SIZE; info->title = g_strdup (ps->doc->title); info->format = ps->doc->epsf ? g_strdup (_("Encapsulated PostScript")) : g_strdup (_("PostScript")); info->creator = g_strdup (ps->doc->creator); info->n_pages = ev_document_get_n_pages (document); psgetpagebox (PS_DOCUMENT (document)->doc, 0, &urx, &ury, &llx, &lly); info->paper_width = (urx - llx) / 72.0f * 25.4f; info->paper_height = (ury - lly) / 72.0f * 25.4f; return info; } static void ps_document_document_iface_init (EvDocumentIface *iface) { iface->load = ps_document_load; iface->save = ps_document_save; iface->get_n_pages = ps_document_get_n_pages; iface->get_page_size = ps_document_get_page_size; iface->get_info = ps_document_get_info; } /* EvAsyncRendererIface */ static void ps_interpreter_page_rendered (PSInterpreter *gs, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, PSDocument *ps_document) { g_signal_emit_by_name (ps_document, "render_finished", pixbuf); } static void ps_async_renderer_render_pixbuf (EvAsyncRenderer *renderer, gint page, gdouble scale, gint rotation) { PSDocument *ps_document = PS_DOCUMENT (renderer); g_return_if_fail (PS_IS_INTERPRETER (ps_document->gs)); rotation = (rotation + ps_document_get_page_rotation (ps_document, page)) % 360; ps_interpreter_render_page (ps_document->gs, page, scale, rotation); } static void ps_async_renderer_iface_init (EvAsyncRendererIface *iface) { iface->render_pixbuf = ps_async_renderer_render_pixbuf; } /* EvDocumentThumbnailsIface */ static void ps_interpreter_thumbnail_rendered (PSInterpreter *gs, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, PSDocument *ps_document) { if (ps_document->thumbnail) g_object_unref (ps_document->thumbnail); ps_document->thumbnail = g_object_ref (pixbuf); g_cond_broadcast (ps_document->thumbs_cond); } static gboolean ps_document_render_thumbnail (PSDocument *ps_document) { ps_interpreter_render_page (ps_document->thumbs_gs, ps_document->thumbs_rc->page, ps_document->thumbs_rc->scale, ps_document->thumbs_rc->rotation); return FALSE; } static GdkPixbuf * ps_document_thumbnails_get_thumbnail (EvDocumentThumbnails *document_thumbnails, EvRenderContext *rc, gboolean border) { PSDocument *ps_document; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL; ps_document = PS_DOCUMENT (document_thumbnails); g_return_val_if_fail (ps_document->filename != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (ps_document->doc != NULL, NULL); if (!ps_document->thumbs_gs) { ps_document->thumbs_gs = ps_interpreter_new (ps_document->filename, ps_document->doc); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (ps_document->thumbs_gs), "page_rendered", G_CALLBACK (ps_interpreter_thumbnail_rendered), (gpointer) ps_document); } if (!ps_document->thumbs_mutex) ps_document->thumbs_mutex = g_mutex_new (); ps_document->thumbs_cond = g_cond_new (); if (ps_document->thumbs_rc) g_object_unref (ps_document->thumbs_rc); ps_document->thumbs_rc = g_object_ref (rc); ev_document_doc_mutex_unlock (); g_mutex_lock (ps_document->thumbs_mutex); g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)ps_document_render_thumbnail, ps_document); g_cond_wait (ps_document->thumbs_cond, ps_document->thumbs_mutex); g_cond_free (ps_document->thumbs_cond); ps_document->thumbs_cond = NULL; g_mutex_unlock (ps_document->thumbs_mutex); ev_document_doc_mutex_lock (); pixbuf = ps_document->thumbnail; ps_document->thumbnail = NULL; if (border) { GdkPixbuf *border_pixbuf; border_pixbuf = ev_document_misc_get_thumbnail_frame (-1, -1, pixbuf); g_object_unref (pixbuf); pixbuf = border_pixbuf; } return pixbuf; } static void ps_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions (EvDocumentThumbnails *document_thumbnails, EvRenderContext *rc, gint *width, gint *height) { PSDocument *ps_document; gdouble page_width, page_height; ps_document = PS_DOCUMENT (document_thumbnails); ps_document_get_page_size (EV_DOCUMENT (ps_document), rc->page, &page_width, &page_height); if (rc->rotation == 90 || rc->rotation == 270) { *width = (gint) (page_height * rc->scale); *height = (gint) (page_width * rc->scale); } else { *width = (gint) (page_width * rc->scale); *height = (gint) (page_height * rc->scale); } } static void ps_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init (EvDocumentThumbnailsIface *iface) { iface->get_thumbnail = ps_document_thumbnails_get_thumbnail; iface->get_dimensions = ps_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions; } /* EvFileExporterIface */ static void ps_document_file_exporter_begin (EvFileExporter *exporter, EvFileExporterContext *fc) { PSDocument *document = PS_DOCUMENT (exporter); if (document->structured_doc) { g_free (document->ps_export_pagelist); document->ps_export_pagelist = g_new0 (int, document->doc->numpages); } document->ps_export_filename = g_strdup (fc->filename); } static void ps_document_file_exporter_do_page (EvFileExporter *exporter, EvRenderContext *rc) { PSDocument *document = PS_DOCUMENT (exporter); if (document->structured_doc) { document->ps_export_pagelist[rc->page] = 1; } } static void ps_document_file_exporter_end (EvFileExporter *exporter) { PSDocument *document = PS_DOCUMENT (exporter); if (!document->structured_doc) { save_document (document, document->ps_export_filename); } else { save_page_list (document, document->ps_export_pagelist, document->ps_export_filename); g_free (document->ps_export_pagelist); g_free (document->ps_export_filename); document->ps_export_pagelist = NULL; document->ps_export_filename = NULL; } } static EvFileExporterCapabilities ps_document_file_exporter_get_capabilities (EvFileExporter *exporter) { return EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_PAGE_SET | EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_GENERATE_PS; } static void ps_document_file_exporter_iface_init (EvFileExporterIface *iface) { iface->begin = ps_document_file_exporter_begin; iface->do_page = ps_document_file_exporter_do_page; iface->end = ps_document_file_exporter_end; iface->get_capabilities = ps_document_file_exporter_get_capabilities; }