#include "dl-dvi-parser.hh" using namespace DviLib; enum DviOpcode { DVI_SETCHAR0 = 0, /* 128 of these */ DVI_SETCHAR127 = 127, DVI_SET1, DVI_SET2, DVI_SET3, DVI_SET4, DVI_SETRULE, DVI_PUT1, DVI_PUT2, DVI_PUT3, DVI_PUT4, DVI_PUTRULE, DVI_NOP, DVI_BOP, DVI_EOP, DVI_PUSH, DVI_POP, DVI_RIGHT1, DVI_RIGHT2, DVI_RIGHT3, DVI_RIGHT4, DVI_W0, DVI_W1, DVI_W2, DVI_W3, DVI_W4, DVI_X0, DVI_X1, DVI_X2, DVI_X3, DVI_X4, DVI_DOWN1, DVI_DOWN2, DVI_DOWN3, DVI_DOWN4, DVI_Y0, DVI_Y1, DVI_Y2, DVI_Y3, DVI_Y4, DVI_Z0, DVI_Z1, DVI_Z2, DVI_Z3, DVI_Z4, DVI_FONTNUM0 = 171, /* 64 of these */ DVI_FONTNUM63 = 234, DVI_FNT1, DVI_FNT2, DVI_FNT3, DVI_FNT4, DVI_XXX1, DVI_XXX2, DVI_XXX3, DVI_XXX4, DVI_FNTDEF1, DVI_FNTDEF2, DVI_FNTDEF3, DVI_FNTDEF4, DVI_PRE, DVI_POST, DVI_POSTPOST = 249 }; static void skip_font_definition (AbstractLoader& l, uint *count) { *count += 12; l.skip_n (12); *count += 2; uint dl = l.get_uint8(); uint nl = l.get_uint8(); *count += dl+nl; l.skip_n (dl+nl); } static DviCommand * parse_command (AbstractLoader &l, uint *count, DviOpcode *opcode) { int h, w; string error; string s; *opcode = (DviOpcode)l.get_uint8 (); *count += 1; if (DVI_SETCHAR0 <= *opcode && *opcode <= DVI_SETCHAR127) return new DviSetCharCommand (*opcode); else if (DVI_FONTNUM0 <= *opcode && *opcode <= DVI_FONTNUM63) return new DviFontNumCommand (*opcode - DVI_FONTNUM0); else switch (*opcode) { case DVI_SET1: *count += 1; return new DviSetCharCommand (l.get_uint8()); break; case DVI_SET2: *count += 2; return new DviSetCharCommand (l.get_uint16()); break; case DVI_SET3: *count += 3; return new DviSetCharCommand (l.get_uint24()); break; case DVI_SET4: *count += 4; return new DviSetCharCommand (l.get_uint32()); break; case DVI_SETRULE: *count += 8; h = l.get_int32 (); w = l.get_int32 (); return new DviSetRuleCommand (h, w); break; case DVI_PUT1: *count += 1; return new DviPutCharCommand (l.get_uint8()); break; case DVI_PUT2: *count += 2; return new DviPutCharCommand (l.get_uint16()); break; case DVI_PUT3: *count += 3; return new DviPutCharCommand (l.get_uint24()); break; case DVI_PUT4: *count += 4; return new DviPutCharCommand (l.get_uint32()); break; case DVI_PUTRULE: *count += 8; h = l.get_int32(); w = l.get_int32(); return new DviPutRuleCommand (h, w); break; case DVI_PUSH: return new DviPushCommand(); break; case DVI_POP: return new DviPopCommand(); break; case DVI_RIGHT1: *count += 1; return new DviRightCommand (l.get_int8()); break; case DVI_RIGHT2: *count += 2; return new DviRightCommand (l.get_int16()); break; case DVI_RIGHT3: *count += 3; return new DviRightCommand (l.get_int24()); break; case DVI_RIGHT4: *count += 4; return new DviRightCommand (l.get_int32()); break; case DVI_W0: return new DviWRepCommand (); break; case DVI_W1: *count += 1; return new DviWCommand (l.get_int8()); break; case DVI_W2: *count += 2; return new DviWCommand (l.get_int16()); break; case DVI_W3: *count += 3; return new DviWCommand (l.get_int24()); break; case DVI_W4: *count += 4; return new DviWCommand (l.get_int32()); break; case DVI_X0: return new DviXRepCommand (); break; case DVI_X1: *count += 1; return new DviXCommand (l.get_int8()); break; case DVI_X2: *count += 2; return new DviXCommand (l.get_int16()); break; case DVI_X3: *count += 3; return new DviXCommand (l.get_int24()); break; case DVI_X4: *count += 4; return new DviXCommand (l.get_int32()); break; case DVI_DOWN1: *count += 1; return new DviDownCommand (l.get_int8()); break; case DVI_DOWN2: *count += 2; return new DviDownCommand (l.get_int16()); break; case DVI_DOWN3: *count += 3; return new DviDownCommand (l.get_int24()); break; case DVI_DOWN4: *count += 4; return new DviDownCommand (l.get_int32()); break; case DVI_Y0: return new DviYRepCommand (); break; case DVI_Y1: *count += 1; return new DviYCommand (l.get_int8()); break; case DVI_Y2: *count += 2; return new DviYCommand (l.get_int16()); break; case DVI_Y3: *count += 3; return new DviYCommand (l.get_int24()); break; case DVI_Y4: *count += 4; return new DviYCommand (l.get_int32()); break; case DVI_Z0: return new DviZRepCommand (); break; case DVI_Z1: *count += 1; return new DviZCommand (l.get_int8()); break; case DVI_Z2: *count += 2; return new DviZCommand (l.get_int16()); break; case DVI_Z3: *count += 3; return new DviZCommand (l.get_int24()); break; case DVI_Z4: *count += 4; return new DviZCommand (l.get_int32()); break; case DVI_FNT1: *count += 1; return new DviFontNumCommand (l.get_uint8()); break; case DVI_FNT2: *count += 2; return new DviFontNumCommand (l.get_uint16()); break; case DVI_FNT3: *count += 3; return new DviFontNumCommand (l.get_uint24()); break; case DVI_FNT4: *count += 4; return new DviFontNumCommand (l.get_uint32()); break; case DVI_XXX1: s = l.get_string8(); *count += s.length() + 1; return new DviSpecialCommand (s); break; case DVI_XXX2: s = l.get_string16(); *count += s.length() + 2; return new DviSpecialCommand (s); break; case DVI_XXX3: s = l.get_string24(); *count += s.length() + 3; return new DviSpecialCommand (s); break; case DVI_XXX4: s = l.get_string32(); *count += s.length() + 4; return new DviSpecialCommand (s); break; case DVI_FNTDEF1: l.get_uint8 (); skip_font_definition (l, count); break; case DVI_FNTDEF2: l.get_uint16 (); skip_font_definition (l, count); break; case DVI_FNTDEF3: l.get_uint24 (); skip_font_definition (l, count); break; case DVI_FNTDEF4: l.get_uint32 (); skip_font_definition (l, count); break; case DVI_BOP: // BOP and EOP are not considered commands case DVI_EOP: case DVI_NOP: // NOP is ignored case DVI_PRE: // PRE, POST and POSTPOST are not supposed to happen case DVI_POST: case DVI_POSTPOST: break; default: printf ("%u\n", *opcode); throw string ("Unknown command"); break; } return 0; } DviProgram * DviParser::parse_program (void) { DviProgram *program = new DviProgram (); DviOpcode opcode; do { DviCommand *cmd; uint dummy; cmd = parse_command (loader, &dummy, &opcode); if (cmd) { program->add_command (cmd); cmd->unref(); } } while (opcode != DVI_EOP); return program; } DviProgram * DviParser::parse_program (uint n_bytes) { DviProgram *program = new DviProgram (); uint count = 0; while (count < n_bytes) { DviOpcode opcode; DviCommand *cmd; cmd = parse_command (loader, &count, &opcode); if (cmd) { cout << opcode << endl; program->add_command (cmd); cmd->unref(); } } return program; } DviPageHeader * DviParser::parse_page_header (uint *page_pointer) { DviOpcode c; DviPageHeader *header = new DviPageHeader(); header->address = *page_pointer; c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8(); if (c != DVI_BOP) throw string ("Expected BOP not found"); for (uint i=0; icount[i] = loader.get_uint32 (); *page_pointer = loader.get_uint32 (); return header; } DviFontdefinition * DviParser::parse_fontdefinition (void) { DviFontdefinition *fontdef = new DviFontdefinition; DviOpcode c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); switch (c) { case DVI_FNTDEF1: fontdef->fontnum = loader.get_uint8 (); break; case DVI_FNTDEF2: fontdef->fontnum = loader.get_uint16 (); break; case DVI_FNTDEF3: fontdef->fontnum = loader.get_uint24 (); break; case DVI_FNTDEF4: fontdef->fontnum = loader.get_uint32 (); break; default: throw string ("DVI_FNTDEF? expected"); break; } fontdef->checksum = loader.get_uint32 (); fontdef->at_size = loader.get_uint32 (); fontdef->design_size = loader.get_uint32 (); uint dirlength = loader.get_uint8 (); uint namelength = loader.get_uint8 (); fontdef->directory = ""; fontdef->name = ""; for (uint i=0; idirectory += loader.get_uint8(); for (uint i=0; iname += loader.get_uint8(); cout << "parsed fd: " << fontdef->name << " " << fontdef->fontnum << endl; return fontdef; } DviFilePreamble * DviParser::parse_preamble (void) { DviFilePreamble *preamble = new DviFilePreamble; DviOpcode c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); if (c != DVI_PRE) { string asdf ("asdf"); throw string ("Corrupt .dvi file - first byte is not DVI_PRE" + asdf); } preamble->type = (DviType)loader.get_uint8 (); if (preamble->type != NORMAL_DVI) { string asdf ("asdf"); cout << asdf; throw string ("Unknown .dvi format" + asdf); } preamble->numerator = loader.get_uint32 (); preamble->denominator = loader.get_uint32 (); preamble->magnification = loader.get_uint32 (); preamble->comment = loader.get_string8 (); return preamble; } DviFilePostamble * DviParser::parse_postamble (void) { DviFilePostamble *postamble = new DviFilePostamble; loader.goto_from_end (-5); int i; do { i = loader.get_uint8 (); loader.goto_from_current (-2); } while (i == 223); postamble->type = (DviType)i; loader.goto_from_current (-3); loader.goto_from_start (loader.get_uint32() + 1); postamble->last_page_address = loader.get_uint32(); postamble->numerator = loader.get_uint32(); postamble->denominator = loader.get_uint32(); postamble->magnification = loader.get_uint32(); postamble->max_height = loader.get_uint32(); postamble->max_width = loader.get_uint32(); postamble->stack_height = loader.get_uint16(); loader.get_uint16 (); // skip number of pages (we count them instead) while (true) { DviOpcode c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); if (c == DVI_NOP) continue; else if (DVI_FNTDEF1 <= c && c <= DVI_FNTDEF4) { loader.goto_from_current (-1); DviFontdefinition *fd = parse_fontdefinition (); postamble->fontdefinitions[fd->fontnum] = fd; cout << fd->name << endl; cout << postamble->fontdefinitions[fd->fontnum]->name; } else { loader.goto_from_current (-1); break; } } return postamble; } VfFontPreamble * DviParser::parse_vf_font_preamble (void) { DviOpcode c; VfFontPreamble *preamble = new VfFontPreamble; c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); if (c != DVI_PRE) throw string ("Not a .vf file"); c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); if (c != 202) throw string ("Not a .vf file"); preamble->comment = loader.get_string8 (); preamble->checksum = loader.get_uint32 (); preamble->design_size = loader.get_uint32 (); while (true) { DviOpcode c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); if (DVI_FNTDEF1 <= c && c <= DVI_FNTDEF4) { loader.goto_from_current (-1); DviFontdefinition *fd = parse_fontdefinition (); preamble->fontdefinitions.push_back (fd); } else { loader.goto_from_current (-1); break; } } return preamble; } VfChar * DviParser::parse_vf_char (void) { DviOpcode c; c = (DviOpcode)loader.get_uint8 (); VfChar *ch = new VfChar; if (c == DVI_POST) return 0; else if (c > 242) throw string ("Corrupt .vf file"); else { uint packet_length; if (c == 242) { packet_length = loader.get_uint32 (); ch->character_code = loader.get_uint32 (); ch->tfm_width = loader.get_uint32 (); } else { packet_length = c; ch->character_code = loader.get_uint8 (); ch->tfm_width = loader.get_uint24 (); } ch->program = parse_program (packet_length); } return ch; }