/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Carlos Garcia Campos * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Marco Pesenti Gritti * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "ev-document-misc.h" #include #include /* Returns a new GdkPixbuf that is suitable for placing in the thumbnail view. * It is four pixels wider and taller than the source. If source_pixbuf is not * NULL, then it will fill the return pixbuf with the contents of * source_pixbuf. */ GdkPixbuf * ev_document_misc_get_thumbnail_frame (int width, int height, GdkPixbuf *source_pixbuf) { GdkPixbuf *retval; guchar *data; gint rowstride; int i; int width_r, height_r; if (source_pixbuf) g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_PIXBUF (source_pixbuf), NULL); if (source_pixbuf) { width_r = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (source_pixbuf); height_r = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (source_pixbuf); } else { width_r = width; height_r = height; } /* make sure no one is passing us garbage */ g_assert (width_r >= 0 && height_r >= 0); retval = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, width_r + 4, height_r + 4); /* make it black and fill in the middle */ data = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (retval); rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (retval); gdk_pixbuf_fill (retval, 0x000000ff); for (i = 1; i < height_r + 1; i++) memset (data + (rowstride * i) + 4, 0xffffffff, width_r * 4); /* copy the source pixbuf */ if (source_pixbuf) gdk_pixbuf_copy_area (source_pixbuf, 0, 0, width_r, height_r, retval, 1, 1); /* Add the corner */ data [(width_r + 2) * 4 + 3] = 0; data [(width_r + 3) * 4 + 3] = 0; data [(width_r + 2) * 4 + (rowstride * 1) + 3] = 0; data [(width_r + 3) * 4 + (rowstride * 1) + 3] = 0; data [(height_r + 2) * rowstride + 3] = 0; data [(height_r + 3) * rowstride + 3] = 0; data [(height_r + 2) * rowstride + 4 + 3] = 0; data [(height_r + 3) * rowstride + 4 + 3] = 0; return retval; } void ev_document_misc_get_page_border_size (gint page_width, gint page_height, GtkBorder *border) { g_assert (border); border->left = 1; border->top = 1; if (page_width < 100) { border->right = 2; border->bottom = 2; } else if (page_width < 500) { border->right = 3; border->bottom = 3; } else { border->right = 4; border->bottom = 4; } } void ev_document_misc_paint_one_page (GdkDrawable *drawable, GtkWidget *widget, GdkRectangle *area, GtkBorder *border, gboolean highlight) { gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable, highlight ? widget->style->text_gc[widget->state] : widget->style->dark_gc[widget->state], TRUE, area->x, area->y, area->width, area->height); gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable, widget->style->white_gc, TRUE, area->x + border->left, area->y + border->top, area->width - (border->left + border->right), area->height - (border->top + border->bottom)); gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable, widget->style->mid_gc[widget->state], TRUE, area->x, area->y + area->height - (border->bottom - border->top), border->bottom - border->top, border->bottom - border->top); gdk_draw_rectangle (drawable, widget->style->mid_gc[widget->state], TRUE, area->x + area->width - (border->right - border->left), area->y, border->right - border->left, border->right - border->left); } cairo_surface_t * ev_document_misc_surface_from_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf)); cr = cairo_create (surface); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, pixbuf, 0, 0); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); return surface; } GdkPixbuf * ev_document_misc_pixbuf_from_surface (cairo_surface_t *surface) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; cairo_surface_t *image; cairo_t *cr; gboolean has_alpha; gint width, height; cairo_format_t surface_format; gint pixbuf_n_channels; gint pixbuf_rowstride; guchar *pixbuf_pixels; gint x, y; width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); surface_format = cairo_image_surface_get_format (surface); has_alpha = (surface_format == CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new (GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, width, height); pixbuf_n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels (pixbuf); pixbuf_rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf); pixbuf_pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf); image = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (pixbuf_pixels, surface_format, width, height, pixbuf_rowstride); cr = cairo_create (image); cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0); if (has_alpha) cairo_mask_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0); else cairo_paint (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); cairo_surface_destroy (image); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { guchar *p = pixbuf_pixels + y * pixbuf_rowstride; for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { guchar tmp; #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN tmp = p[0]; p[0] = p[2]; p[2] = tmp; p[3] = (has_alpha) ? p[3] : 0xff; #else tmp = p[0]; p[0] = (has_alpha) ? p[3] : 0xff; p[3] = p[2]; p[2] = p[1]; p[1] = tmp; #endif p += pixbuf_n_channels; } } return pixbuf; } cairo_surface_t * ev_document_misc_surface_rotate_and_scale (cairo_surface_t *surface, gint dest_width, gint dest_height, gint dest_rotation) { cairo_surface_t *new_surface; cairo_t *cr; gint width, height; gboolean has_alpha; cairo_format_t surface_format; gint new_width = dest_width; gint new_height = dest_height; width = cairo_image_surface_get_width (surface); height = cairo_image_surface_get_height (surface); if (dest_width == width && dest_height == height && dest_rotation == 0) { return cairo_surface_reference (surface); } if (dest_rotation == 90 || dest_rotation == 270) { new_width = dest_height; new_height = dest_width; } surface_format = cairo_image_surface_get_format (surface); has_alpha = (surface_format == CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32); new_surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (surface, has_alpha ? CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA : CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, new_width, new_height); cr = cairo_create (new_surface); switch (dest_rotation) { case 90: cairo_translate (cr, new_width, 0); break; case 180: cairo_translate (cr, new_width, new_height); break; case 270: cairo_translate (cr, 0, new_height); break; default: cairo_translate (cr, 0, 0); } if (dest_width != width || dest_height != height) { cairo_pattern_set_filter (cairo_get_source (cr), CAIRO_FILTER_BILINEAR); cairo_scale (cr, (gdouble)dest_width / width, (gdouble)dest_height / height); } cairo_rotate (cr, dest_rotation * G_PI / 180.0); cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); return new_surface; }