//======================================================================== // // PSOutputDev.h // // Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== #ifndef PSOUTPUTDEV_H #define PSOUTPUTDEV_H #include #ifdef USE_GCC_PRAGMAS #pragma interface #endif #include #include "config.h" #include "Object.h" #include "GlobalParams.h" #include "OutputDev.h" class GfxPath; class GfxFont; class GfxColorSpace; class GfxSeparationColorSpace; class PDFRectangle; struct PSFont16Enc; class PSOutCustomColor; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PSOutputDev //------------------------------------------------------------------------ enum PSOutMode { psModePS, psModeEPS, psModeForm }; enum PSFileType { psFile, // write to file psPipe, // write to pipe psStdout, // write to stdout psGeneric // write to a generic stream }; typedef void (*PSOutputFunc)(void *stream, char *data, int len); class PSOutputDev: public OutputDev { public: // Open a PostScript output file, and write the prolog. PSOutputDev(char *fileName, XRef *xrefA, Catalog *catalog, int firstPage, int lastPage, PSOutMode modeA, int paperWidthA = 0, int paperHeightA = 0, GBool manualCtrlA = gFalse); // Open a PSOutputDev that will write to a generic stream. PSOutputDev(PSOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA, XRef *xrefA, Catalog *catalog, int firstPage, int lastPage, PSOutMode modeA, int paperWidthA = 0, int paperHeightA = 0, GBool manualCtrlA = gFalse); // Destructor -- writes the trailer and closes the file. virtual ~PSOutputDev(); // Check if file was successfully created. virtual GBool isOk() { return ok; } //---- get info about output device // Does this device use upside-down coordinates? // (Upside-down means (0,0) is the top left corner of the page.) virtual GBool upsideDown() { return gFalse; } // Does this device use drawChar() or drawString()? virtual GBool useDrawChar() { return gFalse; } // Does this device use beginType3Char/endType3Char? Otherwise, // text in Type 3 fonts will be drawn with drawChar/drawString. virtual GBool interpretType3Chars() { return gFalse; } //----- header/trailer (used only if manualCtrl is true) // Write the document-level header. void writeHeader(int firstPage, int lastPage, PDFRectangle *box); // Write the Xpdf procset. void writeXpdfProcset(); // Write the document-level setup. void writeDocSetup(Catalog *catalog, int firstPage, int lastPage); // Write the setup for the current page. void writePageSetup(); // Write the trailer for the current page. void writePageTrailer(); // Write the document trailer. void writeTrailer(); //----- initialization and control // Start a page. virtual void startPage(int pageNum, GfxState *state); // End a page. virtual void endPage(); //----- save/restore graphics state virtual void saveState(GfxState *state); virtual void restoreState(GfxState *state); //----- update graphics state virtual void updateCTM(GfxState *state, double m11, double m12, double m21, double m22, double m31, double m32); virtual void updateLineDash(GfxState *state); virtual void updateFlatness(GfxState *state); virtual void updateLineJoin(GfxState *state); virtual void updateLineCap(GfxState *state); virtual void updateMiterLimit(GfxState *state); virtual void updateLineWidth(GfxState *state); virtual void updateFillColor(GfxState *state); virtual void updateStrokeColor(GfxState *state); //----- update text state virtual void updateFont(GfxState *state); virtual void updateTextMat(GfxState *state); virtual void updateCharSpace(GfxState *state); virtual void updateRender(GfxState *state); virtual void updateRise(GfxState *state); virtual void updateWordSpace(GfxState *state); virtual void updateHorizScaling(GfxState *state); virtual void updateTextPos(GfxState *state); virtual void updateTextShift(GfxState *state, double shift); //----- path painting virtual void stroke(GfxState *state); virtual void fill(GfxState *state); virtual void eoFill(GfxState *state); //----- path clipping virtual void clip(GfxState *state); virtual void eoClip(GfxState *state); //----- text drawing virtual void drawString(GfxState *state, GString *s); virtual void endTextObject(GfxState *state); //----- image drawing virtual void drawImageMask(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg); virtual void drawImage(GfxState *state, Object *ref, Stream *str, int width, int height, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, int *maskColors, GBool inlineImg); #if OPI_SUPPORT //----- OPI functions virtual void opiBegin(GfxState *state, Dict *opiDict); virtual void opiEnd(GfxState *state, Dict *opiDict); #endif //----- Type 3 font operators virtual void type3D0(GfxState *state, double wx, double wy); virtual void type3D1(GfxState *state, double wx, double wy, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury); //----- PostScript XObjects virtual void psXObject(Stream *psStream, Stream *level1Stream); //----- miscellaneous void setUnderlayCbk(void (*cbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data), void *data) { underlayCbk = cbk; underlayCbkData = data; } void setOverlayCbk(void (*cbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data), void *data) { overlayCbk = cbk; overlayCbkData = data; } private: void init(PSOutputFunc outputFuncA, void *outputStreamA, PSFileType fileTypeA, XRef *xrefA, Catalog *catalog, int firstPage, int lastPage, PSOutMode modeA, int paperWidthA, int paperHeightA, GBool manualCtrlA); void setupResources(Dict *resDict); void setupFonts(Dict *resDict); void setupFont(GfxFont *font, Dict *parentResDict); void setupEmbeddedType1Font(Ref *id, GString *psName); void setupExternalType1Font(GString *fileName, GString *psName); void setupEmbeddedType1CFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GString *psName); void setupEmbeddedTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GString *psName); void setupExternalTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, GString *psName); void setupEmbeddedCIDType0Font(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GString *psName); void setupEmbeddedCIDTrueTypeFont(GfxFont *font, Ref *id, GString *psName); void setupType3Font(GfxFont *font, GString *psName, Dict *parentResDict); void setupImages(Dict *resDict); void setupImage(Ref id, Stream *str); void addProcessColor(double c, double m, double y, double k); void addCustomColor(GfxSeparationColorSpace *sepCS); void doPath(GfxPath *path); void doImageL1(GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len); void doImageL1Sep(GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len); void doImageL2(Object *ref, GfxImageColorMap *colorMap, GBool invert, GBool inlineImg, Stream *str, int width, int height, int len); void dumpColorSpaceL2(GfxColorSpace *colorSpace); #if OPI_SUPPORT void opiBegin20(GfxState *state, Dict *dict); void opiBegin13(GfxState *state, Dict *dict); void opiTransform(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0, double *x1, double *y1); GBool getFileSpec(Object *fileSpec, Object *fileName); #endif void writePSChar(char c); void writePS(char *s); void writePSFmt(const char *fmt, ...); void writePSString(GString *s); void writePSName(char *s); GString *filterPSName(GString *name); PSLevel level; // PostScript level (1, 2, separation) PSOutMode mode; // PostScript mode (PS, EPS, form) int paperWidth; // width of paper, in pts int paperHeight; // height of paper, in pts PSOutputFunc outputFunc; void *outputStream; PSFileType fileType; // file / pipe / stdout GBool manualCtrl; int seqPage; // current sequential page number void (*underlayCbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data); void *underlayCbkData; void (*overlayCbk)(PSOutputDev *psOut, void *data); void *overlayCbkData; XRef *xref; // the xref table for this PDF file Ref *fontIDs; // list of object IDs of all used fonts int fontIDLen; // number of entries in fontIDs array int fontIDSize; // size of fontIDs array Ref *fontFileIDs; // list of object IDs of all embedded fonts int fontFileIDLen; // number of entries in fontFileIDs array int fontFileIDSize; // size of fontFileIDs array GString **fontFileNames; // list of names of all embedded external fonts int fontFileNameLen; // number of entries in fontFileNames array int fontFileNameSize; // size of fontFileNames array int nextTrueTypeNum; // next unique number to append to a TrueType // font name PSFont16Enc *font16Enc; // encodings for substitute 16-bit fonts int font16EncLen; // number of entries in font16Enc array int font16EncSize; // size of font16Enc array GList *xobjStack; // stack of XObject dicts currently being // processed int numSaves; // current number of gsaves double tx, ty; // global translation double xScale, yScale; // global scaling GBool landscape; // true for landscape, false for portrait GString *embFontList; // resource comments for embedded fonts int processColors; // used process colors PSOutCustomColor // used custom colors *customColors; GBool haveTextClip; // set if text has been drawn with a // clipping render mode GBool inType3Char; // inside a Type 3 CharProc GString *t3String; // Type 3 content string double t3WX, t3WY, // Type 3 character parameters t3LLX, t3LLY, t3URX, t3URY; GBool t3Cacheable; // cleared if char is not cacheable #if OPI_SUPPORT int opi13Nest; // nesting level of OPI 1.3 objects int opi20Nest; // nesting level of OPI 2.0 objects #endif GBool ok; // set up ok? friend class WinPDFPrinter; }; #endif