//======================================================================== // // pdfinfo.cc // // Copyright 1998-2002 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "parseargs.h" #include "GString.h" #include "gmem.h" #include "GlobalParams.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "Array.h" #include "Dict.h" #include "XRef.h" #include "Catalog.h" #include "Page.h" #include "PDFDoc.h" #include "CharTypes.h" #include "UnicodeMap.h" #include "Error.h" #include "config.h" static void printInfoString(Dict *infoDict, char *key, char *text, UnicodeMap *uMap); static void printInfoDate(Dict *infoDict, char *key, char *text); static GBool printMetadata = gFalse; static char textEncName[128] = ""; static char ownerPassword[33] = ""; static char userPassword[33] = ""; static char cfgFileName[256] = ""; static GBool printVersion = gFalse; static GBool printHelp = gFalse; static ArgDesc argDesc[] = { {"-meta", argFlag, &printMetadata, 0, "print the document metadata (XML)"}, {"-enc", argString, textEncName, sizeof(textEncName), "output text encoding name"}, {"-opw", argString, ownerPassword, sizeof(ownerPassword), "owner password (for encrypted files)"}, {"-upw", argString, userPassword, sizeof(userPassword), "user password (for encrypted files)"}, {"-cfg", argString, cfgFileName, sizeof(cfgFileName), "configuration file to use in place of .xpdfrc"}, {"-v", argFlag, &printVersion, 0, "print copyright and version info"}, {"-h", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"-help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"--help", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {"-?", argFlag, &printHelp, 0, "print usage information"}, {NULL} }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { PDFDoc *doc; GString *fileName; GString *ownerPW, *userPW; UnicodeMap *uMap; Object info; double w, h; FILE *f; GString *metadata; GBool ok; // parse args ok = parseArgs(argDesc, &argc, argv); if (!ok || argc != 2 || printVersion || printHelp) { fprintf(stderr, "pdfinfo version %s\n", xpdfVersion); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", xpdfCopyright); if (!printVersion) { printUsage("pdfinfo", "", argDesc); } exit(1); } fileName = new GString(argv[1]); // read config file globalParams = new GlobalParams(cfgFileName); if (textEncName[0]) { globalParams->setTextEncoding(textEncName); } // get mapping to output encoding if (!(uMap = globalParams->getTextEncoding())) { error(-1, "Couldn't get text encoding"); delete fileName; goto err1; } // open PDF file if (ownerPassword[0]) { ownerPW = new GString(ownerPassword); } else { ownerPW = NULL; } if (userPassword[0]) { userPW = new GString(userPassword); } else { userPW = NULL; } doc = new PDFDoc(fileName, ownerPW, userPW); if (userPW) { delete userPW; } if (ownerPW) { delete ownerPW; } if (!doc->isOk()) { goto err2; } // print doc info doc->getDocInfo(&info); if (info.isDict()) { printInfoString(info.getDict(), "Title", "Title: ", uMap); printInfoString(info.getDict(), "Subject", "Subject: ", uMap); printInfoString(info.getDict(), "Keywords", "Keywords: ", uMap); printInfoString(info.getDict(), "Author", "Author: ", uMap); printInfoString(info.getDict(), "Creator", "Creator: ", uMap); printInfoString(info.getDict(), "Producer", "Producer: ", uMap); printInfoDate(info.getDict(), "CreationDate", "CreationDate: "); printInfoDate(info.getDict(), "ModDate", "ModDate: "); } info.free(); // print tagging info printf("Tagged: %s\n", doc->getStructTreeRoot()->isDict() ? "yes" : "no"); // print page count printf("Pages: %d\n", doc->getNumPages()); // print encryption info printf("Encrypted: "); if (doc->isEncrypted()) { printf("yes (print:%s copy:%s change:%s addNotes:%s)\n", doc->okToPrint(gTrue) ? "yes" : "no", doc->okToCopy(gTrue) ? "yes" : "no", doc->okToChange(gTrue) ? "yes" : "no", doc->okToAddNotes(gTrue) ? "yes" : "no"); } else { printf("no\n"); } // print page size if (doc->getNumPages() >= 1) { w = doc->getPageWidth(1); h = doc->getPageHeight(1); printf("Page size: %g x %g pts", w, h); if ((fabs(w - 612) < 0.1 && fabs(h - 792) < 0.1) || (fabs(w - 792) < 0.1 && fabs(h - 612) < 0.1)) { printf(" (letter)"); } else if ((fabs(w - 595) < 0.1 && fabs(h - 842) < 0.1) || (fabs(w - 842) < 0.1 && fabs(h - 595) < 0.1)) { printf(" (A4)"); } printf("\n"); } // print file size #ifdef VMS f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb", "ctx=stm"); #else f = fopen(fileName->getCString(), "rb"); #endif if (f) { #if HAVE_FSEEK64 fseek64(f, 0, SEEK_END); printf("File size: %u bytes\n", (Guint)ftell64(f)); #else fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); printf("File size: %d bytes\n", (int)ftell(f)); #endif fclose(f); } // print linearization info printf("Optimized: %s\n", doc->isLinearized() ? "yes" : "no"); // print PDF version printf("PDF version: %.1f\n", doc->getPDFVersion()); // print the metadata if (printMetadata && (metadata = doc->readMetadata())) { fputs("Metadata:\n", stdout); fputs(metadata->getCString(), stdout); fputc('\n', stdout); delete metadata; } // clean up err2: uMap->decRefCnt(); delete doc; err1: delete globalParams; // check for memory leaks Object::memCheck(stderr); gMemReport(stderr); return 0; } static void printInfoString(Dict *infoDict, char *key, char *text, UnicodeMap *uMap) { Object obj; GString *s1; GBool isUnicode; Unicode u; char buf[8]; int i, n; if (infoDict->lookup(key, &obj)->isString()) { fputs(text, stdout); s1 = obj.getString(); if ((s1->getChar(0) & 0xff) == 0xfe && (s1->getChar(1) & 0xff) == 0xff) { isUnicode = gTrue; i = 2; } else { isUnicode = gFalse; i = 0; } while (i < obj.getString()->getLength()) { if (isUnicode) { u = ((s1->getChar(i) & 0xff) << 8) | (s1->getChar(i+1) & 0xff); i += 2; } else { u = s1->getChar(i) & 0xff; ++i; } n = uMap->mapUnicode(u, buf, sizeof(buf)); fwrite(buf, 1, n, stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); } obj.free(); } static void printInfoDate(Dict *infoDict, char *key, char *text) { Object obj; char *s; int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec; struct tm tmStruct; char buf[256]; if (infoDict->lookup(key, &obj)->isString()) { fputs(text, stdout); s = obj.getString()->getCString(); if (s[0] == 'D' && s[1] == ':') { s += 2; } if (sscanf(s, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d", &year, &mon, &day, &hour, &min, &sec) == 6) { tmStruct.tm_year = year - 1900; tmStruct.tm_mon = mon - 1; tmStruct.tm_mday = day; tmStruct.tm_hour = hour; tmStruct.tm_min = min; tmStruct.tm_sec = sec; tmStruct.tm_wday = -1; tmStruct.tm_yday = -1; tmStruct.tm_isdst = -1; mktime(&tmStruct); // compute the tm_wday and tm_yday fields if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c", &tmStruct)) { fputs(buf, stdout); } else { fputs(s, stdout); } } else { fputs(s, stdout); } fputc('\n', stdout); } obj.free(); }