/* Ghostscript widget for GTK/GNOME * * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 the Free Software Foundation * * Authors: Jonathan Blandford, Jaka Mocnik * * Based on code by: Federico Mena (Quartic), Szekeres Istvan (Pista) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ps-document.h" #include "ev-debug.h" #include "gsdefaults.h" #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H # include #endif /* if POSIX O_NONBLOCK is not available, use O_NDELAY */ #if !defined(O_NONBLOCK) && defined(O_NDELAY) # define O_NONBLOCK O_NDELAY #endif #define MAX_BUFSIZE 1024 #define PS_DOCUMENT_IS_COMPRESSED(gs) (PS_DOCUMENT(gs)->gs_filename_unc != NULL) #define PS_DOCUMENT_GET_PS_FILE(gs) (PS_DOCUMENT_IS_COMPRESSED(gs) ? \ PS_DOCUMENT(gs)->gs_filename_unc : \ PS_DOCUMENT(gs)->gs_filename) GCond* pixbuf_cond = NULL; GMutex* pixbuf_mutex = NULL; GdkPixbuf *current_pixbuf = NULL; enum { PROP_0, PROP_TITLE }; /* structure to describe section of file to send to ghostscript */ struct record_list { FILE *fp; long begin; guint len; gboolean seek_needed; gboolean close; struct record_list *next; }; typedef struct { int page; double scale; PSDocument *document; } PSRenderJob; static gboolean broken_pipe = FALSE; /* Forward declarations */ static void ps_document_init(PSDocument * gs); static void ps_document_class_init(PSDocumentClass * klass); static void ps_document_finalize(GObject * object); static void send_ps(PSDocument * gs, long begin, unsigned int len, gboolean close); static void close_pipe(int p[2]); static void output(gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition condition); static void input(gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition condition); static void stop_interpreter(PSDocument * gs); static gint start_interpreter(PSDocument * gs); static void ps_document_document_iface_init (EvDocumentIface *iface); static gboolean ps_document_widget_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data); static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; static PSDocumentClass *gs_class = NULL; static void ps_document_init (PSDocument *gs) { gs->bpixmap = NULL; gs->current_page = 0; gs->interpreter_pid = -1; gs->width = -1; gs->height = -1; gs->busy = FALSE; gs->gs_filename = 0; gs->gs_filename_unc = 0; broken_pipe = FALSE; gs->structured_doc = FALSE; gs->reading_from_pipe = FALSE; gs->send_filename_to_gs = FALSE; gs->doc = NULL; gs->loaded = FALSE; gs->interpreter_input = -1; gs->interpreter_output = -1; gs->interpreter_err = -1; gs->interpreter_input_id = 0; gs->interpreter_output_id = 0; gs->interpreter_error_id = 0; gs->ps_input = NULL; gs->input_buffer = NULL; gs->input_buffer_ptr = NULL; gs->bytes_left = 0; gs->buffer_bytes_left = 0; gs->zoom_factor = 1.0; gs->gs_status = _("No document loaded."); pixbuf_cond = g_cond_new (); pixbuf_mutex = g_mutex_new (); } static void ps_document_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TITLE: /* read only */ break; } } static void ps_document_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { PSDocument *ps = PS_DOCUMENT (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TITLE: if (ps->doc) { g_value_set_string (value, ps->doc->title); } else { g_value_set_string (value, NULL); } break; } } static void ps_document_class_init(PSDocumentClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class; object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); gs_class = klass; object_class->finalize = ps_document_finalize; object_class->get_property = ps_document_get_property; object_class->set_property = ps_document_set_property; klass->gs_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("GHOSTVIEW", FALSE); klass->next_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("NEXT", FALSE); klass->page_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("PAGE", FALSE); klass->string_atom = gdk_atom_intern ("STRING", FALSE); g_object_class_override_property (object_class, PROP_TITLE, "title"); } static void push_pixbuf (PSDocument *gs) { GdkColormap *cmap; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; cmap = gdk_window_get_colormap (gs->pstarget); pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (NULL, gs->bpixmap, cmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, gs->width, gs->height); g_mutex_lock (pixbuf_mutex); current_pixbuf = pixbuf; g_cond_signal (pixbuf_cond); g_mutex_unlock (pixbuf_mutex); } static void interpreter_failed (PSDocument *gs, char *msg) { LOG ("Interpreter failed %s", msg); push_pixbuf (gs); stop_interpreter (gs); } static void ps_document_cleanup (PSDocument *gs) { g_return_if_fail (gs != NULL); g_return_if_fail (PS_IS_DOCUMENT (gs)); LOG ("Cleanup\n"); stop_interpreter (gs); if (gs->gs_psfile) { fclose (gs->gs_psfile); gs->gs_psfile = NULL; } if (gs->gs_filename) { g_free (gs->gs_filename); gs->gs_filename = NULL; } if (gs->doc) { psfree (gs->doc); gs->doc = NULL; } if (gs->gs_filename_unc) { unlink(gs->gs_filename_unc); g_free(gs->gs_filename_unc); gs->gs_filename_unc = NULL; } gs->current_page = 0; gs->loaded = FALSE; } static gboolean ps_document_widget_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { PSDocument *gs = (PSDocument *) data; if(event->type != GDK_CLIENT_EVENT) return FALSE; gs->message_window = event->client.data.l[0]; if (event->client.message_type == gs_class->page_atom) { LOG ("GS rendered the document"); gs->busy = FALSE; push_pixbuf (gs); } return TRUE; } static void ps_document_finalize (GObject * object) { PSDocument *gs; g_return_if_fail (object != NULL); g_return_if_fail (PS_IS_DOCUMENT (object)); LOG ("Finalize"); gs = PS_DOCUMENT (object); ps_document_cleanup (gs); stop_interpreter (gs); if(gs->input_buffer) { g_free(gs->input_buffer); gs->input_buffer = NULL; } (*G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize) (object); } static void send_ps(PSDocument * gs, long begin, unsigned int len, gboolean close) { struct record_list *ps_new; if(gs->interpreter_input < 0) { g_critical("No pipe to gs: error in send_ps()."); return; } ps_new = (struct record_list *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct record_list)); ps_new->fp = gs->gs_psfile; ps_new->begin = begin; ps_new->len = len; ps_new->seek_needed = TRUE; ps_new->close = close; ps_new->next = NULL; if(gs->input_buffer == NULL) { gs->input_buffer = g_malloc(MAX_BUFSIZE); } if(gs->ps_input == NULL) { gs->input_buffer_ptr = gs->input_buffer; gs->bytes_left = len; gs->buffer_bytes_left = 0; gs->ps_input = ps_new; gs->interpreter_input_id = gdk_input_add(gs->interpreter_input, GDK_INPUT_WRITE, input, gs); } else { struct record_list *p = gs->ps_input; while(p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; } p->next = ps_new; } } static float get_xdpi (PSDocument *gs) { return 25.4 * gdk_screen_width() / gdk_screen_width_mm(); } static float get_ydpi (PSDocument *gs) { return 25.4 * gdk_screen_height() / gdk_screen_height_mm(); } static void setup_pixmap (PSDocument *gs) { GdkGC *fill; GdkColor white = { 0, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF }; /* pixel, r, g, b */ GdkColormap *colormap; LOG ("Create our internal pixmap"); if(gs->bpixmap) { gdk_drawable_unref(gs->bpixmap); } fill = gdk_gc_new (gs->pstarget); colormap = gdk_drawable_get_colormap (gs->pstarget); gdk_color_alloc (colormap, &white); gdk_gc_set_foreground (fill, &white); gs->bpixmap = gdk_pixmap_new (gs->pstarget, gs->width, gs->height, -1); gdk_draw_rectangle (gs->bpixmap, fill, TRUE, 0, 0, gs->width, gs->height); } static void setup_page (PSDocument *gs, double scale) { char buf[1024]; #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H char *savelocale; #endif LOG ("Setup the page"); #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H /* gs needs floating point parameters with '.' as decimal point * while some (european) locales use ',' instead, so we set the * locale for this snprintf to "C". */ savelocale = setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); #endif g_snprintf (buf, 1024, "%ld %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %d", 0L, gs->orientation * 90, gs->llx, gs->lly, gs->urx, gs->ury, get_xdpi (gs) * scale, get_ydpi (gs) * scale, 0, 0, 0, 0); LOG ("GS property %s", buf); #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE_H setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, savelocale); #endif gdk_property_change (gs->pstarget, gs_class->gs_atom, gs_class->string_atom, 8, GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, (guchar *)buf, strlen(buf)); gdk_flush (); } static void close_pipe (int p[2]) { if (p[0] != -1) { close (p[0]); } if (p[1] != -1) { close (p[1]); } } static gboolean is_interpreter_ready (PSDocument *gs) { return (gs->interpreter_pid != -1 && !gs->busy && gs->ps_input == NULL); } static void output(gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition condition) { char buf[MAX_BUFSIZE + 1], *msg; guint bytes = 0; PSDocument *gs = PS_DOCUMENT(data); if(source == gs->interpreter_output) { bytes = read(gs->interpreter_output, buf, MAX_BUFSIZE); if(bytes == 0) { /* EOF occurred */ close(gs->interpreter_output); gs->interpreter_output = -1; gdk_input_remove(gs->interpreter_output_id); return; } else if(bytes == -1) { /* trouble... */ interpreter_failed(gs, NULL); return; } if(gs->interpreter_err == -1) { interpreter_failed(gs, NULL); } } else if(source == gs->interpreter_err) { bytes = read(gs->interpreter_err, buf, MAX_BUFSIZE); if(bytes == 0) { /* EOF occurred */ close(gs->interpreter_err); gs->interpreter_err = -1; gdk_input_remove(gs->interpreter_error_id); return; } else if(bytes == -1) { /* trouble... */ interpreter_failed(gs, NULL); return; } if(gs->interpreter_output == -1) { interpreter_failed(gs, NULL); } } if(bytes > 0) { buf[bytes] = '\0'; msg = g_strdup(buf); interpreter_failed (gs, msg); } } static void catchPipe(int i) { broken_pipe = True; } static void input(gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition condition) { PSDocument *gs = PS_DOCUMENT(data); int bytes_written; void (*oldsig) (int); oldsig = signal(SIGPIPE, catchPipe); LOG ("Input"); do { if(gs->buffer_bytes_left == 0) { /* Get a new section if required */ if(gs->ps_input && gs->bytes_left == 0) { struct record_list *ps_old = gs->ps_input; gs->ps_input = ps_old->next; if(ps_old->close && NULL != ps_old->fp) fclose(ps_old->fp); g_free((char *) ps_old); } /* Have to seek at the beginning of each section */ if(gs->ps_input && gs->ps_input->seek_needed) { fseek(gs->ps_input->fp, gs->ps_input->begin, SEEK_SET); gs->ps_input->seek_needed = FALSE; gs->bytes_left = gs->ps_input->len; } if(gs->bytes_left > MAX_BUFSIZE) { gs->buffer_bytes_left = fread(gs->input_buffer, sizeof(char), MAX_BUFSIZE, gs->ps_input->fp); } else if(gs->bytes_left > 0) { gs->buffer_bytes_left = fread(gs->input_buffer, sizeof(char), gs->bytes_left, gs->ps_input->fp); } else { gs->buffer_bytes_left = 0; } if(gs->bytes_left > 0 && gs->buffer_bytes_left == 0) { interpreter_failed (gs, NULL); /* Error occurred */ } gs->input_buffer_ptr = gs->input_buffer; gs->bytes_left -= gs->buffer_bytes_left; } if(gs->buffer_bytes_left > 0) { bytes_written = write(gs->interpreter_input, gs->input_buffer_ptr, gs->buffer_bytes_left); if(broken_pipe) { interpreter_failed (gs, g_strdup(_("Broken pipe."))); broken_pipe = FALSE; interpreter_failed (gs, NULL); } else if(bytes_written == -1) { if((errno != EWOULDBLOCK) && (errno != EAGAIN)) { interpreter_failed (gs, NULL); /* Something bad happened */ } } else { gs->buffer_bytes_left -= bytes_written; gs->input_buffer_ptr += bytes_written; } } } while(gs->ps_input && gs->buffer_bytes_left == 0); signal(SIGPIPE, oldsig); if(gs->ps_input == NULL && gs->buffer_bytes_left == 0) { if(gs->interpreter_input_id != 0) { gdk_input_remove(gs->interpreter_input_id); gs->interpreter_input_id = 0; } } } static int start_interpreter (PSDocument *gs) { int std_in[2] = { -1, -1 }; /* pipe to interp stdin */ int std_out[2]; /* pipe from interp stdout */ int std_err[2]; /* pipe from interp stderr */ #define NUM_ARGS 100 #define NUM_GS_ARGS (NUM_ARGS - 20) #define NUM_ALPHA_ARGS 10 char *argv[NUM_ARGS], *dir, *gv_env; char **gs_args, **alpha_args = NULL; int argc = 0, i; LOG ("Start the interpreter"); if(!gs->gs_filename) return 0; stop_interpreter(gs); /* set up the args... */ gs_args = g_strsplit (gtk_gs_defaults_get_interpreter_cmd (), " ", NUM_GS_ARGS); for(i = 0; i < NUM_GS_ARGS && gs_args[i]; i++, argc++) { argv[argc] = gs_args[i]; } alpha_args = g_strsplit (ALPHA_PARAMS, " ", NUM_ALPHA_ARGS); argv[argc++] = "-dNOPAUSE"; argv[argc++] = "-dQUIET"; argv[argc++] = "-dSAFER"; /* set up the pipes */ if (gs->send_filename_to_gs) { argv[argc++] = PS_DOCUMENT_GET_PS_FILE (gs); argv[argc++] = "-c"; argv[argc++] = "quit"; } else { argv[argc++] = "-"; } argv[argc++] = NULL; if (!gs->reading_from_pipe && !gs->send_filename_to_gs) { if (pipe (std_in) == -1) { g_critical ("Unable to open pipe to Ghostscript."); return -1; } } if (pipe (std_out) == -1) { close_pipe (std_in); return -1; } if (pipe(std_err) == -1) { close_pipe (std_in); close_pipe (std_out); return -1; } gv_env = g_strdup_printf ("GHOSTVIEW=%ld %ld", gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (gs->pstarget), gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (gs->bpixmap)); LOG ("Launching ghostview with env %s", gv_env); gs->busy = TRUE; gs->interpreter_pid = fork (); switch (gs->interpreter_pid) { case -1: /* error */ close_pipe (std_in); close_pipe (std_out); close_pipe (std_err); return -2; break; case 0: /* child */ close (std_out[0]); dup2 (std_out[1], 1); close (std_out[1]); close (std_err[0]); dup2 (std_err[1], 2); close (std_err[1]); if (!gs->reading_from_pipe) { if (gs->send_filename_to_gs) { int stdinfd; /* just in case gs tries to read from stdin */ stdinfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); if (stdinfd != 0) { dup2(stdinfd, 0); close(stdinfd); } } else { close (std_in[1]); dup2 (std_in[0], 0); close (std_in[0]); } } putenv(gv_env); /* change to directory where the input file is. This helps * with postscript-files which include other files using * a relative path */ dir = g_path_get_dirname (gs->gs_filename); chdir (dir); g_free (dir); execvp (argv[0], argv); /* Notify error */ g_critical ("Unable to execute [%s]\n", argv[0]); g_strfreev (gs_args); g_free (gv_env); g_strfreev (alpha_args); _exit (1); break; default: /* parent */ if (!gs->send_filename_to_gs && !gs->reading_from_pipe) { int result; close (std_in[0]); /* use non-blocking IO for pipe to ghostscript */ result = fcntl (std_in[1], F_GETFL, 0); fcntl (std_in[1], F_SETFL, result | O_NONBLOCK); gs->interpreter_input = std_in[1]; } else { gs->interpreter_input = -1; } close (std_out[1]); gs->interpreter_output = std_out[0]; close (std_err[1]); gs->interpreter_err = std_err[0]; gs->interpreter_output_id = gdk_input_add (std_out[0], GDK_INPUT_READ, output, gs); gs->interpreter_error_id = gdk_input_add (std_err[0], GDK_INPUT_READ, output, gs); break; } return TRUE; } static void stop_interpreter(PSDocument * gs) { if(gs->interpreter_pid > 0) { int status = 0; LOG ("Stop the interpreter"); kill(gs->interpreter_pid, SIGTERM); while((wait(&status) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) ; gs->interpreter_pid = -1; if(status == 1) { ps_document_cleanup(gs); gs->gs_status = _("Interpreter failed."); } } if(gs->interpreter_input >= 0) { close(gs->interpreter_input); gs->interpreter_input = -1; if(gs->interpreter_input_id != 0) { gdk_input_remove(gs->interpreter_input_id); gs->interpreter_input_id = 0; } while(gs->ps_input) { struct record_list *ps_old = gs->ps_input; gs->ps_input = gs->ps_input->next; if(ps_old->close && NULL != ps_old->fp) fclose(ps_old->fp); g_free((char *) ps_old); } } if(gs->interpreter_output >= 0) { close(gs->interpreter_output); gs->interpreter_output = -1; if(gs->interpreter_output_id) { gdk_input_remove(gs->interpreter_output_id); gs->interpreter_output_id = 0; } } if(gs->interpreter_err >= 0) { close(gs->interpreter_err); gs->interpreter_err = -1; if(gs->interpreter_error_id) { gdk_input_remove(gs->interpreter_error_id); gs->interpreter_error_id = 0; } } gs->busy = FALSE; } /* If file exists and is a regular file then return its length, else -1 */ static gint file_length(const gchar * filename) { struct stat stat_rec; if(filename && (stat(filename, &stat_rec) == 0) && S_ISREG(stat_rec.st_mode)) return stat_rec.st_size; else return -1; } /* Test if file exists, is a regular file and its length is > 0 */ static gboolean file_readable(const char *filename) { return (file_length(filename) > 0); } /* * Decompress gs->gs_filename if necessary * Set gs->filename_unc to the name of the uncompressed file or NULL. * Error reporting via signal 'interpreter_message' * Return name of input file to use or NULL on error.. */ static gchar * check_filecompressed(PSDocument * gs) { FILE *file; gchar buf[1024]; gchar *filename, *filename_unc, *filename_err, *cmdline; const gchar *cmd; int fd; cmd = NULL; if((file = fopen(gs->gs_filename, "r")) && (fread(buf, sizeof(gchar), 3, file) == 3)) { if((buf[0] == '\037') && ((buf[1] == '\235') || (buf[1] == '\213'))) { /* file is gzipped or compressed */ cmd = gtk_gs_defaults_get_ungzip_cmd(); } else if(strncmp(buf, "BZh", 3) == 0) { /* file is compressed with bzip2 */ cmd = gtk_gs_defaults_get_unbzip2_cmd(); } } if(NULL != file) fclose(file); if(!cmd) return gs->gs_filename; /* do the decompression */ filename = g_shell_quote(gs->gs_filename); filename_unc = g_strconcat(g_get_tmp_dir(), "/ggvXXXXXX", NULL); if((fd = mkstemp(filename_unc)) < 0) { g_free(filename_unc); g_free(filename); return NULL; } close(fd); filename_err = g_strconcat(g_get_tmp_dir(), "/ggvXXXXXX", NULL); if((fd = mkstemp(filename_err)) < 0) { g_free(filename_err); g_free(filename_unc); g_free(filename); return NULL; } close(fd); cmdline = g_strdup_printf("%s %s >%s 2>%s", cmd, filename, filename_unc, filename_err); if((system(cmdline) == 0) && file_readable(filename_unc) && (file_length(filename_err) == 0)) { /* sucessfully uncompressed file */ gs->gs_filename_unc = filename_unc; } else { /* report error */ g_snprintf(buf, 1024, _("Error while decompressing file %s:\n"), gs->gs_filename); interpreter_failed (gs, buf); unlink(filename_unc); g_free(filename_unc); filename_unc = NULL; } unlink(filename_err); g_free(filename_err); g_free(cmdline); g_free(filename); return filename_unc; } static void compute_dimensions (PSDocument *gs, int page) { GtkGSPaperSize *paper_sizes = gtk_gs_defaults_get_paper_sizes (); int urx, ury, llx, lly; int width, height; int orientation; g_return_if_fail (PS_IS_DOCUMENT (gs)); g_return_if_fail (gs->doc != NULL); g_return_if_fail (page >= 0); g_return_if_fail (gs->doc->numpages > page); orientation = GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_NONE; if (gs->structured_doc) { orientation = gs->doc->pages[gs->current_page].orientation; } if (orientation == GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_NONE) { orientation = GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; } if (gs->doc->pages && gs->doc->pages[page].size) { int page_size; page_size = gs->doc->pages[page].size - gs->doc->size; llx = lly = 0; urx = gs->doc->size[page_size].width; ury = gs->doc->size[page_size].height; } else if (gs->doc->pages && (gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[URX] > gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[LLX]) && (gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[URY] > gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[LLY])) { llx = gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[LLX]; lly = gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[LLY]; urx = gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[URX]; ury = gs->doc->pages[page].boundingbox[URY]; } else if ((gs->doc->boundingbox[URX] > gs->doc->boundingbox[LLX]) && (gs->doc->boundingbox[URY] > gs->doc->boundingbox[LLY])) { llx = gs->doc->boundingbox[LLX]; lly = gs->doc->boundingbox[LLY]; urx = gs->doc->boundingbox[URX]; ury = gs->doc->boundingbox[URY]; } else { /* Fallback to A4 */ llx = lly = 0; urx = paper_sizes[12].width; ury = paper_sizes[12].height; } switch (orientation) { case GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: case GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_UPSIDEDOWN: width = (urx - llx) / 72.0 * get_xdpi (gs) + 0.5; height = (ury - lly) / 72.0 * get_ydpi (gs) + 0.5; break; case GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: case GTK_GS_ORIENTATION_SEASCAPE: width = (ury - lly) / 72.0 * get_xdpi (gs) + 0.5; height = (urx - llx) / 72.0 * get_ydpi (gs) + 0.5; break; default: width = height = 0; g_assert_not_reached (); break; } width = width * gs->zoom_factor; height = height * gs->zoom_factor; if (llx != gs->llx || lly != gs->lly || urx != gs->urx || ury != gs->ury || gs->width != width || gs->height != height || orientation != gs->orientation) { gs->llx = llx; gs->lly = lly; gs->urx = urx; gs->ury = ury; gs->width = width; gs->height = height; gs->orientation = orientation; gs->changed = TRUE; } } static gint ps_document_enable_interpreter(PSDocument * gs) { g_return_val_if_fail(gs != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(PS_IS_DOCUMENT(gs), FALSE); if(!gs->gs_filename) return 0; return start_interpreter(gs); } /* publicly accessible functions */ GType ps_document_get_type(void) { static GType gs_type = 0; if(!gs_type) { GTypeInfo gs_info = { sizeof(PSDocumentClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) ps_document_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc) NULL, NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof(PSDocument), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) ps_document_init }; static const GInterfaceInfo document_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc) ps_document_document_iface_init, NULL, NULL }; gs_type = g_type_register_static(G_TYPE_OBJECT, "PSDocument", &gs_info, 0); g_type_add_interface_static (gs_type, EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT, &document_info); } return gs_type; } static gboolean document_load(PSDocument * gs, const gchar * fname) { g_return_val_if_fail(gs != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(PS_IS_DOCUMENT(gs), FALSE); LOG ("Load the document"); /* clean up previous document */ ps_document_cleanup(gs); if(fname == NULL) { gs->gs_status = ""; return FALSE; } /* prepare this document */ gs->structured_doc = FALSE; gs->send_filename_to_gs = TRUE; gs->current_page = 0; gs->loaded = FALSE; if(*fname == '/') { /* an absolute path */ gs->gs_filename = g_strdup(fname); } else { /* path relative to our cwd: make it absolute */ gchar *cwd = g_get_current_dir(); gs->gs_filename = g_strconcat(cwd, "/", fname, NULL); g_free(cwd); } if((gs->reading_from_pipe = (strcmp(fname, "-") == 0))) { gs->send_filename_to_gs = FALSE; } else { /* * We need to make sure that the file is loadable/exists! * otherwise we want to exit without loading new stuff... */ gchar *filename = NULL; if(!file_readable(fname)) { gchar buf[1024]; g_snprintf(buf, 1024, _("Cannot open file %s.\n"), fname); interpreter_failed (gs, buf); gs->gs_status = _("File is not readable."); } else { filename = check_filecompressed(gs); } if(!filename || (gs->gs_psfile = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { interpreter_failed (gs, NULL); ps_document_cleanup(gs); return FALSE; } /* we grab the vital statistics!!! */ gs->doc = psscan(gs->gs_psfile, TRUE, filename); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (gs), "title"); if(gs->doc == NULL) { /* File does not seem to be a Postscript one */ gchar buf[1024]; g_snprintf(buf, 1024, _("Error while scanning file %s\n"), fname); interpreter_failed (gs, buf); ps_document_cleanup(gs); gs->gs_status = _("The file is not a PostScript document."); return FALSE; } if((!gs->doc->epsf && gs->doc->numpages > 0) || (gs->doc->epsf && gs->doc->numpages > 1)) { gs->structured_doc = TRUE; gs->send_filename_to_gs = FALSE; } } gs->loaded = TRUE; compute_dimensions (gs, gs->current_page); gs->gs_status = _("Document loaded."); return gs->loaded; } static gboolean ps_document_next_page (PSDocument *gs) { XEvent event; LOG ("Make ghostscript render next page"); g_return_val_if_fail (PS_IS_DOCUMENT(gs), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (gs->interpreter_pid != 0, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (gs->busy != TRUE, FALSE); gs->busy = TRUE; event.xclient.type = ClientMessage; event.xclient.display = gdk_display; event.xclient.window = gs->message_window; event.xclient.message_type = gdk_x11_atom_to_xatom(gs_class->next_atom); event.xclient.format = 32; gdk_error_trap_push (); XSendEvent (gdk_display, gs->message_window, FALSE, 0, &event); gdk_flush (); gdk_error_trap_pop (); return TRUE; } static gboolean render_page (PSDocument *gs, int page) { g_return_val_if_fail(gs != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail(PS_IS_DOCUMENT(gs), FALSE); if(!gs->gs_filename) { return FALSE; } if (gs->structured_doc && gs->doc) { LOG ("It's a structured document, let's send one page to gs"); if (is_interpreter_ready (gs)) { ps_document_next_page (gs); } else { ps_document_enable_interpreter (gs); send_ps (gs, gs->doc->beginprolog, gs->doc->lenprolog, FALSE); send_ps (gs, gs->doc->beginsetup, gs->doc->lensetup, FALSE); } send_ps (gs, gs->doc->pages[page].begin, gs->doc->pages[page].len, FALSE); } else { /* Unstructured document * * In the case of non structured documents, * GS read the PS from the actual file (via command * line. Hence, ggv only send a signal next page. * If ghostview is not running it is usually because * the last page of the file was displayed. In that * case, ggv restarts GS again and the first page is displayed. */ LOG ("It's an unstructured document, gs will just read the file"); if (!is_interpreter_ready (gs)) { ps_document_enable_interpreter(gs); } ps_document_next_page(gs); } return TRUE; } static gboolean ps_document_load (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { gboolean result; char *filename; filename = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, error); if (!filename) return FALSE; result = document_load (PS_DOCUMENT (document), filename); if (!result) { g_set_error (error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to load document '%s'\n", uri); } g_free (filename); return result; } static gboolean ps_document_save (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { g_warning ("ps_document_save not implemented"); /* FIXME */ return TRUE; } static int ps_document_get_n_pages (EvDocument *document) { PSDocument *ps = PS_DOCUMENT (document); g_return_val_if_fail (ps != NULL, -1); if (!ps->gs_filename || !ps->doc) { return -1; } return ps->structured_doc ? ps->doc->numpages : 1; } static void ps_document_get_page_size (EvDocument *document, int page, double *width, double *height) { /* Post script documents never vary in size */ PSDocument *gs = PS_DOCUMENT (document); compute_dimensions (gs, page); if (width) { *width = gs->width; } if (height) { *height = gs->height; } } static char * ps_document_get_text (EvDocument *document, int page, EvRectangle *rect) { g_warning ("ps_document_get_text not implemented"); /* FIXME ? */ return NULL; } static gboolean render_pixbuf_idle (PSRenderJob *job) { PSDocument *gs = job->document; if (gs->pstarget == NULL) { GtkWidget *widget; widget = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP); gtk_widget_realize (widget); gs->pstarget = widget->window; g_assert (gs->pstarget != NULL); g_signal_connect (widget, "event", G_CALLBACK (ps_document_widget_event), gs); } if (gs->changed) { stop_interpreter (gs); setup_pixmap (gs); setup_page (gs, job->scale); gs->changed = FALSE; } render_page (gs, job->page); return FALSE; } static GdkPixbuf * ps_document_render_pixbuf (EvDocument *document, int page, double scale) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; PSRenderJob job; job.page = page; job.scale = scale; job.document = PS_DOCUMENT (document); g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc)render_pixbuf_idle, &job); g_mutex_lock (pixbuf_mutex); while (!current_pixbuf) g_cond_wait (pixbuf_cond, pixbuf_mutex); pixbuf = current_pixbuf; current_pixbuf = NULL; g_mutex_unlock (pixbuf_mutex); LOG ("Pixbuf rendered %p\n", pixbuf); return pixbuf; } static void ps_document_document_iface_init (EvDocumentIface *iface) { iface->load = ps_document_load; iface->save = ps_document_save; iface->get_text = ps_document_get_text; iface->get_n_pages = ps_document_get_n_pages; iface->get_page_size = ps_document_get_page_size; iface->render_pixbuf = ps_document_render_pixbuf; }