#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- #sbrpcserver.py #This file is part of sugarbot. #sugarbot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. #sugarbot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with sugarbot. If not, see . import binascii import logging import optparse import os import random import sblog import sys import time import xmlrpclib from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer try: from sbconfig import host, port except ImportError: from sbconfig_sample import host, port def proxyString(): return "http://%s:%s/" % (host, str(port)) def rebuildMarshalledObject(obj, dictionary): for key in dictionary: setattr(obj, key, dictionary[key]) class sugarbotSession(): def __init__(self,ID=0): self.id = ID # self.responses = [] self.responses = {} self.currentScript = -1 self.scriptName = "" self.failureText = {} # self.log = logging.getLogger("%s" % ID) def getSuccessValue(self): retval = 0 failed = [self.responses[k] for k in self.responses if not self.responses[k]] if failed: retval = 1 return retval log = property(lambda self: logging.getLogger(str(self.id))) class sbRpcServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer): """ Sugarbot RPC Server Responsible for listening on the XML-RPC port (defined as sbconfig.port). The object loads the scripts provided on the command-line as individual text lines. It then provides those lines of text over XML-RPC to the XML-RPC client. The client is responsible for parsing the lines into meaningful objects/functions. The list of files, as well as each file's contents, are kept entirely in memory. This may lead to issues in the future with particularly large script files, but this is currently not a problem. """ sugarbotActivityVar = 'sugarActivityName' def __init__(self, scripts=[], xmlport=port, kill=False, restart=False): # Random port? if xmlport is None: xmlport = random.randint(1024,65000) self.port = xmlport # Create the RPC server SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, (host, xmlport), allow_none=True, logRequests=False) # Create the logger self.log = self.initializeLogging() self.log.info("Listening on port %i" % xmlport) # A listing of the filenames for each script self.listOfScripts = [] # Keep list of all of the clients self.clients = {0: sugarbotSession(0)} # Misc other stuffs... self.kill = kill self.restart = restart self.log.info("Kill: %s\tRestart: %s" % (kill,restart)) for script in scripts: self.addScript(script) # Register all of the functions so that callers can use them self.registerFunctions() # Initialize the random seed for generating client ID's self.initRandomSeed() def testConnectivity(self): """ This function exists so that the client can test the connection to the XML-RPC server. The xmlrpclib throws a socket.error if a function is called when the ServerProxy object is not connected. This provides a simple method so that we don't have to worry about screwing with the internal state of other stuff. """ pass def initRandomSeed(self): """ Initializes the random seed using os.urandom. """ # Initialize the random seed... seed = 0 try: seed = long(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(64)), 16) except NotImplementedError: seed = time.time() random.seed(seed) def generateSessionID(self): """ In the event a client does not specify an identifier, provide one. """ return random.randint(0, sys.maxint) def initializeLogging(self): """ Initialize logging for the sbRpcServer object. This provides logging of INFO and above to the terminal, and all statements go to a file named sbRpcServer.log. """ if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M', filename='sbRpcServer.log') # define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the sys.stderr console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) # set a format which is simpler for console use formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') # tell the handler to use this format console.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handler to the root logger logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) return logging.getLogger('sbRpcServer') def registerFunctions(self): """ Register the functions for use with the XML server. Recommended internal use only. """ self.register_function(self.addScript) self.register_function(self.completionStatus) self.register_function(self.fail) self.register_function(self.generateSessionID) self.register_function(self.getActivityName) self.register_function(self.getKillFlag) self.register_function(self.getRestartFlag) self.register_function(self.getScript) self.register_function(self.numberOfScripts) self.register_function(self.resetClientState) self.register_function(self.startScript) self.register_function(self.success) self.register_function(self.testConnectivity) def numberOfScripts(self): """ Returns the number of scripts for execution. """ return len(self.listOfScripts) def haveClient(self,ID): """ Determine whether or not we have a given client in tracking. """ return self.clients.has_key(ID) def getClient(self, ID): """ Returns the sugarbotSession object corresponding to the provided ID. If such a sugarbotSession object does not exist, it is created. """ if not self.haveClient(ID): self.clients[ID] = sugarbotSession(ID) return self.clients[ID] def completionStatus(self,ID=0): """ Returns the completion status of all of the scripts as a list. For example, if there were a total of three scripts, and the second script had a command that did not complete successfully, the return value would be: [True, False, True] If no failures were reported: [True, True, True] All values are initialized to False. If a script is still running, then at least one of the result-values will be False. Removes the client from tracking. When the client re-connects, it will effectively have a clean slate. """ retval = [] if self.haveClient(ID): retval = self.clients[ID] self.resetClientState(ID) else: retval = None return retval def resetClientState(self, ID=0): """ Clears a client from tracking. When the client re-connects, it will start with a clean slate. """ if self.haveClient(ID): client = self.getClient(ID) # Get a completed ratio r = client.responses successes = len([r[k] for k in r if r[k] is True]) completed = len(r) overall = len(self.listOfScripts) self.clients[ID].log.info("Disconnected [%s\%s\%s]" % \ (successes, completed, overall)) del self.clients[ID] def scriptOutOfBounds(self,ID): """ Checks to see if a client's script index is out-of-bounds. """ client = self.getClient(ID) if client.currentScript < 0: return True if client.currentScript >= len(self.listOfScripts): return True def success(self, ID=0): """ This method is called after the successful completion of a script """ client = self.getClient(ID) client.log.info("Success (%s)" % client.scriptName) client.responses[client.scriptName] = True def modifyTraceBackText(self, text, ID=0): """ Replaces '' with the script name in a backtrace report. This is useful in determining _which_ script failed execution. """ client = self.getClient(ID) if "File \"\"" in text: # Get the text.. replacementText = "Sugarbot Script: '%s'" % client.scriptName # Replace the string with the filename text = text.replace("", replacementText) return text def fail(self, status="No status provided", ID=0): """ This method is called if, for some reason, the client needs to disconnect prematurely. A status message/reason is required. """ client = self.getClient(ID) # If the client is sending us exception text, replace that select # portions of the text to be more useful. status = self.modifyTraceBackText(status, ID) # Print the error client.log.error("%s" % status) client.responses[client.scriptName] = False client.failureText[client.scriptName] = status return status def startScript(self,ID=0): """ Increments the internal script counter, looping back to the first script if necessary. This should be the first method that a client calls. """ # Get the client. This will create it if it does not exist. client = self.getClient(ID) # Next script! (Note that the value is initialized to be -1) client.currentScript += 1 # Prevent overflows if, for some reason, we loop back to script 0 if self.scriptOutOfBounds(ID): client.currentScript = 0 # Update the client's script name client.scriptName = self.listOfScripts[client.currentScript] # Pretty status message... client.log.info("Starting %s" % client.scriptName) # Make room for another response (default to failure) client.responses[client.scriptName] = False return True def getScript(self,ID=0): """ Returns the script that the client should execute. """ client = self.getClient(ID) client.log.info("Getting Script: %s" % client.scriptName ) f = open(self.listOfScripts[client.currentScript]) listOfLines = f.readlines() longString = '' for line in listOfLines: longString += line f.close() return longString def getActivityName(self, ID=0, which=None): """ Imports from the specified script file in order to """ client = self.getClient(ID) if which is None: which = client.currentScript if which == -1: raise IndexError, "Invalid script index. If calling " + \ "getActivityNameMake without arguments, make sure that " + \ "startScript gets called first." try: moduleName = self.listOfScripts[which] index = moduleName.find(".py") if index is not -1: moduleName = moduleName[:index] execStr = 'from %s import %s' % \ (moduleName, self.sugarbotActivityVar) evalStr = '%s' % self.sugarbotActivityVar exec execStr return eval(evalStr) except: raise def getKillFlag(self): return self.kill def getRestartFlag(self): return self.restart def addScript(self,scriptPath): """ Adds a script to the internal list of scripts. This causes the parser to load the script contents into memory for fast/easy access. """ self.listOfScripts.append(scriptPath) activityName = self.getActivityName(which=len(self.listOfScripts)-1 ) self.log.info("Added script %s [Activity %s]" \ % (scriptPath, activityName) ) def main(argv=None): p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('--no-restart', dest='restart', action='store_false',default=True, help='do NOT restart sugarbot after execution has completed') p.add_option('--no-kill', dest='kill', action='store_false',default=True, help='do NOT kill sugar after all sugarbot scripts have executed') (options,args) = p.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: p.print_help() return 1 server = sbRpcServer(args, kill=options.kill, restart=options.restart) try: server.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Ctrl+C pressed, exiting...' if __name__ == '__main__': main()