#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007 by kawk # # kawk@theprogrammingsite.com # # # # This file is a Crazy Eights card game for the FiftyTwo card game set. # # FiftyTwo is a set of card games for the OLPC XO laptop. # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ import gtk import fiftytwo from fiftytwo import card_width, card_height, UP, DOWN import os, sys, math, random import pygame import pygame.font from pygame.locals import * import run LOCALPLAYER = 0 AIPLAYER = 1 REMOTEPLAYER = 2 BGCOL = (0, 32, 64) class player(fiftytwo.cardgroup): """ Basic player class -- not much to it. Inherits from fiftytwo.cardgroup """ def __init__(self, position): fiftytwo.cardgroup.__init__(self, (), position[0], position[1]) self.name = "Unnamed" self.number = 0 def next_turn(self, topcardid): pass def render_name(self): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 28) self.id = font.render(self.name, 1, (255, 255, 0)) class localplayer(player): def __init__(self, position): player.__init__(self, position) self.ai = 0 self.type = LOCALPLAYER def next_turn(self, topcardid): return 0 class remoteplayer(player): def __init__(self, position): player.__init__(self, position) self.ai = 0 self.type = REMOTEPLAYER def next_turn(self, topcardid): return 0 class aiplayer(player): def __init__(self, position): player.__init__(self, position) self.ai = 1 self.type = AIPLAYER def next_turn(self, topcardid, currentsuit): list = [] for tc in self.sprites(): if check_valid(topcardid, tc.cardid, currentsuit): list.insert(0, tc) highvalue = 0 highcard = None for tc in list: if tc.cardid == 'JS': highvalue = 100 highcard = tc elif tc.cardid[0] == '8': if highvalue <= 1: highvalue = 1 highcard = tc elif tc.cardid[0] == '2': if highvalue <= 75 and tc.cardid[1] != topcardid[1]: highvalue = 50 highcard = tc elif highvalue <= 75 and tc.cardid[1] == topcardid[1]: highvalue = 76 highcard = tc else: highcard = tc return highcard def choose_new_suit(self): """ Chooses a new suit based on the player's current hand. BUGS: If the player has an equal number of different suits, the first suit in the list "1, 2, 3, 4" will be chosen. """ list = [['1', 0], ['2', 0], ['3', 0], ['4', 0]] for sprite in self.sprites(): if sprite.cardid[0] == '8': continue if sprite.cardid[1] == '1': list[0][1] += 1 elif sprite.cardid[1] == '2': list[1][1] += 1 elif sprite.cardid[1] == '3': list[2][1] += 1 elif sprite.cardid[1] == '4': list[3][1] += 1 highest = ['!', 0] for x in list: if x[1] > highest[1]: highest[1] = x[1] highest[0] = x[0] return highest[0] def check_valid(topcard, tocheck, currentsuit): if tocheck[0] == '8': return 1 elif topcard[0] == '8': if tocheck[1] == currentsuit: return 1 else: return 0 elif tocheck[1] == topcard[1]: return 1 elif tocheck[0] == topcard[0]: return 1 else: return 0 def end_turn(players, whosturn): whosturn += 1 whosturn = int(math.fmod(whosturn, len(players))) return whosturn def prev_turn(players, whosturn): whosturn -= 1 whosturn = int(math.fmod(whosturn, len(players))) return whosturn def choose_suit(player, choosesuitimage, discard): screen = pygame.display.get_surface() font = pygame.font.Font(None, 28) text = font.render("Choose a suit", 1, (0, 255, 255)) screen.fill((128, 64, 64), ((50, 50), (200, 200))) fpslimiter = pygame.time.Clock() while 1: fpslimiter.tick(20) for event in pausescreen.get_events(): if event.type == QUIT: return elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.pos[0] < 150 and event.pos[0] > 100 and event.pos[1] > 100 and event.pos[1] < 150: screen.fill(BGCOL, ((50, 50), (250, 250))) return '1' elif event.pos[0] < 200 and event.pos[0] > 150 and event.pos[1] > 100 and event.pos[1] < 150: screen.fill(BGCOL, ((50, 50), (250, 250))) return '2' elif event.pos[0] < 150 and event.pos[0] > 100 and event.pos[1] > 150 and event.pos[1] < 200: screen.fill(BGCOL, ((50, 50), (250, 250))) return '3' elif event.pos[0] < 200 and event.pos[0] > 150 and event.pos[1] > 150 and event.pos[1] < 200: screen.fill(BGCOL, ((50, 50), (250, 250))) return '4' screen.blit(choosesuitimage, (100, 100)) screen.blit(text, (100, 50)) clear_prev(discard) clear_prev(player) discard.next_frame(screen) player.next_frame(screen) pygame.display.flip() screen.fill(BGCOL, ((50, 50), (250, 250))) def clear_prev(group): screen = pygame.display.get_surface() for s in group.sprites(): screen.fill(BGCOL, s.get_prevrect()) def special_cards(deck, discard, players, whosturn, cardprocessed, choosesuitimage, currentsuit): if discard.sprites()[-1].cardid[0] == '2' and cardprocessed is 0: fiftytwo.draw_card(deck, players[whosturn]) if players[whosturn].ai == 0: players[whosturn].sprites()[-1].set_face(UP) fiftytwo.draw_card(deck, players[whosturn]) if players[whosturn].ai == 0: players[whosturn].sprites()[-1].set_face(UP) cardprocessed = 1 elif discard.sprites()[-1].cardid[0] == '8' and cardprocessed is 0: whosturn = prev_turn(players, whosturn) if players[whosturn].ai is not 1: currentsuit = choose_suit(players[whosturn], choosesuitimage, discard) else: currentsuit = players[whosturn].choose_new_suit() cardprocessed = 1 whosturn = end_turn(players, whosturn) elif discard.sprites()[-1].cardid == 'J4' and cardprocessed is 0: whosturn = end_turn(players, whosturn) cardprocessed = 1 elif cardprocessed is 1: pass else: cardprocessed = 1 return cardprocessed, whosturn, currentsuit def main(playertypes, screensize): sw = screensize[0] sh = screensize[1] localplayers = 0 # Reduce load pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) #positions = (((5, -card_height()/2), (sw-5, card_height()-(card_height()/2))), ((5, sh-card_height()/2), (sw-5, sh+card_height()/2))) positions = (((int(card_width()*1.5), -card_height()/2), (sw-int(card_width()*1.5), card_height()-(card_height()/2))), ((sw-int(card_width()*0.5), 5), (sw+int(card_width()*0.5), sh-5)), ((int(card_width()*1.5), sh-card_height()/2), (sw-int(card_width()*1.5), sh+card_height()/2)), ((-int(card_width()*0.5), 5), (int(card_width()*0.5), sh-5))) idpositions = ((sw/2, card_height()*0.75), (sw-card_width()*1.5+15, int(sh*(2/3.0))), (sw/2, sh-card_height()*0.75), (card_width()*0.75, int(sh*(2/3.0)))) screen = pygame.display.get_surface() font = pygame.font.Font(None, 48) loading = font.render("Loading, please wait!", 1, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(loading, (450, 350)) pygame.display.flip() suit1, temprect = fiftytwo.load_image('suit1.' + run.deck.deck + '.png', -1) suit2, temprect = fiftytwo.load_image('suit2.' + run.deck.deck + '.png', -1) suit3, temprect = fiftytwo.load_image('suit3.' + run.deck.deck + '.png', -1) suit4, temprect = fiftytwo.load_image('suit4.' + run.deck.deck + '.png', -1) deck = fiftytwo.cardgroup(fiftytwo.shuffledeck(), (sw / 6, (sh - card_height()) / 2), (sw / 6 + sw / 4, (sh + card_height()) / 2)) discard = fiftytwo.cardgroup((), (sw - int(card_width()*3), (sh - card_height()) / 2), (sw - int(card_width()*1.5), (sh + card_height()) / 2)) players = [] num = -1 for c in playertypes: num += 1 if len(playertypes) == 2 and num == 1: num = 2 if c[0] == 'l': players += [localplayer(positions[num])] players[-1].name = c[1:len(c)] players[-1].number = num players[-1].render_name() localplayers += 1 elif c[0] == 'a': players += [aiplayer(positions[num])] players[-1].name = c[1:len(c)] players[-1].number = num players[-1].render_name() fpslimiter = pygame.time.Clock() #choosesuitimage, unused = fiftytwo.load_image('suits.' + run.deck.deck + '.png', -1) choosesuitimage = pygame.Surface((suit1.get_width()*2, suit1.get_height()*2)) choosesuitimage.fill((255, 255, 255)) choosesuitimage.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255), pygame.RLEACCEL) choosesuitimage.blit(suit1, (0, 0)) choosesuitimage.blit(suit2, (suit1.get_width(), 0)) choosesuitimage.blit(suit3, (0, suit1.get_height())) choosesuitimage.blit(suit4, (suit1.get_width(), suit1.get_height())) fiftytwo.draw_card(deck, discard) cardprocessed = 0 currentsuit = discard.sprites()[0].cardid[1] discard.sprites()[0].set_face(UP) for p in players: for x in range(0, 8): fiftytwo.draw_card(deck, p) p.sprites()[-1].set_face(UP) whosturn = random.randint(0, len(playertypes)-1) for p in players: if p.type == LOCALPLAYER: p.set_all_faces(UP) elif p.type == AIPLAYER: p.set_all_faces(DOWN) screen.fill(BGCOL) while 1: fpslimiter.tick(20) # Check for win for x in players: if len(x.sprites()) == 0: screen.fill(BGCOL) gameover = font.render("Game over,", 1, (0, 255, 255)) message = font.render(x.name + " won the game!", 1, (255, 255, 0)) for p in players: p.set_all_faces(UP) p.next_frame(screen) pygame.display.flip() for x in range(100): fpslimiter.tick(15) clear_prev(deck) clear_prev(discard) for p in players: clear_prev(p) deck.next_frame(screen) discard.next_frame(screen) for p in players: p.next_frame(screen) screen.fill((32, 64, 64), (((sw/2)-(600/2), (sh/2)-(100/2)), (600, 100)) ) screen.blit(gameover, ((sw/2)-((600/2)-((600-gameover.get_rect().w)/2)), (sh/2)-50)) screen.blit(message, ((sw/2)-((600/2)-((600-message.get_rect().w)/2)), (sh/2))) pygame.display.flip() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return return if len(deck.sprites()) is 0: while len(discard.sprites()) > 1: sprite = discard.sprites()[0] sprite.set_face(DOWN) sprite.move_to_group(deck) deck.shuffle() while gtk.events_pending(): gtk.main_iteration() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.key == K_SPACE: for s in discard.sprites(): s.set_pos(s.gotox, s.gotoy) for s in deck.sprites(): s.set_pos(s.gotox, s.gotoy) for p in players: for s in p.sprites(): s.set_pos(s.gotox, s.gotoy) screen.fill(BGCOL) elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if players[whosturn].type != LOCALPLAYER: continue r = players[whosturn].detect_click(event.pos) if r is not None: if check_valid(discard.sprites()[-1].cardid, r.cardid, currentsuit): r.move_to_group(discard) whosturn = end_turn(players, whosturn) currentsuit = discard.sprites()[-1].cardid[1] cardprocessed = 0 else: r = deck.detect_click(event.pos) if r is not None and players[whosturn].type == LOCALPLAYER: fiftytwo.draw_card(deck, players[whosturn]) players[whosturn].sprites()[-1].set_face(UP) whosturn = end_turn(players, whosturn) elif event.type == QUIT: return """elif event.type == olpcgames.CONNECT: print "Connect event." pass elif event.type == olpcgames.PARTICIPANT_ADD: print "Add event." pass elif event.type == olpcgames.PARTICIPANT_REMOVE: print "Remove event." pass""" if players[whosturn].ai is 1 and cardprocessed is 1: cready = 1 for p in players: if p.check_ready() == 0: cready = 0 if discard.check_ready() == 0: cready = 0 if deck.check_ready() == 0: cready = 0 if cready == 1: r = players[whosturn].next_turn(discard.sprites()[-1].cardid, currentsuit) if r is None: fiftytwo.draw_card(deck, players[whosturn]) whosturn = end_turn(players, whosturn) else: r.move_to_group(discard) r.set_face(UP) cardprocessed = 0 whosturn = end_turn(players, whosturn) currentsuit = r.cardid[1] # Gameplay stuff cardprocessed, whosturn, currentsuit = special_cards(deck, discard, players, whosturn, cardprocessed, choosesuitimage, currentsuit) clear_prev(deck) clear_prev(discard) for p in players: #p.sort() clear_prev(p) if currentsuit == '1': screen.fill(BGCOL, (((sw/2)-(suit1.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit1.get_height()/2)), (suit1.get_width(), suit1.get_height()))) screen.blit(suit1, ((sw/2)-(suit1.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit1.get_height()/2))) elif currentsuit == '2': screen.fill(BGCOL, (((sw/2)-(suit2.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit2.get_height()/2)), (suit2.get_width(), suit2.get_height()))) screen.blit(suit2, ((sw/2)-(suit2.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit2.get_height()/2))) elif currentsuit == '3': screen.fill(BGCOL, (((sw/2)-(suit3.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit3.get_height()/2)), (suit3.get_width(), suit3.get_height()))) screen.blit(suit3, ((sw/2)-(suit3.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit3.get_height()/2))) elif currentsuit == '4': screen.fill(BGCOL, (((sw/2)-(suit4.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit4.get_height()/2)), (suit4.get_width(), suit4.get_height()))) screen.blit(suit4, ((sw/2)-(suit4.get_width()/2), (sh/2)-(suit4.get_height()/2))) deck.next_frame(screen) for p in players: p.next_frame(screen) screen.blit(p.id, idpositions[p.number]) discard.next_frame(screen) pygame.display.flip()