#!/usr/bin/env python2.5 ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2007 by kawk # # kawk@theprogrammingsite.com # # # # This file is a generic card library for the FiftyTwo card game set. # # FiftyTwo is a set of card games for the OLPC XO laptop. # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program; if not, write to the # # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # # 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################ import os, sys, math, random import pygame import run cardnumbers = ('A', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K') cardsuits = ('1', '2', '3', '4') DOWN = 0 UP = 1 def card_width(): """ Returns the width of the cards. """ return 156 def card_height(): """ Returns the height of the cards. """ return 244 def load_image(name, colorkey=None): """ Loads an image from a file. """ fullname = os.path.join('data', name) try: image = pygame.image.load(fullname) except pygame.error, message: 'Cannot load image:', fullname print "Cannot load image: ", fullname return None, None #raise SystemExit, message if colorkey is not None: if colorkey is -1: colorkey = image.get_at((0,0)) image.set_colorkey(colorkey, pygame.RLEACCEL) image = image.convert_alpha() return image, image.get_rect() def load_card(xpos, ypos, cards): """ Loads a card from a cardset. """ cardrect = cards.get_rect() cardrect.w = card_width() cardrect.h = card_height() cardrect.x = xpos * (cards.get_rect().w/13.0) cardrect.y = ypos * (cards.get_rect().h/4.0) subsurface = cards.subsurface(cardrect) return subsurface class card(pygame.sprite.Sprite): """ A basic card class. """ def __init__(self, cardid, cards): """ Initialization function. """ pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) x = 0 for n in cardnumbers: if n == cardid[0]: xpos = x x += 1 x = 0 for s in cardsuits: if s == cardid[1]: ypos = x x += 1 self.image = load_card(xpos, ypos, cards) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.prevrect = self.rect self.gotox = selfgotoy = 0 self.ready = 1 self.face = DOWN self.cardid = cardid self._tcount = 0 def update(self): """ Updating function. Calculates next position from the most recent move_to() function call, then shifts position to there. """ if self.ready: return self.rect self.prevrect = self.rect newx = (self.gotox - self.rect.x)/4 newy = (self.gotoy - self.rect.y)/3 if math.fabs((newx + self.rect.x) - self.gotox) < 4 and math.fabs((newy + self.rect.y) - self.gotoy) < 3: newx = (self.gotox - self.rect.x) newy = (self.gotoy - self.rect.y) self.ready = 1 self.rect.move_ip(newx, newy) return self.prevrect def check_ready(self): """ The variable self.ready is set to true if the card has reached the last position required by move_to(). This function simply returns the value of self.ready. """ return self.ready def set_pos(self, xpos, ypos): """ Sets the position of the card. Moves the card directly, no fancy animation or anything. """ self.rect.move_ip(xpos - self.rect.x, ypos - self.rect.y) self.gotox = xpos self.gotoy = ypos self.ready = 1 def move_to_group(self, newgroup): """ Moves the card to a specified group. First it removes itself from all cardgroups, then adds itself to the new group. """ self.kill() newgroup.add(self) def move_to(self, xpos, ypos): """ Initiates fancy smooth moving of the card to a different position. """ #self._tcount += 1 #if(self._tcount == 10): # print "OldX: ", self.rect.x, " OldY: ", self.rect.y, " NewX: ", xpos, " NewY: ", ypos # self._tcount = 0 #if self.rect.x == xpos and self.rect.y == ypos: #if(self.rect.y != ypos): # print "Not equal: ", self.rect.y, " ", ypos #if math.fabs(self.rect.x-xpos) < 1.0 and math.fabs(self.rect.y-ypos) < 1.0: # self.ready = 1 #else: self.gotox = xpos self.gotoy = ypos self.ready = 0 def set_face(self, face): """ Sets the direction of the face of the card, either up or down. """ self.face = face def flip(self): """ Flips the card face from up to down, or from down to up. """ if self.face == UP: self.set_face(DOWN) else: self.set_face(UP) def get_prevrect(self): """ Returns the previous position of the card (required for dirty rectangle animation). """ return self.prevrect class cardgroup(pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates): def __init__(self, cards, ulpos, lrpos, visible = 1): """ Init the cardgroup at a set position with a list of cards. """ pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates.__init__(self, cards) self.ulpos = ulpos self.lrpos = lrpos self.visible = visible self.blank_card = pygame.Surface((lrpos[0], lrpos[1])) self.blank_card.convert() self.blank_card.fill((0, 0, 0)) temp = self.blank_card.get_rect() temp.move_ip(ulpos[0], ulpos[1]) self.back, unused = load_image('back.' + run.deck.deck + '.png') if self.back is None: self.back, unused = load_image('back.' + run.deck.deck + '.tga') list = self.sprites() length = len(list) if length == 0: pass elif length == 1: self.sprites()[0].set_pos(self.ulpos[0], self.ulpos[1]) else: xstep, ystep = self.calc_steps() num = 0 while num < length: list[num].set_pos(self.ulpos[0] + num * xstep, self.ulpos[1] + num * ystep) num += 1 def calc_steps(self): """ Calculates the pixels between cards. """ list = self.sprites() if len(list) <= 1: return 0, 0 xstep = (self.lrpos[0] - self.ulpos[0] - card_width()) / (len(list) - 1.0) ystep = (self.lrpos[1] - self.ulpos[1] - card_height()) / (len(list) - 1.0) if xstep > card_width()/2: xstep = card_width()/2 if ystep > card_height()/2: ystep = card_height()/2 return xstep, ystep def update(self): """ Moves the cards into the proper formation. """ list = self.sprites() length = len(list) if length == 0: pass elif length == 1: self.sprites()[0].move_to(self.ulpos[0], self.ulpos[1]) else: xstep, ystep = self.calc_steps() num = 0 while num < length: list[num].move_to(self.ulpos[0] + num * xstep, self.ulpos[1] + num * ystep) num += 1 pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates.update(self) def next_frame(self, surface): """ Calculates, updates, and draws the next frame. """ if self.visible == 0: return self.update() self.draw(surface) def draw(self, surface): """ Draws the cardgroup. """ #pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates.draw(self, surface) xstep, unused = self.calc_steps() num = len(self.sprites()) list = self.sprites() for x in range(len(list)): num -= 1 rect = list[x].rect.move(0, 0) #rect.w = xstep if num == 0: rect.w = card_width() elif list[x+1].rect.y == list[x].rect.y: rect.w = list[x+1].rect.x - list[x].rect.x if rect.w > card_width(): rect.w = card_width() elif list[x+1].rect.x == list[x].rect.x: rect.h = list[x+1].rect.y - list[x].rect.y if rect.h > card_height(): rect.h = card_height() #elif list[x-1].check_ready() == 0: # rect.w = card_width() rect.x = rect.y = 0 if list[x].face == UP: surface.blit(list[x].image, list[x].rect, rect) else: surface.blit(self.back, list[x].rect, rect) #surface.fill((0, 0, 255), s.rect) def shuffle(self): """ Shuffles the cardgroup, by switching random cards. """ list = self.sprites() x = 0 while x < len(list) - 1: pos = random.randint(0, x) t = list[pos] list[pos] = list[x + 1] list[x + 1] = t x += 1 self.empty() self.add(list) def detect_click(self, mouseposition): """ Detects what card the mouse is over, if any. """ lrpos = self.newlr() if len(self.sprites()) is 0 or mouseposition[0] <= self.ulpos[0] or mouseposition[0] >= self.lrpos[0] or mouseposition[1] <= self.ulpos[1] or mouseposition[1] >= self.lrpos[1]: return None xstep, ystep = self.calc_steps() x = mouseposition[0] y = mouseposition[1] if (xstep == 0 and ystep == 0) or (lrpos[0]-x <= card_width() and lrpos[1]-y <= card_height()): return self.sprites()[-1] x += card_width() y += card_height() n = -2 while lrpos[0]-x > xstep or lrpos[1]-y > ystep: n -= 1 x += xstep y += ystep if n > len(self.sprites()): return None n = int(math.fmod(math.fabs(n), len(self.sprites())) * (n / math.fabs(n))) return self.sprites()[n] def set_all_faces(self, face): for s in self.sprites(): s.set_face(face) def sort(self): list = self.sprites() if len(list) == 0: return newlist = [list[0]] did = 0 for c in range(1, len(list)): best = -1 for n in range(len(newlist)): #if list[c].cardid[1] >= newlist[n].cardid[1]: # if best == -1: # best = n # # newlist.insert(best, list[c]) # did = 1 # break if list[c].cardid[1] == newlist[n].cardid[1]: cn = cardnumbers.find(list[c].cardid[0]) nn = cardnumbers.find(newlist[n].cardid[0]) if cn < nn: best = n #elif cn >= nn: # if best == -1: # best = n # # newlist.insert(best, list[c]) # did = 1 # break if 1: #did == 0: if best == -1: newlist.append(list[c]) else: newlist.insert(best, list[c]) for s in self.sprites(): s.kill() for n in newlist: self.add(n) def check_ready(self): ready = 1 for s in self.sprites(): if s.check_ready() == 0: return 0 return 1 def newlr(self): rect = self.sprites()[-1].rect return rect.right, rect.bottom def shuffledeck(): """ Loads and shuffles the deck of cards. """ cardset, unused = load_image('cards.' + run.deck.deck + '.png') decklist = [] for s in cardsuits: for n in cardnumbers: num = random.randint(0, len(decklist)) decklist.insert(num, card(n+s, cardset)) return decklist def draw_card(deck, group): """ Draws the top card from the cardgroup and moves it to another. """ temp = deck.sprites() if len(temp) < 1: return None drawncard = temp[-1] drawncard.kill() group.add(drawncard)