/* * Copyright (C) 1999 Philippe Banwarth * email: bwt@altern.org * smail: Philippe Banwarth, 8 sente du milieu des Gaudins, 95150 Taverny, France. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include "gcompris/gcompris.h" #include #include /* Added by Florian Ernst for lines 193 and 194 */ //#include /* End of added section */ #include "gtans.h" #include "gtans_interface.h" #include "gtans_support.h" void taninitstart(void); /* GCompris */ static void start_board (GcomprisBoard *agcomprisBoard); static void pause_board (gboolean pause); static void end_board (void); static gboolean is_our_board (GcomprisBoard *gcomprisBoard); static gint actual_figure = -2; /* Description of this plugin */ static BoardPlugin menu_bp = { NULL, NULL, "GTans", "Tangram", "Bruno Coudoin ", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, start_board, pause_board, end_board, is_our_board, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; GET_BPLUGIN_INFO(gtans) static GcomprisBoard *gcomprisBoard = NULL; static GnomeCanvasGroup *boardRootItem = NULL; static gboolean board_paused = FALSE; static void start_board (GcomprisBoard *agcomprisBoard) { if(agcomprisBoard!=NULL) { gcomprisBoard=agcomprisBoard; gcomprisBoard->level = 1; gcomprisBoard->maxlevel = 1; gc_bar_set(0); gc_set_background(gnome_canvas_root(gcomprisBoard->canvas), "opt/gtans_bg.png"); selectedgrande = FALSE; taninitstart(); } } static void end_board (void) { gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT(boardRootItem)); boardRootItem = NULL; widgetpetite = NULL; widgetgrande = NULL; pixmapgrande1=NULL; pixmapgrande2=NULL; pixmappetite=NULL; pixmappiece1=NULL; pixmappiece2=NULL; pixmapfond=NULL; colselwin=NULL; filselwin=NULL; selectedgrande = FALSE; } static gboolean is_our_board (GcomprisBoard *gcomprisBoard) { if (gcomprisBoard) { if(g_strcasecmp(gcomprisBoard->type, "gtans")==0) { /* Set the plugin entry */ gcomprisBoard->plugin=&menu_bp; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void pause_board (gboolean pause) { if(gcomprisBoard==NULL) return; board_paused = pause; if ((!pause) && figpetite.reussi) { gtk_widget_show(widgetgrande); gtk_widget_show(widgetpetite); actual_figure++; tansetnewfigurepart1(actual_figure); tansetnewfigurepart2(); } else { if (pause) { gtk_widget_hide(widgetgrande); gtk_widget_hide(widgetpetite); } else { gtk_widget_show(widgetgrande); gtk_widget_show(widgetpetite); } } } void change_figure(gboolean next){ if (next) tansetnewfigurepart1((actual_figure+1)%figtabsize); else tansetnewfigurepart1((actual_figure + figtabsize -1)%figtabsize); tansetnewfigurepart2(); } /********************************/ GtkWidget *mainwindow; GtkWidget *widgetgrande; /* widget de la grande drawarea */ GtkWidget *widgetpetite; /* widget de la petite drawarea */ GtkStatusbar *widgetstat; /* widget de la statusbar */ GtkSpinButton *spinner=NULL; gint statconid; /* context id de la statusbar */ GdkRectangle selbackrect; /* rectangle a redessiner pour effacer la piece selected */ GdkPixmap *pixmapgrande1=NULL,*pixmapgrande2; GdkPixmap *pixmappetite=NULL; GdkPixmap *pixmappiece1=NULL,*pixmappiece2=NULL,*pixmapfond=NULL; GtkWidget *colselwin=NULL,*filselwin=NULL; /* les polygones doivent etre clockwise */ tanpiecedef piecesdef[]={ {2.0/3,2.0/3, 4,{{1,0,6*HT},{1,0,0},{0,1,2*HT},{0,1,0}}, 3,{{0,0},{2,0},{0,2},{0,0}}}, {CL/3,CL/3, 2,{{CC,CC,5*HT},{CC,CC,3*HT},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}, 3,{{0,0},{CL,0},{0,CL},{0,0}}}, {0.5,0.5, 2,{{0,0,0},{1,1,4*HT},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}, 4,{{0,0},{1,0},{1,1},{0,1}}}, {CC/2,(CC+CL)/2,2,{{0,CC,1*HT},{CC,CL,5*HT},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}},4,{{0,CC},{CC,0},{CC,CL},{0,CC+CL}}}, {1.0/3,1.0/3, 1,{{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}, 3,{{0,0},{1,0},{0,1},{0,0}}} }; tanfigure figuredebut={ 0.125,1,TOUR/64,FALSE, {{0,0,0.8,0.8,0}, {0,0,3.3,0.8,0}, {1,0,1.5,1.5,HT*4}, {2,0,6,0.6,0}, {3,0,6,1.6,HT*2}, {4,0,3.6,1.8,HT*7}, {4,0,4.1,1.3,HT*1}} }; tanfigure *figtab=NULL; int figtabsize; /* ==0 : pas de figure */ char *figfilename=NULL; int figactualnr; /* nr de la figure dans le figtab (-1=figuredebut, -2=figpetite) */ tantinytri tinytabpe[TINYNBR],tinytabgr[TINYNBR]; tanfigure figgrande,figpetite; int selectedgrande=FALSE; int xact,yact,xoth,yoth,xold,yold; int actiongrande=AN_none; int selpossible=TRUE; int rotact,rotnew,rotold; int rotstepnbr=TOUR/32; /* nb. de pas de rotation affiches */ int initcbgr=FALSE,initcbpe=FALSE; /* init cb deja appellee ? */ GdkGC *invertgc; int invx2,invy2; GdkGC *tabgc[GCNBR]; GdkColor colortab[GCNBR]; GdkPixmap *dumtabpxpx[3],**tabpxpx=dumtabpxpx-PXSTART; char *dumtabpxnam[3],**tabpxnam=dumtabpxnam-PXSTART; gboolean helpoutset=FALSE; gboolean helptanset=PIECENBR; int accuracy; /* precision de reconaissance */ gboolean editmode; #define FLPNTMAX PIECENBR*(PNTNBRMAX+1)*2 static gboolean dumtabpxpixmode[3],*tabpxpixmode=dumtabpxpixmode-PXSTART; /* mode VOULU */ static gboolean tabcolalloc[GCNBR]; /* couleur allouee ? */ static gchar *userconf=NULL; /* nom complet du fichier de config local */ static tanflfig flfigpetite; static tanfpnt fpntspetite[FLPNTMAX]; static double dxout,dyout,dxpetite,dypetite; static double selposxnc,selposync; /* position de la piece actuelle non limitee */ /********************************/ /* change la valeur max du spinbutton (si il existe) */ void tanspinsetvalmax (int val){ GtkAdjustment *adj; if (spinner!=NULL){ adj = gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment(spinner); adj->upper = (gfloat)val; gtk_adjustment_changed(adj); if (gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(spinner)){ gtk_spin_button_set_value(spinner, 0); } else{ tansetnewfigurepart1(0); tansetnewfigurepart2(); } } else { tansetnewfigurepart1(0); tansetnewfigurepart2(); } } /********************************/ void tanallocname (char **pnt, char *name){ if (*pnt!=name){ if (*pnt!=NULL) g_free(*pnt); *pnt=(char *)g_malloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(*pnt,name); } } /********************************/ /* maintien les pieces dans les limites */ void tanclampgrandefig (void){ tanpiecepos *piecepos; int i; double dumzoom; dumzoom = 1.0/figgrande.zoom; piecepos = figgrande.piecepos; for (i = 0; iposx = CLAMP(piecepos->posx, 0.0, dumzoom); piecepos->posy = CLAMP(piecepos->posy, 0.0, dumzoom); piecepos++; } return; } /********************************/ /* renvoi la direction d'un segment */ int tanangle (double dx, double dy){ int ret; ret = (int)(atan2(dy,dx)/PASTOUR); ret = (ret+TOUR)%TOUR; return (ret); } /********************************/ gboolean tantinytabcompare (tantinytri *tinys1, tantinytri *tinys2, int accuracy){ gboolean libre[TINYNBR]; int i,j,jmin; double dist,mindist,mindistmax,xi,yi; int drot,drotmax,roti; double flaccur; switch (accuracy){ case 0 : flaccur = 1.0; drotmax = (int)(TOUR/64)+1; break; case 2 : flaccur = 4.0; drotmax = (int)(TOUR/32)+1; break; default : flaccur = 2.0; drotmax = (int)(TOUR/64)+1; } /* drotmax=figpetite.drotmax; */ mindistmax=pow(figpetite.distmax*0.10*flaccur,2); for (i=0; iTOUR/2 ) drot = TOUR-drot; if ( distmindistmax ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /********************************/ void tansmall2tiny (tansmalltri *small, tantinytri *tiny1, tantinytri *tiny2){ double cosrot,sinrot; int rot; rot=small->rot; cosrot=cos(rot*PASTOUR); sinrot=sin(rot*PASTOUR); tiny1->rot=(rot+HT*3)%TOUR; tiny1->posx=small->posx+0.5*cosrot +0.16666666*sinrot; tiny1->posy=small->posy+0.16666666*cosrot-0.5*sinrot; tiny2->rot=(rot+HT*5)%TOUR; tiny2->posx=small->posx+0.16666666*cosrot+0.5*sinrot; tiny2->posy=small->posy+0.5*cosrot -0.16666666*sinrot; } /********************************/ void tanmaketinytabnotr (tanfigure *figure, tantinytri *tinys){ int i,j; tansmalltri dusmall,*small=&dusmall; tanpiecepos *piecepos; tanpiecedef *piecedat; double ly,lx2,cosrot,sinrot; int rot,rottri; piecepos=figure->piecepos; for (j=0; jtype]; rot=piecepos->rot; cosrot=cos(rot*PASTOUR); sinrot=sin(rot*PASTOUR); for (i=0; itrinbr; i++){ lx2=piecedat->tri[i].posx-piecedat->handlex; ly=piecedat->tri[i].posy-piecedat->handley; rottri=piecedat->tri[i].rot; if (piecepos->flipped){ lx2=-lx2; rottri=TOUR+6*HT-rottri; } small->posx=piecepos->posx+lx2*cosrot+ly*sinrot; small->posy=piecepos->posy+ly*cosrot-lx2*sinrot; small->rot=(rottri+rot)%TOUR; tansmall2tiny(small,tinys,tinys+1); tinys+=2; } piecepos++; } } /********************************/ void tantranstinytab (tantinytri *tinys){ int i; double moyx=0,moyy=0; for (i=0; iposx; moyy+=tinys->posy; tinys++; } moyx/=TINYNBR; moyy/=TINYNBR; for (i=0; iposx-=moyx; tinys->posy-=moyy; } } /********************************/ /* termine la rotation (lorsque le mouse button est relache) */ /* est appele par redrawgrande et on_buttonpress au cas ou le signal a ete masque par*/ /* l'appui sur un bouton */ void tanreleaseifrot (void){ if (actiongrande==AN_rot){ gdk_draw_line (widgetgrande->window, invertgc, xact,yact,invx2,invy2); figgrande.piecepos[PIECENBR-1].rot=(rotnew+TOUR*5)%TOUR; } actiongrande = AN_none; return; } /********************************/ /* calcule une serie de GdkPoint correspondant au polygone de la piece */ /* + un point correspondand au centre de la piece */ int tanplacepiece (tanpiecepos *piecepos, GdkPoint *pnts, double zoom){ int i; tanpiecedef *piecedat; double lx,ly,lx2,cosrot,sinrot; int rot; piecedat=&piecesdef[piecepos->type]; rot=piecepos->rot; cosrot=cos(rot*PASTOUR); sinrot=sin(rot*PASTOUR); for(i=0; ipntnbr; i++){ lx2=piecedat->pnt[i].posx-piecedat->handlex; ly=piecedat->pnt[i].posy-piecedat->handley; if (piecepos->flipped) lx2=-lx2; lx=(piecepos->posx+lx2*cosrot+ly*sinrot)*zoom; ly=(piecepos->posy+ly*cosrot-lx2*sinrot)*zoom; pnts->x=(gint16)(lx+ARON); pnts->y=(gint16)(ly+ARON); pnts++; } pnts->x=(gint16)(piecepos->posx*zoom+ARON); pnts->y=(gint16)(piecepos->posy*zoom+ARON); return(piecedat->pntnbr); } /********************************/ /* calcule une serie de point en flottant correspondant au polygone de la piece */ /* pas de point central */ /* copie le premier points derriere le dernier */ /* le polygone retourne est clockwise (si la def l'est) */ int tanplacepiecefloat (tanpiecepos *piecepos, tanfpnt *fpnts, double zoom){ int i; tanpiecedef *piecedat; double lx,ly,lx2,cosrot,sinrot; int rot; int nbr; piecedat=&piecesdef[piecepos->type]; nbr=piecedat->pntnbr; rot=piecepos->rot; cosrot=cos(rot*PASTOUR); sinrot=sin(rot*PASTOUR); for(i=0; ipnt[i].posx-piecedat->handlex; ly=piecedat->pnt[i].posy-piecedat->handley; if (piecepos->flipped) lx2=-lx2; lx=(piecepos->posx+lx2*cosrot+ly*sinrot)*zoom; ly=(piecepos->posy+ly*cosrot-lx2*sinrot)*zoom; fpnts->posx=lx; fpnts++->posy=ly; } fpnts -=nbr; if (piecepos->flipped){ tanfpnt dumfpnt; for (i = 0; iposx-segment->posx; *pdy=point->posy-segment->posy; seglencar=segdx*segdx+segdy*segdy; if ( (scal=(*pdx*segdx)+(*pdy*segdy))<0 || (dum=scal/seglencar)>1 ) return (1000000.0); *pdx-=segdx*dum; *pdy-=segdy*dum; return (*pdx*(*pdx)+*pdy*(*pdy)); } /********************************/ double tandistcar (tanfpnt *pnt1, tanfpnt *pnt2){ double dx,dy; dx=(pnt1->posx-pnt2->posx); dy=(pnt1->posy-pnt2->posy); return (dx*dx+dy*dy); } /********************************/ void tancolle (tanfigure *figure, double seuil){ tanpiecepos *piecepos; tanfpnt pnts1[PNTNBRMAX+1],pnts2[PNTNBRMAX+1]; int pntnbr1,pntnbr2; int i,j,k,l; int nbrcommun; double dx,dy,dx2,dy2,dxtot,dytot; seuil*=seuil; piecepos=figure->piecepos; for (i=0; iseuil && (dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2)>seuil ){ if ( tandistcarsegpnt(&pnts1[k],&pnts2[l],&dx,&dy)seuil && (dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2)>seuil ){ if ( tandistcarsegpnt(pnts1+k*2,pnts2+l*2,&dx,&dy)ixmax) ixmax=ix; if (iyiymax) iymax=iy; } update_rect.x=ixmin; update_rect.y=iymin; update_rect.width=ixmax-ixmin+1; update_rect.height=iymax-iymin+1; switch (remplis){ case TAN_PETITEHLP: gc=tabgc[GCPETITEHLP]; break; case TAN_PIECENOR: gc=tabgc[GCPIECENOR]; gdk_gc_set_ts_origin (gc,pnt[pntnbr].x,pnt[pntnbr].y); break; case TAN_PIECEHI: gc=tabgc[GCPIECEHI]; gdk_gc_set_ts_origin (gc,pnt[pntnbr].x,pnt[pntnbr].y); break; default: gc=widget->style->white_gc; break; } gdk_draw_polygon (pixmap, gc, TRUE, pnt, pntnbr); if ( remplis==TAN_PIECENOR || remplis==TAN_PIECEHI ){ pnt[pntnbr]=pnt[0]; /* ecrase le point du centre */ for (i=0; iflipped) gris=-gris; gris=gris+0.5; gdk_draw_line (pixmap, tabgc[(int)(gris*(GRISNBR))], pnt[i].x,pnt[i].y,pnt[i+1].x,pnt[i+1].y); } } return(update_rect); } /********************************/ void tandrawfigure (GtkWidget *widget,GdkPixmap *pixmap, tanfigure *figure,int exclue, tanremplis remplis){ double zoom; int i; tanpiecepos *piecepos; zoom=widget->allocation.width*figure->zoom; piecepos=figure->piecepos; for (i=0; iallocation.width*figgrande.zoom; dx=dxout; dy=dyout; } else{ zoom = widgetpetite->allocation.width*figpetite.zoom; dx=dxpetite; dy=dypetite; } flpiecenbr = flfig->flpiecenbr; for (i = 0; iflpieces[i].flpnts; flpntnbr = flfig->flpieces[i].flpntnbr; polytype = flfig->flpieces[i].polytype; for (j = 0; jallocation.width, widgetgrande->allocation.height); if ( helpoutset && figtabsize ) tandrawfloat(pixmap, TRUE); } /********************************/ void taninitselect(int selected, gboolean force){ int i; tanpiecepos dum; if ( force || selected != PIECENBR-1 || !selectedgrande ){ tandrawbgndgr(pixmapgrande2); tandrawfigure(widgetgrande,pixmapgrande2,&figgrande, selected,TAN_PIECENOR); selbackrect.x=0; selbackrect.y=0; selbackrect.width=widgetgrande->allocation.width; selbackrect.height=widgetgrande->allocation.height; dum=figgrande.piecepos[selected]; for (i=selected; iallocation.width*figgrande.zoom; selposxnc += dx/zoom; selposync += dy/zoom; selpiece->posx = CLAMP(selposxnc, 0, 1.0/figgrande.zoom); selpiece->posy = CLAMP(selposync, 0, 1.0/figgrande.zoom); dumrot=selpiece->rot; rotnew=selpiece->rot-=drot; gdk_draw_pixmap(pixmapgrande1, widgetgrande->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE (widgetgrande)], pixmapgrande2, selbackrect.x,selbackrect.y, selbackrect.x,selbackrect.y, selbackrect.width,selbackrect.height); selbk2=tandrawpiece(widgetgrande,pixmapgrande1, selpiece, zoom, TAN_PIECEHI); gtk_widget_draw (widgetgrande, &selbackrect); gtk_widget_draw (widgetgrande, &selbk2); selbackrect=selbk2; selpiece->rot=dumrot; } /********************************/ void tanredrawgrande (void){ GdkRectangle rect={0,0,0,0}; GtkWidget *widget=NULL; tanreleaseifrot(); if (selectedgrande){ taninitselect(PIECENBR-1, TRUE); tandrawselect(0,0,0); } else{ widget=widgetgrande; tandrawbgndgr(pixmapgrande1); tandrawfigure(widget, pixmapgrande1, &figgrande, PIECENBR+1, TAN_PIECENOR); rect.width=widget->allocation.width; rect.height=widget->allocation.height; gtk_widget_draw (widget, &rect); } } /********************************/ void tanclearreussinr (int fignr){ if ( fignr>= 0 && fignrreussi = FALSE; } /********************************/ void tansetreussiactual (void){ figpetite.reussi = TRUE; if ( figactualnr>= 0 && figactualnrreussi = TRUE; } /********************************/ void tanredrawpetite (void){ GdkRectangle rect={0,0,0,0}; int wid,hei; /* in case we are called before widget configured */ if (!widgetpetite) return; wid = widgetpetite->allocation.width; hei = widgetpetite->allocation.height; gdk_draw_rectangle (pixmappetite, figpetite.reussi ? tabgc[GCPETITECHK] : tabgc[GCPETITEBG], TRUE, 0, 0, wid, hei); if (!figtabsize) return; tandrawfloat (pixmappetite, FALSE); if (helptansetallocation.width*figpetite.zoom, TAN_PETITEHLP); /* tandrawfigure(widget, pixmappetite, &figpetite, PIECENBR+1, TAN_PETITEFG); */ rect.width=wid; rect.height=hei; gtk_widget_draw (widgetpetite, &rect); } /********************************/ void tanunselect (void){ if (selectedgrande){ selectedgrande=FALSE; tanredrawgrande(); } } /********************************/ gdouble tanreadfloat(FILE *fhd, int *lres) { gdouble pouet; char buf[100]; pouet = 1; if (*lres==1){ *lres = fscanf(fhd, "%99s",buf); pouet=g_strtod(buf,NULL); } return pouet; } /********************************/ #define SPESC if (lres==1) lres = fscanf gboolean tanloadfigtab (char *name){ FILE *hand=NULL; int i,j; gboolean succes; int newfigtabsize; tanfigure *newfigtab=NULL,*figs; int lres; lres=0; if ( (hand = g_fopen(name, "r"))!=NULL && fscanf(hand, "gTans v1.0 %d \n", &newfigtabsize)==1 && (newfigtab = (tanfigure *)g_malloc(sizeof(tanfigure)*newfigtabsize))!=NULL ){ lres=1; figs = newfigtab; for (i = 0; izoom = tanreadfloat(hand, &lres); figs->distmax = tanreadfloat(hand, &lres); SPESC(hand,"%d \n", &figs->drotmax); /*fscanf(hand,"%le %le %d \n",&figs->zoom,&figs->distmax,&figs->drotmax);*/ for (j=0; jpiecepos[j].type); SPESC(hand,"%d", &figs->piecepos[j].flipped); figs->piecepos[j].posx = tanreadfloat(hand, &lres); figs->piecepos[j].posy = tanreadfloat(hand, &lres); SPESC(hand,"%d \n", &figs->piecepos[j].rot); /*fscanf(hand,"%d %d %le %le %d \n",&figs->piecepos[j].type,&figs->piecepos[j].flipped, &figs->piecepos[j].posx,&figs->piecepos[j].posy,&figs->piecepos[j].rot);*/ } figs++; } } else g_warning("Opening file %s fails",name); if (hand!=NULL) fclose(hand); succes=FALSE; if (lres==1){ succes=TRUE; if(figtab!=NULL) g_free(figtab); figtab=newfigtab; figtabsize=newfigtabsize; actual_figure = 0; tansetnewfigurepart1(actual_figure); tansetnewfigurepart2(); //tanspinsetvalmax(figtabsize-1); } if (succes || figfilename==NULL) tanallocname(&figfilename, name); return(succes); } /********************************/ /* charge un pixmap, si necessaire desalloue et/ou (re)alloue la couleur */ gboolean tansetpixmapmode(GtkWidget *widget, char *aname, int gcnbr){ GdkPixmap *pixmap; GdkGC *gc; char *pname; gboolean ret; pixmap=tabpxpx[gcnbr]; pname=tabpxnam[gcnbr]; gc=tabgc[gcnbr]; if (tabcolalloc[gcnbr]){ gdk_colormap_free_colors (gdk_colormap_get_system(), &colortab[gcnbr], 1); tabcolalloc[gcnbr] = FALSE; } if (pixmap!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmap); ret=FALSE; if ( (pixmap=gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm (widget->window, NULL, NULL, aname))!=NULL ){ tanallocname(&pname,aname); gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, GDK_TILED); gdk_gc_set_tile (gc, pixmap); ret=TRUE; } if (pname==NULL) tanallocname(&pname,"LoadPixmapFailed"); tabpxpx[gcnbr] = pixmap; tabpxnam[gcnbr] = pname; tabpxpixmode[gcnbr] = ret; if (!ret) tansetcolormode(&colortab[gcnbr],gcnbr); return (ret); } /********************************/ /* passe en mode color, decharge le pixmap (mais pas le nom) */ void tansetcolormode(GdkColor *acolor, int gcnbr){ GdkPixmap *pixmap; GdkGC *gc; GdkColor *pcolor; GdkColormap *syscmap; gc = tabgc[gcnbr]; pcolor = &colortab[gcnbr]; syscmap = gdk_colormap_get_system(); if (tabcolalloc[gcnbr]) gdk_colormap_free_colors (syscmap, pcolor, 1); if ( gcnbr>=PXSTART && gcnbrred = acolor->red; pcolor->green = acolor->green; pcolor->blue = acolor->blue; tabcolalloc[gcnbr] = gdk_colormap_alloc_color (syscmap, pcolor, FALSE, TRUE); gdk_gc_set_fill (gc, GDK_SOLID); gdk_gc_set_foreground (gc, pcolor); } /********************************/ /* config par defaut */ void tansetdefconfig (void){ int i; guint backgroung_color_red = 0xe8<<8; guint backgroung_color_green = 0xe7<<8; guint backgroung_color_blue = 0xe2<<8; for (i = PXSTART; ipackage_data_dir,"/gtans/figures/default.figures", NULL); tanallocname(&figfilename, deffigfile); g_free(deffigfile); accuracy = 1; rotstepnbr = TOUR/32; figgrande.zoom = 0.125; return; } /********************************/ /* supprime 2 points successifs identiques (en principe inutile) */ gboolean tanremsame(tanflfig *flfig, tanpoly *polys, int *pntsuiv, tanfpnt *fpnts, double seuil){ int i,k; gboolean trouve, ret; int polynbr; int act; int suiv; polynbr = flfig->flpiecenbr; ret = FALSE; trouve = TRUE; while (trouve){ trouve = FALSE; for (i = 0; iflpiecenbr; ret = FALSE; trouve = TRUE; while ( trouve && flptnewseuil && tandistcar(&segment[1], &fpnts[act2])>seuil && tandistcarsegpnt(segment, &fpnts[act2], &dx, &dy)flpiecenbr = polynbr; return (ret); } /* "tasse" les fpnt et recree la floatfig */ /* copie les point de ref dans cop */ /* en sortie les 2 sont identiques mais la floatfig pointe sur cop */ int tantasse(tanflfig *flfig, tanpoly *polys, int *pntsuiv, tanfpnt *fpntsref, tanfpnt *fpntscop){ int i, j; int act, pntnbr; tanfpnt *fpnts; fpnts=fpntscop; for (i = 0; iflpiecenbr; i++){ pntnbr = polys[i].pntnbr; flfig->flpieces[i].flpntnbr = pntnbr; flfig->flpieces[i].flpnts = fpnts; flfig->flpieces[i].polytype = polys[i].polytype; act = polys[i].firstpnt; for (j = 0; jflpiecenbr; i++){ pntnbr = polys[i].pntnbr; polys[i].firstpnt = act; for (j = 0; jflpiecenbr; ret = FALSE; trouve = TRUE; while (trouve){ trouve = FALSE; for (i = 0; iflpiecenbr; ret = FALSE; trouve = TRUE; while (trouve){ trouve = FALSE; for (i = 0; iflpiecenbr; ret = FALSE; trouve = TRUE; while (trouve){ trouve = FALSE; for (i = 0; iflpiecenbr = polynbr; return (ret); } /* detecte les poly "inclus" */ /* probleme potentiel : pourrait ne pas detecter une inclusion car on n'ajoute pas de points pour les 'auto-corespondance' */ gboolean taninclus(tanflfig *flfig, tanpoly *polys, int *pntsuiv, tanfpnt *fpnts, double seuil){ int i,k,l,m,n; gboolean trouve, ret; int polynbr; int act1,act2; int suiv1,suiv2; int pntnbr; tanpoly dumpoly; double dumposxmin; int dumpntposxmin = 0; polynbr = flfig->flpiecenbr; trouve = ret = FALSE; for (i = 0; im+1; n--) polys[n] = polys[n-2]; dumpoly.pntnbr -= l-k+1; dumpoly.firstpnt = act1; if (dumpoly.polytype!=TAN_POLYON) dumpoly.polytype = TAN_POLYBACK; else dumpoly.polytype = TAN_POLYON; polys[m] = dumpoly; polys[m+1].pntnbr = l-k-1; polys[m+1].firstpnt = act2; polys[m+1].polytype = TAN_POLYON; polynbr += 2; trouve = ret = TRUE; } act2 = suiv2; } act1 = suiv1; } } flfig->flpiecenbr = polynbr; return (ret); } /* change de petite figure */ /* pas d'acces gtk */ void tansetnewfigurepart1(int nrfig){ tanfigure *figure; int i,j; double xmin=10000,xmax=-10000,ymin=10000,ymax=-10000; tanpiecepos *piecepos; tanflfig *flfig=&flfigpetite; int flpiecenbr,flpntnbr; tanfpnt *fpnts; tanfpnt dumfpnts[FLPNTMAX]; tanpoly polys[PIECENBR]; int polypntact,polypntnbr; int pntsuivants[FLPNTMAX]; double seuil=0.00000000001; int pntnew; if ( nrfig>=0 && figtabsize ){ nrfig %= figtabsize; actual_figure = nrfig; figure = figtab+nrfig; } else { if (nrfig==-1) figure = &figuredebut; else figure = &figpetite; nrfig = -1; } figactualnr = nrfig; helptanset=PIECENBR; figpetite=*figure; tancolle(&figpetite,0.02); tanmaketinytabnotr(&figpetite,tinytabpe); tantranstinytab(tinytabpe); /* la floatfig et preparation de la concatenation */ flfig->flpiecenbr = PIECENBR; flfig->figure = figure; fpnts = dumfpnts; polypntact = 0; for (i = 0; ipiecepos[i].type].pntnbr; polys[i].pntnbr = polypntnbr; polys[i].firstpnt = polypntact; polys[i].polytype = TAN_POLYNORMAL; for (j = 0; jpiecepos[i], fpnts,1); fpnts += polypntnbr+1; } tanconcat(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); tanconseq(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); pntnew = tantasse(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, fpntspetite); tanajoute(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil, pntnew); tanconcat(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); tanconseq(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); if (taninclus(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil)) taninclus(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); tanalign(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts); tanremsame(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); pntnew = tantasse(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, fpntspetite); tanajoute(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil, pntnew); tanconcat(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); tanconseq(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); if (taninclus(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil)) taninclus(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); tanalign(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts); tanremsame(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, seuil); tantasse(flfig, polys, pntsuivants, dumfpnts, fpntspetite); /* calcul du centrage */ flpiecenbr = flfig->flpiecenbr; for (i = 0; iflpieces[i].flpnts; flpntnbr = flfig->flpieces[i].flpntnbr; for (j = 0; jxmax) xmax=fpnts[j].posx; if (fpnts[j].posy>ymax) ymax=fpnts[j].posy; if (fpnts[j].posx(ymax-ymin) ? (xmax-xmin) : (ymax-ymin) )+0.25); dxpetite = 0.5*(xmax+xmin)-(0.5/figpetite.zoom); dypetite = 0.5*(ymax+ymin)-(0.5/figpetite.zoom); dxout = 0.5*(xmax+xmin)-(0.5/figgrande.zoom); /* cf tanrecentreout pour correction */ dyout = 0.5*(ymax+ymin)-(0.5/figgrande.zoom); /* centrage des pieces petite */ piecepos=figpetite.piecepos; for (i=0; iposx-=dxpetite; piecepos->posy-=dypetite; piecepos++; } } /********************************/ /* corrige dxout et dyout pour les changement de zoom de figgrande */ void tanrecentreout(double oldzoom, double newzoom){ tanpiecepos *piecepos; int i; double correction; correction = 0.5*(1/oldzoom-1/newzoom); dxout += correction; dyout += correction; piecepos = figgrande.piecepos; for (i = 0; iposx -= correction; piecepos->posy -= correction; piecepos++; } return; } /********************************/ /* change de petite figure */ void tansetnewfigurepart2(void){ if (selectedgrande){ helpoutset=FALSE; tanunselect(); } else if (helpoutset){ /* pour eviter 2 appels successif a tanredrawgrande */ helpoutset=FALSE; tanredrawgrande(); } tanredrawpetite(); selpossible=TRUE; } /********************************/ void spesavefig (void){ FILE *hand; int j; tanfigure *fig=NULL; /*juste pour eviter un warning*/ if ( (hand=g_fopen("pouet.fig", "w"))!=NULL){ fprintf(hand, "gTans v1.0 %d \n",figtabsize); fig=&figgrande; fprintf(hand,"%e %e %d \n",1.0,fig->distmax,fig->drotmax); for (j=0; jpiecepos[j].type,fig->piecepos[j].flipped, fig->piecepos[j].posx,fig->piecepos[j].posy,fig->piecepos[j].rot); } if (hand!=NULL){ fclose(hand); figpetite=*fig; figpetite.zoom=1; tansetnewfigurepart1(-2); tansetnewfigurepart2(); } } /********************************/ void taninitstart(void){ int i; char* accurstr; for (i = PXSTART; icanvas), gnome_canvas_group_get_type(), "x", 0.0, "y", 0.0, NULL )); create_mainwindow(boardRootItem); switch (accuracy){ case 0: accurstr = "maccuracy1"; break; case 2: accurstr = "maccuracy3"; break; default : accurstr = "maccuracy2"; } if (rotstepnbr==TOUR/256) accurstr = "mrotcont"; else accurstr = "mrotstp"; tanloadfigtab(figfilename); } /********************************/ void tanend(void){ int i; GdkColormap *syscmap; syscmap = gdk_colormap_get_system(); if (userconf!=NULL) g_free(userconf); if (figfilename!=NULL) g_free(figfilename); if (figtab!=NULL) g_free(figtab); if (pixmappetite!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmappetite); if (pixmapgrande1!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmapgrande1); if (pixmapgrande2!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmapgrande2); if (pixmappiece1!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmappiece1); if (pixmappiece2!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmappiece2); if (pixmapfond!=NULL) gdk_pixmap_unref(pixmapfond); for (i=PXSTART; iwindow); if (tabpxpixmode[i]) tansetpixmapmode(widgetgrande,tabpxnam[i],i); else tansetcolormode(&colortab[i],i); } for (i=0; ired = color->green = color->blue = (gushort)(65535.0/(GRISNBR-1)*i); tabgc[i] = gdk_gc_new(widgetgrande->window); tansetcolormode(color,i); } invertgc=gdk_gc_new(widgetgrande->window); gdk_gc_set_function(invertgc,GDK_INVERT); tabgc[GCPIECEHLP]=gdk_gc_new(widgetgrande->window); tansetcolormode(&colortab[GCPIECEHLP],GCPIECEHLP); /* les line attribute sont dans le callback */ if (initcbpe) taninitcbcommun(); } /********************************/ void taninitcbpe(void){ initcbpe=TRUE; /* pour ne pas initialiser 2 fois (c'est pas propre, mais bon) */ tabgc[GCPETITEFG]=gdk_gc_new(widgetpetite->window); tansetcolormode(&colortab[GCPETITEFG],GCPETITEFG); tabgc[GCPETITEBG]=gdk_gc_new(widgetpetite->window); tansetcolormode(&colortab[GCPETITEBG],GCPETITEBG); tabgc[GCPETITEHLP]=gdk_gc_new(widgetpetite->window); tansetcolormode(&colortab[GCPETITEHLP],GCPETITEHLP); tabgc[GCPETITECHK]=gdk_gc_new(widgetpetite->window); tansetcolormode(&colortab[GCPETITECHK],GCPETITECHK); if (initcbgr) taninitcbcommun(); } /********************************/ /* determine si le point x,y est dans la piece */ gboolean tanpntisinpiece(int x, int y, tanpiecepos *piecepos){ int i; gboolean in; GdkPoint pnt[PNTNBRMAX+2]; int nbrpnt; nbrpnt=tanplacepiece(piecepos,pnt,widgetgrande->allocation.width*figgrande.zoom); pnt[nbrpnt]=pnt[0]; in=TRUE; if (piecepos->flipped){ for (i=0; (i0 ) in=FALSE; } return (in); } /********************************/ /* determine dans quelle piece se trouve le point (-1=aucune) */ int tanwichisselect(int x, int y){ int i; gboolean trouve; trouve=FALSE; for (i=PIECENBR-1; i>=0 && !trouve; i--) trouve=tanpntisinpiece(x,y,figgrande.piecepos+i); if (trouve) i++; return (i); }