#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2012 S. Daniel Francis # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #import sys import logging logger = logging.getLogger('graph') from math import * fac = lambda n: [1, 0][n > 0] or fac(n - 1) * n from numpy import sinc import gobject import gtk import pango import cairo import expressions SCALE_TYPE_DEC = 0 SCALE_TYPE_RAD = 1 SCALE_TYPE_CUST = 2 def sub_dict(somedict, somekeys, default=None): return dict([(k, somedict.get(k, default)) for k in somekeys]) def marks(min_val, max_val, minor=1): '''yield positions of scale marks between min and max. For making minor marks, set minor to the number of minors you want between majors''' try: min_val = float(min_val) max_val = float(max_val) except: print 'needs 2 numbers' raise ValueError if(min_val >= max_val): print 'min bigger or equal to max' raise ValueError a = 0.2 # tweakable control for when to switch scales # big a value results in more marks a = a + log10(minor) width = max_val - min_val log10_range = log10(width) interval = 10 ** int(floor(log10_range - a)) lower_mark = min_val - fmod(min_val, interval) if lower_mark < min_val: lower_mark += interval a_mark = lower_mark while a_mark <= max_val: if abs(a_mark) < interval / 2: a_mark = 0 yield a_mark a_mark += interval class Graph(gtk.DrawingArea): __gsignals__ = {'repopulate-parameter-entries': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, tuple()), 'update-x-y': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_FLOAT, gobject.TYPE_FLOAT))} safe_dict = safe_list = {'acos': acos, 'asin': asin, 'atan': atan, 'atan2': atan2, 'ceil': ceil, 'cos': cos, 'cosh': cosh, 'degrees': degrees, 'e': e, 'exp': exp, 'fabs': fabs, 'floor': floor, 'fmod': fmod, 'frexp': frexp, 'hypot': hypot, 'ldexp': ldexp, 'log': log, 'log10': log10, 'modf': modf, 'pi': pi, 'pow': pow, 'radians': radians, 'sin': sin, 'sinh': sinh, 'sqrt': sqrt, 'tan': tan, 'tanh': tanh, 'fac': fac, 'sinc': sinc} x_res = 1 x_max = '5.0' x_min = '-5.0' x_scale = '1.0' y_max = '3.0' y_min = '-3.0' y_scale = '1.0' xmax = 5.0 xmin = -5.0 xscale = 1.0 ymax = 3.0 ymin = -3.0 yscale = 1.0 _show_grid = True shift = False _move_from = None def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.connect_points = True #add any needed builtins back in. self.safe_dict['abs'] = abs #logger.debug(str(self.safe_dict)) self.pointer = None self.functions = [] self.new_x = 0 self.y = None self.prev_y = [None, None, None] self.selection = [[None, None], [None, None]] self.set_events(gtk.gdk.ALL_EVENTS_MASK) self.scale_style = SCALE_TYPE_DEC self.follow_function = False # self.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) # self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) # self.add_events(gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS) # self.grab_focus() # self.connect('key_press_event', self._key_press_event) # self.connect('key_release_event', self._key_relase_event) self.connect('expose_event', self._expose_event_cb) self.connect('configure_event', self._configure_event_cb) self.connect('button_press_event', self._button_press_event_cb) self.connect('button_release_event', self._button_release_event_cb) self.connect('motion_notify_event', self._motion_notify_event_cb) def save_png(self, path): thumb_surface = self.surface thumb_surface.write_to_png(path) def _key_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == 65505: # keyval == Shift self.shift = True elif event.keyval == 65361 or event.keyval == 65430: # Key Left scroll = 10 * float(self.xmax - self.xmin) / self.canvas_width self.xmin -= scroll self.xmax -= scroll self.queue_draw() elif event.keyval == 65362 or event.keyval == 65431: # Key Up scroll = 10 * float(self.ymax - self.ymin) / self.canvas_height self.ymin += scroll self.ymax += scroll self.queue_draw() elif event.keyval == 65363 or event.keyval == 65432: # Key Right scroll = 10 * float(self.xmax - self.xmin) / self.canvas_width self.xmin += scroll self.xmax += scroll self.queue_draw() elif event.keyval == 65364 or event.keyval == 65433: # Key Down scroll = 10 * float(self.ymax - self.ymin) / self.canvas_height self.ymin -= scroll self.ymax -= scroll self.queue_draw() def _key_release_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == 65505: # keyval == Shift self.shift = False self._move_from = None def set_show_grid(self, do): self._show_grid = do self.queue_draw() show_grid = property((lambda: _show_grid), set_show_grid) def reload_functions(self, functions): self.functions = functions self.queue_draw() def _button_press_event_cb(self, widget, event): if event.button == 1 and self.shift: self._move_from = [int(event.x), int(event.y)] elif event.button == 1: self.selection[0][0] = int(event.x) self.selection[0][1] = int(event.y) self.selection[1][0], self.selection[1][1] = None, None self.follow_function = not self.follow_function # End of selection def _button_release_event_cb(self, widget, event): if event.x != None and event.y != None\ and self.selection[0][0] != None: if event.button == 1 and\ event.x != self.selection[0][0] and\ event.y != self.selection[0][1]: xmi = min(self.graph_x(self.selection[0][0]), self.graph_x(event.x)) ymi = min(self.graph_y(self.selection[0][1]), self.graph_y(event.y)) xma = max(self.graph_x(self.selection[0][0]), self.graph_x(event.x)) yma = max(self.graph_y(self.selection[0][1]), self.graph_y(event.y)) self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax = xmi, ymi, xma, yma self.follow_function = not self.follow_function self.selection = [[None, None], [None, None]] self._move_from = None self.queue_draw() self.y = None self.emit('repopulate-parameter-entries') # Draw rectangle during mouse movement def _motion_notify_event_cb(self, widget, event): x, y, state = self.get_window().get_pointer() self.pointer = [x, y] graph_x = self.graph_x(x) if self.scale_style == SCALE_TYPE_RAD: self.new_x = graph_x / pi else: self.new_x = graph_x if not self.follow_function or self.y == None: self.emit('update-x-y', self.new_x, self.graph_y(y)) if self.selection[0][0] != None: self.selection[1][0], self.selection[1][1] = int(x), int(y) elif self._move_from != None: xscroll = self._move_from[0] - x yscroll = self._move_from[1] - y self._move_from[0] = x self._move_from[1] = y self.xmin += xscroll * float(self.xmax - self.xmin) /\ self.canvas_width self.xmax += xscroll * float(self.xmax - self.xmin) /\ self.canvas_width self.ymin -= yscroll * float(self.ymax - self.ymin) /\ self.canvas_width self.ymax -= yscroll * float(self.ymax - self.ymin) /\ self.canvas_width self.queue_draw() def draw_cursor(self): if self.shift: if self._move_from != None: #logger.debug(str(self._move_from)) self.get_window().set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.FLEUR)) else: self.get_window().set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR)) elif self.selection[0][0] != None: if self.selection[0][0] < self.selection[1][0]: if self.selection[0][1] < self.selection[1][1]: self.get_window().set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER)) else: self.get_window().set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.TOP_RIGHT_CORNER)) else: if self.selection[0][1] < self.selection[1][1]: self.get_window().set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER)) else: self.get_window().set_cursor( gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.TOP_LEFT_CORNER)) else: self.get_window().set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.CROSS)) def draw_selection_rectangle(self): if self.selection[0][0] != None: #gc = self.drawing_area.get_style().black_gc #gc.set_function(gtk.gdk.INVERT) if self.selection[1][0] != None: x0 = min(self.selection[1][0], self.selection[0][0]) y0 = min(self.selection[1][1], self.selection[0][1]) w = abs(self.selection[1][0] - self.selection[0][0]) h = abs(self.selection[1][1] - self.selection[0][1]) self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, w, h) self.context.set_line_width(0.5) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_line_width(0.5) x0 = min(self.selection[0][0], int(self.selection[1][0])) y0 = min(self.selection[0][1], int(self.selection[1][1])) w = abs(int(self.selection[1][0]) - self.selection[0][0]) h = abs(int(self.selection[1][1]) - self.selection[0][1]) self.context.rectangle(x0, y0, w, h) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_line_width(2) return True else: return False def graph_x(self, x): 'Calculate position on graph from point on canvas' return x * (self.xmax - self.xmin) / self.canvas_width + self.xmin def graph_y(self, y): return self.ymax - (y * (self.ymax - self.ymin) /\ self.canvas_height) def draw_queue(self): self.context.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) self.context.rectangle(0, 0, self.canvas_width, self.canvas_height) self.context.fill() self.context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) #logger.debug('starter rectangle') if not self.draw_selection_rectangle(): self.draw_pointer_reference() #logger.debug('pointer') self.draw_axis_and_grid() #logger.debug('axis and grid') self.plot_functions() #logger.debug('Plot functions') def draw_pointer_reference(self): if not self.shift: if self.pointer != None: x, y = self.pointer self.context.set_line_width(0.5) self.context.move_to(x, 0) self.context.line_to(x, self.canvas_height) if self.follow_function: for i in self.functions: if i[-1]: expression = expressions.convert(i[0]) #logger.error(expression) compiled = compile(expression, '', 'eval') self.safe_dict['x'] = self.graph_x(x) try: y_g = eval(compiled, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) if self.new_x != None: self.emit('update-x-y', self.new_x, y_g) y = int(round(self.canvas_y(y_g))) except Exception, err: #logging.error('graph: ' + str(err)) y = None if y != None: self.context.move_to(0, y) self.y = y self.context.line_to(self.canvas_width, y) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_line_width(2) self.context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) def draw_axis_and_grid(self): if (self.scale_style == SCALE_TYPE_CUST): #draw cross self.context.move_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(0))), 0) self.context.line_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(0))), self.canvas_height) self.context.move_to(0, int(round(self.canvas_y(0)))) self.context.line_to(self.canvas_width, int(round(self.canvas_y(0)))) # old style axis marks # pixel interval between marks iv = self.xscale * self.canvas_width / (self.xmax - self.xmin) os = self.canvas_x(0) % iv # pixel offset of first mark # loop over each mark. for i in xrange(int(self.canvas_width / iv + 1)): #multiples of iv, #cause adding of any error in iv, so keep iv as float # use round(),to get to closest pixel, int() to prevent warning self.context.move_to(int(round(os + i * iv)), int(round(self.canvas_y(0) - 5))) self.context.line_to(int(round(os + i * iv)), int(round(self.canvas_y(0) + 5))) self.context.stroke() if self._show_grid: self.context.set_line_width(0.5) self.context.set_dash((2, 2)) self.context.move_to(int(round(os + i * iv)), 0) self.context.line_to(int(round(os + i * iv)), self.canvas_height) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.context.set_line_width(2) self.context.set_dash((1, 0)) # and the y-axis iv = self.yscale * self.canvas_height / (self.ymax - self.ymin) os = self.canvas_y(0) % iv for i in xrange(int(self.canvas_height / iv + 1)): self.context.move_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(0) - 5)), int(round(i * iv + os))), self.context.line_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(0) + 5)), int(round(i * iv + os))) self.context.stroke() if self._show_grid: self.context.set_line_width(0.5) self.context.set_dash((2, 2)) self.context.move_to(0, int(round(i * iv + os))) self.context.line_to(self.canvas_width, int(round(i * iv + os))) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.context.set_line_width(2) self.context.set_dash((1, 0)) else: #new style factor = 1 if (self.scale_style == SCALE_TYPE_RAD): factor = pi # where to put the numbers numbers_x_pos = -10 numbers_y_pos = 10 # where to center the axis center_x_pix = int(round(self.canvas_x(0))) center_y_pix = int(round(self.canvas_y(0))) if (center_x_pix < 5): center_x_pix = 5 if (center_x_pix < 20): numbers_x_pos = 10 if (center_y_pix < 5): center_y_pix = 5 if (center_x_pix > self.canvas_width - 5): center_x_pix = self.canvas_width - 5 if (center_y_pix > self.canvas_height - 5): center_y_pix = self.canvas_height - 5 if (center_y_pix > self.canvas_height - 20): numbers_y_pos = -10 # draw cross self.context.move_to(center_x_pix, 0) self.context.line_to(center_x_pix, self.canvas_height) self.context.move_to(0, center_y_pix) self.context.line_to(self.canvas_width, center_y_pix) for i in marks(self.xmin / factor, self.xmax / factor): label = '%g' % i if (self.scale_style == SCALE_TYPE_RAD): label += '\xCF\x80' i = i * factor self.context.move_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), center_y_pix - 5), self.context.line_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), center_y_pix + 5) self.layout.set_text(label) extents = self.layout.get_pixel_extents()[1] if (numbers_y_pos < 0): adjust = extents[3] else: adjust = 0 self.context.move_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), center_y_pix + numbers_y_pos - adjust) self.context.show_text(label) self.context.stroke() if self._show_grid: self.context.set_line_width(0.5) self.context.set_dash((2, 2)) self.context.move_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), 0) self.context.line_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), self.canvas_height) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_line_width(2) self.context.set_dash((1, 0)) for i in marks(self.ymin, self.ymax): label = '%g' % i self.context.move_to(center_x_pix - 5, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.context.line_to(center_x_pix + 5, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.layout.set_text(label) extents = self.layout.get_pixel_extents()[1] if (numbers_x_pos < 0): adjust = extents[2] else: adjust = 0 self.context.move_to(center_x_pix + numbers_x_pos - adjust, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.context.show_text(label) self.context.stroke() if self._show_grid: self.context.set_line_width(0.5) self.context.set_dash((2, 2)) self.context.move_to(0, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.context.line_to(self.canvas_width, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.context.stroke() self.context.set_line_width(2) self.context.set_dash((1, 0)) # minor marks for i in marks(self.xmin / factor, self.xmax / factor, minor=10): i = i * factor self.context.move_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), center_y_pix - 2) self.context.line_to(int(round(self.canvas_x(i))), center_y_pix + 2) for i in marks(self.ymin, self.ymax, minor=10): label = '%g' % i self.context.move_to(center_x_pix - 2, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.context.line_to(center_x_pix + 2, int(round(self.canvas_y(i)))) self.context.stroke() def plot_functions(self): plots = [] #logger.debug('plotting functions') # precompile the functions count = 0 self.prev_y = [] for i in self.functions: try: expression = expressions.convert(i[0]) #logger.debug(expression) compiled = compile(expression, '', 'eval') convert_color = lambda color: color / 65535.0 red = convert_color(i[1].red) green = convert_color(i[1].green) blue = convert_color(i[1].blue) color = (red, green, blue) selected = i[-1] plots.append((compiled, count, color, selected)) self.prev_y.append(None) count += 1 #logger.debug('Appended data') except Exception, err: logger.error(err) continue if len(plots) != 0: #logger.debug('Plots != 0') for i in xrange(0, self.canvas_width, self.x_res): x = self.graph_x(i + 1) for e in plots: #logger.debug(str(e)) self.safe_dict['x'] = x try: y = eval(e[0], {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) y_c = int(round(self.canvas_y(y))) if y_c < 0 or y_c > self.canvas_height: raise ValueError self.context.set_source_rgb(e[2][0], e[2][1], e[2][2]) self.context.set_line_width(2.5 if e[-1] else 1.5) if self.connect_points and\ self.prev_y[e[1]] is not None: self.context.move_to(i, self.prev_y[e[1]]) self.context.line_to(i + self.x_res, y_c) else: self.context.move_to(i + self.x_res, y_c) self.context.line_to(i + self.x_res + 1, y_c) self.context.stroke() self.prev_y[e[1]] = y_c except Exception: # , exc: #logger.debug(exc) #logger.debug('Error at %d: %s' % (x, sys.exc_value)) self.prev_y[e[1]] = None self.context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) self.context.set_line_width(2) self.context.rectangle(0, 0, self.canvas_width, self.canvas_height) self.context.stroke() self.context.clip() def set_xmax(self, xmax): self.xmax = eval(xmax, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) def set_xmin(self, xmin): self.xmin = eval(xmin, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) def set_x_scale(self, xscale): self.xscale = eval(xscale, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) def set_ymax(self, ymax): self.ymax = eval(ymax, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) def set_ymin(self, ymax): self.ymin = eval(ymax, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) def set_y_scale(self, yscale): self.yscale = eval(yscale, {'__builtins__': {}}, self.safe_dict) def _configure_event_cb(self, widget, event): x, y, w, h = widget.get_allocation() self.context = widget.get_window().cairo_create() # make colors self.gc = dict() self.layout = pango.Layout(widget.create_pango_context()) self.canvas_width = w self.canvas_height = h self.queue_draw() return True def _expose_event_cb(self, widget, event): x, y, w, h = event.area window = widget.get_window() self.draw_cursor() context = window.cairo_create() self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h) self.context = cairo.Context(self.surface) context.set_source_surface(self.surface, 0, 0) self.draw_queue() context.paint() return False def canvas_y(self, y): c_y = (self.ymax - y) * self.canvas_height /\ (self.ymax - self.ymin) return min(self.canvas_height, max(0, c_y)) def canvas_x(self, x): 'Calculate position on canvas to point on graph' return (x - self.xmin) * self.canvas_width / (self.xmax - self.xmin)