#!/bin/bash REALPATH=`readlink -f $0` APPPATH="${REALPATH%/*}" if [ "$APPPATH" = "shoes" ]; then APPPATH="." fi if [ "$APPPATH" = "." ]; then APPPATH=`pwd` fi # makeself changes the directory to /tmp/selfgzNNNNN. if we're in # an extracted archive, change back to the directory where we launched. if [ `pwd | awk '{ sub(/[0-9]+/, ""); print }'` = "/tmp/selfgz" ]; then # fix the symlink, this is actually a bug in the minitar lib rm -f libruby.so.1.8 ln -s libruby.so libruby.so.1.8 cd "$OLDPWD" fi cd "$OLDPWD" LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$APPPATH $APPPATH/hacketyhack-bin "$@"