require 'yaml' :title => "A Gentle Reminder", :width => 370, :height => 560, :resizable => false do background white background tan, :height => 40 caption "A Gentle Reminder", :margin => 8, :stroke => white stack :margin => 10, :margin_top => 50 do para "You need to", :stroke => red, :fill => yellow stack :margin_left => 5, :margin_right => 10, :width => 1.0, :height => 200, :scroll => true do background white border white, :strokewidth => 3 @gui_todo = para end flow :margin_top => 10 do para "Remember to" @add = edit_line(:margin_left => 10, :width => 180) button("Add", :margin_left => 5) { add_todo(@add.text); @add.text = '' } end end stack :margin_top => 10 do background darkgray para strong('Completed'), :stroke => white end @gui_completed = stack :width => 1.0, :height => 207, :margin_right => 20 def data_path if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32/ if ENV['USERPROFILE'] if File.exist?(File.join(File.expand_path(ENV['USERPROFILE']), "Application Data")) user_data_directory = File.join File.expand_path(ENV['USERPROFILE']), "Application Data", "GentleReminder" else user_data_directory = File.join File.expand_path(ENV['USERPROFILE']), "GentleReminder" end else user_data_directory = File.join File.expand_path(Dir.getwd), "data" end else user_data_directory = File.expand_path(File.join("~", ".gentlereminder")) end unless File.exist?(user_data_directory) Dir.mkdir(user_data_directory) end return File.join(user_data_directory, "data.yaml") end def refresh_todo @gui_todo.replace *( { |item| [ item, ' ' ] + [ link('Done') { complete_todo item } ] + [ ' ' ] + [ link('Forget it') { forget_todo item } ] + [ "\n" ] }.flatten ) end def refresh refresh_todo @gui_completed.clear @gui_completed.append do background white @completed.keys.sort.reverse.each { |day| stack do background lightgrey para strong('%B %d, %Y')), :stroke => white end stack do inscription *( @completed[day].map { |item| [ item ] + [ ' ' ] + [ link('Not Done') { undo_todo day, item } ] + (@completed[day].index(item) == @completed[day].length - 1 ? [ '' ] : [ "\n" ]) }.flatten ) end } end end def complete_todo(item) day = if @completed.keys.include? day @completed[day] << item else @completed[day] = [ item ] end @todo.delete(item) save refresh end def undo_todo(day, item) @completed[day].delete item @completed.delete(day) if @completed[day].empty? @todo << item unless @todo.include? item save refresh end def add_todo(item) item = item.strip return if item == '' if @todo.include? item alert('You have already added that to the list!') return end @todo << item save refresh_todo end def forget_todo(item) @todo.delete item save refresh_todo end def load if File.exist?(data_path) @todo, @completed = YAML::load(, 'r')) else @todo = [] @completed = {} end refresh end def save, 'w') { |f| f.write [ @todo, @completed ].to_yaml } end load end