# # Common configuration for all XO models. # [global] # Image title. # Put your title here. customization_info = Hexoquinasa v1.0 BETA3 # Languages to include #langs=es,en_US,pt,pt_BR,fr,de,qu,ayc,quz # Image filename. # String should contain one formatting argument to make Python expression, # `image_name % latestbuild`, valid. Make sure that you escaped `%` symbol # by `%%`. Put your filename here. image_name = hxp%%d # Minimal list of required modules. # All of the following modules need to be added to keep final image consistent. # `*sugar*` modules are not included on purpose, Sugar related configuration # will happen in `deployment.rpm` added from [custom_packages] section. modules_required = base, repos, yumcfg, powerd, x11, # Include Sweets Distribution specific settings. sweets # Useful extra modules. modules_extra = # Keep current build number in path set by [buildnr_from_file]. buildnr_from_file, # Add rpmfusion repositories to image build time and image itself. rpmfusion, # To add extra packages from [custom_packages] section. custom_packages, custom_scripts, signing [buildnr_from_file] # Path to file to keep current image release number. # If you change this file manually, make sure that file content doesn't end # with new line symbol to avoid fails from `olpc-os-builder` internals. path = latestbuild [sweets] # Set particular image locales; if omitted, the full list will be generated locales = es_PE,ayc_PE,en_US,de_DE,fr_FR,pt_BR # OBS repositories from packages.sugarlabs.org to install packages # during image building phase and for post-image system upgrades. # Each item should be in form of / repositories = # Sugar Network is being packaged in one of SweetsDistribution:* projects SweetsDistribution:Factory/Fedora-14, # It is a good practice to have a deployment.rpm, see [custom_packages] below Hexoquinasa:1/Fedora-14 # List of bundle_ids (or Context GUIDs in Sugar Network terms) of activities # to prefetch to the final image to make them accessible in offline right after # flasing. These activities should exist in the Sugar Network. If activities # were formed properly, their dependencies will be automatically installed. offline_activities = org.laptop.WebActivity, org.laptop.Calculate, org.laptop.Chat, # org.vpri.EtoysActivity, org.laptop.ImageViewerActivity, # org.laptop.sugar.Jukebox, # org.laptop.sugar.ReadActivity, org.laptop.Terminal, # org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity, org.laptop.AbiWordActivity, # org.worldwideworkshop.olpc.JigsawPuzzle, # org.laptop.TamTamMini, # org.laptop.Memorize, org.gnome.Labyrinth, org.laptop.RecordActivity, org.laptop.Oficina, com.jotaro.ImplodeActivity, # org.laptop.physics, org.laptop.MeasureActivity, # org.somosazucar.ServidorVNC, #net.gcompris, # edu.mit.media.ScratchActivity, # org.ceibaljam.conozcoamerica, org.sugarlabs.ICanReadActivity, org.sugarlabs.SimpleGraph, org.laptop.TurtleArtButia, # vu.lux.olpc.Speak, # org.laptop.WikipediaActivity, # org.laptop.WikipediaActivityQU, mulawa.Sudoku # List of bundle_ids (or Context GUIDs in Sugar Network terms) of activities # make them favorited in Sugar Shell Home view. These activities need # to be mentioned in `offline_activities` option as well. favorite_activities = org.laptop.WebActivity, # org.laptop.WikipediaActivity, org.laptop.RecordActivity, org.laptop.Calculate, org.laptop.Chat, # org.laptop.TurtleArtActivity, org.laptop.AbiWordActivity, # org.laptop.physics, # org.laptop.TamTamMini, # org.ceibaljam.conozcoamerica, # vu.lux.olpc.Speak, org.laptop.Terminal [custom_packages] add_packages = # Deployment package which fetches all required dependencies and contains # proper configuration. Post-image support will happen by updating # `deployment.rpm` and spreading it via Sugar Network nodes. deployment-testing, sugar-plugin-stats, sugar-stats, # Useful packages from rpmfusion repository. gstreamer-plugins-ugly, gstreamer-ffmpeg, mplayer, x11vnc, totem [signing] extract=1 bios_crypto_path=/root/bios-crypto skey=/root/bios-crypto/build/masterkeys/fs okey=/root/bios-crypto/build/masterkeys/os wkey=/root/bios-crypto/build/masterkeys/fw make_img_fs_zip=1 [custom_scripts] custom_script_1 = %(oob_config_dir)s/post.sh