""" Copyright (C) 2009 Mike Major This file is part of Hop-A-Round. Hop-A-Round is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. HopAround is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import random import math class LevelData(): def __init__(self): self.question_max = 3 # number of questions in each section (slider, multiple choice & entry) self.thresh_slider = 0 # if question count matches this number, change to this section self.min_level = 1 # minimum levels in the activity; also the exponent of the current level self.max_level = 5 # maximum levels in the activity; also the exponent of the current level self.current_level = 1 # starting and current level indicator self.thresh_down = 0 # level score at/below which the level will be reduced self.level_change = 0 # flag indicating a level change self.digits = [] # collection of digits to create the question from self.set_question_count(self.question_max) random.seed() def set_question_count(self, max): self.question_max = max self.thresh_mult = self.question_max # if question count matches this number, change to this section self.thresh_entry = self.question_max * 2 # if question count matches this number, change to this section self.thresh_up = self.question_max * 3 # level score at/above which the level will be increased self.question_count = 0 # number of questions asked on current level self.level_score = 0 # number of questions correct on current level def check_answer(self, response): if response == self.correct_answer: self.level_score += 1 else: self.level_score -= 1 if self.question_count == self.question_max * 3: if self.level_score >= self.thresh_up and self.current_level < self.max_level: self.level_change = 1 elif self.level_score <= self.thresh_down and self.current_level > self.min_level: self.level_change = -1 self.question_count = self.level_score = 0 return self.correct_answer == response def increase_level(self): if self.current_level < self.max_level: self.current_level += 1 self.answer_decade = int(10**self.current_level) self.level_change = 0 def decrease_level(self): if self.current_level > self.min_level: self.current_level -= 1 self.answer_decade = int(10**self.current_level) self.level_change = 0 def gen_random(self): if self.level_change == 1: self.increase_level() elif self.level_change == -1: self.decrease_level() self.question_count += 1 # generate a random number. don't use digits 0 or 9; # they cause duplicates in the mult choice answer set. self.digits = range(1,9) random.shuffle(self.digits) str_num = "" for x in range(0, self.current_level + 2): str_num += str(random.choice(self.digits)) self.random_number = int(str_num) self.answer_decade = int(math.pow(10, self.current_level)) self.correct_answer = int(round(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*1.0), 0) * self.answer_decade) # create the multiple choice possibilities self.mult=[] self.mult.append(int(math.floor(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*1.0)) * self.answer_decade)) self.mult.append(int(math.ceil(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*1.0)) * self.answer_decade)) if self.current_level == self.min_level: self.mult.append(int(math.floor(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*10.0)) * self.answer_decade * 10.0)) self.mult.append(int(math.ceil(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*10.0)) * self.answer_decade * 10.0)) elif self.current_level == self.max_level: self.mult.append(int(math.floor(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*0.1)) * self.answer_decade * 0.1)) self.mult.append(int(math.ceil(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*0.1)) * self.answer_decade * 0.1)) else: factor = random.choice([0.1,10.0]) self.mult.append(int(math.floor(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*factor)) * self.answer_decade * factor)) self.mult.append(int(math.ceil(self.random_number/(self.answer_decade*factor)) * self.answer_decade * factor)) def get_game_data(self): temp = "Level: " + str(self.current_level) #temp += "\nRandom Number: " + str(self.random_number) #temp += "\nDecade: " + str(self.answer_decade) #temp += "\nCorrect Answer: " + str(self.correct_answer) temp += "\nQuestion max: " + str(self.question_max) temp += "\nScore: " + str(self.level_score) temp += "\nCount: " + str(self.question_count) return temp