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path: root/horse/game.py
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1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/horse/game.py b/horse/game.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e2d5f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/horse/game.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+import pygame, logging
+import math, random
+log = logging.getLogger( 'horse.game' )
+log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
+class Game():
+ game_running = True
+ # tuple for horse location
+ horse_loc = (0,0)
+ # array of (image,location) for apple/carrot/etc locations
+ objects = []
+ # keep track of the mouse pointer
+ mouse_pos = (200,200)
+ # tuple size
+ screen_size = (0,0)
+ grass_size = (0,0)
+ horse_size = (0,0)
+ apple_size = (0,0)
+ # images / (type pygame Surface)
+ grass_image = None
+ horse_image = None
+ horse_image_l = None
+ moving_left = False
+ apple_image = None
+ carrot_image = None
+ hay_image = None
+ # other parameters
+ horse_speed = 8 # pixels per tick; at 25 ticks/second, this is approx 200 pixels per second
+ horse_reach = 20 # pixels from cener of horse where he can reach
+ target_loc = None
+ def setup(self,screen):
+ self.screen_size = screen.get_size() # tuple
+ # put the horse in the center of the screen
+ self.horse_loc = (100,100)
+ # load the images and convert to screen format
+ self.grass_image = pygame.image.load('horse/grass.png','grass')
+ self.grass_image.convert(screen)
+ self.grass_size = self.grass_image.get_size()
+ self.horse_image = pygame.image.load('horse/horse.png','horse')
+ self.horse_image.convert(screen)
+ self.horse_size = self.horse_image.get_size()
+ # Make a copy for the left-facing image
+ self.horse_image_l=pygame.transform.flip(self.horse_image,True,False)
+ # Make the edibles
+ self.apple_size = (10,10)
+ self.apple_image = pygame.Surface(self.apple_size,0,screen)
+ self.apple_image.fill((0xff,0,0))
+ self.carrot_size = (7,20)
+ self.carrot_image = pygame.Surface(self.carrot_size,0,screen)
+ self.carrot_image.fill((0xff,0x99,0))
+ self.hay_size = (20,20)
+ self.hay_image = pygame.Surface(self.hay_size,0,screen)
+ self.hay_image.fill((0x99,0x66,0x33))
+ self.update(screen)
+ def update(self,screen):
+ """updates the screen image"""
+ self.screen_size = screen.get_size() # tuple
+ # paint background image
+ # TODO: there is probably a better way to tile the background image
+ # (and perhaps to tile it only once, and save the base image)
+ tilex=int(math.ceil(self.screen_size[0]/self.grass_size[0]))
+ tiley=int(math.ceil(self.screen_size[1]/self.grass_size[1]))
+ for x in range(0,tilex):
+ for y in range(0,tiley):
+ screen.blit(self.grass_image,(x*self.grass_size[0],y*self.grass_size[1]))
+ # paint horse image on screen
+ # TODO: flip horse image left or right, depending on the direction she is moving
+ #screen.blit(self.horse_image,self.horse_loc)
+ if self.moving_left:
+ self.drawObject(screen,(self.horse_image_l, self.horse_loc))
+ else:
+ self.drawObject(screen,(self.horse_image, self.horse_loc))
+ # draw apples and other objects
+ for o in self.objects:
+ self.drawObject(screen,o)
+ # flip display buffer
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ def drawObject(self,screen,object):
+ # unpack the object
+ (image, loc) = object
+ object_size = image.get_size()
+ # adjust the upper left corner so that the center of object is at the recorded location
+ adj_loc = (loc[0]-object_size[0]/2,loc[1]-object_size[1]/2)
+ screen.blit(image, adj_loc)
+ def placeObject(self,image,location):
+ #adj_loc = self.adjust_loc(location, image.get_size())
+ adj_loc = location
+ self.objects.append((image,adj_loc))
+ def adjust_loc(self,loc,object_size):
+ """adjust the given location by half the object size. Thus the center of the object will be at loc"""
+ adj_loc = (loc[0]-object_size[0]/2,loc[1]-object_size[1]/2)
+ return adj_loc
+ def handleEvent(self,event):
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ self.game_running = False
+ elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
+ #log.debug("event keydown: %s", event)
+ # TODO: keys are not a localized
+ if event.key in (27,113): # esc or q=quit
+ log.debug('quit key pressed')
+ self.game_running = False
+ elif event.key == 97: # a=apple
+ self.placeObject(self.apple_image, self.mouse_pos)
+ elif event.key == 99: # c=carrot
+ self.placeObject(self.carrot_image, self.mouse_pos)
+ elif event.key == 104: # h=hay
+ self.placeObject(self.hay_image, self.mouse_pos)
+ elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
+ pass
+ elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+ #log.debug("event mousedown: %s", event)
+ # place apples
+ self.placeObject(self.apple_image, self.mouse_pos)
+ elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
+ #log.debug("event mousemove: %s", event)
+ # Remember mouse location, because we need it in KEYDOWN events
+ self.mouse_pos = event.pos
+ else:
+ #log.debug("event other: %s", event)
+ pass
+ def tick(self,millis):
+ """updates the game state for a tick"""
+ # millis is ignored
+ if len(self.objects)>0:
+ # move the horse toward the first object in the queue, at full speed
+ (target_image,target_loc) = self.objects[0]
+ horse_speed = self.horse_speed
+ else:
+ # the horse might feel inclined to wander slowly toward a random target
+ #if self.target_loc is None:
+ # self.target_loc = (self.screen_size[0]*random.random(), self.screen_size[1]*random.random())
+ #target_loc = self.target_loc
+ # wander toward mouse
+ target_loc = self.mouse_pos
+ horse_speed = 2
+ (distx, disty) = (target_loc[0] - self.horse_loc[0], target_loc[1] - self.horse_loc[1])
+ # TODO: there is probably a library function to scale this for me
+ # move the horse approx horse_speed pixels in the indicated direction
+ dist = math.sqrt(distx*distx+disty*disty)
+ (movex, movey) = (horse_speed*distx/dist, horse_speed*disty/dist)
+ # "eat" the object if we are close enough
+ # (so that we will get a new target next tick)
+ # TODO: perhaps colision detection would be better here
+ if dist < self.horse_speed*2:
+ if len(self.objects)>0:
+ self.objects.pop(0)
+ else:
+ self.target_loc = None
+ # dont move the horse (causes bounce)
+ return
+ # move the horse, but check that the horse has not wandered off the screen
+ (horsex, horsey) = (self.horse_loc[0] + movex, self.horse_loc[1] + movey)
+ # TODO: check for a library function to determine out of bounds
+ if (horsex < 0):
+ horsex = 0
+ if (horsey < 0):
+ horsey = 0
+ if (horsex > self.screen_size[0]):
+ horsex = self.screen_size[0]
+ if (horsey > self.screen_size[1]):
+ horsey = self.screen_size[1]
+ self.horse_loc = (horsex,horsey)
+ if movex<0 and abs(distx)>horse_speed:
+ self.moving_left = True
+ else:
+ self.moving_left = False
+ def isRunning(self):
+ return self.game_running \ No newline at end of file