# Copyright (C) 2008, One Laptop per Child # Author: Keshav Sharma & Vaibhav Sharma # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from __future__ import division import pygtk import gtk from gtk import gdk import gobject import sys import Image,ImageEnhance,ImageFont,ImageFilter,ImageOps import ImageDraw import StringIO import logging import random from sugar import mime import gst, pygame, sys, time from random import * class ImageProcessor(gtk.DrawingArea): __gsignals__ = { 'expose-event' : ('override'), 'zoom-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []), 'angle-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []), } __gproperties__ = { 'zoom': (gobject.TYPE_FLOAT, 'Zoom Factor', 'Factor of zoom',0, 4, 1, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'angle': (gobject.TYPE_INT, 'Angle', 'Angle of rotation',0, 360, 0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'file_location':( gobject.TYPE_STRING, 'File Location', 'Location of the image file', '', gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), } def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.set_app_paintable(True) self.pixbuf = None self.zoom = None self.input_text = "text to edit" self._tempfile = None self.file_location = None self._temp_pixbuf = None self.edit_text = None self.im = None self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True self.angle = 0 def do_get_property(self, pspec): if pspec.name == 'zoom' : return self.zoom elif pspec.name == 'angle' : return self.angle elif pspec.name == 'file_location': return self.file_location else: raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % pspec.name) def do_set_property(self, pspec, value): if pspec.name == 'zoom': self.set_zoom(value) elif pspec.name == 'angle': self.set_angle(value) elif pspec.name == 'file_location' : self.set_file_location(value) else: raise AttributeError('unknown property %s' % pspec.name) def calculate_optimal_zoom(self, width=None, height=None, pixbuf=None): # This tries to figure out a best fit model # If the image can fit in, we show it in 1:1, # in any other case we show it in a fit to screen way if pixbuf == None: pixbuf = self.pixbuf if width == None or height == None: rect = self.parent.get_allocation() width = rect.width height = rect.height if width < pixbuf.get_width() or height < pixbuf.get_height(): # Image is larger than allocated size zoom = min(width / pixbuf.get_width(), height / pixbuf.get_height()) else: zoom = 1 self._optimal_zoom_flag = True return zoom - 0.018 #XXX: Hack def set_pixbuf( self , pixbuf ): self.pixbuf = pixbuf self.zoom = None self._image_changed_flag = True if self.window: alloc = self.get_allocation() rect = gdk.Rectangle( alloc.x , alloc.y , alloc.width ,alloc.height ) self.window.invalidate_rect( rect , True ) self.window.process_updates( True ) #def do_size_request(self, requisition): # requisition.width = self.pixbuf.get_width() # requisition.height = self.pixbuf.get_height() def do_expose_event(self, event): ctx = self.window.cairo_create() ctx.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) ctx.clip() self.draw(ctx) def draw(self, ctx): if not self.pixbuf: return if self.zoom == None: self.zoom = self.calculate_optimal_zoom() if self._temp_pixbuf == None or self._image_changed_flag == True: width, height = self.rotate() self._temp_pixbuf = self._temp_pixbuf.scale_simple(width, height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_TILES) self._image_changed_flag = False rect = self.get_allocation() x = rect.x y = rect.y width = self._temp_pixbuf.get_width() height = self._temp_pixbuf.get_height() if self.parent: rect = self.parent.get_allocation() if rect.width > width: x = int(((rect.width - x) - width) / 2) if rect.height > height: y = int(((rect.height - y) - height) / 2) self.set_size_request(self._temp_pixbuf.get_width(), self._temp_pixbuf.get_height()) ctx.set_source_pixbuf(self._temp_pixbuf, x, y) ctx.paint() def set_zoom(self, zoom): self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = False self.zoom = zoom if self.window: alloc = self.get_allocation() rect = gdk.Rectangle(alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height) self.window.invalidate_rect(rect, True) self.window.process_updates(True) self.emit('zoom-changed') def set_angle(self, angle): self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True self.angle = angle if self.window: alloc = self.get_allocation() rect = gdk.Rectangle(alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height) self.window.invalidate_rect(rect, True) self.window.process_updates(True) self.emit('angle-changed') def rotate(self): if self.angle == 0: rotate = gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_NONE elif self.angle == 90: rotate = gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE elif self.angle == 180: rotate = gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_UPSIDEDOWN elif self.angle == 270: rotate = gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE elif self.angle == 360: self.angle = 0 rotate = gtk.gdk.PIXBUF_ROTATE_NONE else: logging.warning('Got unsupported rotate angle') self._temp_pixbuf = self.pixbuf.rotate_simple(rotate) width = int(self._temp_pixbuf.get_width() * self.zoom) height = int(self._temp_pixbuf.get_height() * self.zoom) return (width, height) def zoom_in(self): self.set_zoom(self.zoom + 0.2) if self.zoom > (4): return False else: return True def zoom_out(self): self.set_zoom(self.zoom - 0.2) if self.zoom <= 0.2: return False else: return True def grey(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im.convert("RGB") r, g, b = im.split() im = Image.merge("RGB", (g,g,g)) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_copy(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) self.im = im.copy() def image_paste(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.im pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Blur(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Transpose(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Offset(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) w,h=im.size im = im.offset(w/2,h/2) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Contour(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = im.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Finedges(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = im.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Solarize(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = ImageOps.solarize(im, threshold=128) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_left_top(self,edit_text): self.edit_text="left_top" self.image_edit_text(self.edit_text) def image_right_top(self,edit_text): self.edit_text='right_top' self.image_edit_text(self.edit_text) def image_left_bottom(self,edit_text): self.edit_text='left_bottom' self.image_edit_text(self.edit_text) def image_right_bottom(self,edit_text): self.edit_text='right_bottom' self.image_edit_text(self.edit_text) def image_edit_text(self,edit_text): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True self.edit_text = edit_text if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) out=self.Imprint(im, self.input_text,self.edit_text) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(out) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def input_text_cb(self,text): self.input_text=str(text) def Imprint(self,im, inputtext,edit_text, font=None, color=None, opacity=.6, margin=(30,30)): """ imprints a PIL image with the indicated text in lower-right corner """ if im.mode != "RGBA": im = im.convert("RGBA") w,h=im.size textlayer = Image.new("RGBA", im.size, (0,0,0,0)) textdraw = ImageDraw.Draw(textlayer) textsize = textdraw.textsize(inputtext, font=font) if edit_text=="left_top": textpos = [margin[i] for i in [0,1]] elif edit_text=="right_top": textpos = im.size[0]-textsize[0]-margin[0],margin[1] elif edit_text=="left_bottom": textpos = margin[0],im.size[1]-textsize[1]-margin[1] else: textpos = [im.size[i]-textsize[i]-margin[i] for i in [0,1]] textdraw.text(textpos, inputtext, font=font, fill="red") if opacity != 1: textlayer = self.reduce_opacity(textlayer,opacity) return Image.composite(textlayer, im, textlayer) def image_Sharpen(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = im.filter(ImageFilter.SHARPEN) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Ambross(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = im.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Invert(self,value): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) im = ImageOps.invert(im) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def image_Watermark(self,mark,pos): pixbuf = self.pixbuf self._image_changed_flag = True self._optimal_zoom_flag = True if self.window: im1=Image.open(mark) im = self.pixbuftoImage(pixbuf) if pos=="tile": im = self.watermark(im, im1,"tile",0.5) elif pos=="scale": im = self.watermark(im, im1,"scale",0.5) else :#if pos is top_left im = self.watermark(im, im1,(0,0),0.5) #(raw_input('type of watermark(tile/scale,(xsize,ysize))')), 0.5) pix=self.imagetopixbuf(im) self.set_pixbuf( pix ) self.window.process_updates( True ) def pixbuftoImage(self,pb): width,height = pb.get_width(),pb.get_height() return Image.fromstring("RGB",(width,height),pb.get_pixels() ) def imagetopixbuf(self,im): file1 = StringIO.StringIO() im.save(file1, "ppm") contents = file1.getvalue() file1.close() loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader("pnm") loader.write(contents, len(contents)) pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() loader.close() return pixbuf def reduce_opacity(self,im, opacity): """Returns an image with reduced opacity.""" assert opacity >= 0 and opacity <= 1 if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') else : im = im.copy() alpha = im.split()[3] alpha = ImageEnhance.Brightness(alpha).enhance(opacity) im.putalpha(alpha) return im #watermark to an image def watermark(self,im, mark, position, opacity=1): """Adds a watermark to an image.""" if opacity < 1 : mark = self.reduce_opacity(mark, opacity) if im.mode != 'RGBA': im = im.convert('RGBA') # create a transparent layer the size of the image and draw the # watermark in that layer. layer = Image.new('RGBA', im.size, (0,0,0,0)) if position == 'tile': w,h=im.size mark = mark.resize((w/2, h/2)) for y in range(0, im.size[1], mark.size[1]): for x in range(0, im.size[0], mark.size[0]): layer.paste(mark,(x, y)) elif position == 'scale': # scale, but preserve the aspect ratio ratio = min(float(im.size[0]) / mark.size[0], float(im.size[1]) / mark.size[1]) w = int(mark.size[0] * ratio) h = int(mark.size[1] * ratio) mark = mark.resize((w, h)) layer.paste(mark, ((im.size[0] - w) / 2, (im.size[1] - h) / 2)) else: w,h=im.size mark = mark.resize((w/2, h/2)) layer.paste(mark, position) # composite the watermark with the layer return Image.composite(layer, im, layer) def original_cb(self,value): self.set_file_location(self.original) def set_file_location(self, file_location): self.original=file_location self.pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(file_location) self.file_location = file_location self.zoom = None self._image_changed_flag = True if self.window: alloc = self.get_allocation() rect = gdk.Rectangle(alloc.x, alloc.y, alloc.width, alloc.height) self.window.invalidate_rect(rect, True) self.window.process_updates(True) #check working of functions def update(view_object): view.grey("g") return True if __name__ == '__main__': window = gtk.Window() vadj = gtk.Adjustment() hadj = gtk.Adjustment() sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadj, vadj) view = ImageProcessor() view.set_file_location(sys.argv[1]) sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.add_with_viewport(view) window.add(sw) window.set_size_request(800, 600) window.show_all() gobject.timeout_add(1000, update, view) gtk.main()