#! /usr/bin/env python #This python module is part of the Jam2Jam XO Activity, March, 2010 # #Copyright (C) 2010 Thorin Kerr & Andrew Brown # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any #later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but #WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import subprocess import logging, olpcgames import olpcgames.pausescreen as pausescreen import olpcgames.mesh as mesh from olpcgames import camera from sugar.presence import presenceservice from threading import Timer from math import ceil, sqrt from City.CsHelpers import * from City.Parameters import Instrument import City.City as City log = logging.getLogger( 'City run' ) log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG ) log.info('PLATFORM = %s' %platform) def buildInstruments(names, imgpath, screensize, scale): "returns a list of Instrument objects, loaded with images" Instruments = [Instrument(names[i]) for i in range(len(names))] imagefiles = ResourceList(imgpath, '.png') startx = 30 for i in Instruments: for f in imagefiles: if i.name.startswith(f[:4]): i.loadImage(ImagePath+'/'+f, scale) i.x = screensize[0] * 0.8 - startx i.y = (screensize[1] - i.image.get_size()[1]) * 0.5 i.Touch = True startx = startx + (screensize[0] * 0.8) / len(Instruments) return Instruments def getInstrumentParameters(scene, inm): "return a list of parameters values for the instrument, in order of PNAMES" pobj = scene.Params result = [] for pnm in PNAMES: result.append(pobj.getValue(pnm, inm)) return result def setInstrumentParameters(scene, inm, vlst): "sets parameters for an instrument" pobj = scene.Params for pnm,val in zip(PNAMES, vlst): pobj.setValue(pnm, inm, val) return True KEYCODES = {276:"Nudge|Left", 275:"Nudge|Right", 274:"Nudge|Down", 273:"Nudge|Up", 260:"Nudge|Left", 262:"Nudge|Right", 258:"Nudge|Down", 264:"Nudge|Up", 263: "Instrument|Bass", 257:"Instrument|Chords", 265:"Instrument|Lead", 259:"Instrument|Drums", 49: "Instrument|Bass", 50:"Instrument|Chords", 51:"Instrument|Lead", 52:"Instrument|Drums", 112: "Parameter|Pitch", 118:"Parameter|Volume", 100:"Parameter|Density", 108:"Parameter|Length", 116:"Parameter|Timbre", 304: "Modifier|Shift"} class jamScene( object ): def __init__(self, screen, scene = 'City', key = 'A', mode = 'minor', tempo = 120, initial_parameters = {}): self.scene = City.ScenePlayer(scene, key, mode, tempo, initial_parameters) self.music_player = City.makePlayer(self.scene) self.beatEstimator = beatEstimator(self.music_player.tempoMult, 0.17, self.music_player.beatlimit) self.pending_instrument_assignment = [] self.latency_counter = 0 self.latency = [0.07] self.latency_time_ID = {} self._syncloop_running = 0 global schedEvent, now schedEvent = self.scene.TimeQueue.schedEvent now = self.scene.cs.perfTime self.screen = screen screenRect = screen.get_rect() print "SCREENRECT IS .........", screenRect self.screenSize = screen.get_size() print "SCREENSIZE IS ---------", self.screenSize self.playArea = pygame.Rect(screenRect.left,screenRect.top, screenRect.width, screenRect.height * 0.8) if olpcgames.ACTIVITY: olpcgames.ACTIVITY.playArea = self.playArea olpcgames.ACTIVITY.jamScene = self self.panelArea = pygame.Rect(screenRect.left,screenRect.height * 0.8, screenRect.width, screenRect.height * 0.2) self.TemplateInstruments = buildInstruments(INAMES, ImagePath, self.playArea.size, 2) for oni in self.TemplateInstruments: oni.activate() self.PanelInstruments = buildInstruments(INAMES, ImagePath, self.panelArea.size, 1.5) for pnl in self.PanelInstruments: pnl.Touch = True pnl.activate() imagesize = self.TemplateInstruments[0].image.get_size() self.panelSize = (self.screenSize[0], imagesize[1] + 10) #movement limits self.xmin = self.playArea.left + imagesize[0] * 0.5 self.xmax = self.playArea.right - imagesize[0] * 0.5 self.ymax = self.playArea.bottom - imagesize[1] * 0.5 self.ymin = self.playArea.top + imagesize[1] * 0.5 #interface key codes self.keycode = KEYCODES #various states self.keyActions = [] self.selectedInstrument = self.TemplateInstruments[0] self.occupiedInstruments = {self.selectedInstrument.name: None} self.myself = None self.sharer = False self.connected = False self.timeTally = [] self.running = True self.Vparam = "Pitch" self.Hparam = "Density" #interface controls self.movingInstrument = False #initial draw panelColour = (0,0,0) self.snap_store = (olpcgames.ACTIVITY.snap_store if platform == 'Sugar' else []) self.feedbackgroundImage = None if self.screenSize == (1200, 780): self.setbackgroundImage(pygame.image.load(ImagePath + "/jam2jamXO_4.png").convert()) else: bgi = pygame.image.load(ImagePath + "/jam2jamXO_4.png").convert() bgi_scaled = pygame.transform.scale(bgi, self.playArea.size) self.setbackgroundImage(bgi_scaled) self.panel = pygame.Surface((self.panelArea.width, self.panelArea.height)) self.panel.fill(panelColour) self.screen.blit(self.panel, self.panelArea) pygame.display.flip() for pnl in self.PanelInstruments: pnl.y = pnl.y() + self.playArea.height def setbackgroundImage(self, img): self.backgroundImage = img self.screen.blit(self.backgroundImage, (0,0), self.playArea) self.selectedInstrument.Touch = True def updatePanel(self): "redraw panel icons" for pi in self.PanelInstruments: if not pi.Touch: pass else: if pi.name in self.occupiedInstruments: pi.deactivate() else: pi.activate() self.screen.blit(pi.image, pi.Rect) pi.Touch = False def runloop(self): "main game loop" clock = pygame.time.Clock() imgcnt = 0 self.music_player.playLoop(now()) while self.running: events = (pausescreen.get_events(sleep_timeout = 43200) if platform == 'Sugar' else pygame.event.get()) for event in events: self.eventAction(event) for act in self.keyActions: self.interfaceAction(act) if self.feedbackgroundImage: self.setbackgroundImage(self.feedbackgroundImage) self.feedbackgroundImage = None self.updateInspos() self.updatePanel() if platform == 'Sugar': currentcnt = len(self.snap_store) else: currentcnt = 0 if imgcnt == currentcnt: pass else: self.music_player.picture_cycle = [self, True] imgcnt = currentcnt pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(25) def updateInspos(self): "animate selected instrument." ins = self.selectedInstrument if ins.Touch: xval = self.scene.Params.getValue(self.Hparam, ins.name) yval = self.scene.Params.getValue(self.Vparam, ins.name) xpos = rescale(xval, 0,1,self.xmin, self.xmax) ypos = rescale(yval, 0,1,self.ymax, self.ymin) self.screen.blit(self.backgroundImage, ins.Rect, ins.Rect) ins.ctr = (xpos, ypos) ins.Touch = False self.screen.blit(ins.image, ins.Rect) def sendSync(self): "Tell audio loop to broadcast time and beat messages" if self._syncloop_running: self.music_player.sendSync = True log.info("sent sync") schedEvent(now() + 10.7, self.sendSync) def setselectedInstrument(self, ins): "select the instrument onscreen" self.selectedInstrument = ins if ins.name not in self.occupiedInstruments: self.occupiedInstruments.update({ins.name:str(self.myself)}) self.selectedInstrument.Touch = True def eventAction(self, event): "detect events, and select action" if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.music_player.freeze() self.running = False elif event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: if hasattr(event, "action"): if event.action.startswith("Parameter"): args = event.action.split('|') if args[1] == "Horizontal": self.Hparam = args[2] self.selectedInstrument.Touch = True elif args[1] == "Vertical": self.Vparam = args[2] self.selectedInstrument.Touch = True else: raise ValueError, 'Unknown Parameter Action %s' %args elif event.action.startswith('Reload'): #should look always like this: "Reload|name|key:mode|tempo|defaults" args = event.action.split('|') name = args[1] key = ('E' if args[2] == 'None' else args[2]) mode = ('minor' if args[3] == 'None' else args[3]) tempo = (117 if args[4] == 'None' else int(args[4])) d = eval(args[5]) defaults = (d if d else {}) self.load_scene(name, key, mode, tempo, defaults) #this call blocks if self.pending_instrument_assignment: #now check if we are waiting to assign instruments and params. self.receiveMessage("AuthorisedInstrument|%s|%s" %(self.pending_instrument_assignment[0], self.pending_instrument_assignment[1]), self.myself) elif event.action.startswith("Shared"): self.sharer = "Pending" log.info("Sharing activity") elif event.action.startswith("Joined"): log.info("Joined Activity") else: log.debug("unknown parameter change: %s", event.action) else: log.debug("ignoring USEREVENT %s", event) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x,y = event.pos Ins = self.selectedInstrument if Ins.Rect.collidepoint(x,y): self.movingInstrument = Ins else: for Panndx in range(len(self.PanelInstruments)): Pan = self.PanelInstruments[Panndx] if Pan.Rect.collidepoint(x,y): if Pan.active: self.requestInstrument(Pan.name) break elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.movingInstrument: insname = self.movingInstrument.name self.scene.Params.setValue(self.Hparam, insname, rescale(event.pos[0], self.playArea.left, self.playArea.right, 0, 1)) self.scene.Params.setValue(self.Vparam, insname, limit(rescale(event.pos[1], self.playArea.bottom, self.playArea.top, 0, 1), 0,1)) self.movingInstrument.Touch = True elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.movingInstrument = False elif platform == 'Sugar' and event.type == mesh.CONNECT: log.info( """Connected to the mesh!| %s""", event ) self.connected = True self.music_player.resetBeat() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: try: iaction = self.keycode[event.key] self.keyActions.append(iaction) except KeyError: pass elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: try: self.keyActions.remove(self.keycode[event.key]) except ValueError: pass except KeyError: pass elif self.connected and event.type == mesh.PARTICIPANT_ADD: if not self.myself: self.myself = mesh.my_handle() if event.handle == self.myself: if self.sharer == "Pending": self.sharer = self.myself elif len(self.occupiedInstruments) == 4: pass else: if self.sharer == self.myself: giveupInstrument = [p for p in self.PanelInstruments if p.active][0].name giveupparameters = getInstrumentParameters(self.scene, giveupInstrument) mesh.send_to(event.handle, "Welcome|%s|%s|%s" %(self.scene.scene_name, giveupInstrument, giveupparameters)) self.stealInstrument(giveupInstrument, handle = event.handle) if self.connected: mesh.broadcast('Occupied|%s' %self.occupiedInstruments) olpcgames.ACTIVITY.J2JToolbar.deactivate_scene_change() if len(self.occupiedInstruments) >= 2 and not self._syncloop_running: self._syncloop_running = True self.sendSync() else: self.latency_checker() log.info("Waiting to be assigned instrument from sharer") elif self.connected and event.type == mesh.PARTICIPANT_REMOVE: "return instrument to the sharer if a jammer leaves." try: relname = [n for n in self.occupiedInstruments if self.occupiedInstruments[n] == str(event.handle)][0] relpanel = [p for p in self.PanelInstruments if p.name == relname][0] del self.occupiedInstruments[relname] relpanel.Touch = True if self.sharer == self.myself: self.music_player.mutelist.remove(relname) if len(self.occupiedInstruments) == 1: olpcgames.ACTIVITY.J2JToolbar.reactivate_scene_change() if len(self.occupiedInstruments) <= 1: self._syncloop_running = False except IndexError: log.debug("Index error while removing jammer %s occ = %s" %(str(event.handle), self.occupiedInstruments)) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: pass if self.sharer == self.myself: mesh.broadcast('Occupied|%s' %self.occupiedInstruments) log.info( """Removed jammer| %s""", event ) elif self.connected and (event.type == mesh.MESSAGE_MULTI or event.type == mesh.MESSAGE_UNI): if event.handle == self.myself: pass else: self.receiveMessage(event.content, event.handle) def interfaceAction(self, iaction): if iaction.startswith("Nudge"): direction = iaction.split("|")[1] insname = self.selectedInstrument.name if direction == "Left" or direction == "Right": param = self.Hparam else: param = self.Vparam currentValue = self.scene.Params.getValue(param, insname) newvalue = limit((currentValue - 0.03 if direction == "Left" or direction == "Down" else currentValue + 0.03), 0, 1) self.scene.Params.setValue(param, insname, newvalue) self.selectedInstrument.Touch = True if newvalue == 0 or newvalue == 1: try: self.keyActions.remove(iaction) except ValueError: pass elif iaction.startswith("Instrument"): ins = iaction.split('|')[1] self.requestInstrument(ins) try: self.keyActions.remove(iaction) except ValueError: pass elif iaction.startswith("Parameter"): pm = iaction.split('|')[1] if "Modifier|Shift" in self.keyActions: print "shift key is on" if olpcgames.ACTIVITY: olpcgames.ACTIVITY.J2JToolbar.set_vertical_parameter(pm) else: self.Vparam = pm else: print "shift key is off" if olpcgames.ACTIVITY: olpcgames.ACTIVITY.J2JToolbar.set_horizontal_parameter(pm) else: self.Hparam = pm try: self.keyActions.remove(iaction) except ValueError: pass else: pass def stealInstrument(self, stealname, releasename = False, handle = False): "attempts to deactivate an instrument, and make it unavailable for selection" if not handle: handle = self.myself if stealname == self.selectedInstrument.name: log.info("ignoring request to steal %s: already active" %stealname) return False elif stealname in self.occupiedInstruments and not releasename: log.info ("ignoring request to steal %s: already occupied and no release instrument provided" %stealname) return False else: paneli = [pnli for pnli in self.PanelInstruments if pnli.name == stealname][0] self.occupiedInstruments.update({stealname:str(handle)}) self.music_player.mutelist.append(stealname) if releasename: relname = releasename relpanel = [p for p in self.PanelInstruments if p.name == relname][0] try: del self.occupiedInstruments[relname] relpanel.Touch = True self.music_player.mutelist.remove(relname) except KeyError: pass except ValueError: pass paneli.Touch = True return True def requestInstrument(self, name): "instrument selections should go through this first. To request an instrument, you need to give one up" if name in self.occupiedInstruments: log.info('failed instrument selection, as instrument currently occupied') else: if self.connected and (self.sharer != self.myself): releasename = self.selectedInstrument.name iparams = getInstrumentParameters(self.scene, releasename) requestname = name mesh.send_to(self.sharer, 'JammerRequest|%s|%s|%s' %(releasename, requestname, iparams)) else: self.reselectInstruments(name) if self.connected: mesh.broadcast('Occupied|%s' %self.occupiedInstruments) def receiveMessage(self, instruction, handle): if instruction.startswith("Welcome"): messages = instruction.split("|") self.sharer = handle jam_scene = messages[1] self.pending_instrument_assignment = [messages[2],messages[3]] self.select_activity_scene(jam_scene) if self.sharer != self.myself: olpcgames.ACTIVITY.J2JToolbar.deactivate_scene_change() elif instruction.startswith("Beat"): splitvals = instruction.split('|') receivedBeat = int(splitvals[1]) time_now = now() self.beatEstimator.addBeat(receivedBeat, time_now) if abs(receivedBeat - self.beatEstimator.beat_match(time_now)) > 0.17: pass else: latency = (sum(self.latency) / len(self.latency)) tmult = self.music_player.tempoMult latency = latency * 0.25 + 0.04 #this might be XO 1.0 specific beatadvance = int(ceil(latency * 1/tmult)) scheduled_time = now() + ((beatadvance * tmult) - latency) self.music_player.Cease() self.music_player.playLoop(scheduled_time, (receivedBeat + beatadvance) % self.music_player.beatlimit) elif instruction.startswith("JammerRequest"): "In theory only the sharer ever gets this message" split = instruction.split('|') releasename = split[1] requestname = split[2] iparams = eval(split[3]) stealresult = self.stealInstrument(requestname, releasename, handle) if stealresult: setInstrumentParameters(self.scene, releasename, iparams) rqparams = getInstrumentParameters(self.scene, requestname) mesh.send_to(handle, "AuthorisedInstrument|%s|%s" %(requestname, rqparams)) mesh.broadcast('Occupied|%s' %self.occupiedInstruments) else: mesh.send_to(handle, "DeniedInstrument|%s") elif instruction.startswith("AuthorisedInstrument"): "In theory only a 'joiner' receives this message" msg = instruction.split('|') ai = msg[1] params = eval(msg[2]) setInstrumentParameters(self.scene, ai, params) self.reselectInstruments(ai) elif instruction.startswith("DeniedInstrument"): di = instruction.split('|')[1] log.info("Instrument request for %s was denied by sharer." %di) elif instruction.startswith("Occupied"): insdict = eval(instruction.split('|')[1]) self.occupiedInstruments = insdict for pni in self.PanelInstruments: if pni.name in insdict: pni.deactivate() else: pni.activate() elif instruction.startswith("LateReq"): id = instruction.split('|')[1] mesh.send_to(handle, "LateResp|%s" %id) elif instruction.startswith("LateResp"): id = int(instruction.split('|')[1]) try: t = self.latency_time_ID[id] del self.latency_time_ID[id] result = (now() - t) / 2 avglat = sum(self.latency) / len(self.latency) diffs = [(val - avglat) ** 2 for val in self.latency] stddev = sqrt(sum(diffs) / len(diffs)) if id == 0: del self.latency[0] self.latency.append(result) elif result > (avglat + stddev): pass elif result < (avglat - stddev) and len(self.latency) > 6: pass elif len(self.latency) > 12: del self.latency[0] self.latency.append(result) else: self.latency.append(result) except KeyError: log.info('Unmatched time ID %s' %id) else: log.debug("UNKNOWN INSTRUCTION RECEIVED :%s", instruction) def reselectInstruments(self, name): "Swaps the instrument on screen and selects the active Panel Instruments available to this user" oldInstrument = self.selectedInstrument oldname = oldInstrument.name if (self.sharer == self.myself) or not self.connected: del self.occupiedInstruments[oldname] self.occupiedInstruments.update({name:str(self.myself)}) self.screen.blit(self.backgroundImage, oldInstrument.Rect, oldInstrument.Rect) oldInstrument.Touch = False self.setselectedInstrument([i for i in self.TemplateInstruments if i.name == name][0]) for w in self.PanelInstruments: if w.name == name or w.name == oldname: w.Touch = True if self.connected: if self.sharer == self.myself: self.music_player.mutelist = [j for j in self.occupiedInstruments if j != self.selectedInstrument.name] else: self.music_player.mutelist = [k.name for k in self.TemplateInstruments if k.name != self.selectedInstrument.name] def load_scene(self, name, key, mode, tempo, defaults = {}): self.music_player.freeze() self.music_player.cs.perf.Stop() self.music_player.cs.perf.Join() self.music_player.cs.csound.cleanup() sc = City.ScenePlayer(name, key, mode, tempo, defaults) mp = City.makePlayer(sc) global schedEvent, now schedEvent = sc.TimeQueue.schedEvent now = sc.cs.perfTime self.scene = sc self.music_player = mp self.music_player.playLoop(now()) self.selectedInstrument.Touch = True self.music_player.picture_cycle = [self, True] def select_activity_scene(self, scene_name, key = None, mode = None, tempo = None, defaults = None): current_scene_name = self.scene.scene_name if scene_name == current_scene_name: if self.pending_instrument_assignment: self.receiveMessage("AuthorisedInstrument|%s|%s" %(self.pending_instrument_assignment[0], self.pending_instrument_assignment[1]), self.myself) elif not olpcgames.ACTIVITY: k = (key if key else 'G') m = (mode if mode else 'major') t = (int(tempo) if tempo else 164) d = (eval(defaults) if defaults else {}) self.load_scene(scene_name, k,m,t,d) else: toolbar = olpcgames.ACTIVITY.J2JToolbar try: ndx = [n[0] for n in toolbar.scenes].index(scene_name) toolbar._Scene_combo.combo.set_active(ndx) except ValueError: log.info('request to change to unknown scene: %s', scene_name) def latency_checker(self): if self.sharer: self.latency_time_ID[self.latency_counter] = now() mesh.send_to(self.sharer, "LateReq|%s" %self.latency_counter) self.latency_counter += 1 if self.latency_counter < 10: Timer(3.5, self.latency_checker, ()).start() elif self.latency_counter < 50: Timer(6.75, self.latency_checker, ()).start() else: log.info('turning off latency checking') #pygame main loop def main(): # check automatic power management try: sugar_pm_check = subprocess.Popen("sugar-control-panel -g automatic_pm", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) sugar_pm_result = sugar_pm_check.communicate()[0] if sugar_pm_result.startswith("on"): subprocess.Popen("sugar-control-panel -s automatic_pm off", shell=True) _spm_off = True else: _spm_off = False except OSError: _spm_off = False log.info("Failed to detect and set automatic power management") screenSize_X, screenSize_Y = (olpcgames.ACTIVITY.game_size if platform=="Sugar" else (1024,640)) toolbarheight = 45 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screenSize_X, screenSize_Y - toolbarheight)) a_,b_,c_,d_ = pygame.cursors.load_xbm("arrow40b.xbm", "arrow40b-mask.xbm") pygame.mouse.set_cursor(a_,b_,c_,d_) jam = jamScene(screen, tempo = 120) jam.runloop() pygame.quit() jam.music_player.freeze() jam.music_player.cs.perf.Stop() jam.music_player.cs.csound.cleanup() if _spm_off: subprocess.Popen("sugar-control-panel -s automatic_pm on", shell=True) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig() print "running as main" main()