Building ======== For details see: Sugar-jhbuild will automatically download the latest of Sugar's dependencies as well as Sugar itself directly from their source repositories, rather than relying on source packages that may have become stale. These are generic instructions on how to use jhbuild to get up and running with Sugar. $ cd sugar-jhbuild $ ./sugar-jhbuild update $ ./sugar-jhbuild depscheck $ ./sugar-jhbuild buildgit Running multiple instances on the same machine ============================================== You can use the SUGAR_PROFILE command line options. For example: SUGAR_PROFILE=profile-1 sugar SUGAR_PROFILE=profile-2 sugar ... Emulator key bindings ===================== F1 Mesh zoom level F2 Friends zoom level F3 Home zoom level F4 Activity zoom level Alt+f Show the frame Alt+r Rotate the screen Alt+o Toggle overlay visibility Alt+= Open the developer console Alt+0 Open the developer console Alt+q Quit the emulator Ctrl+s Activate sketch mode in chat