From 0aa48d0503c69c9ebc1d2bb209bfbec10e8bed64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bryan Berry Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 09:39:34 +0000 Subject: initial commit. Lesson English_Animal_Identification is current template --- (limited to 'docs/symbols/src/js_ui.scoreboard.js.html') diff --git a/docs/symbols/src/js_ui.scoreboard.js.html b/docs/symbols/src/js_ui.scoreboard.js.html new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5807b6a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/symbols/src/js_ui.scoreboard.js.html @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +
  1 /**
+  2 * @fileOverview a scoreboard widget
+  3 * @author Bryan Berry <> 
+  4 *  uses MIT License
+  5 */
+  6 
+  7 
+  8 
+  9 (function($){
+ 10 
+ 11      // This is a dummy function, just here as placeholder to
+ 12      // to make the jsdoc tool happy
+ 13      /** @name $.ui.scoreboard
+ 14       * @namespace Scoreboard widget
+ 15       */
+ 16      $.ui.scoreboard = function(){};
+ 17 
+ 18      $.widget('ui.scoreboard',
+ 19 	      /** @lends $.ui.scoreboard.prototype */
+ 20 	      {
+ 21 		  /** Gets the current score
+ 22 		   * @returns {Number} current score
+ 23 		   */
+ 24 		  getScore : function(){
+ 25 		      return this._getData('score');
+ 26 		  },
+ 27 		   /** Sets the current score
+ 28 		   * @param {Number} newScore new score
+ 29 		   */
+ 30 		  setScore : function(newScore){
+ 31 		      this._setData('score', parseInt(newScore));
+ 32 		      this._refresh();
+ 33 		  },
+ 34 		  /** Gets the current total
+ 35 		   * @returns {Number} current total
+ 36 		   */
+ 37 		  getTotal : function(){
+ 38 		      return this._getData('total');
+ 39 		  },
+ 40 		  /** Sets the current total
+ 41 		   * @param {Number} newTotal new score
+ 42 		   */
+ 43 		  setTotal : function(newTotal){
+ 44 		      this._setData('total', parseInt(newTotal));
+ 45 		      this._refresh();  
+ 46 		  },
+ 47 		  /**
+ 48 		   * Restarts the scoreboard and triggers the "scoreboardRestart" event
+ 49 		   */
+ 50 		  restart : function(){
+ 51 		      this.element.trigger('scoreboardRestart');
+ 52 		      this._setData('score', this._getData('initialScore'));
+ 53 		      this._setData('total', this._getData('initialTotal'));
+ 54 		      this._refresh();
+ 55 		  },
+ 56 		  /** Increments the score by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ 57 		   * @param {Number} [val] increment value
+ 58 		   */
+ 59 		  inc : function(val){
+ 60 		      var incVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ 61 		      this._setData('score',  this._getData('score') + incVal);
+ 62 		      this._refresh();
+ 63 		      if(this._getData('winScore') === this._getData('score')){
+ 64 			  this.element.trigger('scoreboardWinGame');
+ 65 		      }
+ 66 		  },
+ 67 		   /** Increments the total by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ 68 		   * @param {Number} [val] increment value
+ 69 		   */
+ 70 		  incTotal : function(val){
+ 71 		      var incVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ 72 		      this._setData('total',  this._getData('total') + incVal);
+ 73 		      this._refresh();
+ 74 		  },
+ 75 		   /** Decrements the score by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ 76 		   * @param {Number} [val] decrement value
+ 77 		   */
+ 78 		  dec : function(val){
+ 79 		      var decVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ 80 		      this._setData('score',  this._getData('score') - decVal);
+ 81 		      this._refresh();
+ 82 		  },
+ 83 		   /** Decrements the total by 1 or by the supplied numeric argument
+ 84 		   * @param {Number} [val] decrement value
+ 85 		   */
+ 86 		  decTotal : function(val){
+ 87 		      var decVal = parseInt(val) || 1;
+ 88 		      this._setData('total',  this._getData('total') - decVal);
+ 89 		      this._refresh();
+ 90 		  },
+ 91 		  _ : function(val){
+ 92 		      var self = this;
+ 93 		      var convertNumLocale = function(num){
+ 94 			  //48 is the base for western numerals
+ 95 			  var convertDigit = function(digit){
+ 96 			  
+ 97 			      var numBase = 48;
+ 98 			      var prefix = "u00";
+ 99 			      
+100 			      if (self._getData('locale') === "ne"){
+101 				  prefix = "u0";
+102 				  numBase = 2406;
+103 			      }
+105 			      return '\\' + prefix + 
+106 			      		  (numBase + parseInt(digit)).toString(16);
+107 			  };
+109 			  var charArray = num.toString().split("").map(convertDigit);
+110 			  return eval('"' + charArray.join('') + '"');
+111 		      };
+113 		      var convertStringLocale = function (str){
+114 			  if (self._getData('locale') === "ne"){
+115 			      switch(str){
+116 				  case "Score":
+117 				      return "foo";
+118 				  case "Total":
+119 				      return "bar";
+120 				  default:
+121 				      return "string not translated";
+122 			      }
+123 			  }
+124 			      return "String really not translated";
+125 		      };    
+129 		      if (typeof val === "number"){
+130 			  return convertNumLocale(val);
+131 		      }
+133 		      if (this._getData('locale') !== "en"){
+134 			  return convertStringLocale(val);
+135 		      }else {
+136 			  return val;
+137 		      }
+140 		  },
+141 		  _init : function(){
+143 		      var divDisplay = "inline";
+144 		      var score = this.options.score;
+145 		      var total =;
+146 		      var layoutId = "h";
+147 		      var self = this;
+149 		      var options = $.extend({}, $.ui.scoreboard.defaults, this.options);
+151 		      this._setData('initialScore', parseInt(options.score));
+152 		      this._setData('initialTotal', parseInt(;
+153 		      this._setData('score', parseInt(options.score));
+154 		      this._setData('total', parseInt(; 
+155 		      this._setData('winScore', parseInt(options.winningScore)); 
+156 		      this._setData('locale', options.locale);
+158 		      if(this.options.layout === "vertical"){
+159 			  layoutId = "v";
+160 		      } 
+162 		      this.element.addClass('ui-scoreboard-container-' + layoutId +
+163 			      ' ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all');
+165 		      var $parent = $('<div>')
+166 		          .attr('id', 'uiScoreboard')
+167 		          .addClass('ui-scoreboard-spacing-' + layoutId);
+169 		      this._scoreText = $("<div><span>" + this._("Score") + "</span></div>")
+170 			  .addClass('ui-scoreboard-spacing-'+ layoutId +
+171 				    ' ui-corner-all ui-scoreboard-text')
+172 			  .appendTo($parent);
+174 		      this._score = $("<div><span>" + this._(score) + "</span></div>")
+175 		          .addClass('ui-scoreboard-spacing-' + layoutId +
+176 				    ' ui-scoreboard-text ui-scoreboard-number-' + layoutId)
+177 			  .appendTo($parent)
+178 			  .find('span:first');
+181 		     $("<div><span>Total</span></div>")
+182 			  .addClass('ui-scoreboard-spacing-' + layoutId +
+183 				    ' ui-corner-all ' + 
+184 				    'ui-scoreboard-text')
+185 			  .appendTo($parent);
+187 		      this._total = $("<div><span>" + this._(total) + "</span></div>")
+188 		          .addClass('ui-scoreboard-spacing-' + layoutId +
+189 				    ' ui-scoreboard-text ui-scoreboard-number-' + layoutId)
+190 			  .appendTo($parent)
+191 			  .find('span:first');
+194 		      var $templateBtn = $('<button></button>')
+195 			      .addClass('ui-scoreboard-spacing-' + layoutId + 
+196 					' ui-scoreboard-button ' +
+197 				        'ui-corner-all ui-state-default')
+198 			      .append(
+199 				  $('<span></span>')
+200 				      .addClass('ui-icon '
+201 			  			+ 'ui-scoreboard-icon')
+202 			      )
+203 			      .append( 
+204 				      $('<span>Restart</span>')
+205 					  .addClass('centered')
+206 			      );
+208 		      if(options.restartButton){
+209 			  var $restartBtn = $templateBtn.clone()
+210 			      .find('span:first')
+211 			      .addClass('ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w') 
+212 			      .end()
+213 			      .find('span:last') 
+214 			      .text('Restart')
+215 			      .end()
+216 			      .click(function(){ self.restart();})
+217 			      .appendTo($parent);	  
+218 		      }   
+221 		      if(options.pauseButton){
+223 			  var $pauseBtn = $templateBtn.clone()
+224 			    .find('span:first') //
+225 			    .removeClass('ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w')
+226 			    .addClass('ui-icon-pause') 
+227 			    .end()
+228 			    .find('span:last') 
+229 			    .text('Pause')
+230 			    .end()
+231 			    .click(function(){ 
+232 				       self.element.trigger('scoreboardPause'); 
+233 				   })
+234 			    .appendTo($parent);
+235 		      }
+237 		      if(options.startButton){
+238 			  var $startBtn = $templateBtn.clone()
+239 			      .find('span:first')
+240 			  //.removeClass('ui-icon-arrowrefresh-1-w')
+241 		              .addClass('ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-s')
+242 		              .end()
+243 			      .find('span:last')
+244 			      .text('Start')
+245 		              .end()
+246 			      .click(function(){ 
+247 				       self.element.trigger('scoreboardStart'); 
+248 				   })
+249 			      .appendTo($parent);
+250 		      }
+253 		      $parent.find('button').hover(
+254 			      function(){ 
+255 				  $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); 
+256 			      },
+257 			      function(){ 
+258 				  $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); 
+259 			      });
+261 		      this.element.append($parent);
+263 		  },
+264 		  _refresh : function(){
+265 		      this._score.text(this._(this._getData('score')));
+266 		      this._total.text(this._(this._getData('total')));
+267 		  },
+268 		  /** Removes the scoreboard widget and all related data from the DOM */
+269 		  destroy : function(){
+270 		      this.element.remove();
+271 		      $.widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+272 		  }
+275 	      });
+277 	      $.ui.scoreboard.getter = ['getScore', 'getTotal', '_convertNumLocale'];
+279 		/** Default settings for the scoreboard widget
+280 		 * @namespace Default settings for the scoreboard widget
+281 		 * @extends $.ui.scoreboard
+282 		 */			   
+283 	      $.ui.scoreboard.defaults = {
+284                   /** Initial score
+285 		   * @type Number 
+286 		   * @default 0
+287 		   */
+288 		  score: 0, 
+289 		  /** Initial total
+290 		   * @type Number
+291 		   * @default 0
+292 		   */
+293 		  total: 0, 
+294 		  /** Initial layout, valid options are "horizontal" and "vertical"
+295 		   * @type String
+296 		   * @default "horizontal"
+297 		   */
+298 		  layout: "horizontal", 
+299 		  /** The score that will win the game
+300 		   * @type Number
+301 		   * @default 0
+302 		   */
+303 		  winningScore: 0,
+304 		  /** Default locale, valid options are "en" and "ne" 
+305 		   * @type String
+306 		   * @default "en"
+307 		   */
+308 		  locale: "en",
+309 		  /** Display the Start Button
+310 		   * @type boolean
+311 		   * @default false
+312 		   */
+313 		  startButton: false,
+314 		  /** Display the Retart Button
+315 		   * @type boolean
+316 		   * @default true
+317 		   */
+318 		  restartButton: true,
+319 		  /** Display the Pause Button
+320 		   * @type boolean
+321 		   * @default false
+322 		   */
+323 		  pauseButton: false
+324 	      };
+326  })(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file -- cgit v0.9.1