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path: root/js/lesson.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/lesson.js')
1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/lesson.js b/js/lesson.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b1ea740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/lesson.js
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+ function(){
+ var k = Karma({
+ svg :[
+ {name:'crossword', domId: 'crossword'},
+ ]
+ });
+ k.ready(function() {
+ //Program constants
+ var MAX_SCREEN_X = 800, MAX_SCREEN_Y = 500;
+ var CAPITALS = [{dept:'artigas', capital:'artigas',
+ deptName:'Artigas', capitalName:'Artigas'},
+ {dept:'rivera', capital:'rivera', deptName:'Rivera', capitalName:'Rivera'},
+ {dept:'salto', capital:'salto', deptName:'Salto', capitalName:'Salto'},
+ {dept:'paysandu', capital:'paysandu', deptName:'Paysandu',
+ capitalName:'Paysandu'},
+ {dept:'rioNegro', capital:'frayBentos', deptName:'Rio Negro',
+ capitalName:'Fray Bentos'},
+ {dept:'tacuarembo', capital:'tacuarembo', deptName:'Tacuarembo',
+ capitalName:'Tacuarembo'},
+ {dept:'cerroLargo', capital:'melo', deptName:'Cerro Largo',
+ capitalName:'Melo'},
+ {dept:'durazno', capital:'durazno', deptName:'Durazno', capitalName:'Durazno'},
+ {dept:'treintaYTres', capital:'treintaYTres', deptName:'Treinta Y Tres',
+ capitalName:'Treinta Y Tres'},
+ {dept:'soriano', capital:'mercedes', deptName:'Soriano',
+ capitalName:'Mercedes'},
+ {dept:'flores', capital:'trinidad', deptName:'Flores', capitalName:'Trinidad'},
+ {dept:'colonia', capital:'colonia', deptName:'Colonia', capitalName:'Colonia'},
+ {dept:'sanJose', capital:'sanJose', deptName:'San Jose',
+ capitalName:'San Jose de Mayo'},
+ {dept:'montevideo', capital:'montevideo', deptName:'Montevideo',
+ capitalName:'Montevideo'},
+ {dept:'lavalleja', capital:'minas', deptName:'Lavalleja',
+ capitalName:'Minas'},
+ {dept:'rocha', capital:'rocha', deptName:'Rocha', capitalName:'Rocha'},
+ {dept:'canelones', capital:'canelones', deptName:'Canelones',
+ capitalName:'Canelones'},
+ {dept:'maldonado', capital:'maldonado', deptName:'Maldonado',
+ capitalName:'Maldonado'}
+ ];
+ var parts = ['shipLtWing', 'shipRtWing', 'shipBottom', 'shipBody',
+ 'shipCone', 'shipLtJet', 'shipRtJet'];
+ var fires = ['shipFire1', 'shipFire2'];
+ //Game Control
+ var isActive = false;
+ var shouldShowHelp = false;
+ var question = [];
+ var questions = CAPITALS;
+ var lastQuestion = '';
+ var displayedItems = [];
+ var capRoot = k.svg.capitals.root;
+ var alienRoot = k.svg.alien.root;
+ var spaceshipRoot = k.svg.spaceship.root;
+ var alienBubble = $('foreignObject #alienQuestion', alienRoot);
+ var hideSpaceship = function() {
+ var hideElems = function(id){
+ $("#" + id, spaceshipRoot).css('display','none');
+ };
+ parts.map(hideElems);
+ fires.map(hideElems);
+ };
+ //hideSpaceship();
+ var scaleSvgs = function(svgs) {
+ var scaleView = function (svgRoot) {
+ var width = window.innerWidth;
+ var height = window.innerHeight;
+ var newRatio = 1;
+ var xRatio = width/MAX_SCREEN_X;
+ var yRatio = height/MAX_SCREEN_Y;
+ //get the smallest ratio
+ newRatio = xRatio > yRatio ? yRatio : xRatio;
+ if (newRatio < 1) {
+ svgRoot.currentScale = newRatio - 0.05;
+ return newRatio;
+ } else {
+ //do nothing
+ return newRatio;
+ }
+ };
+ for (var svg in svgs){
+ if (svgs.hasOwnProperty(svg)){
+ scaleView(svgs[svg].root);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //scaleSvgs(k.svg);
+ //gameplay functions
+ var changeQuestion = function (questions){
+ var index = Math.round(Math.random() * (questions.length - 1));
+ var question = questions[index];
+ //drop the city used from the list of answers
+ if (index === 0 ){
+ questions.shift();
+ } else {
+ questions.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ return question;
+ };
+ var askQuestion = function (questions, isWrong) {
+ if (isWrong){
+ alienBubble.text(lastQuestion);
+ return;
+ }
+ question = changeQuestion(questions);
+ alienBubble.text("Where is the \n capital of \n " +
+ question.deptName + "?");
+ lastQuestion = "Where is the \n capital of \n " +
+ question.deptName + "?";
+ };
+ var checkAnswer = function (mapElem) {
+ var askNextQuestion = function(){
+ var timerID = setTimeout(function() {
+ alienBubble.text('');
+ askQuestion(questions);
+ }, 3000);
+ };
+ if(isActive){
+ if ( ("cap" + question.capital).toLowerCase() ===
+ mapElem.id.toLowerCase()){
+ var part = parts.splice(0,1)[0];
+ $('#' + part, spaceshipRoot).css('display', 'block');
+ alienBubble.text("Correct! " + question.capitalName +
+ " is the capital of " + question.deptName);
+ k.audio.correct.play();
+ var text = $('.text.' + question.dept, capRoot);
+ text.css('display', "block");
+ displayedItems.push(text);
+ if (parts.length === 0){
+ // We're done!
+ isActive = false;
+ alienBubble.text("Great Job! I can go home now.");
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ $('#alien').hide();
+ flyAway();
+ }, 1000);
+ } else {
+ askNextQuestion();
+ }
+ } else {
+ alienBubble.text("Incorrect. Please try again.");
+ k.audio.incorrect.play();
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ askQuestion(questions, true);
+ },1000);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var flyAway = function(){
+ var isLaunching = true;
+ var startEngines = function(){
+ var shipFire1 = $('#shipFire1', spaceshipRoot);
+ var shipFire2 = $('#shipFire2', spaceshipRoot);
+ var toggle = true;
+ var toggleFires = function(){
+ if(isLaunching){
+ if(toggle){
+ shipFire1.css('display', "none");
+ shipFire2.css('display', "block");
+ }else{
+ shipFire1.css('display', "block");
+ shipFire2.css('display', "none");
+ }
+ //toggle fires
+ toggle = !toggle;
+ setTimeout(toggleFires, 400);
+ }
+ };
+ toggleFires();
+ };
+ var fly = function(){
+ $('#spaceship').animate({"bottom":"550px"},
+ {"duration":8000,
+ "complete": function(){
+ isLaunching = false;
+ showPlayAgain();
+ }});
+ };
+ var blastOff = function(){
+ startEngines();
+ setTimeout(fly, 2000);
+ };
+ blastOff();
+ };
+ var showHelpMessage = function(){
+ shouldShowHelp = true;
+ $('#overlay').css({"position": "absolute",
+ "background": "white", "opacity": "0.8",
+ 'width': 800, 'height': 500,
+ 'display':'block', "z-index": 10});
+ $('#helpScreen').css({"position": "absolute",
+ "width": "420px", "height": "360px",
+ 'top': '25px', 'left': '20%',
+ 'z-index' : 20, 'display':'block', "opacity": 1});
+ //Chromium HACK: for some reason chromium
+ //won't let me bind a click event to the #help SVG
+ //so I am using a transparent overlay instead,
+ //the opposite is true for Firefox
+ $('#helpOverlay').css({"position": "absolute",
+ "width": "420px", "height": "360px",
+ 'top': '25px', 'left': '20%',
+ 'z-index' : 21, 'display':'', "opacity": 0});
+ //Important u need to hide the playAgain screen too
+ $('#helpOverlay,#helpScreen')
+ .bind('click', function(){
+ if (shouldShowHelp === false){
+ return;
+ } else if(!isActive){
+ $('#overlay,#helpScreen,#playAgain,#helpOverlay')
+ .css({"opacity":0, 'display': 'none'});
+ isActive = true;
+ shouldShowHelp = false;
+ askQuestion(questions);
+ } else {
+ $('#overlay,#helpScreen,#helpOverlay')
+ .css({"opacity":0, 'display': 'none'});
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var showPlayAgain = function(){
+ //$('#overlay').css({"position": "absolute",
+ // "background": "white", "opacity": "0.8",
+ // 'width': 800, 'height': 500,
+ // 'display':'', "z-index": 10});
+ $('#playAgain').css({"position": "absolute",
+ "width": "420px", "height": "360px",
+ 'top': '25px', 'left': '20%',
+ 'z-index' : 22, 'display':'block', "opacity": 1});
+ var playAgain = function () {
+ console.log('inside playagain');
+ var hideDisplayedItems = function(){
+ for (var i = 0; i < displayedItems.length; i++){
+ displayedItems[i].css('display','none');
+ }
+ };
+ hideDisplayedItems();
+ $('#alien').show();
+ $('#playAgain').css('display', 'none');
+ askQuestion(questions);
+ };
+ var quit = function () {
+ $('#playAgain').css('opacity', 0);
+ };
+ //jQuery SVG bind doesn't seem to work on chromium
+ $('#answerYes', k.svg.playAgain.root)[0]
+ .addEventListener('click', playAgain, false);
+ $('#answerNo', k.svg.playAgain.root)[0]
+ .addEventListener('click', quit, false);
+ };
+ //binding Event Handlers
+ $('#helpIcon', k.svg.helpIcon.root).bind('click', function(){
+ showHelpMessage();
+ });
+ $.map($('.capital.city', capRoot), function(elem){
+ $(elem, capRoot).bind('click', function(event) {
+ checkAnswer(event.target);
+ });
+ });
+ showHelpMessage();
+ });