#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pygame import * # Screen size, by default the XO screen size resolution screen_size = [1200, 900] # Size of the tile tile_size = [screen_size[0]/16, screen_size[0]/16] # Size of the sprite (player) sprite_size = tile_size # Maximum speed for the player max_speed = (screen_size[0] / 3, screen_size[1] / 8) horizon_y = screen_size[0]/18 horizon_x = horizon_y # Acceleration to use when changing speed accel = (max_speed[0] / 3, max_speed[1] / 8) # Number of tiles in the screen num_tiles_sc = [screen_size[0] / tile_size[0], (screen_size[1] - horizon_y) / tile_size[1]] # Friction value in y axis friction_y = max_speed[1] / 100 # Friction value in x axis friction_x = max_speed[0] / 1 # Minimum speed value in y axis min_speed_y = max_speed[1] / 2 # Minimum speed value in x axis min_speed_x = max_speed[0] / 20