#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pygame from pygame.locals import * import usmpgames from gettext import gettext as _ import sys import random import time from usmpgames import * #from constants import * #from classes import * #from methods import * ######################################## constants GAMEMODE=4 #GAME TIME: #CARROT SIZE CARROTMINSIZE = 80 CARROTMAXSIZE = 90 #IMAGES SIZE bunnySize=175 #Screen Size WINDOWWIDTH = 1200 WINDOWHEIGHT = 900 #Text Color TEXTCOLOR = (0, 0, 0) TITLECOLOR = (173, 255, 47) #Background Color BACKGROUNDCOLOR = (0, 0, 0) #FPS (Fames per Second): FPS = 15 #CARROT VELOCITY CARROTMINVEL= 4 CARROTMAXVEL = 8 #CARROT VELOCITY FRECUENCY CARROTVELFREC = 20 #BUNNY MOVING VELOCITY BUNNYMOVEVEL = 35 #SCORES maxScore = 0 score =0 #OPERATION RESUlT result=0 # IMAGES fruit1Image = pygame.image.load('./media/images/fruit1.png') fruit2Image = pygame.image.load('./media/images/fruit2.png') happy=pygame.image.load('./media/images/happycuy.png') happy=pygame.transform.scale(happy, (bunnySize+25, bunnySize)) sad=pygame.image.load('./media/images/sadcuy.png') sad=pygame.transform.scale(sad, (bunnySize-25, bunnySize)) invisible=pygame.image.load('./media/images/invisible.png') invisible=pygame.transform.scale(sad, (bunnySize-25, bunnySize)) looking=pygame.image.load('./media/images/looking.png') looking=pygame.transform.scale(looking, (bunnySize-45, bunnySize)) #NUMBERS number1=0 number2=0 result=0 resultChosen=0 gameOverSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('./media/sounds/gameover.wav') correctAnswerSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('./media/sounds/aplause.ogg') musicSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('./media/sounds/menumusic.ogg') font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 80) imageList = [] imageList2 = [] background = None bunnyImage = None bunnyImage = None bunnyImageF = None rectBunny = None n = 0 class Game2(usmpgames.ApplicationState): def __init__(self, game_mode, next_state = None, background_image = None, next_cookie = None): usmpgames.ApplicationState.__init__(self, next_state, background_image, next_cookie) self.game_mode = game_mode global gameOverSound, correctAnswerSound, musicSound gameOverSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('./media/sounds/gameover.wav') correctAnswerSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('./media/sounds/aplause.ogg') musicSound=pygame.mixer.Sound('./media/sounds/menumusic.ogg') image1= load_image('./media/images/reduced/cuya.gif'); image2 = load_image('./media/images/reduced/enemy.gif'); image3 = load_image('./media/images/reduced/enemy1.gif'); global imageList, imageList2 imageList = [image1,image2,image3] imageList2 = [] global bunnyImage, bunnyImage bunnyImage = pygame.image.load('./media/images/cuy.png') bunnyImage = pygame.transform.scale(bunnyImage, (bunnySize-45, bunnySize)) global bunnyImageF, rectBunny bunnyImageF=MBSprite(bunnyImage) rectBunny = bunnyImageF.rect self.new_operation = True global background background = load_image('./media/images/yard.jpg') def entering_state(self, fromStack, cookie): usmpgames.ApplicationState.entering_state(self, fromStack, cookie) global n global GAMEMODE n = 0 GAMEMODE = cookie #Get initial time global TIMESTART TIMESTART= round(time.time(),0) global score, a score = 0 a = 0 self.new_operation = True def exiting_state(self, fromStack): global score self.next_state().clear_all() self.next_state().add_text2( _(""" Felicidades\n\nHas conseguido %d puntos""") % score, color = (0, 0, 0, 0), pos = (660, 260), rectsize = (380, 390) ); global gameOverSound, correctAnswerSound, musicSound gameOverSound.stop() musicSound.stop() correctAnswerSound.stop() pygame.mixer.music.stop() usmpgames.ApplicationState.exiting_state(self, fromStack) def input(self, ms): global carrotsBack, carrotsSlow, carrotsQuick, moveRight, moveLeft, score, rectBunny, moveUp for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.set_running( False ) # KEYDOWN EVENTS if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == ord('z'): carrotsBack = True if event.key == ord('x'): carrotsSlow = True if event.key == ord('c'): carrotsQuick = True if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == ord('a') or event.key == K_KP4 or event.key== K_KP7: moveRight = False moveLeft = True if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == ord('d') or event.key == K_KP6 or event.key== K_KP1: moveLeft = False moveRight = True #Up and Down moves disabled #if event.key == K_UP or event.key == ord('w') or event.key == K_KP8 or event.key== K_KP9: #moveDown = False #moveUp = True while(i=100): number1 = random.randint(max(n-5,0),n) + 1 number2 = random.randint(max(n-5,0),n) result=number1+number2 elif(GAMEMODE==2): #print('n: '+str(n)) #random.randint(max(result-4,1), min(99,result+4)) number1 = random.randint(max(n-15,0),n) + 1 number2 = random.randint(max(n-15,0),n) z=min(number1,number2) number1=max(number1,number2) number2=z while (number1==number2): number1 = random.randint(max(n-15,0),n) + 1 number2 = random.randint(max(n-15,0),n) z=min(number1,number2) number1=max(number1,number2) number2=z result=number1-number2 result=number1-number2 elif(GAMEMODE==3): #print('n: '+str(n)) #random.randint(max(result-4,1), min(99,result+4)) number1 = random.randint(max(n-5,0),n+1)+1 number2 = random.randint(max(n-5,0),n+1)+1 while (number1>9 or number2 >9): number1 = random.randint(max(n-5,0),n+1)+1 number2 = random.randint(max(n-5,0),n+1)+1 result=number1*number2 result=number1*number2 elif(GAMEMODE==4): #print('n: '+str(n)) #random.randint(max(result-4,1), min(99,result+4)) number1 = random.randint(1,9) #number1=9 #number2 = random.randint(max(0,n-1),n)+1 #result=number1+result2 result=number1 putImagesToList() # Add new carrots on the screen if not carrotsBack and not carrotsSlow and not carrotsQuick: newCarrotCounter += 1 if newCarrotCounter == CARROTVELFREC: newCarrotCounter = 0 #carrotSize = random.randint(CARROTMINSIZE, CARROTMAXSIZE) a=random.randint(0, 1) if(a==0): newCarrot=Carrots(fruit1Image,result) else: newCarrot=Carrots(fruit2Image,result) carrots.append(newCarrot) # Moves player if moveLeft and rectBunny.left > 0: rectBunny.move_ip(-1 * BUNNYMOVEVEL, 0) if moveRight and rectBunny.right < WINDOWWIDTH: rectBunny.move_ip(BUNNYMOVEVEL, 0) if moveUp and rectBunny.top > 0: rectBunny.move_ip(0, -1 * BUNNYMOVEVEL) if moveDown and rectBunny.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT: rectBunny.move_ip(0, BUNNYMOVEVEL) # Puts Bunny on the mouse pointer pygame.mouse.set_pos(rectBunny.centerx, rectBunny.centery) # Move carrots down for b in carrots: if not carrotsBack and not carrotsSlow and not carrotsQuick: b.rect.move_ip(0, b.velocity) elif carrotsBack: b.rect.move_ip(0, -5) elif carrotsSlow: b.rect.move_ip(0, 1) elif carrotsQuick: b.rect.move_ip(0, 5) # Delete carrots when you can't see it on the screen for b in carrots[:]: if b.rect.top > WINDOWHEIGHT-150: carrots.remove(b) # Draw background on game self.screen().blit(background, (0,0) ) #surface.fill(BACKGROUNDCOLOR) # Draw enemies for b in carrots: surface.blit(b.image, b.rect) drawText(str(b.number), font, b.image, 15, 25, (255,255,255)) # Show score and maximum score global maxScore global score drawText(_('PUNTAJE: %s') % (score), font, surface, 700, 0, TEXTCOLOR) drawText(_('MAXIMO: %s') % (maxScore), font, surface, 700, 60, TEXTCOLOR) if(GAMEMODE==1): #This draw the operation drawText(_('SUMAR: %d + %d') % (number1,number2), font, surface, 10, 0, TEXTCOLOR) elif(GAMEMODE==2): #This draw the operation drawText(_('RESTAR: %d - %d') % (number1,number2), font, surface, 10, 0, TEXTCOLOR) elif(GAMEMODE==3): #This draw the operation drawText(_('MULTIPLICAR: %d x %d') % (number1,number2), font, surface, 10, 0, TEXTCOLOR) elif(GAMEMODE==4): #This draw the operation drawText(_('CONTAR '), font, surface, 10, 0, TEXTCOLOR) medC=0 i=0 while(i maxScore: maxScore = score # Puts new score #print ('bunnyEatsCarrot(after): MaxScore'+str(maxScore)+' score: '+str(maxScore)) pygame.display.update() waitPlayerPressKey(self) else: surface.blit(sad, rectBunny) #surface.blit(sad, rectBunny) score=returnScore() drawText(_('RESPUESTA INCORRECTA!'), font, surface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 4), (WINDOWHEIGHT / 2.25), TEXTCOLOR) drawText(_('RESPUESTA CORRECTA: '+str(result)), font, surface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 3.8), (WINDOWHEIGHT / 2.25)+50, TEXTCOLOR) drawText(_('PULSA UNA TECLA'), font, surface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 3), (WINDOWHEIGHT / 2.25) + 100, TEXTCOLOR) musicSound.stop() gameOverSound.play() pygame.display.update() waitPlayerPressKey(self) #print ('bunnyEatsCarrot(after): MaxScore'+str(maxScore)+' score: '+str(maxScore)) else: # Draw playerpygame.time.wait(2000) rectangle surface.blit(bunnyImage, rectBunny) ######################################## methods #Time Limit TIMELIMIT=240.0 #TIMELIMIT=10.0 #print ('time: '+str(TIMESTART)) def compareTime(playTime, gamestate): global TIMELIMIT, TIMESTART c=playTime-TIMESTART #print('c time: '+str(c)) if(c>TIMELIMIT): #print ('Time Limit!') #gamestate.set_running( False ) gamestate.go_to_next_state() return True return False #Loading Image Method def load_image(fileName): try: image = pygame.image.load(fileName) except pygame.error: raise SystemExit image = image.convert() return image #Wait Player to Press Key Method def waitPlayerPressKey(gamestate): pygame.time.wait(300) pygame.event.clear() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: gamestate.set_running( False ) if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # Close game if user press scape key gamestate.set_running( False ) return if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return if event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: return def waitPlayerPressKeyNoWait(gamestate): while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: self.set_running( False ) if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: # Close game if user press scape key gamestate.set_running( False ) return if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: return if event.type == JOYBUTTONDOWN: return #Bunny Eats a Carrot Method def bunnyEatsCarrot(bunnyImage, carrots): global resultChosen, bunnyImageF for b in carrots: #if bunnyImageF.rect.colliderect(b.rect):py" -> Check collisions if use rect if pygame.sprite.collide_mask(bunnyImageF,b): #print ('b.number: '+str(b.number)) resultChosen=b.number #print ('resultChosen: '+str(resultChosen)) return True return False a=0 def checkResult(result): global resultChosen global score global a #print ('resultChosen: '+str(resultChosen)+ ' and result: '+str(result)) if result==resultChosen: score=score+20 #print('score: '+str(score)) a=score #print ('a::::check result::: '+str(a)) return True if score>0: score=score-5 a=score #print('score: '+str(score)) return False def returnScore(): global a #print ('a::::::: '+str(a)) return a #Draw text on the screen def drawText(text, font, surface, x, y, color): text = font.render(text, 1, color) rectText = text.get_rect() rectText.topleft = (x, y) surface.blit(text, rectText) def putImagesToList(): global imageList global imageList2 i=0 imageList2=[] while(i