# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #Copyright (c) 2011 Walter Bender # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import gtk import gobject from gettext import gettext as _ import logging _logger = logging.getLogger('paths-activity') try: from sugar.graphics import style GRID_CELL_SIZE = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE except ImportError: GRID_CELL_SIZE = 0 from grid import Grid from hand import Hand from deck import Deck from tile import error_graphic, highlight_graphic from utils import json_dump from constants import ROW, COL, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, TILE_WIDTH, \ TILE_HEIGHT, HIDE, BOARD, GRID, TILES, TOP, OVER_THE_TOP from sprites import Sprites OFFSETS = [-COL, 1, COL, -1] MY_HAND = 0 ROBOT_HAND = 1 class Game(): def __init__(self, canvas, parent=None, colors=['#A0FFA0', '#FF8080']): self._activity = parent self.colors = colors # Starting from command line if parent is None: self._running_sugar = False self._canvas = canvas else: self._running_sugar = True self._canvas = canvas parent.show_all() self._canvas.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self._canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self._canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self._canvas.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self._canvas.connect("expose-event", self._expose_cb) self._canvas.connect("button-press-event", self._button_press_cb) self._canvas.connect("button-release-event", self._button_release_cb) self._canvas.connect("motion-notify-event", self._mouse_move_cb) self._canvas.connect("key_press_event", self._keypress_cb) self._width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() self._height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() - (GRID_CELL_SIZE * 1.5) self._scale = self._height / (8.0 * TILE_HEIGHT) self.tile_width = TILE_WIDTH * self._scale self.tile_height = TILE_HEIGHT * self._scale # Generate the sprites we'll need... self._sprites = Sprites(self._canvas) self.grid = Grid(self._sprites, self._width, self._height, self.tile_width, self.tile_height, self._scale, colors[0]) self.deck = Deck(self._sprites, self._scale, colors[1]) self.deck.board.move((self.grid.left, self.grid.top)) self.hands = [] self.hands.append(Hand(self.tile_width, self.tile_height)) self._errormsg = [] for i in range(4): self._errormsg.append(error_graphic(self._sprites)) self._highlight = highlight_graphic(self._sprites, self._scale) # and initialize a few variables we'll need. self.buddies = [] self._my_hand = MY_HAND self.playing_with_robot = False self._all_clear() def _all_clear(self): ''' Things to reinitialize when starting up a new game. ''' self._hide_highlight() self._hide_errormsgs() self.deck.hide() self.deck.clear() self.grid.clear() for hand in self.hands: hand.clear() self.show_connected_tiles() self._press = None self._release = None self._dragpos = [0, 0] self._total_drag = [0, 0] self.last_spr_moved = None self._last_tile_played = None self._last_tile_orientation = 0 self._last_grid_played = None self.whos_turn = MY_HAND self._waiting_for_my_turn = False self._waiting_for_robot = False self.placed_a_tile = False self._there_are_errors = False self.score = 0 def _initiating(self): if not self._running_sugar: return True return self._activity.initiating def new_game(self, saved_state=None, deck_index=0): ''' Start a new game. ''' self._all_clear() # If we are not sharing or we are the sharer... if not self.we_are_sharing() or self._initiating(): # Let joiners know we are starting a new game... if self.we_are_sharing(): self._activity.send_event('n| ') # The initiator shuffles the deck... self.deck.shuffle() # ...and shares it. if self.we_are_sharing(): self._activity.send_event('d|%s' % (self.deck.serialize())) # Deal a hand to yourself... self.hands[self._my_hand].deal(self.deck) # ...deal a hand to the robot... if self.playing_with_robot: if len(self.hands) < ROBOT_HAND + 1: self.hands.append(Hand(self.tile_width, self.tile_height, remote=True)) self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].deal(self.deck) # ...or deal hands to the joiners. elif len(self.buddies) > 1: for i, buddy in enumerate(self.buddies): if buddy != self._activity.nick: self.hands.append(Hand( self.tile_width, self.tile_height, remote=True)) self.hands[i].deal(self.deck) self._activity.send_event('h|%s' % \ (self.hands[i].serialize(buddy=buddy))) # As initiator, you take the first turn. self.its_my_turn() # If we are joining, we need to wait for a hand. else: self._my_hand = self.buddies.index(self._activity.nick) self.its_their_turn(self.buddies[1]) # Sharer will be buddy 1 def we_are_sharing(self): ''' If we are sharing, there is more than one buddy. ''' if len(self.buddies) > 1: return True def _set_label(self, string): ''' Set the label in the toolbar or the window frame. ''' if self._running_sugar: self._activity.status.set_label(string) self._activity.score.set_label(_('Score: ') + str(self.score)) elif hasattr(self, 'win'): self.win.set_title('%s: %s [%d]' % (_('Paths'), string, self.score)) def its_my_turn(self): # I need to play a piece... self.placed_a_tile = False # and I am no longer waiting for my turn. self._waiting_for_my_turn = False # If I don't have any tiles left, time to redeal. if self.hands[self._my_hand].tiles_in_hand() == 0: self._redeal() if self._running_sugar: self._activity.set_player_on_toolbar(self._activity.nick) self._activity.dialog_button.set_icon('go-next') self._activity.dialog_button.set_tooltip( _('Click after taking your turn.')) self._set_label(_('It is your turn.')) def _redeal(self): # Only the sharer deals tiles. if not self.we_are_sharing(): self.hands[self._my_hand].deal(self.deck) if self.playing_with_robot: self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].deal(self.deck) if self.hands[self._my_hand].tiles_in_hand() == 0: if self._running_sugar: self._activity.dialog_button.set_icon( 'media-playback-stop-insensitive') self._activity.dialog_button.set_tooltip(_('Game over')) self._set_label(_('Game over')) elif self._initiating(): if self.deck.empty(): self._set_label(_('Game over')) return if self.deck.tiles_remaining() < COL * len(self.buddies): number_of_tiles_to_deal = \ int(self.deck.tiles_remaining() / len(self.buddies)) if number_of_tiles_to_deal == 0: number_of_tiles_to_deal = 1 # Deal last tile in deck. else: number_of_tiles_to_deal = COL for i, nick in enumerate(self.buddies): self.hands[i].deal(self.deck, number_of_tiles_to_deal) # Send the joiners their new hands. if nick != self._activity.nick: self._activity.send_event('h|%s' % \ (self.hands[i].serialize(buddy=nick))) def took_my_turn(self): # Did I complete my turn without any errors? if self._there_are_errors: self._set_label(_('There are errors—it is still your turn.')) return # After the tile is placed, expand regions of playable grid squares. self.show_connected_tiles() # Are there any completed paths? self._test_for_complete_paths(self._last_grid_played) # If so, let everyone know what piece I moved. if self.we_are_sharing(): self._activity.send_event('p|%s' % \ (json_dump([self._last_tile_played, self._last_tile_orientation, self._last_grid_played]))) self._last_tile_orientation = 0 # Reset orientation. # I took my turn, so I am waiting again. self._waiting_for_my_turn = True if self.last_spr_moved is not None: self.last_spr_moved.set_layer(TILES) self.last_spr_moved = None self._hide_highlight() self._set_label(_('You took your turn.')) if self.playing_with_robot: self.its_their_turn(_('robot')) self._waiting_for_robot = True gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._robot_turn) elif not self.we_are_sharing(): self.its_my_turn() elif self._initiating(): self.whos_turn += 1 if self.whos_turn == len(self.buddies): self.whos_turn = 0 else: self.its_their_turn(self.buddies[self.whos_turn]) self._activity.send_event('t|%s' % ( self.buddies[self.whos_turn])) def _robot_turn(self): self._robot_play() self.show_connected_tiles() if not self._waiting_for_robot: self.its_my_turn() def its_their_turn(self, nick): # It is someone else's turn. if self._running_sugar: if not self.playing_with_robot: self._activity.set_player_on_toolbar(nick) self._activity.dialog_button.set_icon('media-playback-stop') self._activity.dialog_button.set_tooltip(_('Wait your turn.')) self._set_label(_('Waiting for') + ' ' + nick) self._waiting_for_my_turn = True # I am still waiting. def _button_press_cb(self, win, event): win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) self._dragpos = [x, y] self._total_drag = [0, 0] spr = self._sprites.find_sprite((x, y)) # If it is not my turn, do nothing. if self._waiting_for_my_turn: self._press = None return self._release = None # Ignore clicks on background except to indicate you took your turn if spr is None or spr in self.grid.blanks or spr == self.deck.board: if self.placed_a_tile and spr is None: self.took_my_turn() self._press = None return True # Are we clicking on a tile in the hand? if self.hands[self._my_hand].spr_to_hand(spr) is not None and \ not self._there_are_errors: self.last_spr_moved = spr clicked_in_hand = True if self.placed_a_tile: self._press = None self.took_my_turn() else: clicked_in_hand = False # We cannot switch to an old tile. if spr == self.last_spr_moved: self._press = spr spr.set_layer(TOP) self._show_highlight() return True def _mouse_move_cb(self, win, event): """ Drag a tile with the mouse. """ spr = self._press if spr is None: self._dragpos = [0, 0] return True win.grab_focus() x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) dx = x - self._dragpos[0] dy = y - self._dragpos[1] spr.move_relative([dx, dy]) self._move_highlight([dx, dy]) self._dragpos = [x, y] self._total_drag[0] += dx self._total_drag[1] += dy def _button_release_cb(self, win, event): win.grab_focus() self._dragpos = [0, 0] if self._waiting_for_my_turn: return if self._press is None: return x, y = map(int, event.get_coords()) spr = self._sprites.find_sprite((x, y)) grid_pos = self.grid.xy_to_grid(x, y) hand_pos = self.hands[self._my_hand].xy_to_hand(x, y) if grid_pos is not None: # Placing tile in grid if self.grid.grid[grid_pos] is None: tile = self.deck.spr_to_tile(self._press) tile.spr.move(self.grid.grid_to_xy(grid_pos)) i = self.grid.spr_to_grid(self._press) if i is not None: self.grid.grid[i] = None self.grid.grid[grid_pos] = tile self.placed_a_tile = True self._last_tile_played = tile.number self._last_grid_played = grid_pos i = self.hands[self._my_hand].spr_to_hand(self._press) if i is not None: self.hands[self._my_hand].hand[i] = None if self.last_spr_moved != tile.spr: self.last_spr_moved = tile.spr self._show_highlight() elif hand_pos is not None: # Returning tile to hand i = self.hands[self._my_hand].find_empty_slot() if i is not None: tile = self.deck.spr_to_tile(self._press) tile.spr.move(self.hands[self._my_hand].hand_to_xy(i)) if self.hands[self._my_hand].spr_to_hand( self._press) is not None: self.hands[self._my_hand].hand[ self.hands[self._my_hand].spr_to_hand( self._press)] = None elif self.grid.spr_to_grid(self._press) is not None: self.grid.grid[self.grid.spr_to_grid(self._press)] = None self.hands[self._my_hand].hand[i] = tile if spr == self.last_spr_moved: self.last_spr_moved = None self._hide_errormsgs() self._there_are_errors = False else: # Or return tile to the grid grid_pos = self.grid.spr_to_grid(self._press) if grid_pos is not None: tile = self.deck.spr_to_tile(self._press) tile.spr.move(self.grid.grid_to_xy(grid_pos)) self._hide_highlight() self._press = None self._release = None self.placed_a_tile = False return True self._release = spr if self._press == self._release and not self._it_is_a_drag(): # Rotate tile = self.deck.spr_to_tile(spr) tile.rotate_clockwise() self._last_tile_orientation = tile.orientation if self.last_spr_moved != tile.spr: self.last_spr_moved = tile.spr self._show_highlight() if hand_pos is None and x < self.grid.left: # In limbo: return to grid grid_pos = self.grid.spr_to_grid(self._press) if grid_pos is not None: tile = self.deck.spr_to_tile(self._press) tile.spr.move(self.grid.grid_to_xy(grid_pos)) self._hide_highlight() self._test_for_bad_paths(self.grid.spr_to_grid(self._press)) self._press = None self._release = None return True def _it_is_a_drag(self): if self._total_drag[0] * self._total_drag[0] + \ self._total_drag[1] * self._total_drag[1] > \ self.tile_width * self.tile_height: return True return False def _game_over(self, msg=_('Game over')): self._set_label(msg) if self._running_sugar: self._activity.robot_button.set_icon('robot-off') def show_connected_tiles(self): ''' Highlight the squares that surround the tiles already on the grid. ''' for i in range(ROW * COL): if self._connected(i): self.grid.blanks[i].set_layer(GRID) else: self.grid.blanks[i].set_layer(HIDE) def _connected(self, tile): ''' Does tile abut the path? ''' if self.grid.grid.count(None) == ROW * COL: return True if self.grid.grid[tile] is not None: # already has a tile return False if tile > COL and self.grid.grid[tile + OFFSETS[0]] is not None: return True if tile % ROW < ROW - 1 and \ self.grid.grid[tile + OFFSETS[1]] is not None: return True if tile < (ROW - 1) * COL and \ self.grid.grid[tile + OFFSETS[2]] is not None: return True if tile % ROW > 0 and self.grid.grid[tile + OFFSETS[3]] is not None: return True def give_a_hint(self): ''' Try to find an open place on the grid for any tile in my_hand. ''' order = self.deck.random_order(ROW * COL) for i in range(ROW * COL): if self._connected(order[i]): for tile in self.hands[self._my_hand].hand: if self._try_placement(tile, order[i]): # Success, so give hint. self.grid.grid[order[i]] = None self._show_highlight( pos=self.grid.grid_to_xy(order[i])) return # Nowhere to play. self._set_label(_('Nowhere to play.')) def _robot_play(self): ''' The robot tries random tiles in random locations. ''' # TODO: strategy try to complete paths order = self.deck.random_order(ROW * COL) for i in range(ROW * COL): if self._connected(order[i]): for tile in self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].hand: if self._try_placement(tile, order[i]): # Success, so remove tile from hand. self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].hand[ self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].hand.index(tile)] = None tile.spr.move(self.grid.grid_to_xy(order[i])) tile.spr.set_layer(TILES) self._waiting_for_robot = False return # If we didn't return above, we were unable to play a tile. if self._running_sugar: self._activity.set_robot_status(False, 'robot-off') # At the end of the game, show any tiles remaining in the robot's hand. for i in range(COL): if self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].hand[i] is not None: x, y = self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].hand_to_xy(i) self.hands[ROBOT_HAND].hand[i].spr.move( (self.grid.left_hand + self.grid.xinc, y)) self._game_over(_('Robot unable to play')) def _try_placement(self, tile, i): ''' Try to place a tile at grid posiion i. Rotate it, if necessary. ''' if tile is None: return False self.grid.grid[i] = tile for j in range(4): self._test_for_bad_paths(i) if not self._there_are_errors: return True tile.rotate_clockwise() self.grid.grid[i] = None return False def _test_for_complete_paths(self, tile): ''' Did this tile complete a path? (or two paths?) ''' # A tile can complete up to two paths. self._paths = [[], []] break_in_path = [False, False] # Seed the paths and lists with the current tile. if tile is not None: self._add_to_path_list(tile, 0, 0) if len(self.grid.grid[tile].paths) == 2: self._add_to_path_list(tile, 1, 1) # Walk the path. for p in range(2): tile, path = self._tile_to_test(p) while(tile is not None): self._test(tile, path, p, self._test_a_neighbor) self._tile_has_been_tested(tile, path, p) tile, path = self._tile_to_test(p) # Is the path complete? for i in self._paths[p]: if not self._test(i[0], i[1], None, self._test_a_connection): break_in_path[p] = True if not break_in_path[p] and len(self._paths[p]) > 0: for i in self._paths[p]: self.grid.grid[i[0]].set_shape(i[1]) self.score += self.grid.grid[i[0]].get_value() def _tile_to_test(self, test_path): ''' Find a tile that needs testing. ''' for i in self._paths[test_path]: if i[2] is False: return i[0], i[1] return None, None def _add_to_path_list(self, tile, tile_path, test_path): ''' Only add a tile to the path if it is not already there. ''' for i in self._paths[test_path]: if i[0] == tile and i[1] == tile_path: return self._paths[test_path].append([tile, tile_path, False]) def _tile_has_been_tested(self, tile, tile_path, test_path): ''' Mark a tile as tested. ''' for i in self._paths[test_path]: if i[0] == tile and i[1] == tile_path: i[2] = True return def _test(self, tile, tile_path, test_path, test): ''' Test each neighbor of a block for a connecting path. ''' if tile is None: return False for i in range(4): if not test(tile, tile_path, test_path, i, tile + OFFSETS[i]): return False return True def _test_a_connection(self, tile, tile_path, test_path, direction, neighbor): ''' Is there a break in the connection? If so return False. ''' if self.grid.grid[tile].paths[tile_path][direction] == 1: if self.grid.grid[neighbor] is None: return False # Which of the neighbor's paths are we connecting to? if len(self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths) == 1: if self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths[0][(direction + 2) % 4] == 0: return False else: return True if self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths[0][(direction + 2) % 4] == 0 and\ self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths[1][(direction + 2) % 4] == 0: return False return True def _test_a_neighbor(self, tile, tile_path, test_path, direction, neighbor): ''' Are we connected to a neighbor's path? If so, add the neighbor to our paths list and to the list of tiles that need to be tested. ''' if self.grid.grid[tile].paths[tile_path][direction] == 1: if self.grid.grid[neighbor] is not None: if not neighbor in self._paths[test_path]: # Which of the neighbor's paths are we connecting to? if self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths[0][ (direction + 2) % 4] == 1: self._add_to_path_list(neighbor, 0, test_path) elif len(self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths) == 2 and \ self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths[1][ (direction + 2) % 4] == 1: self._add_to_path_list(neighbor, 1, test_path) return True def _test_for_bad_paths(self, tile): ''' Is there a path to nowhere? ''' self._hide_errormsgs() self._there_are_errors = False if tile is not None: self._check_tile(tile, [int(tile / COL), 0], NORTH, tile + OFFSETS[0]) self._check_tile(tile, [tile % ROW, ROW - 1], EAST, tile + OFFSETS[1]) self._check_tile(tile, [int(tile / COL), COL - 1], SOUTH, tile + OFFSETS[2]) self._check_tile(tile, [tile % ROW, 0], WEST, tile + OFFSETS[3]) def _check_tile(self, i, edge_check, direction, neighbor): ''' Can a tile be placed at position i? ''' if edge_check[0] == edge_check[1]: for path in self.grid.grid[i].paths: if path[direction] == 1: self._display_errormsg(i, direction) else: if self.grid.grid[neighbor] is not None: my_path = 0 your_path = 0 for c in self.grid.grid[i].paths: if c[direction] == 1: my_path = 1 for c in self.grid.grid[neighbor].paths: if c[(direction + 2) % 4] == 1: your_path = 1 if my_path != your_path: self._display_errormsg(i, direction) def _display_errormsg(self, i, direction): ''' Display an error message where and when appropriate. ''' if self._press is not None: dxdy = [[0.375, -0.125], [0.875, 0.375], [0.375, 0.875], [-0.125, 0.375]] x, y = self._press.get_xy() self._errormsg[direction].move( (x + dxdy[direction][0] * self.tile_width, y + dxdy[direction][1] * self.tile_height)) self._errormsg[direction].set_layer(OVER_THE_TOP) self._there_are_errors = True def _hide_errormsgs(self): ''' Hide all the error messages. ''' for i in range(4): self._errormsg[i].move((self.grid.left, self.grid.top)) self._errormsg[i].set_layer(HIDE) def _hide_highlight(self): ''' No tile is selected. ''' for i in range(4): self._highlight[i].move((self.grid.left, self.grid.top)) self._highlight[i].set_layer(HIDE) def _move_highlight(self, pos): for i in range(4): self._highlight[i].move_relative(pos) def _show_highlight(self, pos=None): ''' Highlight the tile that is selected. ''' if self.last_spr_moved is None and pos is None: self._hide_highlight() else: if pos is None: x, y = self.last_spr_moved.get_xy() else: # Giving a hint. x, y = pos self._highlight[0].move((x, y)) self._highlight[1].move((x + 7 * self.tile_width / 8, y)) self._highlight[2].move((x + 7 * self.tile_width / 8, y + 7 * self.tile_height / 8)) self._highlight[3].move((x, y + 7 * self.tile_height / 8)) for i in range(4): self._highlight[i].set_layer(OVER_THE_TOP) def _keypress_cb(self, area, event): return True def _expose_cb(self, win, event): self._sprites.redraw_sprites() return True def _destroy_cb(self, win, event): gtk.main_quit()