#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Chris Ball, based on Collabora's # "hellomesh" demo. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Pippy Activity: A simple Python programming activity .""" from __future__ import with_statement import logging import re import os import subprocess from random import uniform import locale from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Pango from gi.repository import Vte from gi.repository import GObject from port.style import font_zoom from signal import SIGTERM from gettext import gettext as _ from sugar3.activity.widgets import EditToolbar from sugar3.activity.widgets import StopButton from sugar3.activity.activity import get_bundle_path from sugar3.activity.activity import get_bundle_name from sugar3.graphics.alert import NotifyAlert from sugar3.graphics import style from sugar3.graphics.toggletoolbutton import ToggleToolButton from jarabe.view.customizebundle import generate_unique_id from activity import ViewSourceActivity from activity import TARGET_TYPE_TEXT import groupthink.sugar_tools import groupthink.gtk_tools from FileDialog import FileDialog _default_lang = '%s.%s' % locale.getdefaultlocale() text_buffer = None # magic prefix to use utf-8 source encoding PYTHON_PREFIX = """#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ default_categoties = [_('graphics'), _('math'), _('pyhton'), _('sound'), _('string'), _('tutorials')] from sugar3.graphics.toolbarbox import ToolbarButton from sugar3.graphics.toolbutton import ToolButton # get screen sizes SIZE_X = Gdk.Screen.width() SIZE_Y = Gdk.Screen.height() groupthink_mimetype = 'pickle/groupthink-pippy' class PippyActivity(ViewSourceActivity, groupthink.sugar_tools.GroupActivity): """Pippy Activity as specified in activity.info""" def early_setup(self): global text_buffer from gi.repository import GtkSource text_buffer = GtkSource.Buffer() def initialize_display(self): self._logger = logging.getLogger('pippy-activity') # Activity toolbar with title input, share button and export buttons: activity_toolbar = self.activity_button.page separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.show() activity_toolbar.insert(separator, -1) export_doc_button = ToolButton('pippy-export_doc') export_doc_button.set_tooltip(_("Export as Pippy Document")) export_doc_button.connect('clicked', self._export_document_cb) export_doc_button.show() activity_toolbar.insert(export_doc_button, -1) export_example_button = ToolButton('pippy-export_example') export_example_button.set_tooltip(_("Export as Pippy Example")) export_example_button.connect('clicked', self._export_example_cb) export_example_button.show() activity_toolbar.insert(export_example_button, -1) create_bundle_button = ToolButton('pippy-create_bundle') create_bundle_button.set_tooltip(_("Create Activity Bundle")) create_bundle_button.connect('clicked', self._create_bundle_cb) create_bundle_button.show() activity_toolbar.insert(create_bundle_button, -1) self._edit_toolbar = EditToolbar() edit_toolbar_button = ToolbarButton() edit_toolbar_button.set_page(self._edit_toolbar) edit_toolbar_button.props.icon_name = 'toolbar-edit' edit_toolbar_button.props.label = _('Edit') self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(edit_toolbar_button, -1) self._edit_toolbar.show() self._edit_toolbar.undo.connect('clicked', self.__undobutton_cb) self._edit_toolbar.redo.connect('clicked', self.__redobutton_cb) self._edit_toolbar.copy.connect('clicked', self.__copybutton_cb) self._edit_toolbar.paste.connect('clicked', self.__pastebutton_cb) actions_toolbar = self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar self.toggle_output = ToggleToolButton("tray-show") self.toggle_output.set_tooltip(_("Show output panel")) self.toggle_output.connect("toggled", self._toggle_output_cb) actions_toolbar.insert(self.toggle_output, -1) # The "go" button goicon_bw = Gtk.Image() goicon_bw.set_from_file("%s/icons/run_bw.svg" % os.getcwd()) goicon_color = Gtk.Image() goicon_color.set_from_file("%s/icons/run_color.svg" % os.getcwd()) gobutton = ToolButton(label=_("Run!")) gobutton.props.accelerator = _('r') gobutton.set_icon_widget(goicon_bw) gobutton.set_tooltip(_("Run!")) gobutton.connect('clicked', self.flash_cb, dict({'bw': goicon_bw, 'color': goicon_color})) gobutton.connect('clicked', self.gobutton_cb) actions_toolbar.insert(gobutton, -1) # The "stop" button stopicon_bw = Gtk.Image() stopicon_bw.set_from_file("%s/icons/stopit_bw.svg" % os.getcwd()) stopicon_color = Gtk.Image() stopicon_color.set_from_file("%s/icons/stopit_color.svg" % os.getcwd()) stopbutton = ToolButton(label=_("Stop")) stopbutton.props.accelerator = _('s') stopbutton.set_icon_widget(stopicon_bw) stopbutton.connect('clicked', self.flash_cb, dict({'bw': stopicon_bw, 'color': stopicon_color})) stopbutton.connect('clicked', self.stopbutton_cb) stopbutton.set_tooltip(_("Stop")) actions_toolbar.insert(stopbutton, -1) # The "clear" button clearicon_bw = Gtk.Image() clearicon_bw.set_from_file("%s/icons/eraser_bw.svg" % os.getcwd()) clearicon_color = Gtk.Image() clearicon_color.set_from_file("%s/icons/eraser_color.svg" % os.getcwd()) clearbutton = ToolButton(label=_("Clear")) clearbutton.props.accelerator = _('c') clearbutton.set_icon_widget(clearicon_bw) clearbutton.connect('clicked', self.clearbutton_cb) clearbutton.connect('clicked', self.flash_cb, dict({'bw': clearicon_bw, 'color': clearicon_color})) clearbutton.set_tooltip(_("Clear")) actions_toolbar.insert(clearbutton, -1) activity_toolbar.show() examples = ToolButton("pippy-openoff") examples.set_tooltip(_("Load example")) examples.connect("clicked", self.load_example) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(), -1) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(examples, -1) separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(separator, -1) separator.show() stop = StopButton(self) self.get_toolbar_box().toolbar.insert(stop, -1) # Main layout. self.vpane = Gtk.Paned.new(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.vpane.set_position(400) # setting initial position self.paths = [] root = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'data') # get preferred language and default one print _default_lang self.pref_lang = self.get_languages()[0].split("_")[0] if len(_default_lang) == 0 or _default_lang[0] is None: self.default_lang = 'en' else: self.default_lang = _default_lang.split("_")[0] print self.pref_lang, self.default_lang # construct the path for both self.lang_path = os.path.join(root, self.pref_lang) self.default_path = os.path.join(root, self.default_lang) # get all folders in lang examples self.all_folders = [] if os.path.exists(self.lang_path): for d in sorted(os.listdir(self.lang_path)): self.all_folders.append(d) # get all folders in english examples for d in sorted(os.listdir(self.default_path)): # check if folder isn't already in list if d not in self.all_folders: self.all_folders.append(d) for folder in self.all_folders: direntry = {} # check if dir exists in pref language, if exists, add it if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.lang_path, folder)): direntry = { "name": _(folder.capitalize()), "path": os.path.join(self.lang_path, folder) + "/"} # if not try to see if it's in default english path elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.default_path, folder)): direntry = { "name": _(folder.capitalize()), "path": os.path.join(self.default_path, folder) + "/"} self.paths.append([direntry['name'], direntry['path']]) # Adding local examples root = os.path.join(os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'], 'data') self.paths.append([_('My examples'), root]) # Source buffer from gi.repository import GtkSource global text_buffer lang_manager = GtkSource.LanguageManager.get_default() if hasattr(lang_manager, 'list_languages'): langs = lang_manager.list_languages() else: lang_ids = lang_manager.get_language_ids() langs = [lang_manager.get_language(lang_id) for lang_id in lang_ids] for lang in langs: for m in lang.get_mime_types(): if m == "text/x-python": text_buffer.set_language(lang) if hasattr(text_buffer, 'set_highlight'): text_buffer.set_highlight(True) else: text_buffer.set_highlight_syntax(True) # The GTK source view window self.text_view = GtkSource.View() self.text_view.set_buffer(text_buffer) self.text_view.set_size_request(0, int(SIZE_Y * 0.5)) self.text_view.set_editable(True) self.text_view.set_cursor_visible(True) self.text_view.set_show_line_numbers(True) self.text_view.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR) self.text_view.set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs(True) self.text_view.set_tab_width(2) self.text_view.set_auto_indent(True) self.text_view.modify_font( Pango.FontDescription("Monospace " + str(font_zoom(style.FONT_SIZE)))) # We could change the color theme here, if we want to. #mgr = GtkSource.style_manager_get_default() #style_scheme = mgr.get_scheme('kate') #self.text_buffer.set_style_scheme(style_scheme) codesw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() codesw.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) codesw.add(self.text_view) self.vpane.add1(codesw) # An hbox to hold the vte window and its scrollbar. self.outbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL) # The vte python window self._vte = Vte.Terminal() self._vte.set_encoding('utf-8') self._vte.set_size(30, 5) font = 'Monospace ' + str(font_zoom(style.FONT_SIZE)) self._vte.set_font(Pango.FontDescription(font)) self._vte.set_colors(Gdk.color_parse('#000000'), Gdk.color_parse('#E7E7E7'), []) self._vte.connect('child_exited', self.child_exited_cb) self._child_exited_handler = None # FIXME It does not work because it expects and receives StructMeta # Gtk.TargetEntry # # self._vte.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, # [("text/plain", 0, TARGET_TYPE_TEXT)], # Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self._vte.connect('drag_data_received', self.vte_drop_cb) self.outbox.pack_start(self._vte, True, True, 0) outsb = Gtk.Scrollbar(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) outsb.set_adjustment(self._vte.get_vadjustment()) outsb.show() self.outbox.pack_start(outsb, False, False, 0) self.vpane.add2(self.outbox) return self.vpane def after_init(self): self.outbox.hide() def get_languages(self): path = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), '.i18n') if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): logging.debug('Could not access ~/.i18n') print _default_lang fd = open(path, 'w') fd.write('LANG="%s"\n' % _default_lang) fd.write('LANGUAGE="%s"\n' % _default_lang) fd.close() return [_default_lang] fd = open(path, 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() langlist = None lang = 'en' for line in lines: if line.startswith('LANGUAGE='): lang = line[9:].replace('"', '') lang = lang.strip() langlist = lang.split(':') elif line.startswith('LANG='): lang = line[5:].replace('"', '') # There might be cases where .i18n may not contain a LANGUAGE field if langlist is None: return [lang] else: return langlist def _toggle_output_cb(self, button): shown = button.get_active() if shown: self.outbox.show_all() self.toggle_output.set_tooltip(_("Hide output panel")) self.toggle_output.set_icon_name("tray-hide") else: self.outbox.hide() self.toggle_output.set_tooltip(_("Show output panel")) self.toggle_output.set_icon_name("tray-show") def load_example(self, widget): widget.set_icon_name("pippy-openon") dialog = FileDialog(self.paths, self, widget) dialog.run() path = dialog.get_path() if path: self._select_func_cb(path) def when_shared(self): global text_buffer self.cloud.sharefield = \ groupthink.gtk_tools.TextBufferSharePoint(text_buffer) # HACK : There are issues with undo/redoing while in shared # mode. So disable the 'undo' and 'redo' buttons when the activity # is shared. self._edit_toolbar.undo.set_sensitive(False) self._edit_toolbar.redo.set_sensitive(False) def vte_drop_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, targetType, time): if targetType == TARGET_TYPE_TEXT: self._vte.feed_child(selection.data) def selection_cb(self, value): self.save() self._logger.debug("clicked! %s" % value['path']) _file = open(value['path'], 'r') lines = _file.readlines() global text_buffer text_buffer.set_text("".join(lines)) text_buffer.set_modified(False) self.metadata['title'] = value['name'] self.stopbutton_cb(None) self._reset_vte() self.text_view.grab_focus() def _select_func_cb(self, path): global text_buffer if text_buffer.get_modified(): from sugar3.graphics.alert import ConfirmationAlert alert = ConfirmationAlert() alert.props.title = _('Example-selection Warning') alert.props.msg = _('You have modified the currently selected \ file. Discard changes?') alert.connect('response', self._discard_changes_cb, path) self.add_alert(alert) return False else: values = {} values['name'] = os.path.basename(path) values['path'] = path self.selection_cb(values) return False def _discard_changes_cb(self, alert, response_id, path): self.remove_alert(alert) if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK: values = {} values['name'] = os.path.basename(path) values['path'] = path self.selection_cb(values) global text_buffer text_buffer.set_modified(False) def timer_cb(self, button, icons): button.set_icon_widget(icons['bw']) button.show_all() return False def flash_cb(self, button, icons): button.set_icon_widget(icons['color']) button.show_all() GObject.timeout_add(400, self.timer_cb, button, icons) def clearbutton_cb(self, button): self.save() global text_buffer text_buffer.set_text("") text_buffer.set_modified(False) self.metadata['title'] = _('%s Activity') % get_bundle_name() self.stopbutton_cb(None) self._reset_vte() self.text_view.grab_focus() def _write_text_buffer(self, filename): global text_buffer start, end = text_buffer.get_bounds() text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, True) with open(filename, 'w') as f: # write utf-8 coding prefix if there's not already one if re.match(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)', '\n'.join(text.splitlines()[:2])) is None: f.write(PYTHON_PREFIX) for line in text: f.write(line) def _reset_vte(self): self._vte.grab_focus() self._vte.feed("\x1B[H\x1B[J\x1B[0;39m") def __undobutton_cb(self, button): global text_buffer if text_buffer.can_undo(): text_buffer.undo() def __redobutton_cb(self, button): global text_buffer if text_buffer.can_redo(): text_buffer.redo() def __copybutton_cb(self, button): global text_buffer text_buffer.copy_clipboard(Gtk.Clipboard()) def __pastebutton_cb(self, button): global text_buffer text_buffer.paste_clipboard(Gtk.Clipboard(), None, True) def gobutton_cb(self, button): from shutil import copy2 self.stopbutton_cb(button) # try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() # FIXME: We're losing an odd race here # Gtk.main_iteration(block=False) if self.toggle_output.get_active() is False: self.outbox.show_all() self.toggle_output.set_active(True) pippy_app_name = '%s/tmp/pippy_app.py' % self.get_activity_root() self._write_text_buffer(pippy_app_name) # write activity.py here too, to support pippy-based activities. copy2('%s/activity.py' % get_bundle_path(), '%s/tmp/activity.py' % self.get_activity_root()) self._pid = self._vte.fork_command_full( Vte.PtyFlags.DEFAULT, get_bundle_path(), ["/bin/sh", "-c", "python %s; sleep 1" % pippy_app_name, "PYTHONPATH=%s/library:%s" % (get_bundle_path(), os.getenv("PYTHONPATH", ""))], ["PYTHONPATH=%s/library:%s" % (get_bundle_path(), os.getenv("PYTHONPATH", ""))], GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, None, None,) def stopbutton_cb(self, button): try: if self._pid is not None: os.kill(self._pid[1], SIGTERM) except: pass # process must already be dead. def _export_document_cb(self, __): self.copy() alert = NotifyAlert() alert.props.title = _('Saved') alert.props.msg = _('The document has been saved to journal.') alert.connect('response', lambda x, i: self.remove_alert(x)) self.add_alert(alert) def _create_bundle_cb(self, __): from shutil import rmtree from tempfile import mkdtemp # get the name of this pippy program. title = self.metadata['title'].replace('.py', '') title = title.replace('-', '') if title == 'Pippy Activity': from sugar3.graphics.alert import Alert from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Save as Activity Error') alert.props.msg = _('Please give your activity a meaningful name ' 'before attempting to save it as an activity.') ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert.connect('response', self.dismiss_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) return self.stopbutton_cb(None) # try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_("Creating activity bundle...")) self._vte.feed("\r\n") TMPDIR = 'instance' app_temp = mkdtemp('.activity', 'Pippy', os.path.join(self.get_activity_root(), TMPDIR)) sourcefile = os.path.join(app_temp, 'xyzzy.py') # invoke ourself to build the activity bundle. self._logger.debug('writing out source file: %s' % sourcefile) # write out application code self._write_text_buffer(sourcefile) try: # FIXME: vte invocation was raising errors. Switched to subprocess output = subprocess.check_output( ["/usr/bin/python", "%s/pippy_app.py" % get_bundle_path(), '-p', '%s/library' % get_bundle_path(), '-d', app_temp, title, sourcefile]) self._vte.feed(output) self._vte.feed("\r\n") self.bundle_cb(title, app_temp) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: rmtree(app_temp, ignore_errors=True) # clean up! self._vte.feed(_('Save as Activity Error')) self._vte.feed("\r\n") raise def _export_example_cb(self, __): # get the name of this pippy program. title = self.metadata['title'] if title == _('Pippy Activity'): from sugar3.graphics.alert import Alert from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon alert = Alert() alert.props.title = _('Save as Example Error') alert.props.msg = _('Please give your activity a meaningful \ name before attempting to save it as an example.') ok_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok') alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Ok'), ok_icon) alert.connect('response', self.dismiss_alert_cb) self.add_alert(alert) return self.stopbutton_cb(None) # try stopping old code first. self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_("Creating example...")) self._vte.feed("\r\n") local_data = os.path.join(os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'], 'data') local_file = os.path.join(local_data, title) if os.path.exists(local_file): from sugar3.graphics.alert import ConfirmationAlert alert = ConfirmationAlert() alert.props.title = _('Save as Example Warning') alert.props.msg = _('This example already exists. \ Do you want to overwrite it?') alert.connect('response', self.confirmation_alert_cb, local_file) self.add_alert(alert) else: self.write_file(local_file) self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_("Saved as example.")) self._vte.feed("\r\n") self.add_to_example_list(local_file) def child_exited_cb(self, *args): """Called whenever a child exits. If there's a handler, run it.""" h, self._child_exited_handler = self._child_exited_handler, None if h is not None: h() def bundle_cb(self, title, app_temp): """Called when we're done building a bundle for a source file.""" from sugar3 import profile from shutil import rmtree from sugar3.datastore import datastore try: # find the .xo file: were we successful? bundle_file = [f for f in os.listdir(app_temp) if f.endswith('.xo')] if len(bundle_file) != 1: self._logger.debug("Couldn't find bundle: %s" % str(bundle_file)) self._vte.feed("\r\n") self._vte.feed(_("Error saving activity to journal.")) self._vte.feed("\r\n") return # something went wrong. # hand off to journal os.chmod(app_temp, 0755) jobject = datastore.create() metadata = { 'title': '%s Bundle' % title, 'title_set_by_user': '1', 'buddies': '', 'preview': '', 'icon-color': profile.get_color().to_string(), 'mime_type': 'application/vnd.olpc-sugar', } for k, v in metadata.items(): # the dict.update method is missing =( jobject.metadata[k] = v jobject.file_path = os.path.join(app_temp, bundle_file[0]) datastore.write(jobject) self._vte.feed("\r\n") self._vte.feed(_("Activity saved to journal.")) self._vte.feed("\r\n") self.journal_show_object(jobject.object_id) jobject.destroy() finally: rmtree(app_temp, ignore_errors=True) # clean up! def dismiss_alert_cb(self, alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) def confirmation_alert_cb(self, alert, response_id, local_file): # callback for conf alert self.remove_alert(alert) if response_id is Gtk.ResponseType.OK: self.write_file(local_file) self._reset_vte() self._vte.feed(_("Saved as example.")) self._vte.feed("\r\n") else: self._reset_vte() def add_to_example_list(self, local_file): # def for add example entry = {"name": _(os.path.basename(local_file)), "path": local_file} _iter = self.model.insert_before(self.example_iter, None) self.model.set_value(_iter, 0, entry) self.model.set_value(_iter, 1, entry["name"]) def save_to_journal(self, file_path, cloudstring): _file = open(file_path, 'w') if not self.shared_activity: self.metadata['mime_type'] = 'text/x-python' global text_buffer start, end = text_buffer.get_bounds() text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, True) _file.write(text) else: self.metadata['mime_type'] = groupthink_mimetype _file.write(cloudstring) def load_from_journal(self, file_path): if self.metadata['mime_type'] == 'text/x-python': try: text = open(file_path).read() except: alert = NotifyAlert(10) alert.props.title = _('Error') alert.props.msg = _('Error reading data.') def remove_alert(alert, response_id): self.remove_alert(alert) alert.connect("response", remove_alert) self.add_alert(alert) return # discard the '#!/usr/bin/python' and 'coding: utf-8' lines, # if present text = re.sub(r'^' + re.escape(PYTHON_PREFIX), '', text) global text_buffer text_buffer.set_text(text) text_buffer.set_modified(False) elif self.metadata['mime_type'] == groupthink_mimetype: return open(file_path).read() ############# TEMPLATES AND INLINE FILES ############## ACTIVITY_INFO_TEMPLATE = """ [Activity] name = %(title)s bundle_id = %(bundle_id)s exec = sugar-activity %(class)s icon = activity-icon activity_version = %(version)d mime_types = %(mime_types)s show_launcher = yes %(extra_info)s """ PIPPY_ICON = \ """ ]> """ PIPPY_DEFAULT_ICON = \ """ ]> """ ############# ACTIVITY META-INFORMATION ############### # this is used by Pippy to generate a bundle for itself. def pippy_activity_version(): """Returns the version number of the generated activity bundle.""" return 39 def pippy_activity_extra_files(): """Returns a map of 'extra' files which should be included in the generated activity bundle.""" # Cheat here and generate the map from the fs contents. extra = {} bp = get_bundle_path() for d in ['po', 'data', 'groupthink', 'post']: # everybody gets library for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(bp, d)): for name in files: fn = os.path.join(root, name).replace(bp + '/', '') extra[fn] = open(os.path.join(root, name), 'r').read() extra['activity/activity-default.svg'] = PIPPY_DEFAULT_ICON return extra def pippy_activity_news(): """Return the NEWS file for this activity.""" # Cheat again. return open(os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'NEWS')).read() def pippy_activity_icon(): """Return an SVG document specifying the icon for this activity.""" return PIPPY_ICON def pippy_activity_class(): """Return the class which should be started to run this activity.""" return 'pippy_app.PippyActivity' def pippy_activity_bundle_id(): """Return the bundle_id for the generated activity.""" return 'org.laptop.Pippy' def pippy_activity_mime_types(): """Return the mime types handled by the generated activity, as a list.""" return ['text/x-python', groupthink_mimetype] def pippy_activity_extra_info(): return """ license = GPLv2+ update_url = http://activities.sugarlabs.org """ ################# ACTIVITY BUNDLER ################ def main(): """Create a bundle from a pippy-style source file""" from optparse import OptionParser from pyclbr import readmodule_ex from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import copytree, copy2, rmtree from sugar3.activity import bundlebuilder import sys parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [title] [sourcefile]') parser.add_option('-d', '--dir', dest='dir', default='.', metavar='DIR', help='Put generated bundle in the specified directory.') parser.add_option('-p', '--pythonpath', dest='path', action='append', default=[], metavar='DIR', help='Append directory to python search path.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 2: parser.error('The title and sourcefile arguments are required.') title = args[0] sourcefile = args[1] pytitle = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '', title) if re.match(r'[0-9]', pytitle) is not None: pytitle = '_' + pytitle # first character cannot be numeric # first take a gander at the source file and see if it's got extra info # for us. sourcedir, basename = os.path.split(sourcefile) if not sourcedir: sourcedir = '.' module, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) # things we look for: bundle_info = { 'version': 1, 'extra_files': {}, 'news': 'No news.', 'icon': PIPPY_DEFAULT_ICON, 'class': 'activity.VteActivity', 'bundle_id': ('org.sugarlabs.pippy.%s%d' % (generate_unique_id(), int(round(uniform(1000, 9999), 0)))), 'mime_types': '', 'extra_info': '', } # are any of these things in the module? try_import = False info = readmodule_ex(module, [sourcedir] + options.path) for func in bundle_info.keys(): p_a_func = 'pippy_activity_%s' % func if p_a_func in info: try_import = True if try_import: # yes, let's try to execute them to get better info about our bundle oldpath = list(sys.path) sys.path[0:0] = [sourcedir] + options.path modobj = __import__(module) for func in bundle_info.keys(): p_a_func = 'pippy_activity_%s' % func if p_a_func in modobj.__dict__: bundle_info[func] = modobj.__dict__[p_a_func]() sys.path = oldpath # okay! We've done the hard part. Now let's build a bundle. # create a new temp dir in which to create the bundle. app_temp = mkdtemp('.activity', 'Pippy') # hope TMPDIR is set correctly! bundle = get_bundle_path() try: copytree('%s/library' % bundle, '%s/library' % app_temp) copy2('%s/activity.py' % bundle, '%s/activity.py' % app_temp) # create activity.info file. bundle_info['title'] = title bundle_info['pytitle'] = pytitle # put 'extra' files in place. extra_files = { 'activity/activity.info': ACTIVITY_INFO_TEMPLATE % bundle_info, 'activity/activity-icon.svg': bundle_info['icon'], 'NEWS': bundle_info['news'], } extra_files.update(bundle_info['extra_files']) for path, contents in extra_files.items(): # safety first! assert '..' not in path dirname, filename = os.path.split(path) dirname = os.path.join(app_temp, dirname) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(os.path.join(dirname, filename), 'w') as f: f.write(contents) # put script into $app_temp/pippy_app.py copy2(sourcefile, '%s/pippy_app.py' % app_temp) # invoke bundle builder olddir = os.getcwd() oldargv = sys.argv os.chdir(app_temp) sys.argv = ['setup.py', 'dist_xo'] print('\r\nStarting bundlebuilder\r\n') bundlebuilder.start() sys.argv = oldargv os.chdir(olddir) # move to destination directory. src = '%s/dist/%s-%d.xo' % (app_temp, pytitle, bundle_info['version']) dst = '%s/%s-%d.xo' % (options.dir, pytitle, bundle_info['version']) if not os.path.exists(src): print('Cannot find %s\r\n' % (src)) else: copy2(src, dst) finally: rmtree(app_temp, ignore_errors=True) print('Finally\r\n') if __name__ == '__main__': from gettext import gettext as _ import sys if False: # change this to True to test within Pippy sys.argv = sys.argv + ['-d', '/tmp', 'Pippy', '/home/olpc/pippy_app.py'] print(_("Working...")) sys.stdout.flush() main() print(_("done!")) sys.exit(0)